We blue dog buddies.
That's such a cool sticker. We just get the plain one and my mom had hers on upside down. I was like, "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"
(She had threatened to vote for the shriveled orange ball sack at one point.)
We blue dog buddies.
The idea of a reasonable moderate republican is a fantasy constructed by people who are are ideologically or professionally opposed to acknowledging the madness of the Republican party. No sane person should ever vote for a republican for any federal office. As bad as Bayh is, for example, the D next to his name is still enough.
Kirk just demonstrated that he thinks Duckworth's entire family history is invalid because at one point in her family tree, a white person married someone from Thailand. He thinks people without white skin can't have a deep connection to this country. Much Trump's Curiel comments, it's transparent, awful, and unacceptable racism.
In other news, it's October 27th and NPR's politics podcast spent the evening wondering who would win Texas and Utah. This is real life.
This election I did vote for one Republican for Sheriff.
The Democrat running is not only running with the slogan "God First" but also was fired from the very same department he is running for around 8 years ago.
Yeah, that's why I wanted to emphasize for "federal" office. For state and especially local office there's more room for republicans to operate independently of the national party.
Of course, after seeing how that worked with Michigan's reasonable moderate governor I'll probably apply the rule of thumb at the state level too.....
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
To: ecmullen@gmail.com
Date: 2015-07-15 22:50
Subject: Re: Bob Glennon
And here I thought it was going to be me.
On Wednesday, July 15, 2015, <ecmullen@gmail.com> wrote:
> Won't stop assuring Sens Brown and Heitkamp (at dinner now) that HRC has
> personally told Tim Kaine he's the veep.
> A little unseemly
> Erick's iPhone
So much hopium~Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Hnnng.Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Sorry manthe FUCK
Just saw the video. didn't know about this.
I need me a blue Texas this year holy shit
VP picked well in advance.I don't get it, what's the big deal?
VP picked well in advance.
Better than "omg Trump can still win"You guys are going to be so disappointed on election day. Its become irrational dreaming in here :/
You guys are going to be so disappointed on election day. Its become irrational dreaming in here :/
This election I did vote for one Republican for Sheriff.
The Democrat running is not only running with the slogan "God First" but also was fired from the very same department he is running for around 8 years ago.
Stop.You guys are going to be so disappointed on election day. Its become irrational dreaming in here :/
Fuck this--we D's have had that "realist" attittude for years, and it hasn't helped us any. Don't see the harm in being motivated and being positive for a change. Something D's could actually learn from the R's, as it gets people to show up at the very least and not give up and treat battles as if they're lost before they've even begun to be fought. And if it turns out we were getting our hopes up a bit too much, so what? Doesn't change anything and at least more people were motivated and fired up. Optimism all the way~You guys are going to be so disappointed on election day. Its become irrational dreaming in here :/
VP picked well in advance.
Some have speculated that Obama's camp eventually talked him out of running this year due to the Clinton camp fully supporting Terry McAuliffe, and perhaps some backdoor/handshake deal going on. Maybe the reward is Mark Warner's senate seat, if he is selected as Hillary's VP.
VP picked well in advance.
Fuck this. Don't see the harm in being motivated and being positive for a change. Something D's could actually learn from the R's, as it gets people to show up at the very least and not give up and treat battles as if they're lost before they've even begun to be fought. And if it turns out we were getting our hopes up a bit too much, so what? Doesn't change anything and at least more people were motivated and fired up. Optimism all the way~![]()
Its always a dead heat with them ALWAYS.CNN turned 2008 into a dead heat by treating joe the plumber and the bradley effect as valid issues. Then there was 2012 where Wolf Blitzer turned himself into a predictable meme. It's what they do because they desperately seek ratings above everything else.
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
This entire Wikileak thing as been one big nothing burger but CNN keep playing them up like there is actually something unseemly in them.
You make it seem like no one here realizes that. It's like Ash winning the Pokemon League, let people be.The Texas and the house stuff is not gonna happen unless there is another tape worse than the first
Its also, bad poll ignore or unskew, good poll, go apeshit. It just is too much like the trumpkins finding the data that fits
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Internal Dem poll--->
"At a fundraiser for Brad Ashford tonight, Xavier Becerra said that he saw a poll showing Clinton +1 in Texas."
Two(My mom and I) more for the queen in California.
You make it seem like no one here realizes that. It's like Ash winning the Pokemon League, let people be.
Ask yourself how many commercials you've seen with the name "Merrick Garland" in them. That's why Cruz feels safe to talk about reducing Ct.
I'm confident that Hillary will be our next president and feel good about the senate. But I'm in camp modest expectations as well.
No House, no Texas, no Georgia, maybe even no Iowa, Ohio or Arizona.
I wouldn't at all be surprised if the final EV tally is only 323 for Clinton (Obama 2012 + NC - IA - OH).
Ash is winning the Alola league.I mean they can but they should be called out for the things they lambast the other side from doing.
Its also why this place becomes an ecochamber. The oppo (trump n-word) thing was a part of it as well. It was exactly like the white tape.
It's so late in the game and everyone realizes the dude is going to lose, why even associate yourself with Trump at all.