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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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To me, the most dangerous thing about Trump on foreign policy is that he refuses to acknowledge what he doesn't know, and is surrounding himself with people who are smarter than him and who will quickly figure out how to exploit it. He's not going to magically get a war with Iran. The Joint Chiefs have made it pretty clear for more than a decade than direct engagement with Iran is a bad fucking idea. Every president reshuffles the JC at some point though...will Trump create a JC that agrees with him that directly attacking Iran is a good idea? That's a depressing thought.
Dubya was still riding the 9/11 high and many folks were still willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Plus as shitty as those wars were, a conflict with Iran would be much more costly. People would be outraged the split second it begins.

Mate, if there is one thing i'll never bet against, it is the US's willingness to get involved in a war.

Anyway, deal was already mad unpop when last polled. Wouldn't count on the outrage if it happened, say, right after some attack conducted by a person of brown complexion.
Obama's approval rating is at 52.6% according to Huffpost Pollster. What do you think its gonna be when he leaves office? He's on track to match Reagan/Clinton numbers right?


“With the U.S. presidential transition underway, [Russian President] Vladimir Putin has said in recent days that he wants to improve relations with the United States,” said McCain, a longtime critic of Russia. “We should place as much faith in such statements as any other made by a former KGB agent who has plunged his country into tyranny, murdered his political opponents, invaded his neighbors, threatened America’s allies, and attempted to undermine America’s elections.”


He should have said this during the election not after.
Tom Cotton!

You'd think we would have talked about stuff like this during the election.

Guess Meme's were more important.

Unlike "we must end Medicare" going to war with Iran was actually brought up several times by Trump during the campaign but the media never covers Republicans jerking off at the thought of a war with Iran.

Why on Earth hasn't this person changed her last name?

Like 90% of the discussion surrounding anything she's involved in is jokes about it.

I mean, she's dead now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Somebody will have an appealing message, and it's not like a lack of significant governing experience is an electoral disadvantage. If we have to go with another 70 year old we can, but I think without Hillary Clinton around we'll get a bigger group of younger people.

So you're saying we should get that dude who can assemble an AR-15 blindfolded to run in 2020
Andrea Mitchell is reporting he wants Trump's son in law to have access to daily presidential briefings once he receives top security clearance.

All while running his business.

So much money is going to be stolen.

I hope this makes up the majority of Trump's presidency, too busy stealing money to do anything policy wise.
Isn't it a 50 48 majority? Given LA has its runoff in December?

Are there any moderates on the republican side that might be more soft on democratic issues? Maybe they wont be able to do literally everything Mitch McConnell wants like a lot of people thought


To me, the most dangerous thing about Trump on foreign policy is that he refuses to acknowledge what he doesn't know, and is surrounding himself with people who are smarter than him and who will quickly figure out how to exploit it. He's not going to magically get a war with Iran. The Joint Chiefs have made it pretty clear for more than a decade than direct engagement with Iran is a bad fucking idea. Every president reshuffles the JC at some point though...will Trump create a JC that agrees with him that directly attacking Iran is a good idea? That's a depressing thought.

Trump's narcissistic tendencies are already becoming manifest in the transition team, if these early reports are to believed -- and what would please a thin skinned egoist more than a government of competing factions viciously competing for his favor?
Probably dumb/controversial question:
Was Anonymous like Wikileaks this election? For some reason on Youtube I got a suggestion to watch the official Anonymous statement to Trump and it seems to be pretty much "dont start wars but follow your promise of making America great again" and showing statements of Syrian refugees and contrasting that with 9/11 (I guess saying refugees are terrorists?) and then it linked me to the Clinton one which was 5m of condemnation like most of the alt right rhetoric.

I cant figure out which shadowy hacker group to trust anymore...


BTW the next election for the Senate is in 25 days. The RNC has already mobilized and the DNC is MIA.

Where is Ellison or Dean?


National Republicans are pouring in support to Louisiana Senate candidate John Kennedy to smother any chance that Democrat Foster Campbell can pull off what would be a stunning upset in their Dec. 10 runoff.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is opening 10 offices across the state to aid Kennedy’s election, The Advocate reported. In 2014, Republicans came out in masses to help Bill Cassidy defeat Democratic incumbent Sen. Mary Landrieu.

We just had a Democratic governor elected, and the DNC is out of sight. Probably saving money for the next presidential saviour in 2020.


While we're talking about the future of the party, what do people think about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake? She was pretty awesome at the convention.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
BTW the next election for the Senate is in 25 days. The RNC has already mobilized and the DNC is MIA.

Where is Ellison or Dean?


We just had a Democratic governor elected, and the DNC is out of sight. Probably saving money for the next presidential saviour in 2020.

The current President-elect got there by doing nothing, so maybe they're learning more than we thought.


The current President-elect got there by doing nothing, so maybe they're learning more than we thought.

He did plenty. Called the right election map and hustled in and out of every state in the list with a lot less cash.

As much as I hate Trump, this idea that he didn't do anything simply isn't true. He did more than Hillary.
BTW the next election for the Senate is in 25 days. The RNC has already mobilized and the DNC is MIA.

Where is Ellison or Dean?


We just had a Democratic governor elected, and the DNC is out of sight. Probably saving money for the next presidential saviour in 2020.
Democrats don't do well in runoffs in deep south if I remember correctly. R vote is more consolidated.
Made the mistake of turning on CNN to see how they were covering the Bannon thing.

Some hack (not a Trump supporter, one of the CNN Objective Pundits™) described Bannon and Priebus as "the yin and the yang" of the Trump Administration.

I turned off CNN.

In other news, does anyone think that Ben Carson bowing out increases the likelihood of Sheriff Clarke getting homeland security? Every time I see these lists it's mostly a bunch of old white guys. I imagine someone will hammer them on their choices with regards to diversity once the full team is assembled. But maybe diversity doesn't matter in this context when it comes to voters? Like if Trump appointed only white men, the left and some members of the media would hammer him on it. But in 2020, upwards of 60 million voters may go for Trump again because of how much they hate "political correctness."
That seat in LA has literally no chance of going D. Literally the only way JBE got elected was Republicans essentially teaming up to take Vitter down. People actually like Kennedy so there is no chance he loses.


So I came across this interview with Bannon in 2014, and I'm having a hard time reconciling this with the guy from Breitbart news. It outlines his global vision, and while there are parts I disagree with, it's actually more sensible than what we've been getting from the Republican party for the past 8 or even 16 years, even farther.

Hell if you took some of the quotes and didn't say who they were from, some would think it was from Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren.

Then again, it's also at odds with what we've seen so far from the current Trump transition.


Seriously check out these quotes

Bannon: I think one is about responsibility. For Christians, and particularly for those who believe in the underpinnings of the Judeo-Christian West, I don’t believe that we should have a bailout. I think the bailouts in 2008 were wrong. And I think, you look in hindsight, it was a lot of misinformation that was presented about the bailouts of the banks in the West.

And look at the [unintelligible] it. Middle-class taxpayers, people that are working-class people, right, people making incomes under $50,000 and $60,000, it was the burden of those taxpayers, right, that bailed out the elites. And let’s think about it for a second. Here’s how capitalism metastasized, is that all the burdens put on the working-class people who get none of the upside. All of the upside goes to the crony capitalists.

The bailouts were absolutely outrageous, and here’s why: It bailed out a group of shareholders and executives who were specifically accountable. The shareholders were accountable for one simple reason: They allowed this to go wrong without changing management. And the management team of this. And we know this now from congressional investigations, we know it from independent investigations, this is not some secret conspiracy. This is kind of in plain sight...

And it’s specifically because those bailouts were completely and totally unfair. It didn’t make those financial institutions any stronger, and it bailed out a bunch of people — by the way, and these are people that have all gone to Yale, and Harvard, they went to the finest institutions in the West. They should have known better.

And by the way: It’s all the institutions of the accounting firms, the law firms, the investment banks, the consulting firms, the elite of the elite, the educated elite, they understood what they were getting into, forcibly took all the benefits from it and then look to the government, went hat in hand to the government to be bailed out. And they’ve never been held accountable today. Trust me — they are going to be held accountable. You’re seeing this populist movement called the tea party in the United States.

Of course my question is to Bannon then is how do you reconcile this with your candidate saying he wants to get rid of Dodd-Frank?

Either Bannon or Trump were lying.
It's 75 degrees in Utah today, can we talk about emails some more?

Hmm, what happened to Chicago or Atlanta on this map?


Or like Minnesota or Miami or Detroit!
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