No its not. He could have indicted her. He could have done a press conference about this. He could be doing a lot more.
He's trying to save the FBI from both sides. An impossible task.
You're arguments that he's some political anti-hillary operative completely ignores the pressure from the right. And who he's trying to please there. No matter how insane you think there chargers are Comey doesn't like that these become solidified and the FBI becomes only a partisan tool.
LOL - what?
Comey couldn't have indicated her. I mean, well, he could have, but by his own admission Hillary wasn't doing anything illegal and nobody with a brain would have found a case there. As bad as the fallout is now, it would have been even WORSE if he indicted her over literally nothing, and that would have come out in a trial.
Also, why would he hold a press conference over this? Hillary has nothing to do with this. A press conference would only highlight that. There's a REASON why he did this through a vague letter.
Your argument basically boils down to, "Comey isn't paying politics because, even though he's being a moron, he's not being a COMPLETE fucking moron."