don't worry peeps CNN is here is to help you with your grief
CNN can go fuck itself forever.
don't worry peeps CNN is here is to help you with your grief
Look at actuarial tables and doing some quick math estimates, I make it about a 70% chance none of the liberal judges die in the next 4 years. That drops to 40% if you extend to 8 years. So yeah, you need a bit of luck, but let's keep our hopes up: all of the liberal judges are in reasonable shape.
I think this does stress how momentous the 2020 election is, though. If the Democrats can retake the presidency and at least some of the state legislatures, then they can recapture the supreme court AND control the redistricting process for the House. If Trump wins in 2020, then the Supreme Court is likely going to be conservative for decades after and the House irreparably gerrymandered.
Ginsberg is a 2x cancer survivor. Im not sure what the textbook definition of good health is... But it's probably not that.
I like this man
But those are some good tips!CNN can go fuck itself forever.
Just a reminder that Newt Gingrich back in June called for a new House Un-American Activities Committee to hunt "Islamic supremacists" in the US.
Both Schumer and Warren support Ellison for DNC chair
I like this man
Ugh I hate that I have to ask this, but what do the Bernie people think of Reid? The Democrats will have to give concessions to them given the responses I've seen from them to Dean becoming Chair. Reid needs to be involved in the DNC, but if Bernie supporters hate him that's going to be a disaster.
I've always believed this. I think he tried to do everything he possibly could to help America. And he might have failed with things like No Child Left Behind. But they were an attempt. He knew what was wrong and had a plan that seemed right and stuck to it.Dubya was never a horrible man on the balance. If anything, after he was out of office I thought there was every indication he was a far more balanced and decent person that most of the lunatics the GOP has twisted itself towards hosting.
It's just that Dubya was the front man for Cheney and the rest of the operation, which was pretty much a preview of the evil we're seeing come together now. I actually feel sorry for the man. He would probably get along better with Obama than any of his republican peers from the last 15 years.
Ugh I hate that I have to ask this, but what do the Bernie people think of Reid? The Democrats will have to give concessions to them given the responses I've seen from them to Dean becoming Chair. Reid needs to be involved in the DNC, but if Bernie supporters hate him that's going to be a disaster.
Michael Moore was on Morning Joe today.
Apparently it was supposed to be a 7 minute segment but they ended up talking for 45 minutes. On air.
You guys should see this.
Probably that he has "Clinton stink" on him and he should fuck off.
They don't particularly like successful Democrats if they've done anything at all that isn't just making stump speeches.
LOL at all these people supporting Trump and talking about how he's against Wall Street and big business. Oh man.
Well we're doomed then. Goddamnit if they hold this fucking party hostage I will never forgive them.
I like this man
Trump's appointments and cabinet are seriously going to bite him later. Within the first month of his presidency, he will have pretty much given all the ammo his opponents will ever need to chip away at his core base.
I have to wonder in 2020, would it still be cool to be anti-establishment? How does that work? Maybe they'll have to elect someone to promises to burn the world down.
In 2020, we need to paint Trump as someone who scammed the working class voter into giving his wall street buddies free money. And he's going to make that easy. Hit him in his strengths and wear down his base.
This will require us to not nominate someone with ties to Wall Street in any way. At all. None. Not even a hint.
No Booker.
No Booker.
I agree. Dean had great ideas as chair and was effective, but I think we need new blood. I wouldn't mind Ellison as chairman and Dean as vice-chair with them working together.So Dean Vs. Ellison for DNC chair? Ehhhhhh I like Ellison but I think Dean is what we need.
In 2020, we need to paint Trump as someone who scammed the working class voter into giving his wall street buddies free money. And he's going to make that easy. Hit him in his strengths and wear down his base.
This will require us to not nominate someone with ties to Wall Street in any way. At all. None. Not even a hint.
LOL at all these people supporting Trump and talking about how he's against Wall Street and big business. Oh man.
Moore mentioning the liberal bubble. Good for him.
Oh I was gonna say any ties to Bain capital tooHe was pretty much specifically who I was talking about haha
I meanWhat needs to happen is for Trump to have such a devastating effect on the economy, unemployment, kick 20 million of the ACA and replace it with something so much worse. Deport Families, reduce regulations, in general make an ass out of himself on the World Stage.
Then, then maybe just maybe Democrats will finally get their shit together.
And really if you think about it, this toxic identity-only politics becomes its own form of racism when you pre-judge anyone by race.
Oh I was gonna say any ties to Bain capital too
Booker looks good only in the most superficial way possible. I really liked his DNC speech but yeah once you look at him you see the cracks pretty quickly.
I'm pretty on board with Sherrod Brown but I don't think we have a clear idea of anything until 2019. We need to focus on downballot above all else for the next two years. DNC chair is the position to look at right now and Ellison seems to be a pretty easy choice.
Yeah I dunno about Sherrod Brown, he's great but we can't focus on the presidency right now. We have to focus on 2018 and downballot races first. And I'd be wary of trying to find a candidate at this point. We want to avoid the look of anointing someone again with the candidacy. I say first focus on rebuilding the DNC from the ground up, and once we get passed the midterms, win or lose, let the 2020 candidate rise up naturally.
Man, I'm seeing a lot of posts and sentiment that we need to abandon core values for the party and/or run someone like Trump who is a celebrity and can get voters out.
I think this is the opposite of what we need to do, this is starting to sound like some Trump type stuff, we shouldn't just run someone that has no experience just so he can trick voters into coming to the polls based on star power just to win an election.
And we should not abandon our values as a people just to win an election.
Isn't Roberts in his 60's? I think he'll be sticking around for couple more administrations.
Have a big old establishment type who isn't popular, but the DNC makes it "clear" they want him.
Have a young hip new guy come in and want to take the big mean DNC favorite down. And have him start doing well and "beat" the DNC stooge.
100% of this will be staged by the DNC. Basically fabricate an Obama success story. But do it good enough to not make it obvious., rather than actually clear up the party, just fake clearing it up? But why? Why not just clear it up?
I was gonna say. Our 2020 candidate can work on a message of change and hope without it being fabricated. I hope they do!, rather than actually clear up the party, just fake clearing it up? But why? Why not just clear it up?
It wouldn't be shocking at all if Kennedy and Roberts are horrified by Trump's destruction of democratic norms. That may shape their jurisprudence moving forward. A thin reed but it is possible.Yup, and hopefully getting more liberal
Not abandoning the core values of the platform is one thing, but I think it's pretty clear that a lot of experience as a politician doesn't bring people to the polls. Instead, a lot of years in Washington tends to result in a lot of controversies that can be dug up later. Obama didn't have decades of experience in office, but he's a great speaker and a smart guy and that was enough. Find someone who's a good salesman for the platform and enough brains to know what to do in office, and the rest will take care of itself.Man, I'm seeing a lot of posts and sentiment that we need to abandon core values for the party and/or run someone like Trump who is a celebrity and can get voters out.
I think this is the opposite of what we need to do, this is starting to sound like some Trump type stuff, we shouldn't just run someone that has no experience just so he can trick voters into coming to the polls based on star power just to win an election.
And we should not abandon our values as a people just to win an election.
What needs to happen is for Trump to have such a devastating effect on the economy, unemployment, kick 20 million of the ACA and replace it with something so much worse. Deport Families, reduce regulations, in general make an ass out of himself on the World Stage.
Then, then maybe just maybe Democrats will finally get their shit together.
What needs to happen is for Trump to have such a devastating effect on the economy, unemployment, kick 20 million of the ACA and replace it with something so much worse. Deport Families, reduce regulations, in general make an ass out of himself on the World Stage.
Then, then maybe just maybe Democrats will finally get their shit together.
I was gonna say. Our 2020 candidate can work on a message of change and hope without it being fabricated. I hope they do!
I dropped TV. Nothing but trash and social media appealing garbage that's only good for live sports.Cable news is poison, people.
Yeah, let's make more enemies and hold more grudges, That will unify us. Please, reflect on that. Politics is about reaching compromise with a diverse set of people that not wholly agree.Trump's appointments and cabinet are seriously going to bite him later. Within the first month of his presidency, he will have pretty much given all the ammo his opponents will ever need to chip away at his core base.
There aren't enough of them. They're just really good at whining and making the whole process annoying for everyone who actually wants to progress the country. Making simple stuff like delegate votes and random afternoon DNC speeches into spectacles and annoying fights with arrogant idiots.
I will never refer to them as anything other than "progressives" in quotes because they aren't and don't want actual progress in the country. They don't know how to win elections or do anything progressive, so they aren't progressive.
I don't think so. He needs to be presented as a ruthless politician that knows how to win elections. Stop painting people that may disagree with you as irrational, that doesn't help at all.Probably that he has "Clinton stink" on him and he should fuck off.
Yeah, let's poison the dialog with statements like this.ESTABLISHMENENNENTTTTT NEOLIBRAULLL probably
They don't particularly like successful Democrats if they've done anything at all that isn't just making stump speeches.
LOL at all these people supporting Trump and talking about how he's against Wall Street and big business. Oh man.
Moore mentioning the liberal bubble. Good for him.
I dropped TV. Nothing but trash and social media appealing garbage that's only good for live sports.
Please remember that in this scenario, millions of people are hurt. It's easy to type that in anger after a rough election, and I'm as anti-Trump as they come, but c'mon, man. If that happens, so be it. But don't hope for despair.
They don't particularly like successful Democrats if they've done anything at all that isn't just making stump speeches.
Yeah, let's poison the dialog with statements like this.
So people asking for Ellison to be head of DNC instead of Dean
Is there a reason for that? Or is it just a symbolic gesture? Ive never heard of Ellison.