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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Man. If McCrory ends up stealing the election (and like, legitimately stealing, not just bending the rules or trying to stop people from going to the polls), nothing matters. Nothing fucking matters.
lol, Marc Elias (the Dem lawyer who is winning all the voting rights cases across the country and is handling Cooper's case for NC gov) is great:


Remember when I told you the total was really 5785 and you didn't believe me? NCSBE website now says 6546.

BTW: real margin is now 7902.

Thank you for the update, but I'll stick with/trust official updates from the NCSBE as they are updated on the ER website. #ncpol #ncgov https://twitter.com/marceelias/status/799303953204723712
Man. If McCrory ends up stealing the election (and like, legitimately stealing, not just bending the rules or trying to stop people from going to the polls), nothing matters. Nothing fucking matters.

Doing something like that has to ensure the state shifts blue faster than it already was, right?

It HAS to.
The electoral college will distort just how close this election was

And I think I may have to quit following politics if McCrory winds up winning.


North Carolina's Republican Governor is trying to steal the election. Suppressing African Americans wasn't enough for these guys.




Very thread worthy.


For comparison's sake, Obama beat Romney by 4.98 million votes.

And McCain by almost 10mil. But that was before America lost it's shit.


Going back through the election, other than Gore vs Bush, the last time a person won without the popular vote was back in the late 1800s.

Outside of judicial fuckery (I'm looking at you Florida and SCOTUS), the electoral college works... Except when you have white nationalists running.


It's kinda crazy how their has only ever been one example of a political party in Canada on the federal side winning an election without winning the popular vote in the last 40 years or so while there have been two examples of this in the US in the last 16 years.

Hilary may win CA by around 4 million votes if there are not enough trump favourable areas in the state for votes to come in from at this point.
what higher law is being violated though

Every law is accountable to the US Constitution and therefore to the Supreme Court, and therefore to all the courts in between the state and the SC.

The part of the law that says it is not accountable to higher courts is therefore invalid.


I really hate when Maddow gets into the weeds with random shit like this extended SNL thing right now. You can get to the point quicker than this.


Maybe the way to fight Trump is to get dems behind the scenes to worm-tongue him and tell him how pretty his hair looks.

This occurred to me too -- I think it's why Sanders has said in recent appearances that Trump is an intelligent guy. You really can't afford to insult this thin-skinned, egotistical idiot or he will reflexively oppose whatever you stand for.
I really hate when Maddow gets into the weeds with random shit like this extended SNL thing right now. You can get to the point quicker than this.

But you know who else is connected with [1]? That's right, Mr. X. You see 25 years ago Mr. X was involved in creating [3], and Mr. X routinely worked with Mrs. Y on [3]. Mrs. Y, as you know, is most well-known for her work with [2] back in the 90s. And as part of [2], Mrs. Y often met with, you guessed it, Mr. Z, who just so happens to be wrapped up in....that's right, [1]. And by following that chain of history we can clearly see that 1+2=3.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
The Cooper thing is somewhat concerning. What are the actual odds this happens? Not like liberal freaking out.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The Cooper thing is somewhat concerning. What are the actual odds this happens? Not like liberal freaking out.

They are apparently going that way, i'd love for a lawyer to weigh in on what will likely happen.

My law experience amounts to a few college courses, lol.
The Cooper thing is somewhat concerning. What are the actual odds this happens? Not like liberal freaking out.
If it goes to a recount, it's a losing proposition for Mcrony. Losers rarely ever win recounts. There's no way they can snuff 5000 votes. And Cooper's team will also throw away his opponent's votes. As far as a new election is concerned, I highly doubt they are going to throw away the results of this election run by freaking Republicans over a few thousand votes thereby invalidating the voice of millions of voters and campaigns that ran for months.


The Cooper thing is somewhat concerning. What are the actual odds this happens? Not like liberal freaking out.

Are you talking about him losing?

If you are I put it at zero. McCroy is just going to keep doing what he is doing now until he finally stops.


If it goes to a recount, it's a losing proposition for Mcrony. Losers rarely ever win recounts. There's no way they can snuff 5000 votes. And Cooper's team will also throw away his opponent's votes. As far as a new election is concerned, I highly doubt they are going to throw away the results of this election run by freaking Republicans over a few thousand votes thereby invalidating the voice of millions of voters and campaigns that ran for months.

Yeah... But... Men in women's bathrooms, yo.
In Politico's article about Trump's meeting with the media, there was this little nugget.


Attendees asked questions such as what Trump plans to accomplish in the first 100 days, what he’s learned from his intelligence briefings and what he looks for while interviewing his Cabinet picks. Trump said he believes it is time to have someone from the military as secretary of defense and mentioned that former presidential candidate Mitt Romney “really wants” the secretary of state position.

At first glance, this would be news that Romney actually wants the job. However knowing Trump, he's probably planting the story in the media that Romney "really wants" the job, so he can be seen as "rejecting" Romney when he gives the Sect. of State position to someone else and rub it in his face. Personally though I think Romney is probably on the fence about the job. It's obviously a very high profile position but it would also put him front and center in a Trump admin. The jury is out whether he would have the strongest influence on foreign policy or whether Trump would lean more on his crazy inner circle, essentially making Romney the front man for their suspect foreign policies.


Very thread worthy.

That is very very worrisome. McCrory is basically fighting until such time as his Republican state legislature can just appoint him as the governor. That is sickening. People should be in the streets over this shit if it happens.


I agree with what Obama is doing. Keep it cool, be blameless. Once you're out and shit starts hitting the fan, you can attack him, and it will come from someone who helped him out earlier by being professional. He's handling this the right way. If he didn't do this, any criticism he would throw later would have a very diminished effect. What can damage Trump is "associates" who then turn on him later.

In Politico's article about Trump's meeting with the media, there was this little nugget.


At first glance, this would be news that Romney actually wants the job. However knowing Trump, he's probably planting the story in the media that Romney "really wants" the job, so he can be seen as "rejecting" Romney when he gives the Sect. of State position to someone else and rub it in his face. Personally though I think Romney is probably on the fence about the job. It's obviously a very high profile position but it would also put him front and center in a Trump admin. The jury is out whether he would have the strongest influence on foreign policy or whether Trump would lean more on his crazy inner circle, essentially making Romney the front man for their suspect foreign policies.

Yep, it's exactly as I described earlier today. That's what I think he's doing.
Is Tulsi Gabbard actually stupid or opportunistic enough to take a role in the Trump administration. Setting aside she was stupid and opportunistic enough to go to this meeting.


Is Tulsi Gabbard actually stupid or opportunistic enough to take a role in the Trump administration. Setting aside she was stupid and opportunistic enough to go to this meeting.

She's not stupid but definitely opportunistic. That's why she hangs out with republican lobbyists.
Progressive champion Tusli Gabbard


Her full write up on the meeting.
As you have no doubt heard by now, I met with President-elect Donald Trump earlier today.
He asked me to meet with him to discuss our current policies regarding Syria, our fight against terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS, as well as other foreign policy challenges we face.

It would have been easier for me to refuse this meeting. The establishment and social media has been talking about this all day. But I never have and never will play politics with American and Syrian lives.
In fact, like President Obama, I strongly believe that now is the time for us to put our country first, and come together, regardless of political party, and tackle the many challenges we face.

This was an opportunity to advocate for peace — and I felt it was important to take the opportunity to meet with the President-elect to counteract neocons’ steady drumbeats of war, which threaten to drag us into an escalation of the war to overthrow the Syrian government.

This war has already cost hundreds of thousands of lives and forced millions of refugees to flee their homes in search of safety for themselves and their families. It has also strengthened al-Qaeda and other violent, extremist groups in the region. It would have been irresponsible not to accept this invitation. I feel it is my duty to take every single opportunity I get to advocate for peace, no matter the circumstances of those meetings.

I shared with him my grave concerns that escalating the war in Syria by implementing a so-called no fly/safe zone would be disastrous for the Syrian people, our country, and the world. It would lead to more death and suffering, exacerbate the refugee crisis, strengthen ISIS and al-Qaeda and bring us into a direct conflict with Russia–potentially resulting in a nuclear war. We discussed my bill to end our country’s illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government and the need to focus our precious resources on rebuilding our own country, and on defeating al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups who pose a threat to the American people.

In addition, where I disagree with President-elect Trump on issues, I will not hesitate to express that disagreement. You didn’t send me to Washington to make friends with the political elite. You sent me to represent you, and I am committed to doing just that..
In short: I will never allow partisanship to undermine our national security when the lives of countless people lay in the balance.

If that earns me enemies in Washington or at the State Department, then so be it.

I hope you’ll continue to stand with me and stay engaged. The cause of peace is too great for us to allow political disagreements or partisanship to stand in our way.

Tulsi Gabbard


I agree with what Obama is doing. Keep it cool, be blameless. Once you're out and shit starts hitting the fan, you can attack him, and it will come from someone who helped him out earlier by being professional. He's handling this the right way. If he didn't do this, any criticism he would throw later would have a very diminished effect. What can damage Trump is "associates" who then turn on him later.

Obama does have a tricky position. He can't make this look like a resistance to the transfer of power, but once he's a private citizen he can raise hell.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The things she advocates for are well, not bad. But because it's with trump fuck her.

Oh, it's not that simple. In particular:

So you want to enable Russia's murderous conquering. Fuck you Tulsi.

Russia has not gotten nearly enough coverage of their total disregard of civilians and infrastructure such as hospitals.
There is a good argument that their actions were intentional, making it far worse.


For those who don't know, she has been saying this back in 2015. She says the US keeps fighting secular governments instead of Islamists-supporting ones. She is pretty much aligned with Trump and has been for a while.

CNN interview in 2015
Oh, it's not that simple. In particular:

Russia has not gotten nearly enough coverage of their total disregard of civilians and infrastructure such as hospitals.
There is a good argument that their actions were intentional, making it far worse.

Tbf I'm a bit of an isolationist myself, in that Syria is just simply a power struggle between Russia and American interests. If either the US or Russia could make Syria into their puppet government today, they would. And hey, look at what happened in Afghanistan with the Mujahideen. Government-backed forces fought against soviet-backed forces and it was all just a disaster.

Like yeah it sucks that the citizens are caught inbetween russia, the us, and the dictator.
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