Ah. Good to see everything is back to normal in here now. Everyone is back in their camps.
I wouldn't even go that far. I don't think he wants to strictly focus on the white vote, he wants to focus on economic issues, which he (rightly) believes affects all races, and improving socioeconomic conditions will improve everyone's lives. It just so happens that these economic issues are pretty much the sole issues most white liberals face, whereas minority groups (including women) have other social issues important to them in addition to economic issues. Bernie even recognizes these issues, he just doesn't see them as the same priority, and assumes that fixing the economy is the main thing to push at the somewhat expense of other social issues since the economy affects all groups, whereas social issues only focus on fractions of that larger group.
The problem is that this shouldn't be the thought process leading the party, but it should be a thought process that has significant sway within the party. Thinking about it, Sanders probably would've been a good VP choice. Hillary would guide the Democrat coalition by focusing on issues of intersectionality and make sure minority voices are represented, but Bernie would be the economic populist voice making sure his voters weren't forgotten.
Sanders is far from perfect, but he is one of the very very few loud Democratic voices (yes, he is a Democrat at this point and will *officially* register as one once he runs for re-election) right now in this incredibly grim period. Even if you are firmly on the more moderate wing of the party, I don't see how you can't at least appreciate that a little bit.
It institutes legislation in which hips are prohibited from any form of deception.
Has Hildawg been spotted in public recently or has she taken the Romney post election route and went into hiding?
Ah. Good to see everything is back to normal in here now. Everyone is back in their camps.
Um, what? It's not a conspiracy against minorities. Who suggested such? It's an absurd belief that colorblindness is the path forward. It's quintessentially naive progressivism.
We know exactly what all of this means. It means focusing on the 'default' American, the white American. It means pretending income inequality is the sole factor keeping people down. Attack that, and at least under a progressive agenda that isn't actively seeking to hurt minorities, maybe their socioeconomic positions will rise along with the white tide. But the focus is clear.
Dems need a young celebrity to be the face of the party because that's apparently all the country wants in their politicians anymore. How about America Ferrera? Her name is literally America.
This. Accusing Bernie of throwing minorities under the bus because he wants to focus on economic conditions like he always has, is absurd. I wouldn't disagree with anyone who thinks his approach is flawed: he's not well in tune with what minorities face.I wouldn't even go that far. I don't think he wants to strictly focus on the white vote, he wants to focus on economic issues, which he (rightly) believes affects all races, and improving socioeconomic conditions will improve everyone's lives. It just so happens that these economic issues are pretty much the sole issues most white liberals face, whereas minority groups (including women) have other social issues important to them in addition to economic issues. Bernie even recognizes these issues, he just doesn't see them as the same priority, and assumes that fixing the economy is the main thing to push at the somewhat expense of other social issues since the economy affects all groups, whereas social issues only focus on fractions of that larger group.
Sanders is touring the country encouraging people to get involved in the party, which the party assigned him a leadership role to do. The comments he made about being willing to work with Trump on certain issues are no different from comments other Senate Dems like Schumer, Warren, Franken, Klobuchar, etc made. It seems to be the general strategy of Senate Dems. Hasn't stopped him (or them) from being highly critical of Trump.No, fuck that. Not after this shit. Bernie Sanders is a cancer on the party.
Rather than build the party back up, he's shown more interest in tearing the party apart since the election. When Sanders has shown more willingness to work with DONALD FUCKING TRUMP than the heads of the Democratic Party, you know we've got a problem.
I suppose Sanders has been studying the tactics of the alt-right and thought, "heh, why not?"
My camp is to have the democratic party represent everyone, not to try and win over white folks with bullshit rhetoric with a left tilt. I don't like where we are going. But I'm willing to see how it unfolds.
Sanders is touring the country encouraging people to get involved in the party, which the party assigned him a leadership role to do. The comments he made about being willing to work with Trump on certain issues are no different from comments other Senate Dems like Schumer, Warren, Franken, Klobuchar, etc made. It seems to be the general strategy of Senate Dems. Hasn't stopped him (or them) from being highly critical of Trump.
I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
Well that's what happens when old curmudgeons make dumb statements.Ah. Good to see everything is back to normal in here now. Everyone is back in their camps.
There's always other options to vote for. I doubt you'll ever find what you're looking for from a major party.I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
Well that's what happens when old curmudgeons make dumb statements.
It goes without saying that as we fight to end all forms of discrimination, as we fight to bring more and more women into the political process, Latinos, African Americans, Native Americans. All of that is enormously important, and count me in as somebody who wants to see that happen,
I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
You know I'm referring to the swipe at look at me, I'm a woman. But sure we can pretend that this is what has caused animus.So very very stupid!
Clearly both you and Bernie Sanders need to think about why some very liberal voices were defeated by higher margins than Hillary this year.I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
Are those things Hillary didn't support? Did she not manage to be for such issues while also discussing the concerns of minority groups?We don't even really know where it's going we don't even have a new DNC chair yet.
Let's take the WWC out of it... what's wrong with putting more regulations on to banks?
What's wrong with a living wage? Cheaper education? Better healthcare?
Also people don't seem to really read what he says and instantly think he is just going to let minorities suffer or not be a part of the platform.
Bernie has some faults. I agree but he isn't the monster or cancer people like to post on here... It is ridiculous.
You know I'm referring to the swipe at look at me, I'm a woman. But sure we can pretend that this is what has caused animus.
Alongside presumably the notion that fighting for minority and women's rights is not "standing for something."
Are those things Hillary didn't support? Did she not manage to be for such issues while also discussing the concerns of minority groups?
No one says Bernie wants to make minorities suffer and jettison them from the party. I do think Bernie's actions and rhetoric have made it clear that he believes their concerns should be entirely secondary to tackling economic issues that don't make white people uncomfortable. Forgetting the ethics of that, from a strategic perspective that seems very boneheaded. It's throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
I mean we can all play lipservice to caring about diversity too. In the same way people question Clinton's commitment to white poor people. Identity politics is becoming or has become for all intents a slur for minority concerns.Im referring to the rest of the context in which he said that.
I would say it's off the cuff and ruffles feathers... that is obvious but he also reiterates that he is for more diversity in the party for to continue with identity politics.
I mean we can all play lipservice to caring about diversity too. In the same way people question Clinton's commitment to white poor people. Identity politics is becoming or has become for all intents a slur for minority concerns.
Every time I click into this thread it's the same thing. We've got to get out of this insufferable Bernie vs. Hillary loop somehow. I thought Trump winning would put an end to it, but now it seems like it's doomed to continue until Bernie drops dead.
Has it? That was quick... because I use it in support of minority concerns. I get that Bernie isn't the best when it comes to those concerns but people are saying he is cancer and I think it's hyperbolic and then you respond... well that's what happens when an old white dude talks.
Hidden Cancer, get it right 😉
Also, I clarified and walked that back a bit since I posted it.
Every time I click into this thread it's the same thing. We've got to get out of this insufferable Bernie vs. Hillary loop somehow. I thought Trump winning would put an end to it, but now it seems like it's doomed to continue until Bernie drops dead.
That level of hyperbole is dumb. But my response was to you saying people were back to division. And my response was that's what happens when a grump with no tact says something divisive.Has it? That was quick... because I use it in support of minority concerns. I get that Bernie isn't the best when it comes to those concerns but people are saying he is cancer and I think it's hyperbolic and then you respond... well that's what happens when an old white dude talks.
And I don't think that Hilary wasn't committed to white poor people. Poor whites are idiots for not listening.
That level of hyperbole is dumb. But my response was to you saying people were back to division. And my response was that's what happens when a grump with no tact says something divisive.
And yes, if you haven't noticed. We have reached the point where "identity politics" is a bad word. And something that needs to go.
Yeah... It's getting a bit "echo chamber-y"?
As cartoon_soldier says, it's not like the Dems were stomped on. It's been noted by many in my Twitter feed that 150k votes the other way, and all the talk would be about how the GOP needs to do more Hispanic outreach (something that is still true, btw, and is only going to get worse with the racial hatred being spewed by Trumpers).
Bernie v Hillary is pointless, because at heart they both have a perception problem - Bernie doesn't seem to care about social issues, Hillary didn't seem to care about financial issues and WWC. Neither can help us now, and the thing to do soon is to stop the Bernie-crats shifting the entire Dem platform left and campaigning on one issue - if this election should've taught Dems anything, it's that you need a more targeted approach to the nation's concerns. 150k people with a more targeted message, and we'd be heading into a brave new world of hope. Now we're just heading into Brave New World.
You guys all need to chill. Both wings have valid points. The democrats don't do enough to the WWC: true. The democrats can't afford to abandon fighting for minority rights: true. Maybe there's a way our strategy moving forward can address both.
If you can't accept that far-left policies lost even in states that Clinton carried I can't help you. But this is about saving the goddam Republic. Stop arguing and run and support candidates that will win in their individual jurisdictions and fall in line in 2020. It's gotta happen and it's not going to if this asinine fracturing continues. We can have it both ways ffs.
Guess who's running for president in 4 - 8 years?
Can you explain how the full comment is less divisive? He repeatedly alludes to the coded form of identity politics, as in, voters (and candidates in a certain way) relied solely on identity and were blind to policy. He ends it effectively saying that the only good elected Democrat is one that stands firmly with him on dismantling the oligarchy. That's a surefire path to remaining a minority party.Fair enough. But I think that even despite that going back to our camps when there really isn't camps anymore after the election is silly. Also I mean it's really easy for them to say it was divisive when they didn't read the whole thing and the fact that the media outlets stuck with that remark. People probably looked at the headline and just used it to confirm their bias.
Because it feels a lot like that political cartoon where the Republican suggests compromise to Obama, Obama steps forward, and the Republican steps back and smirks. Bernie's not asking to integrate some of his ideas, he wants his whole approach to be adopted. The approach that, again, lost him the primary by a significant margin, and led to some very progressive candidates underperforming compared to Hillary in November.People were throwing compromise around here a lot during the primaries and campaign... but now that Bernie is currently the leading voice of the Dems... a handful of people just can't seem to do it to the other side and compromise and agree on some things Bernie has said. They don't need to adopt all his polices or rhetoric... but I figured they could at least agree with him on something.
Has it? That was quick... because I use it in support of minority concerns. I get that Bernie isn't the best when it comes to those concerns but people are saying he is cancer and I think it's hyperbolic and then you respond... well that's what happens when an old white dude talks.
And I don't think that Hilary wasn't committed to white poor people. Poor whites are idiots for not listening.
I voted for Clinton. I'm not voting for someone that far right ever again. If the Democrats want to lose me voting for their candidates...keep pushing up the status quo corporate Democrats who choose big business over the worker....I ain't having that shit no more. I'm just once voice...one voice who actually fucking votes in every single election...but my patience with the Democrats is wearing thin.
It's funny how people advocate the 50 state strategy while at the same time running True Progressives(TM) in every single district and state.Are there any Bernie supporters who would actually advocate for a one size fits all policy platform for all Senate and House seats? Otherwise I don't see the relevance of Bernie's WWC advocacy now and the next year because those seats have been often campaigned based on local politics.
If so why don't we just put him on ignore for a while? Things will change drastically by the time it's time for the next presidential campaign.
Guess who's running for president in 4 - 8 years?
Does she foresee a bad 2017-18 in South Carolina to flee from? UN Ambassador feels like it'd have negligible benefit to a presidential run. Like it's straight up stalling for time.Smart move for her. Gets her FP experience whilst UN Ambassador doesn't get the same admin stink SoS gets.
Does she foresee a bad 2017-18 in South Carolina to flee from? UN Ambassador feels like it'd have negligible benefit to a presidential run. Like it's straight up stalling for time.
Does she foresee a bad 2017-18 in South Carolina to flee from? UN Ambassador feels like it'd have negligible benefit to a presidential run. Like it's straight up stalling for time.
Guess who's running for president in 4 - 8 years?