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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Morning Joe is basically Fox and Friends at this point

The Wall St Journal opinion pages are next, since everyone knows those are typically considered to be very balanced.

First up, Peggy Noonan's new piece, Hillary Clinton is a Stupid Bitch.

Mark Halperin, your take?

"Hillary clearly is a stupid bitch."
Morning Joe is basically Fox and Friends at this point

Why wouldn't it be? CableTV are all trying to capture FNCs demographic. Younger, more liberal viewers don't consume the news the same way the older demo does.

MSNBC and Air America tried to provide a relevant counter-balance, but younger viewers didn't care and they had to change, or went out of business.

What CNN and MSNBC will soon realize is that FNC viewers need their news with a particular apocalyptic bent that's hard to replicate, because it requires a lot of lying, obfuscation and cultural/rhetorical touchstones that scare off their more sane demos.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I do not understand why you guys torture yourselves by watching Morning Joe.


It's hard to capture the FNC demographic because Conservative media profits greatly from labeling other media outlets as liberal/left-wing propaganda. That's also why fact-checking is nearly useless to Republicans. They'd rather believe a baseless conspiracy theory than objective facts from a source they don't trust.
I do not understand why you guys torture yourselves by watching Morning Joe.

When does ironic hate-watching just become, watching?

Maybe Comedy Central needs a morning news show where they just invite writers from The Onion on to discuss news with Muppets. I'd watch it.
That's the problem here. By this happening it's gonna be impossible for all the hysteria to die down and Dems across the board just shifting all their focus back to Trump. This changed the dynamic and it makes them have to constanty call out Comey and try to go against Trump at the same time. It's messy and it sucks

I thought Dems were crushing the early vote in NC right now?
NC is weird and can be misleading. Basically the state has been historically dominated by old Demosaurs (people who registered Democrat a long ass time ago and never switched even though they've started voting straight ticket GOP). Its blue shift can be attributed to young/minority voters who are more likely to register as independents, while GOP registration rates go up due to old Democrats switching parties so they can vote in primaries.

Basically it's more useful to look at race/age/etc demographics here than party ID. But I have no idea how that's going either, really.


The timeframe alone is basically impossible.

But under this fantasy scenario Obama wouldn't pardon her and we'd probably have President Kaine.
How do you know it's impossible? By now they probably know exactly what they're looking for. They could have it wrapped up within a month.


I think it would be best for all of us to mentally prepare for an extremely noisy week of polling (and 538 to overreact to the noise like always)
So after Clinton wins, and Dems retake the Senate, how long before talk turns to machinations of Filibuster reform, and the sclerotic Conservadems in disguise who will deny Queen her rightful Justices? Immediately? A week?



Morning Consult (Taken ENTIRELY after the Comey announcement)... Clinton's lead is unchanged in their poll:

C - 42
T - 39

C - 46
T - 43

"It is unlikely that there will be a dramatic shift in the polls before Election Day," said Morning Consult cofounder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "While Friday's news may be considered an 'October Surprise,' it doesn't seem to be moving the needle as of now."

Also note that Morning Consult's numbers and spreads have been consistently lower than most this cycle. So this goes along with what YouGov and Monmouth said about the email stuff showing little effect.



You know how bad this new email thing is? So bad that I can't even recall any controversial thing that Trump's said since Friday.

Ya'll need Jesus. I can name two:

1. Said this is the biggest scandal since Watergate.
2. Suggested that postal workers would be throwing out Trump votes.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Wtf is Clinton inc

Is joe so far up his own ass he thinks he alone counts as meaningful coverage now


Wtf is Clinton inc

Is joe so far up his own ass he thinks he alone counts as meaningful coverage now
It's hard to listen to between his rambling and Mika's way too dramatic reactions to routine commentary. I had it on for about 5 minutes. New Day is definitely better. Cuomo usually won't stand for anyone's bs.



Morning Consult (Taken ENTIRELY after the Comey announcement)... Clinton's lead is unchanged in their poll:

C - 42
T - 39

C - 46
T - 43

"It is unlikely that there will be a dramatic shift in the polls before Election Day," said Morning Consult cofounder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "While Friday's news may be considered an 'October Surprise,' it doesn't seem to be moving the needle as of now."

Also note that Morning Consult's numbers and spreads have been consistently lower than most this cycle. So this goes along with what YouGov and Monmouth said about the email stuff showing little effect.

I agree with this generally speaking. I'm not worried about Clinton losing so much as I am a. Downballot races and what that means for the Senate and b. Comey continuing to show his true colors as a bomb throwing partisan hack and indicting her shortly before Election Day or likely sometime between Nov 9 and the inauguration. The fact that he's not likely to say anything until well after the election means that you can't really stop worrying about this even if Clinton wins.
Same margin as the other day's right?

I agree with this generally speaking. I'm not worried about Clinton losing so much as I am a. Downballot races and what that means for the Senate and b. Comey continuing to show his true colors as a bomb throwing partisan hack and indicting her shortly before Election Day or likely sometime between Nov 9 and the inauguration. The fact that he's not likely to say anything until well after the election means that you can't really stop worrying about this even if Clinton wins.
Comey can't indict. The FBI can recommend indictment to the DoJ and why would they do that

Let's be real, there was never any risk of Clinton going to jail or anything like that.


Reid is trying to get the FBI to either release something or get them to remain quiet so he can call bullshit on the email disclosure. "If you spoke about that, why aren't you speaking about this?"


There is little doubt that Trump, Manafort, etc. are under FBI investigation

November Surprise: Comey reveals his bi-partisan give-no-fucks true colours as he releases letter stating FBI/DHS investigation into Trump, his campaign, and his senior staff.

(I wish. :'( )


It's only an October Surprise if people are surprised by it.

Trump is "The Boy who cried E-Mail" at this point and it's such a boring scandal (no action sequences like Benghazi, no sex scenes like Bill) that nobody outside his fanatical base cares anymore. If her numbers drop at all at this point, it won't be by much.

There simply aren't any tiny punches left for him to throw, he would have used them when the Access Hollywood tape broke.
Er can't he be charged?

I'm sure there is some sort of investigation that has to be going on. I mean if journalists were able to find Trump sending money into Cuba during the embargo, surely the FBI is investigating Trump on that. Then you have the Manafort situation which exploded over the summer as more and more information came to light from Eastern European organizations. And you also have Trump's son flat out stating a large amount of their money comes from Russian ruling class investors.

I have to imagine one of those or any other dart would stick and the FBi either has, is, or will be investigating. Regardless though, Reid's vagueness that can be speculated on is roughly as vague as Comey's letter.


Guys, FBI doesn't indict. DOJ is the department that does that.
Yes but the GOP will challenge the legitimacy of her win and fight her and the DoJ tooth and nail. Lawsuits galore. I.e. how is it legitimate to elect someone if the FBI is saying she should be indicted? And like I said before what if a bunch of faithless electors refuse to vote for her in the electoral college?

So according to a Harry Reid spokeswoman, there HAVE been classified briefings on the topic of Trump/Russia connections:


Dude gives no fucks
Good. And why should he? It's the end of his career. I just hope he doesn't get carried away
Yes but the GOP will challenge the legitimacy of her win and fight her and the DoJ tooth and nail. Lawsuits galore. I.e. how is it legitimate to elect someone if the FBI is saying she should be indicted? And like I said before what if a bunch of faithless electors refuse to vote for her in the electoral college?

Good. And why should he? It's the end of his career. I just hope he doesn't get carried away

Please stop.


Faithless Electors? That's some pro-level bed wetting.
At this point I have zero confidence in Comey's intentions/his end game and if he goes scorched earth on Hillary, the GOP will follow him without hesitation

I understand I am talking absolute worst case scenario but I guess it's a way of just preparing for the worst
In what reality must one live to think that the Republicans were not going to fill the next 4-8 years with meaningless investigations and challenge the legitimacy of an HRC presidency?


I guess Reid is trying to shift the focus to Trump?

That or further shift the narrative on to Comey for dropping details on Clinton's email investigation but not a presidential candidate's supposed Russian ties. Not a bad play in my opinion.
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