Lol, so I finish my workout for the day and teaching my noon class, I check my phone and see 11+ pages added to the thread think some new damaging Trump shit dropped. Wow, what a rollercoaster reading the thread after the fact.
This really just highlights how unhinged and opportunistic the GOP is. I don't just have zero confidence in Trump's ability to govern anymore, I have absolutely no faith in any of the GOP to govern competently. This behavior was the EXACT same shoot-from-the-hip style that has been employed by Trump. Having any governmental control is apparently to much of a burden for them. Paul Ryan really looks like shit firing off that preemptive shitpost when he could have waited an hour, gotten a full view of the situation, and then responded like an actual adult and the way I'd expect the person third in line to the presidency to behave. This is more of a reminder to me that, as you guys were reminding me the other day, that there are no moderate Republicans anymore; the whole party is rotten to the core and Trump is just the cherry on top of their shit sundae of an organization.
As for Comey, he really can't hide behind ignorance or nonpartisanship in this instance. He was required by law to do this and that is fine, but he had to have known that the GOP would leak this letter immediately and thus, he should have either been MUCH more clear as to exactly what was going on in the letter or he should have given a public statement to clarify the situation. His lack of clarity on this issue is a major disservice to the nonpartisan nature of the FBI.