Never said it was an election strategy, but it is asinine to pretend that what I said isn't the case.
To us, it's a moral failure.
To them, it's a moral victory. I wish I could say that their view is completely wrong, but theres millions of them. There will always be millions of them. It becomes relative after a point. To us, it's a moral failure in this country. To them, it's a morale victory that they, the underdogs, managed to win.
So yes, unfortunately it's all relative.
The country is going to tear itself apart if we continue to degrade the moral standard in government. People who care passionately about womens rights and dignity, minorities, people who live in cities vs. rural america and the alt-right. That's where it's headed, and dems throwing their hands up and giving up on morality is not a winning strategy. People didn't stay home because Hillary wasn't dirty and despicable enough, they stayed home because she didn't excite them.
The dems can be aggressive as fuck and not back down from annihilating Trump's base without stooping to his level of moral depravity. I also guarantee Bernie would not have gotten a quarter the blowback Hillary did if he would have said the racists and homophobes and ableists in Trump's base are deplorable. The reason that stuck to her is because of her reputation as someone in an ivory tower who can't relate, and that she's a woman.
These next 4 years are going to be a test of our nation. Whether or not because she's a woman, or whether Bernie would'n't have gotten blowback is up in the air. Like you mentioned, we lost by 80,000 votes in 3 states. Maybe it was messaging. Maybe it wasn't. Either way, it was ours to lose.