These next 4 years are going to be miserable. It's amazing how much Republicans despise Clinton. It also shows how perfect Obama has been to avoid the shitstorm
News: Hillary Clinton is buying television time in Wisconsin, per source.
Her very first ads of the general election in the state.
Fox : NO classified emails were found on Weiner devices according to a source.
In other bed-wetting news:
I wonder if Chaffetz and Ryan are going to ignore this L they just very publicly took, or if they will double down.
Ruby CramerVerified account
effect now on down-ballot? Longtime Dem operative: "Way way way worse... Weiner angle means this is going to be on Entertainment Tonight."
In other bed-wetting news:
While I'm skeptical as to whether Clinton's team has any of the oppo that Cesare said they did, if they did have it, I think today answered the question of whether or not they'd be willing to drop the most damaging of it
David Plouffe ‏@davidplouffe 59s60 seconds ago
Come on, PoliGAF fess up:
While I'm skeptical as to whether Clinton's team has any of the oppo that Cesare said they did, if they did have it, I think today answered the question of whether or not they'd be willing to drop the most damaging of it
What is the emails thing even about?
Like, what is the whole charge about why Hillary should be in prison?
What is the emails thing even about?
Like, what is the whole charge about why Hillary should be in prison?
In other bed-wetting news:
What is the emails thing even about?
Like, what is the whole charge about why Hillary should be in prison?
Hmm, Hillary buying ad time in Wisconsin. First time this cycle. That plus the Feingold buy is a bit worrying.
Come on, PoliGAF fess up:
In other bed-wetting news:
.(((Harry Enten)))Verified account
Stop trying to read too much into ad buys. There's lot of money left over and little time to spend it, so it gets spread around.
Hillary and the Dem downballot.Is that dem operative talking about trump or hilary?
if they have all this leftover money then why the hell aren't they spending it in florida?
She really prints out emails onto paper? I must have missed this.
It's like old ladies printing out websites to read them.
But what happened to this "taking more than 11 days?"
What is the emails thing even about?
Like, what is the whole charge about why Hillary should be in prison?
Paul Ryan and Jason Chaffetz are the least intelligent people in Washington so I don't know if they can be humiliated any further.
•Which candidate would do the most to help our local economy? That’s easy. It’s Pat McCrory, the Republican governor of North Carolina, who’s seeking his second four-year term in the November election. We can point to specific and multiple ways he has helped the economy — our economy. North Carolina panicked and made a spectacle of itself by passing HB2, its so-called “bathroom bill.” In response, various companies and even sports leagues pulled events from the state. Three of those have wound up in Salem — the NCAA Division III men’s and women’s soccer championships, as well as the Division II Central Intercollegiate Athletic Association football championship. That’s money in the bank for us.
McCrory has given Virginia a competitive advantage in economic development, as well. When the University Economic Development Association recently held its national conference in Roanoke, the keynote speaker highlighted a North Carolina program to encourage partnerships between colleges and companies, as a way help recruit technology companies interested in research and development. The speaker hailed it as a model for other states to follow as they try to build a “knowledge economy.” Then the speaker noted that McCrory had cancelled it. The pro-business audience groaned.
On Monday, a data company picked Richmond as the site for a new office, with 730 jobs. Industry officials said it beat out Charlotte specifically because of HB2.
Feel free to argue all you want which presidential candidate would be best, but it’s clear that Virginia would be best served if North Carolina re-elected McCrory.
But why would we worry about Weiner now. He's always been tied to Hillary and Huma since before this. I mean sure. We could have done without this whole thing.
But this thing at this point is nothing, and if the media can only talk about "optics" it means they don't have much to keep a story going.
She really prints out emails onto paper? I must have missed this.
It's like old ladies printing out websites to read them.
She really prints out emails onto paper? I must have missed this.
It's like old ladies printing out websites to read them. you guys don't print out PoliGAF every 10 minutes to read it at your leisure?
(((Cameron Joseph)))Verified account
Hearing @jasoninthehouse & House Oversight Cmte are discussing holding a last-min hearing bringing in FBI DIr. Comey next Fri pre-election.