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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Jesus christ. I haven't looked at the totals recently, but iirc she lost the state by around 18k votes right? You could rally that in Wayne and Washtenaw alone with a professional GOTV focus.

Yep. Easily. Pure arrogance. Mook was a disaster.

Cruz would literally be Scalia's corpse reanimated. he'd seriously try to emulate him at every turn.

I'm not sure Cruz would take the position. He thinks he's Reagan and wants to be president badly.


Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?
Cruz would literally be Scalia's corpse reanimated. he'd seriously try to emulate him at every turn.

I'm pretty sure that Cruz hates unions more than Scalia though.

Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?

Paul Ryan Clockwork Oranged himself by reading The Fountainhead too many times instead of getting laid.
Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?
Medicare and SS are the biggest drivers of spending and are the main cause of our federal debt. Nothing wrong with it because our GDP can easily sustain the debt and more. But in Ryan's BioShock worldview, this is government handout. Man is entitled to only the sweat of his brow.
Feel the Bern


Solid message.

Good job Sanders


None of these people are qualified for any of these jobs. Trump isn't qualified to be president!!

Having said that, if it's Haley, I'll take it. I know almost nothing about other than how she handled the Confederate flag issue following the Charleston church shooting. But good god, Giuliani or Bolton in that job would be a bomb ready to go off, quite literally.

Giulani as SoS is still better than Bolton. Giulani is a racist idiot but Bolton is actually dangerous.


Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?

Fuck you, got mine. Policians get lots of perks because they serve the people. Why should those people get perks? Filthy moochers.
Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?

Yes, they did with Social Security. It cost them dearly and if Democrats are organized it can again. This is not a popular idea and Trump didn't campaign on it at all.


Yep. Easily. Pure arrogance. Mook was a disaster.

I wouldn't call it arrogance. I completely believe the guy who created that OT about the Clinton campaign never being confident, because that's the vibe I got from day one.

It's the same story with the campaign's millennial outreach. The vibe from the campaign regarding Hillary's negatives and trouble demographics seemed to be, "Hillary's negative perception is too baked in with this group, so let's find other areas to maximize because we can't do anything this." But you know what, even if that's true you still got to try.

So many young Democratic voters stayed with 3rd party candidates because the campaign decided early that it would be a waste of time appealing to them, because her perception was baked in.

Hillary campaigned very little in rural areas because they thought her negatives were too baked in with that group.

But that's not arrogance. In fact, it's the very opposite: it's defeatism.


Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't call it arrogance. I completely believe the guy who created that OT about the Clinton campaign never being confident, because that's the vibe I got from day one.

It's the same story with the campaign's millennial outreach. The vibe from the campaign regarding Hillary's negatives and trouble demographics seemed to be, "Hillary's negative perception is baked in with this group, so let's find other areas to maximize because we can't do anything this." But you know what, even if that's true you still got to try.

So many young Democratic voters stayed with 3rd party candidates because the campaign decided early that it would be a waste of time, because her perception was baked in.

Hillary campaigned very little in rural areas because they thought her negatives were too baked in with that group.

But that's not arrogance. In fact, it's the very opposite: it's defeatism.

I think the "arrogance" thing is more an attempt to describe how they had faith in the numbers (and the numbers were wrong). They thought they were going to walk away with it in those states and took them all for granted, literally.
I don't know if that's technically arrogance, but they certainly weren't prepared for it.

Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?
Because he is a true believer.


Medicare and SS are the biggest drivers of spending and are the main cause of our federal debt. Nothing wrong with it because our GDP can easily sustain the debt and more. But in Ryan's BioShock worldview, this is government handout. Man is entitled to only the sweat of his brow.
Yeah, they only frame it as "hard choice we must make to save blah blah blah" because they know how unpopular of a position that it.
And I really wish with the media would straight up ask him if he supports a single payer healthcare system for the elderly instead of letting him frame that as a painful thing he reluctantly must do.


Why is Paul Ryan so obsessed with killing Medicare and Social Security?

And, didn't the GOP try this 10 years ago and got their asses handed to them in '06 partly because of it?

Ryan's taxplan gives out massive tax cuts to the rich and large corporations which would leave our revenue massively reduced. He knows which donors butter his bread, but he's also a self-proclaimed deficit hawk so he has to make up that difference with austerity cuts.

Medicare, Social Security, and Military soending represent approximately 75% of the federal budget. I'll give you one guess which one he won't cut.

If he structures his cuts in the right way, then he can keep his voting base (65+) while cutting benefits for those that will disproportionately vote Democratic (Millennials/GenZ).


I am being slayed by all of these Obama/Biden memes.

Cripple medicare/social security now, make young people keep paying for it, and then not have it anymore when we get to the point of being eligible.


I wouldn't call it arrogance. I completely believe the guy who created that OT about the Clinton campaign never being confident, because that's the vibe I got from day one.

It's the same story with the campaign's millennial outreach. The vibe from the campaign regarding Hillary's negatives and trouble demographics seemed to be, "Hillary's negative perception is too baked in with this group, so let's find other areas to maximize because we can't do anything this." But you know what, even if that's true you still got to try.

So many young Democratic voters stayed with 3rd party candidates because the campaign decided early that it would be a waste of time appealing to them, because her perception was baked in.

Hillary campaigned very little in rural areas because they thought her negatives were too baked in with that group.

But that's not arrogance. In fact, it's the very opposite: it's defeatism.

Ryan's taxplan gives out massive tax cuts to the rich and large corporations which would leave our revenue massively reduced. He knows which donors butter his bread, but he's also a self-proclaimed deficit hawk so he has to make up that difference with austerity cuts.

Medicare, Social Security, and Military soending represent approximately 75% of the federal budget. I'll give you one guess which one he won't cut.

If he structures his cuts in the right way, then he can keep his voting base (65+) while cutting benefits for those that will disproportionately vote Democratic (Millennials/GenZ).

AARP sees that as the future base. They won't stand for that, at all.
Paul Ryan falsely said that Obamacare is making Medicare go broke and the WaPo gave him 4 pinnochios for it.

they asked his spokeswoman for specific examples of how Obamacare is making Medicare 'go broke' and she said:
AshLee Strong, Ryan’s spokeswoman, responded with a general statement: “By creating a new entitlement, raiding Medicare, and expanding Medicaid, Obamacare is putting even more fiscal pressure on our current health care programs and threatening seniors’ access to care. It is obvious to anyone, either the program goes broke or the government starts rationing care. Neither is acceptable.”
2018 be damned, Tammy Baldwin comes out swinging. Fuck yeah.


Trump, rescind Bannon’s appointment immediately.

President-elect Trump said he would be a president for “all Americans.”

Then, as one of his first actions, he completely disobeyed this pledge by appointing Steven Bannon to the role of chief strategist and senior counsel.

Bannon previously was head of Breitbart News. Under Bannon, Breitbart published shockingly insulting articles, perpetuating racism, misogyny, white nationalism, anti-Semitism, and homophobia.

While Bannon was there, Breitbart ran headlines like: “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy,” and “Hoist It High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims a Glorious Heritage.”

The role Bannon was just given in the White House is enormously influential. And Bannon’s reputation as an intolerant ideologue proceeds him.

We need to let President-elect Trump know if he wants to be a President for all Americans, he needs to rescind his appointment immediately. We are watching. Sign>>


The FCC Just Caved in to Republican Demands That It Halt Work on Major Issues

The Federal Communications Commission has deleted every important item from Thursday’s monthly meeting after Republicans in Congress warned the agency not to move forward on any major issues before Donald Trump’s inauguration as president.

Over the last 24 hours, influential Republicans in both the Senate and the House sent letters to FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler essentially telling him to cease work on the remaining big-ticket items on his agenda.

“I strongly urge the FCC to avoid directing its attention and resources in the coming months to complex, partisan, or otherwise controversial items that the new Congress and new Administration will have an interest in reviewing,” wrote Sen. John Thune, the South Dakota Republican who chairs the Senate Commerce Committee.

As a practical matter, the remaining major items on Wheeler’s agenda, including a plan to break the cable industry’s stranglehold on the video “set-top box” market, are now dead. Wheeler’s plan, which would have saved consumers billions of dollars annually, was vehemently opposed by Big Cable and Hollywood.

Trump, who has lashed out on Twitter against net neutrality, the principle that all internet content should be equally accessible to consumers, is expected to work with the Republican-controlled Congress to install FCC officials who will seek to dismantle current US rules safeguarding net neutrality. The FCC’s recently approved policy bolstering online privacy for consumers is also at risk.



It really was selfish for Hillary to run in the first place. She knew she had just spent 2 years giving paid speeches to financial firms. Her email situation was discovered 3 months before she announced and she knew how bad it was even if no one else did yet.

She could never land a clean hit on Trump without emails, speeches, and foundation being thrown in her face.
I still can't believe Trump won by outflanking the Democrats from the left on trade.

Like, fuck. Who saw that coming from the Republican nominee a few years ago.
I mean, Hillary should've been allowed to run. Whatever. It's a free country, apparently anyone (anyone) can run for president. What Hillary should not have been able to do was clear the field in the primary.

If she wanted to be the nominee, she should've had to work for it.
I still can't believe Trump won by outflanking the Democrats from the left on trade.

Like, fuck. Who saw that coming from the Republican nominee a few years ago.

It was a lot of factors if the campaign did better moves. The trade issue wouldn't be a huge deal breaker to another dem candidate or Hillary.
I mean, Hillary should've been allowed to run. Whatever. It's a free country, apparently anyone (anyone) can run for president. What Hillary should not have been able to do was clear the field in the primary.

If she wanted to be the nominee, she should've had to work for it.

But she deserved the nomination
The presidency of Donald Trump is good news for the NFL, according to a team executive with whom B/R spoke. Why? The theory is interesting, and a little bit out there.

Here goes: "Under President [Barack] Obama, the country was intellectual and looked at facts. I think that's why our ratings fell. People read a lot about our scandals or CTE and didn't like what they saw. Under Trump, the country will care less about truth or facts. It'll be [more raw] and brutal. Football will be more of an outlet. We'll go back to liking our violent sports."


This is the abyss staring back.


I mean, Hillary should've been allowed to run. Whatever. It's a free country, apparently anyone (anyone) can run for president. What Hillary should not have been able to do was clear the field in the primary.

If she wanted to be the nominee, she should've had to work for it.

What are you even talking about?

The primary between Hillary and Bernie was really the most contentious in modern politics. He never had a chance, But Bernie effectively kept her from pivoting until June.

As for the other candidates, don't forget there were three others. Hillary didn't make them drop out early, they saw the writing on the wall running against a behemoth. That's not Hillary's fault.

It was more abnormal for the Republish primary to have 17+ candidates than it was for the Democrats to have 5.


What are you even talking about?

The primary between Hillary and Bernie was really the most contentious in modern politics. He never had a chance, But Bernie effectively kept her from pivoting until June.

As for three other candidates, dying forget there were three others. Hillary didn't make them drop out early, they saw the writing on the wall running against a behemoth. That's not Hillary's fault.

It was more abnormal for the Republish primary to have 17+ candidates than it was for the Democrats to have 5.

When you say modern history, do you mean the last 4 years? Because the 2008 primary between Obama and Clinton was, by a thousand degrees, more rancourous than this one. Go back and look at those threads (And marvel at how many of us changed out opinions!). That's one of the reasons people got grumpy at Bernie for holding out so long on an endorsement - the 2008 primary was far worse, and yet Clinton got behind Obama within days of losing.
I mean, Hillary should've been allowed to run. Whatever. It's a free country, apparently anyone (anyone) can run for president. What Hillary should not have been able to do was clear the field in the primary.

If she wanted to be the nominee, she should've had to work for it.

Yes. Clearing the field for the "next in line" is a terrible mistake and should never be repeated. Losing so many votes to a message candidate in the primaries exposed some major weaknesses of hers but it didn't matter because she basically had the nomination by default. If she had been forced to compete against, say, Biden things may have turned out differently.


What are you even talking about?

The primary between Hillary and Bernie was really the most contentious in modern politics. He never had a chance, But Bernie effectively kept her from pivoting until June.

As for the other candidates, don't forget there were three others. Hillary didn't make them drop out early, they saw the writing on the wall running against a behemoth. That's not Hillary's fault.

It was more abnormal for the Republish primary to have 17+ candidates than it was for the Democrats to have 5.

2008 Hillary actually beat Obama in the popular vote in the primaries, he won on delegates.
2008 Hillary actually beat Obama in the popular vote in the primaries, he won on delegates.

Well, the popular vote in primaries is kind of a nebulous concept given the existence of caucuses and such, not to mention the unusual situation with Michigan (and to a lesser extent Florida) that year.


When you say modern history, do you mean the last 4 years? Because the 2008 primary between Obama and Clinton was, by a thousand degrees, more rancourous than this one. Go back and look at those threads (And marvel at how many of us changed out opinions!). That's one of the reasons people got grumpy at Bernie for holding out so long on an endorsement - the 2008 primary was far worse, and yet Clinton got behind Obama within days of losing.

Oh no, for the most part I agree.

When I say "most contentious" I'm mostly thinking of the type of campaign Bernie ran against Hillary -- staying in for almost two months AFTER Hillary effectively delivered the knockout blow to his campaign, flinging right-wing conspiracy theorist trash at her the entire time.


Steve Bannon Suggests There Are Too Many Asian CEOs In Silicon Valley

“When two-thirds or three-quarters of the CEOs in Silicon Valley are from South Asia or from Asia, I think...” Bannon said. “A country is more than an economy. We’re a civic society.”

Bannon’s “facts” were, in fact, well off. A May 2015 study found that 27 percent of professionals working in Silicon Valley companies were Asian or Asian-American. They represented less than 19 percent of managers and under 14 percent of executives, according to the report.

During the exchange on Asian migrants, Trump told Bannon that he wanted people to come into the country.

“You got to remember, we’re Breitbart,” Bannon replied. “We’re the know-nothing vulgarians. So we’ve always got to be to the right of you on this.”

The future Republican president then moved on to tell Bannon of his plans to build a “great” wall as his central immigration policy.

Nobody is safe from this motherfucker.


Well, the popular vote in primaries is kind of a nebulous concept given the existence of caucuses and such, not to mention the unusual situation with Michigan (and to a lesser extent Florida) that year.

The math was done though. Hillary's lead would have been even larger without caucuses.

Caucuses kept Bernie the race.


I mean, Hillary should've been allowed to run. Whatever. It's a free country, apparently anyone (anyone) can run for president. What Hillary should not have been able to do was clear the field in the primary.

If she wanted to be the nominee, she should've had to work for it.
We've just got make sure no one can obliterate everyone else in the invisible primary again, I have no idea how we do it but it must be done.
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