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PoliGAF 2016 |OT14| Attention NV shoppers, democracy is on sale in aisle 4!

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The Democrats are Megatron and Comey is Starscream

Well if the FBI is not partisan then comey should come up and at least tell the American people that they are investigating trump Russia ties. I mean you can't have this be one sided. Whether or not trump is completely innocent the FBI should announce whether or not they are reviewing anything

No, I agree. I guess it's crazy that Reid had to even bring up something so obvious. And to put it to a letter like that means he's quite confident there actually is something there.
No, actual evidence. We know trump is Putin puppet and we also know that trump is a sexual predator, irrefutable evidence of either a week before the election will dominate the news cycle and depress his vote.

It will just be like when the Russian leadership was directly blamed for the email hacking. Trump and his fans will just dismiss it as untrue, call it PR, a conspiracy against him, evidence of "rigging" etc

Any evidence can simply be denied with "Fake!" counterpoint from the other side.


It will just be like when the Russian leadership was directly blamed for the email hacking. Trump and his fans will just dismiss it as untrue, call it PR, a conspiracy against him, evidence of "rigging" etc

Any evidence can simply be denied with "Fake!" counterpoint from the other side.
This isn't about trump or his supporters.




.... Tom Cotton?

Are you fucking kidding me?

I can't wait until this fucker gets owned in 2020.
He's an embarrassment to Arkansas and surprisingly even my hardcore Republican friend who spent a lot of time working with the Gingrich and Romney campaigns hates him.


No, I agree. I guess it's crazy that Reid had to even bring up something so obvious. And to put it to a letter like that means he's quite confident there actually is something there.
Well if there is any shred of truth comey won't be able to come out and say "we never actually reviewed anything against trump and Russia" which would basically confirm that it was investigated.


lol, Reid is in compete dgaf mode now. The Hatch Act violations are one thing, but explicitly accusing the director of the FBI of neglecting to release information about ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government in order to benefit Trump's presidential prospects is one hell of a charge.

Speaking of which...

You're right, I'm not in the NJ area. Along with most of the country.

And if scandals actually mattered to Trump's campaign, then sure, Christie's own scandals would be a problem. But I honestly had to chuckle at the idea that somehow anyone in Trump's camp would care about a scandal they know nothing about and subsequently wouldn't care about. If Christie isn't on tape saying something vulgar, no one cares. The idea that this story would be national implies that you think the media would actually care to cover it instead of more Trump stuff. I strongly disagree.

Trump isn't immune to scandals -- clearly, if he were, he'd be doing much better than his consistent 42 percent ceiling -- but even that aside, the scandal immunity rule really only seems to apply to Trump himself. Manafort was pushed out because his Russian ties were getting too much press and becoming a distraction. I don't see why bridgegate would've been any different for Christie if he were the running mate.


That was dropped months ago

That Comey is sitting on actual evidence linking Trump to Russian hackers while simultaneously being "transparent" about an investigation involving Clinton is serious and would be explosive. I hope this letter prompts leaks about that in the coming hours and days, even after the election.

If Comey is doing that this shouldn't stop when the election is over, he needs to be held to account.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Not sure that letter is a good idea at this point. I hope Harry at least talked to the Clinton campaign before sending that thing. Now if anything even remotely bad shows up in those emails Comey is going to full speed ahead.

This letter does not but antagonize the head of the most powerful investigative institution in the world. How's is that even close to a good thing so close to the election?

Wait till after the election to get his head.


Bullshit, outgoing minority leader can get in the mud. Too much bullshit above the fray with the Democrats, Comey and the GOP wants to insinuate all kinds of shit about Clinton, turnabout is fair play.
Exactly for far too long democrats have cowered while republicans ran a shit train. It's time to fight back with fire. No of this light handed bullshit while republicans waste 10s of millions on dollars on frivolous investigations for political purposes
Not sure that letter is a good idea at this point. I hope Harry at least talked to the Clinton campaign before sending that thing. Now if anything even remotely bad shows up in those emails Comey is going to full speed ahead.

This letter does not but antagonize the head of the most powerful investigative institution in the world. How's is that even close to a good thing so close to the election?

Wait till after the election to get his head.

He already went full speed ahead releasing his bullshit letter, and he's not about to shift gears if something does come up.


Holy shit at those Russia allegations. Totally calling his bluff now. You just had to think that was investigated the past few months and if they knowingly did nothing to stop it....Jesus Christ man!

Also, wtf is Trump doing with that flag? You ruined any chance of the LGBT vote with that gay conversion therapy wanting, "religious freedom" bill POS for a VP pick.


Not sure that letter is a good idea at this point. I hope Harry at least talked to the Clinton campaign before sending that thing. Now if anything even remotely bad shows up in those emails Comey is going to full speed ahead.

This letter does not but antagonize the head of the most powerful investigative institution in the world. How's is that even close to a good thing so close to the election?

Wait till after the election to get his head.
What is Comey going to do? Start a liveblog? He made his one play.
Not sure that letter is a good idea at this point. I hope Harry at least talked to the Clinton campaign before sending that thing. Now if anything even remotely bad shows up in those emails Comey is going to full speed ahead.

This letter does not but antagonize the head of the most powerful investigative institution in the world. How's is that even close to a good thing so close to the election?

Wait till after the election to get his head.

It depends on whether it's all true or not, basically.

If the Huma emails are a youknowwhatburger and Comey has been sitting on knowledge of direct ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, holy shit.

If Reid is wrong about any of that, holy shit.


It depends on whether it's all true or not, basically.

If the Huma emails are a youknowwhatburger and Comey has been sitting on knowledge of direct ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, holy shit.

If Reid is wrong about any of that, holy shit.
I bet Reid is trying to get the FBI to admit they looked into trumps Russia ties. Maybe explosive allegations that might be 100% false but they looked into them all the same


It depends on whether it's all true or not, basically.

If the Huma emails are a youknowwhatburger and Comey has been sitting on knowledge of direct ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, holy shit.

If Reid is wrong about any of that, holy shit.
He is the OUTGOING minority leader, at worst he is sacrificing his credibility to provide cover for Clinton.


Then again, Harry Reid did say multiple times that he knew for sure that Romney didn't pay taxes.

Yeah. It's hard to know what is Reid speaking the truth and what's just Reid wanting to be Reid.

Still, the big news from that letter is the Russian accusation. Reid setting Comey up and applying political pressure from multiple angles. Not smart for Hillary but maybe decent long term attack to tell the GOP to slow their roll before both sides go all out on using the FBI as a tool of bias for their respective sides.
Then again, Harry Reid did say multiple times that he knew for sure that Romney didn't pay taxes.

I thought what Reid was saying about Romney was that he was worth far more than he admits to publicly, and there was a 10 year period where he didn't pay taxes at all.

Reid continued, "He didn't pay taxes for 10 years! Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain," said Reid. "But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look? … You guys have said his wealth is $250 million. Not a chance in the world. It's a lot more than that. I mean, you do pretty well if you don't pay taxes for 10 years when you're making millions and millions of dollars."


Given that the only thing Romney ever released was a 1 year return, in which there were the existence of accounts in places like the caymans that it's illegal to even ASK how much money is in there, AND Romney had previously been busted hiding money in swiss bank accounts, i'm inclined to believe Reid here.
Not sure that letter is a good idea at this point. I hope Harry at least talked to the Clinton campaign before sending that thing. Now if anything even remotely bad shows up in those emails Comey is going to full speed ahead.

This letter does not but antagonize the head of the most powerful investigative institution in the world. How's is that even close to a good thing so close to the election?

Wait till after the election to get his head.

I dont understand why the democrats arent allowed to defend themselves in the slightest.


Poppy Harlow: "Trump said let's go positive. Is this a new Donald Trump we will be seeing?"

Fuck this channel. I've wasted enough of my life on it.


Has the report that Huma doesn't know why Wiener had these e-mails been disputed yet, and if not, why is the Clinton camp so confident this is nothing? They wouldn't know what is in the emails either, and if that number is accurate there are a shit ton of them.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think this is spiraling a bit. I would not have gone negative on this and I don't like that the surrogates are. And the news that they got a search warrant makes this sound so much more sinister than it is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, so does the laptop have emails sent to and received by Hillary's server or not? I keep hearing different things.
No, I agree. I guess it's crazy that Reid had to even bring up something so obvious. And to put it to a letter like that means he's quite confident there actually is something there.

OR, lets look at it like the letter from Comey on Friday:
People can speculate on whether or not there are ties to Russia, but either way, damage is done.

Much like Comey's letter that had no specifics, was incredibly vague, but let the media, GOP, et al read into and proclaim that Hillary is being found of wrong doing. Regardless of any actual facts, the damage was done.

Really though, I could swear I read somewhere (cant recall if it was here or some news outlet through Google News) that the GOP, specifically that fucker Chaffetz, has not allowed for investigations into Trump after allegations of Russia ties and his illegal funneling of money to Cuba even though the Dems requested it. The GOP basically went along the lines of "why would we investigate our guy when we can instead keep trying to tear down Clinton?"

I think this is spiraling a bit. I would not have gone negative on this and I don't like that the surrogates are. And the news that they got a search warrant makes this sound so much more sinister than it is.

Worst part about all of this: he sent the letter out Friday before any more information was gathered (ie that it might not even be tied to Hillary's servers which came out a few hours later) but more to the point he did it WITHOUT yet obtaining a search warrant as I think that was obtained today. Meaning he sent the letter before doing ANYTHING resembling investigating.
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