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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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President of the United States in four years.

I'm not optimistic about that (or anything right now, really, lol). His only political experience is serving as Missouri Secretary of State, he seems too green to run for, much less be, president. I know the natural response to that is that the country just elected someone with zero political experience to the White House, but: a) I don't see that tactic working with Dems, and b) While Trump has no political experience, he was able to fool enough people into thinking his decades of business experience was a good enough substitute. Kander doesn't have enough experience in any field, from my view, to make a similar argument.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I kinda worry about Kander's future. Guy seemed like a rising star, but what's the path forward for him now? Run for governor in four years?

So Gaffney is actually deputy chief of staff, then.

If I'm the democratic leadership, I get Kander out of any local politics and into a national role immediately.

I still see a celebrity as the best shot for democrats in 2020. We're through the looking glass now for a while. People hate politicians.


I'm not optimistic about that (or anything right now, really, lol). His only political experience is serving as Missouri Secretary of State, he seems too green to run for, much less be, president. I know the natural response to that is that the country just elected someone with zero political experience to the White House, but: a) I don't see that tactic working with Dems, and b) While Trump has no political experience, he was able to fool enough people into thinking his decades of business experience was a good enough substitute. Kander doesn't have enough experience in any field, from my view, to make a similar argument.
Kander's a fantastic VP pick for Harris.
If I'm the democratic leadership, I get Kander out of any local politics and into a national role immediately.

I still see a celebrity as the best shot for democrats in 2020. We're through the looking glass now for a while. People hate politicians.

You have no idea what a Trump presidency would even be like and are already claiming we need to go find some random celebrity. People hated Hilary Clinton. People love Obama.


I'm not optimistic about that (or anything right now, really, lol). His only political experience is serving as Missouri Secretary of State, he seems too green to run for, much less be, president. I know the natural response to that is that the country just elected someone with zero political experience to the White House, but: a) I don't see that tactic working with Dems, and b) While Trump has no political experience, he was able to fool enough people into thinking his decades of business experience was a good enough substitute. Kander doesn't have enough experience in any field, from my view, to make a similar argument.

He outperformed Hillary by 16%. He is sellable. Former military, doesn't run to the center, not tied to any establishment. It could work.
Can we talk more about emails?



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You have no idea what a Trump presidency would even be like and are already claiming we need to go find some random celebrity. People hated Hilary Clinton. People love Obama.

That is because Obama wasn't a typical politician. He was a rock star version of one. A once-in-a-lifetime politician.

People on here seem to think Kamala is the next Obama, and they need to get that out of their heads immediately.
That is because Obama wasn't a typical politician. He was a rock star version of one. A once-in-a-lifetime politician.

People on here seem to think Kamala is the next Obama, and they need to get that out of their heads immediately.

As much as I don't think Bernie Sander's policies would be popular with the electorate, he is also well liked by most of the electorate. You are also ignoring the fact that in 2020 Trump can no longer play the I'm not a politician card because he will have an actual record to run against So if people hate politicians he will be screwed.
That is because Obama wasn't a typical politician. He was a rock star version of one. A once-in-a-lifetime politician.

People on here seem to think Kamala is the next Obama, and they need to get that out of their heads immediately.

Kander is charismatic, liberal, and able to appeal to people Hillary was not able to. He might not have the preacher type feel as Obama, but he's able to rally up a base and get people excited like Obama.

The fact that he ran so much ahead of Hillary in a red state shouldn't be ignored. That means he's a very appealing politician.


As much as I don't think Bernie Sander's policies would be popular with the electorate, he is also well liked by most of the electorate. You are also ignoring the fact that in 2020 Trump can no longer play the I'm not a politician card because he will have an actual record to run against.
Sanders is old.

The issue with Sanders right now is 1) you don't know what will happen in 4 years and 2) you're not asking for him to survive 4 years, you're asking him to survive 12. Four until 2020, with the expectation of two terms after that. It's going to be tough campaigning, probably better just to let him be and pick new blood.
Sanders is old.

The issue with Sanders right now is 1) you don't know what will happen in 4 years and 2) you're not asking for him to survive 4 years, you're asking him to survive 12. Four until 2020, with the expectation of two terms after that. It's going to be tough campaigning, probably better just to let him be and pick new blood.

Haha, I'm not saying Sanders should run at all. I'm just arguing against this idea that every politician is hated except for once in a lifetime Obama


A Fox News op-ed by Christian Whiton:
In just over a week as president-elect, Donald Trump has done more for peace and economic security than eight years of Barack Obama. They ought to give him a Nobel Peace Prize.
Putting aside whether any and all politicians are hated (hint: they're not) I would like the next president to have displayed some level of competence in government before running.
..... What are his supporting reasons?

Probably what I've heard around the Interwebs...that just the idea of dealing with Clinton would have lead us to Nuclear War with Russia but Trump has restored faith amongst he International community. And you know, had like 20 different ties to Russia so that probably didn't hurt.
Putting aside whether any and all politicians are hated (hint: they're not) I would like the next president to have displayed some level of competence in government before running.

Exactly. We are already seeing how disastrous it can be to even set foot in the door without knowing what you are going to do. If we run someone with no experience in government, we will probably do more damage to ourselves than anything. It's not worth it.
Probably what I've heard around the Interwebs...that just the idea of dealing with Clinton would have lead us to Nuclear War with Russia but Trump has restored faith amongst he International community. And you know, had like 20 different ties to Russia so that probably didn't hurt.

I don't think Trump is averting a war with Russia very well by filling his cabinet with people that are desperate for war with Iran.


..... What are his supporting reasons?

NAFTA renegotiation on the table, Mexico negotiations on the table, TPP dead, best buddies with Vlad 'The Impaler' Putin and the markets didn't collapse after all. He did add at the end:
No, Donald Trump won’t really be a candidate for the Nobel Prize any more than Reagan was. But both men did more for peace and prosperity in the days after their elections than Obama did in eight lousy years. There ought to be a prize for that.
Our current president is a failed businessman who is also a racist

We're in uncharted waters here. Kander might actually be overqualified to be president.
Yeah but you can already hear Anderson Cooper grilling Angela Rye over the fact that Democrats cried foul over Trump's lack of experience but are now supporting a candidate who doesn't have it either. False equivalency is media's pet.
Exactly. We are already seeing how disastrous it can be to even set foot in the door without knowing what you are going to do. If we run someone with no experience in government, we will probably do more damage to ourselves than anything. It's not worth it.

I think there's a chance he will run for McCaskill seat if she retires in 2018. In fact she might get primaried by Kander.
I think there's a chance he will run for McCaskill seat if she retires in 2018. In fact she might get primaried by Kander.

That would be a brilliant move by the Democrats actually. If McCaskill wants to retire let her get primaried by Kander who carries the torch both as a liberal Democrat and as new blood against some generic republican. Made even better of Trump tanks his first 2 years.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
As much as I don't think Bernie Sander's policies would be popular with the electorate, he is also well liked by most of the electorate. You are also ignoring the fact that in 2020 Trump can no longer play the I'm not a politician card because he will have an actual record to run against So if people hate politicians he will be screwed.

Kander is charismatic, liberal, and able to appeal to people Hillary was not able to. He might not have the preacher type feel as Obama, but he's able to rally up a base and get people excited like Obama.

The fact that he ran so much ahead of Hillary in a red state shouldn't be ignored. That means he's a very appealing politician.

If I HAD to choose a politician to run, it would be a Bernie/Kander ticket. I still think a Clinton/Bernie ticket would have been a winner.
2 years in the house would probably be enough to push back on "inexperienced!" complaints.

Obama was a senator for 2 years when he threw his hat in the ring in 2007. Obama never even served a full senate term before moving on to be president.

If I HAD to choose a politician to run, it would be a Bernie/Kander ticket. I still think a Clinton/Bernie ticket would have been a winner.

Bernie is too old to run. Way too old. He can't guarantee 8 years and we need someone who can.
Putting aside whether any and all politicians are hated (hint: they're not) I would like the next president to have displayed some level of competence in government before running.

At some point having any kind of experience in the government became the devil in this country, and we're about to find out the hard way why the baby shouldn't be thrown out with the bath water.
I guess I do not really see why they didn't choose Bernie to run as VP. I guess they underestimated how many people were put off by Clinton (and to a lesser extent Kaine, though kind of unfairly). Keeping Bernie closely involved and having him engaging younger voters consistently as part of the campaign could have had the potential to keep them involved.

It's going to be interesting to see how the ramp-up for 2020 goes.


Kander would be a fine nominee, I think. I don't buy the "he doesn't have enough experience" thing when Donald Fucking Trump is president. He's young, he's charismatic, and he's too fresh to have Clinton-esque scandals dragging him down. I say do it.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I guess I do not really see why they didn't choose Bernie to run as VP. I guess they underestimated how many people were put off by Clinton (and to a lesser extent Kaine, though kind of unfairly). Keeping Bernie closely involved and having him engaging younger voters consistently as part of the campaign could have had the potential to keep them involved.

Kaine made no sense then and makes even less now.

Balladofwindfishes said:
Bernie is too old to run. Way too old. He can't guarantee 8 years and we need someone who can.

Then reverse the ticket.
Bernie as VP wouldn't have magically made Hillary more appealing to WWC voters. The VP doesn't really do anything to sway the election unless they're a disaster, like Palin.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Bernie as VP wouldn't have magically made Hillary more appealing to WWC voters. The VP doesn't really do anything to sway the election unless they're a disaster, like Palin.

This is ludicrous. He absolutely did appeal to those voters in the primaries.
Kaine made no sense then and makes even less now.

Then reverse the ticket.

I like Kaine, but I don't see what he brought to the table. Certainly not a middle-class appeal, based on what occurred.

Bernie as VP wouldn't have magically made Hillary more appealing to WWC voters. The VP doesn't really do anything to sway the election unless they're a disaster, like Palin.

It would however have potentially improved turnout by disaffected far-lefters.
Just look at all the people after the election who have tried to claim that talking about racism and "identity politics" is a losing strategy that Dems should drop. It's pretty clear that the GG-style demographic is feeling pretty vindicated now in their belief that minority issues are a nuisance that need to be swept away.

There's probably been a 100:1 ratio of people decrying the idea of doing that to people who are actually advocating for doing it. People are going out of their way to misconstrue what many, including myself, have said needs to be done in reconnecting with economically disadvantaged communities that have lost their livelihoods to globalism.

Democrats aren't a monolith and never have been. Each voting bloc has issues that matter the most to them. Providing an economic message to working class communities doesn't mean abandoning the civil rights portion of the platform. The only portion of the platform that really needs to go on the back burner is gun control: no matter what the voting population agrees with in terms of regulation, any discussion of it at a national level instantly devolves into a screaming match about bans and goes nowhere.

Liberal messaging needs to change as well. The civil rights movement can make gains without immediately labeling everyone that isn't in perfect lockstep with every cause du jour as privileged, sexist, or racist. Label a struggling white family as "privileged" and they're far more likely to tell you to go fuck yourself than reach some state of cultural breakthrough and awareness.

We didn't lose this election because of championing minority rights: we lost it because the party thought it could neglect everything else writ large.

2 years in the house would probably be enough to push back on "inexperienced!" complaints.

Obama was a senator for 2 years when he threw his hat in the ring in 2007. Obama never even served a full senate term before moving on to be president.

Bernie is too old to run. Way too old. He can't guarantee 8 years and we need someone who can.

America just elected a person with no political or military experience to speak of. If Democrats ever have an issue with "experience" messaging again, it's because they're pushovers.
Yea I'm team Kander unless he runs for Rep or something in 2018 I think he should certainly try in 2020.

Kander's fb post after the election

He makes a good point, maybe the continually failing strategy of moderating your stances is worth abandoning. Clearly playing to the middle is not winning Democrats any favors, and often makes them more vulnerable. I think the party as a whole needs to just own up to their Liberal beliefs. If Bernie taught us anything, it's that people will love someone for their unwavering convictions way longer than they tolerate someone who moves to the center.
This is ludicrous. He absolutely did appeal to those voters in the primaries.

The VP doesn't change the election.

Especially not a VP that disagrees with the top ticket on a ton of stuff that's important to WWC voters.

If Bernie being out there campaigning with her didn't change their minds, why would being VP do that? The VP has no actual governing power.

It would however have potentially improved turnout by disaffected far-lefters.

The far left states generally had the same or higher turnout than in 2012. CA's vote total is insane this year.


I don't think Kaine made "no sense." He was a safe choice. Too safe. He's super inoffensive, is generally well liked, and has a solid track record. And he very well could have helped Hillary seal the deal on Virginia. On the other hand, also has the charisma of a dad telling his daughter a bedtime story.

Bernie wasn't VP because Bernie did not want to be VP. He has very explicitly said so in the past.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I guess I do not really see why they didn't choose Bernie to run as VP. I guess they underestimated how many people were put off by Clinton (and to a lesser extent Kaine, though kind of unfairly). Keeping Bernie closely involved and having him engaging younger voters consistently as part of the campaign could have had the potential to keep them involved.

It's going to be interesting to see how the ramp-up for 2020 goes.

Clinton really prioritizes loyalty above everything else. Kaine was on her side for a very long time, and consequently his place was assured. Mind you, I don't think Sanders wanted it, but it's why she didn't pick any of the other numerous choices that were better than Tim "No Show" Kaine.
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