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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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The Space and Science committee was retweeting tons of articles about Clinton's emails during the election. What a joke.


No Scrubs
Ellison posted his DNC platform.


Skimmed through it because I have class soon. I might be onboard with him as DNC chair.

I'm not so sure about a couple of things in there, it might be a bit too focused on labor and that part with wanting 33% of all contributions to be small dollar ones seems like something he won't be able to make happen unless they fudge the numbers and take in less money overall.

Wasn't Manchin saying he'd become a Republican if it came down to a 50-50 split?

It's not like he really voted with the Dems all that much in the first place.


I'm not so sure about a couple of things in there, it might be a bit too focused on labor and that part with wanting 33% of all contributions to be small dollar ones seems like something he won't be able to make happen unless they fudge the numbers and take in less money overall.
Fundraising caps got Obama in trouble. No need to repeat that mistake.
By govtrack, the only Republican with a higher left ideology score than Manchin is Collins, he's still slightly to the left of Murkowski and Kirk in the current Senate.

There's a big shift after Murkowski and Kirk, too, at that point you get Portman, Corker, Alexander, and Heller. So Manchin's kind of a DINO I guess but the Republicans are so far right he's still pretty clearly not a standard Republican. The other WV senator, Capito, is also a little bit past those guys so if he was replaced by a WV R, it would be a rightward shift in the Senate.


No Scrubs
Fundraising caps got Obama in trouble. No need to repeat that mistake.

Taking in more small dollar contributions would be nice, but I don't like how he listed a specific number there. It just smells like something there so he can point to a success when he hits it, regardless of if the total fundraising numbers are down.


Trump picks retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary, according to people familiar with the decision wapo.st/2gLrz0q

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
By govtrack, the only Republican with a higher left ideology score than Manchin is Collins, he's still slightly to the left of Murkowski and Kirk in the current Senate.

There's a big shift after Murkowski and Kirk, too, at that point you get Portman, Corker, Alexander, and Heller. So Manchin's kind of a DINO I guess but the Republicans are so far right he's still pretty clearly not a standard Republican. The other WV senator, Capito, is also a little bit past those guys so if he was replaced by a WV R, it would be a rightward shift in the Senate.
I thought FiveThirtyEight's write up about the likelihood of each senator supporting Trump insightful. It's pretty much what you said: Heitkamp, Manchin and Tester are the Democrats most likely to support Trump. Collins, Heller and McCain are the three most likely to oppose him.


Trump picks retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary, according to people familiar with the decision wapo.st/2gLrz0q

Hmm. This feels like good news:

Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian peace. He says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues that the settlements harm prospects for peace and could lead to apartheid.[45] In particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies. Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process, praising Kerry for being "wisely focused like a laser-beam" towards a two-state solution.[46]
Trump picks retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for defense secretary, according to people familiar with the decision wapo.st/2gLrz0q

Mattis is easily the pick I have the fewest problems with of any, though his rhetoric about Iran is concerning (especially given the generally anti-Iranian tilt of the administration as a whole). That said, he favors a two-state solution in Palestine and from what I've seen/read is much more supportive of our allies (even ones in the Middle East) than other picks would have been, even defending them from the free-loading charges Trump, among others, has made.


Mattis seems fine. There's no way around any defense/security appointment in a GOP administration being more hostile toward Iran. He's better than Tom Cotton for sure.
Hmm. This feels like good news:

Mattis supports a two-state solution model for Israel-Palestinian peace. He says the current situation in Israel is “unsustainable” and argues that the settlements harm prospects for peace and could lead to apartheid.[45] In particular, he believes the lack of a two-state solution is upsetting to the Arab allies of America, which weakens US esteem amongst its Arab allies. Mattis strongly supports John Kerry on the Middle East peace process, praising Kerry for being "wisely focused like a laser-beam" towards a two-state solution.[46]

That said he also thinks Iran is more dangerous than ISIS


Mattis is a good pick aside from the the number of Generals being considered for the administration.

He is a good counterweight to Flynn. I also have zero doubts about Mattis' commitment to our democratic ideals and norms, like the peaceful transfer of power.


That said he also thinks Iran is more dangerous than ISIS
From his perspective, Iran probably is. ISIS, for all of its atrocities, is just a bunch of ragtag guys that can easily be wiped out with the right military commitment. Iran is hardened after fighting the US army covertly in Iraq.

Mattis seems like he will stick to his ideals, if the push back against waterboarding is any indication. Flynn has been for sale to the highest bidder for a while.
I'm not so sure about a couple of things in there, it might be a bit too focused on labor and that part with wanting 33% of all contributions to be small dollar ones seems like something he won't be able to make happen unless they fudge the numbers and take in less money overall.

It's not like he really voted with the Dems all that much in the first place.

No, we need to refocus on labor they have bodies and get results.

The issues is theres a lack of coordination and they overlap too much. They're especially important in trump states
Mattis is fine. But will need a waiver from memory of the post-service time length requirement.

Also 33% small dollar? And still have comparable war chests to the GOP. Good luck.
Joe Walsh the other day was going off about how if Jesus was a modern dude, he would support the police/say "Merry Christmas"/support capitalism/*insert conservative talking point here*

There were many great responses, but I think my favorite was "the police murdered Jesus"


Mattis is fine. But will need a waiver from memory of the post-service time length requirement.

Also 33% small dollar? And still have comparable war chests to the GOP. Good luck.

Yes, but "a waiver" means "an act of Congress with the force of law" so if they'll need consent of (a) the House and, if they want to get the process started now, (b) Obama.

It's more complicated than signing a price of paper.
No way in hell am I clicking that Breitbart link, but I'll take a stab at what I assume they're talking about.

The first 9 months of this year have been the warmed ever recorded. Like it's not even close. On a scale that typically measures in hundredths of a degree per year we're talking tenths. We crossed 1 degree C over the old average in 2015 and 2016 has been more than halfway again toward the 1.5C the Paris Climate Agreement set at a stretch goal (lol). Going from 1.5C to "just" 0.9C or so = 1 degree F in a month sounds mighty impressive as one data point, but that's still a bonkers 1.5F over the old averages. NOAA has started using averages from 1981-2010 in temperature records instead of the old "since records began", because the permanent averages in both highs and lows around the US are 1-3F higher across large areas of the country. Our new new record warm years this decade are on top of the already advanced average of 1981-2010.

There is no way 2016 won't be the warmest year on record. We'd pretty much have to block out the sun for the month of December. 2016 will probably be a high outlier when we look back (it's complicated!), but it reinforces the trend of repeated record warm years consecutively since the start of this century. Prepare your eye rolling for when 2017 is cooler than 2016 (but still above what any record was before 2010 or so).


Good God these rallies are disgusting I can't imagine that we have a president that is doing this nonsense

talk about dividing the country, it is the most obscene thing I think I've seen in government
a piece of human garbage said:
announced now that one thousand one hundred good jobs will stay right here in America, and the president-elect made it happen

yeah he made it happen on the tax payer's dime

a piece of human garbage said:
we're going to build the wall and end illegal immigration once and for all

I doubt you'll beat Obama's record

edit: holy crap now Trump's bragging about Carrier, this is what he's going to shove down our throats for 4 years


Aside from the occasional reference to having won, this is his campaign rant.

All railing on the media and the Obama administration. No actual plans of his own.


Aside from the occasional reference to having won, this is his campaign rant.

All railing on the media and the Obama administration. No actual plans of his own.
People who spend all their time yelling from the outside in rarely make good leaders. Regardless of ideology.


Oh Jesus we really are fucked for the next four years we have got to take this guy down in the next election.

He epitomizes the worst of his mindless drones. I thought he might pivot and be a normal person in office but this is weird and sad

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Trump could cut a deal in which a thousand jobs were saved by launching a million people into the sun and the rabid supporters would cheer all the same. And if you showed them footage of the rockets launching they'd say it's the mainstream media faking it.


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