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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ehh. I feel like this would be fair to say if Trump won in a landslide, but he didn't.

I don't think we need a celebrity to win the white house. We need someone who is reasonably charismatic, can appeal to the working class, and doesn't have 30 years of baggage.

(For the record I still think Kander would be a great choice but I know that his lack of experience is a sticking point for a lot of people here)

Why do you believe this? I'm genuinely curious. There's all type of stuff Trump can do to increase his 2020 chances, but if you believe he'll be a terrible president then you have to also believe democrats can defeat him with the right candidate. I just don't understand the doom and gloom. Pick a better candidate who wants to work for it. All you can control is the candidate you pick and the message...we can't control outside factors (what if Trump starts a war, Kobach as AG, etc).

I don't think Harris will run in 2020 but the idea of a successful former Attorney General running against a deeply unpopular and scandal ridden Trump is kind of appealing. I do think she's one of the most talented democrat politicians in the last decade or so...I'm just not sure she'd be right at the top of the ticket next time.

I genuinely believe this because I think Trump was a turning point for our country. I don't necessarily think the same electorate that has a TERRIBLE perception of elected officials is going to be jumping at the chance for another lifelong politician to lead our country in just 4 years.

This is the shit people were saying on Wednesday in a depressed panic. I thought we've moved past that.

Except it isn't wrong. The democrats don't really have anyone charismatic to run in 2020.

I'm not very worried about finding a candidate in 2020.

I mean, it's not like Bernie Sanders was a household name before. And if you'd suggested him in 2012 you'd have gotten laughed out of the room - he's an atheist/Jewish socialist! But a lot of Democrats would have been pretty happy with him this time around. Donald Trump was perhaps someone people might have thought of as running for president, but nobody expected him to actually get there - or even to be nominated until roughly five minutes before the RNC. If it's wide open we'll get a big primary field, and I think that unlike with the Republicans we won't have to deal with half of the candidates being there to sell books.

Somebody will have an appealing message, and it's not like a lack of significant governing experience is an electoral disadvantage. If we have to go with another 70 year old we can, but I think without Hillary Clinton around we'll get a bigger group of younger people.

I feel like if we're floating random celebrities you've really got to go with Colbert.

I'd be up for Colbert, but I believe he isn't that well-liked by the general public from what I've read.
Somebody will have an appealing message, and it's not like a lack of significant governing experience is an electoral disadvantage.

If anything, it appears to be an asset in the current climate. After the nuclear winds, tho, things might change up a bit.

Plus aint no one ever gave significant weight about experience, otherwise congressmen wouldn't get elected so god damned often.
Obama seems ready to lead the rebellion once out of office



God dammit this brought tears to my eyes. He's the fucking best.
What type of roll will Obama play after he's done?

Obama was already planning to team up with Holder to build Democratic support for taking back the House in the Midterms, but that was before the election. Gotta imagine he'll have even more on his plate, both from an organizing and energizing perspective.

Big role he'll play that I can see is as a unifying figure; as one of the most popular and charismatic figures in the party, he'll have a lot of pull in terms of getting people to fall in line.
He should just constantly wander the streets extolling the virtues of the Democratic party.

Like Caine from Kung Fu.


Sorry, Barack. No vacation. We're going to need you on 1/21.

Obama should really just lead the DNC / Party from the shadows.

I think this is the agreed upon strategy. I also think once he's out of office, he's going to be able to help bridge the radical/centrist divide within the party much better than people are expecting.
Tom Cotton in contention for Secretary of Defense according to CNN.

Why did Putin install a president who immediately decided to fill his cabinet with guys who decide to invade one of Putin's three allies?

Anyway, I don't know if Cotton's seat is a potential pickup at this point...
This also means that Republicans will, for the time being, only have a 51/48 majority in the Senate.

EDIT: Nm, the governor's appointment is immediate THEN the special election.
Tom Cotton in contention for Secretary of Defense according to CNN.

Why did Putin install a president who immediately decided to fill his cabinet with guys who decide to invade one of Putin's three allies?

Anyway, I don't know if Cotton's seat is a potential pickup at this point...
Get Bill to run for it, work up that southern charm.
Cotton is one of the traitors who sent the Iran letter, right?

Cotton is the traitor who wrote the letter.

Cotton also fillibustered one of Obama's appointments for years until she died just so that he could cause Obama personal pain.

He's a psychopath and this is an extremely good indicator that we are going to war with Iran.

.... Why do we want a war with Iran?

... Like

... Like what is the point or goal of a war with Iran?
Cotton is the traitor who wrote the letter.

Cotton also fillibustered one of Obama's appointments for years until she died just so that he could cause Obama personal pain.

He's a psychopath and this is an extremely good indicator that we are going to war with Iran.

.... Why do we want a war with Iran?

... Like

... Like what is the point or goal of a war with Iran?

Money for defense contractors that Cotton is lobbied by.


If we get into an unprovoked war with Iran it would be a death sentence for the Trump administration and GOP. NOBODY wants war with anyone.

Eight years of dems and no new conflicts and BOOM, republicans take office and we're in another war? That wouldn't fly.
Money for defense contractors that Cotton is lobbied by.

But we could just pay them for doing nothing.

Like, people have a hardon for the U.S. having the best and most expensive military equipment and would allow that. Just spend trillions on the military and never use the weapons for anything and the contractors still get paid.

Why do we want a war with Iran?
What's even the point of signing treaties with the U.S. at this point now?

One year after we signed the Iran Deal and the Paris Agreement and we're now going to invade Iran and set the planet on fire.

How do we have any credibility as a nation?


Honestly even if it is Cotton I believe the chances of a war are slimmer than not having one. But I sure as shit expect relations with Iran to go straight down the toilet and sanctions to ramp up.
Not to mention Iran is a big country with very difficult terrain. Would not be quick in any fashion.

Quick is irrelevant. W. got reelected with the messes of both Afghanistan and Iraq still around. So long as there isn't a draft, yall seem perfectly fine with continued intervention.

Would have a marginally harder time villifying Khamenei, tho. Mostly because, unlike Khomenei, he looks quite friendly. In spite of all the horrible shit he's responsible for.


Quick is irrelevant. W. got reelected with the messes of both Afghanistan and Iraq still around. So long as there isn't a draft, yall seem perfectly fine with continued intervention.
Dubya was still riding the 9/11 high and many folks were still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus as shitty as those wars were, a conflict with Iran would be much more costly. People would be outraged the split second it begins.
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