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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I would have expected Haley to get the nod for SoS had we been looking at President Romney or John Kasich right now.

My confidence levels of the Republic not melting into nothingness increases 400 times if we get more people like her actually filling spots.

For every Haley we'll get 3-5 Bannons or Kobachs. It's gonna be a rough ride no matter what.

It feels like they are vetting people by public reaction to leaks.

I've kind of started thinking that too.


This makes me think about Haley's tepid endorsement of Trump. She couldn't even say his name lol "I'm here aren't I?"


Maybe people are getting through to him that most of these extreme picks will probably fail.

Get Ayotte in there too doing something. As much sane Republicans as possible.
Maybe people are getting through to him that most of these extreme picks will probably fail.

Get Ayotte in there too doing something. As much sane Republicans as possible.

Which gives me hope that the check and balances system in the Senate actually might fucking matter.
Sounds like a not terrible choice and her career will be destroyed if things go terribly so double win.

I would take Ayotte as defense secretary as well.
Not much, and I was vocal about that on here. I think their focus on GOTV was a good step (even though it didn't help much this time around). The framework is there for future elections where things hopefully aren't as non-traditional. As always, I thought the outreach to minorities was good (although the outreach to the AA community in particular was subpar).

It didn't seem like you were that hardcore about it before the election just looking at the last thread, though you did have worries about commercials:

Plinko said:
Again: Why am I not seeing any Hillary commercials during NFL? Tons of Trump.

More of your criticism was towards Bayh than Hillary.

If anything, you were more hardcore about the potential of things other than the campaign fucking things up:

Plinko said:
Not surprised at all. It is clear the GOP used the FBI to try and swing an election.

I wish this was getting more play. It is a colossal story.

Plinko said:
He's not a buffoon. He knew exactly what he was doing. Look at the timing of all of it.

Plinko said:
If Trump somehow pulls this off, I hope the media realizes how much of it is their own fault.

Plinko said:
A lot of it also has to do with sexism. There are still millions of people in this country who would have problems being led by a woman.

That last quote was you agreeing with a post saying that a lot of Hillary's problems had to deal with racism.

Your most direct criticism of the campaign was this one. This was your most vocal criticism:

Plinko said:
I'm still kind of disgusted Hillary didn't actually double-down on the "deplorable" remarks.

The campaign could have cut a fantastic ad campaign equating the word "deplorable" with racism, sexism, homophobia, et al. Would have made people had to justify it in their own mind whether or not they actually are in that group, and I really think that would have had a major impact on undecided/independent voters.

That's a position that you've backed off of completely.

Plinko said:
Again, making blanket statements about an entire swath of people is ignorance on exact same level republicans have. The exact same. I've worked with/lived with/went to school with/went to church with rural whites for over 3 decades in different states. These people you linked to in that post? The minority. A very loud, brazen, idiotic minority.

So you were for making blanket statements and doubling down on them, and then after the election you suddenly changed your tune.

Like everyone else, you also did suffer from arrogance:

Plinko said:
Of course Adam was right. That was the only vote Trump will ever win in MN.

Yet now you've pretty much backed off from that completely, without offering a mea culpa based on your previous arrogance:

I wouldn't freak out about Minnesota. I think that speaks more to Hillary being a terrible candidate than the state turning.

That's just from comparing your comments pre-election to post-election.
Which gives me hope that the check and balances system in the Senate actually might fucking matter.

I really hope establishment republicans realize they actually have an interest in using the executive to elevate people. Like I have to imagine they are going to do what they can to get Trump to pick Republicans with a future to do stuff.
And here are the freshmen congressmen and women:



aka andydumi
What the fuck is even happening right now? Did Giuliani back out?

A better man would learn to deal with it, to move past it, but not Trump. He is going to wind up giving us so much money for stuff over the next four years if we play this right.

I thought Giuliani was up for AG or Supreme Court.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I'm under the impression that presidents don't usually appoint people over 70 to the SC, but Trump is Trump so who the fuck knows.


Is Nikki Haley even qualified for SOS?

None of these people are qualified for any of these jobs. Trump isn't qualified to be president!!

Having said that, if it's Haley, I'll take it. I know almost nothing about other than how she handled the Confederate flag issue following the Charleston church shooting. But good god, Giuliani or Bolton in that job would be a bomb ready to go off, quite literally.

Pretty much this.

To be honest, if he does go with Haley, the "Trump doesn't run for re-election" possibility will get a lot larger.

What does one have to do with the other?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
The worst would be Ted Cruz

He could be on the court for like 40+ years. Donald Trump would still be influencing policy in the 2060s...

One instance where Trump's unforgiving, petty nature might actually be useful. I doubt he'd want to "reward" Cruz with that kind of appointment.

I also think Cruz still has presidential aspirations, so may be reluctant to take the position.

I bet Trump appoints Barron to the SCOTUS.

He's fucking dope at cyber, apparently. He might have good net neutrality leanings.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know I wouldn't be surprised if Trump supports a person too old to be a strategic pick, if only because he wouldn't want to think about his own age and mortality given his behavior.

He would be offended at his own staff suggesting someone was too old.
The worst would be Ted Cruz

He could be on the court for like 40+ years. Donald Trump would still be influencing policy in the 2060s...

Yup. Justice Cruz scares me more than almost anything else.

Someone on Sirius XM POTUS was suggesting Trump nominate Cruz for SC because Cruz could be a potential competitor for the 2020 nomination.


Yeah, I would pick Giuliani over Cruz. I think the former is an opportunistic dipshit but Cruz is just an evil, despicable villain.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Isn't this what he said at one of his last rallies? That'll he decided policy priorities based on what gets the loudest reaction out of the crowd.

So if we all start going to trump rallies and yelling at the right things we can save the nation?


Guiliani will never get confirmed by the Senate. Cruz also. It's a non-starter. I think even GOPers would shoot down those nominations.


If Nikki Haley gets offered the job she takes it no question.

Governor, Secretary of State, she will be in a very good position to run on her own in the near future. I don't believe people will hold her to whatever nonsense Trump pulls either. Someone has to do this.

I fucking hope not. Fucking Henry McMaster as governor that fuckinh slum lord.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage

Another article on how badly Mook et al were arrogant and ignored the Midwest to their own demise.

This is insane:

“It was arrogance, arrogance that they were going to win. That this was all wrapped up,” a senior battleground state operative told The Huffington Post.

Several theories have been proffered to explain just what went wrong for the Clinton campaign in an election that virtually everyone expected the Democratic nominee to win. But lost in the discussion is a simple explanation, one that was re-emphasized to HuffPost in interviews with several high-ranking officials and state-based organizers: The Clinton campaign was harmed by its own neglect.

In Michigan alone, a senior battleground state operative told HuffPost that the state party and local officials were running at roughly one-tenth the paid canvasser capacity that Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) had when he ran for president in 2004. Desperate for more human capital, the state party and local officials ended up raising $300,000 themselves to pay 500 people to help canvass in the election’s closing weeks. By that point, however, they were operating in the dark. One organizer said that in a precinct in Flint, they were sent to a burned down trailer park. No one had taken it off the list of places to visit because no one had been there until the final weekend. Clinton lost the state by 12,000 votes.
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