We were assured they had a massive ground game. What the fuck happened?
In hindsight, the ground game they talked up was in Florida, NC and the Philly area. And it worked in FL, but Trump managed to get rural whites to surge to the polls too.
It really was selfish for Hillary to run in the first place. She knew she had just spent 2 years giving paid speeches to financial firms. Her email situation was discovered 3 months before she announced and she knew how bad it was even if no one else did yet.
She could never land a clean hit on Trump without emails, speeches, and foundation being thrown in her face.
Hillary didn't think her email situation was bad -- she went the private server route in the first place because she didn't think it was a big deal. You can say both the server, and dismissing its importance to the campaign early on, were judgment errors. But it's not as if she thought, "Here's something that will really sink my campaign...but let's just forget about it!" She genuinely didn't think it was an issue.
I hope his big supporter trolls are pleased.
What IS the alt-right's position on net neutrality? I can't imagine guys who live on the internet would want this.
We've just got make sure no one can obliterate everyone else in the invisible primary again, I have no idea how we do it but it must be done.
Invisible primaries aren't end-all, be-all. Bernie still managed to shore up a pretty impressive amount of support, all things considered. And Jeb won the GOP's invisible primary last year, which amounted to absolutely nothing.