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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Still going on about this absurd fantasy eh? Obama won't want his entire legacy annihilated by the biggest self inflicted gunshot wound in the history of politics. And even if Biden was willing to flush it all down the toilet for that move there is easily half a dozen Senate Dems up for reelection in red states ,that know they might as well pack their bags if they go along with it , This move is tantamount to political suicide ,so they wouldn't get the votes needed even with this trickery. It's not happening, Trump will pick Scalia's replacement preserving the current status quo. Democrats just have to hope that Ginsburg and Breyer can hold out.

Only political suicide if the Dem base continues to act like special snowflakes who are more interested in ideological stands that look good, than actual change. "We're better than the Republicans and don't play dirty" loses against people who back a sexual assaulting racist, because he's their party nominee.

(Which is a long-winded way of saying "Yup, political suicide")
It's true from an optics standpoint you draw the line back to Obama.

But frankly, I think it's up to Biden.

Biden is crazy enough to do it. Though he would need Obama to renominate Garlans that day and then there would be the legal challenges on whether the senate has the right to vote on new business when there are senators waiting to be seated and forcing clarity on whether the new senate class has to be "sworn in" or automatically allowed to sit on the basis of it being January 3rd( the constitution is incredibly vague on this). Then there is the problem of getting all the Dems in the senate to go along with it. Manchin would not and they just need another of the Donnelly,Heitkamp or McCaskill group to say no to kill it completely and I think they all would say no to preserve their political survival.
Still going on about this absurd fantasy eh? Obama won't want his entire legacy annihilated by the biggest self inflicted gunshot wound in the history of politics. And even if Biden was willing to flush it all down the toilet for that move there is easily half a dozen Senate Dems up for reelection in red states ,that know they might as well pack their bags if they go along with it , This move is tantamount to political suicide ,so they wouldn't get the votes needed even with this trickery. It's not happening, Trump will pick Scalia's replacement preserving the current status quo. Democrats just have to hope that Ginsburg and Breyer can hold out.
Man who the fuck cares at this point? We have a Trump and a Republican Congress. Voters have the memory of fucking goldfish. Republicans shut down the government and won the Senate. They obstructed Garland for six months and won the presidency. I'm tired of waiting for their bullshit to pay off because clearly the voters don't care.

And no, I don't think this ends up happening, but Jesus Christ.


Other businesses around Comet Ping Pong have also received threats after conspiracy theories were peddled online, including by Infowars' Alex Jones, whom President-elect Donald Trump has praised. Abdel Hammad, owner of neighboring Besta Pizza, said he has also received threats amid allegations his business is also involved in child trafficking, and he told NPR member station WAMU that even though he voted for Trump, he is now rethinking that decision.
A guy in DC that voted for Trump. And the reason he did? He is "for capitalism".

"It's a danger that must be addressed, and addressed quickly," Clinton continued. "Bipartisan legislation is making its way through Congress to boost the government's response to foreign propaganda, and Silicon Valley is starting to grapple with the challenge and threat of fake news. It's imperative that leaders in both the private sector and the public sector step up to protect our democracy and innocent lives."

The pointed comments from Clinton came amid a rare public appearance for the former nominee over the past month since she lost the election. At the outset of her speech, she made a joking nod to her reclusiveness.

"This is not exactly the speech at the Capitol I hoped to be giving after the election, but after a few weeks of taking selfies in the woods, I thought it would be a good idea to come out," she said, laughing.
To be honest I think in the end history will look back well on Clinton (assuming we survive long enough). Hope she continues to do some good charity work at least.


President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday bragged about being named Time magazine’s Person of the Year, but criticized the title of the honor as “politically correct.”

“I was lucky enough to receive the Time Person of the Year,” Trump said in Des Moines, Iowa, the third rally on his “Thank You” victory tour. “They used to call it ‘Man of the Year,’ but they can’t do that anymore, so they call it ‘person.’ They want to be politically correct. That’s OK.”

Well, if they called it liar, orange, ass, flaming twat of the year, you'd just get all butthurt and tweet about it.

Besides, I can barely find a reason to call Trump a person.
80,000 votes. That was it. She wasn't inspiring enough to get those extra 80,000 votes in the states where it mattered. If she would have won those she'd have as big a victory as Obama did in 2012.

All I'm saying is her messaging wasn't bad and her ideology is a problem. I'm not saying the tens of millions of folks that voted for Hillary and Donald didn't waste their time.
Man who the fuck cares at this point? We have a Trump and a Republican Congress. Voters have the memory of fucking goldfish. Republicans shut down the government and won the Senate. They obstructed Garland for six months and won the presidency. I'm tired of waiting for their bullshit to pay off because clearly the voters don't care.

And no, I don't think this ends up happening, but Jesus Christ.

Well if you care about ever seeing any modicum of power for a generation you should care. Doing this is akin to going scorched earth against the GOP. And in case of those not keeping up on current events the GOP have all the bullets. The shitstorm that this would create would ensure Republican supermajorities in both chambers by 2018 and the GOP using it as rallying cry to get to the coveted 2/3rds of State Assemblies/Governorships needed to make constitutional amendments. Then having Garland on Scotus doesn't mean shit since the GOP will have the ability to wait it out Ginsberg and Breyer, while retaliating against Dems with impunity.

Shit like that is how civil wars get started.


Trump Eyes Interior Secretary Spot; He Spent Millions on Campaign and Made Millions Back

■ President-elect Donald J. Trump could name Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers as his choice for interior secretary among his announcements on Friday.

■ Mr. Trump raised more money than Hillary Clinton in the last stretch of the campaign.

■ He also spent millions — on behalf of his own ventures, in the form of rent and airplane charters.

■ One of his campaign’s biggest donors, Linda McMahon, has been tapped to head the Small Business Administration.

Ms. McMahon, a pro wrestling impresario, put $1 million into Future45, a pro-Trump “super PAC,” in the final stages of the presidential campaign, taking her total contribution to the organization to $7 million.

This week, Ms. McMahon — who lost twice in recent years as a Republican candidate for the United States Senate in Connecticut — was chosen by Mr. Trump to head the Small Business Administration.

Peter Thiel, the Silicon Valley billionaire who took down Gawker, gave $1 million to Make America Number 1, an anti-Clinton “super PAC” run by the Mercer family, hedge fund billionaires. He has not been named to a position by the transition team, but he has been mentioned as a possibility for the Supreme Court.

Holy fuck.


Professional Schmuck
There can be no discussion about 'political suicide' for the rest of our lives without the immediate caveat that shutting the government down and threatening to default on American debt, refusing to do anything for 8 years except block judicial appointments, and rallying to fucking gold toupee hitler didn't cost republicans a single thing. Not one thing.

Liberals need to get it through their apologetic skulls that there's no such thing as political suicide anymore. It doesn't work like that.
Liberals need to get it through their apologetic skulls that there's no such thing as political suicide anymore. It doesn't work like that.

At the same time, I don't think Democrats could get away with using the same tactics are Republicans. Liberals do not have a Fox News fighting (lying) for them, and mainstream media would certainly more quickly call Democrats out on their nonsense than they would Republicans (trying to reach the Fox News audience).


Professional Schmuck
At the same time, I don't think Democrats could get away with using the same tactics are Republicans. Liberals do not have a Fox News fighting (lying) for them, and mainstream media would certainly more quickly call Democrats out on their nonsense than they would Republicans (trying to reach the Fox News audience).


see: in a world of moral equivalence, it doesn't matter if you have someone fighting for you or not. Michelle was fucking wrong. whoever is willing to go lower to win ... wins.

see: in a world of moral equivalence, it doesn't matter if you have someone fighting for you or not. Michelle was wrong. whoever is willing to go lower to win ... wins.

I disagree completely.

Like, Republicans shut down the government in 2013. Fox News was "it's the Democrats' fault." Mainstream media was "hrmm... it certainly looks like Republicans, but, well, both sides, really."

Let Democrats shut down the government. Fox News will be "it's the Democrats' fault." Mainstream media will be "yep, it's Democrats' fault."

Half the electorate is immune to actual truth thanks to 20 years of Fox News and nearly 30 of Rush Limbaugh, not to mention all the other nitwits on the airwaves. The other half is at the mercy of media trying to placate those in the former group.

Democrats cannot win with Republican tactics. They have to be better. For better or worse, they are held to a higher standard.


As part of the deal President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence struck with Carrier, the company has promised to make a $16 million investment in its Indianapolis facility — an investment management plans to use on developing technology that will allow them to replace human workers with robots.

The company’s plans were confirmed by Greg Hayes, CEO of United Technologies, Carrier’s corporate parent, during a CNBC interview earlier this week.

“We’re going to… automate to drive the cost down so that we can continue to be competitive,” Hayes said. “Is it as cheap as moving to Mexico with lower cost labor? No. But we will make that plant competitive just because we’ll make the capital investments there. But what that ultimately means is there will be fewer jobs.”



Matthew Yglesias has an interesting post about the fast-food tycoon who has been nominated as Labor Secretary. Even aside from the fact that “when did you stop beating your wife?” would, in fact, be a valid question in this guy’s confirmation hearings, you might think that this nomination would be seen as a total betrayal of the working-class voters who went overwhelmingly Trump a month ago. He’s anti-worker, anti-higher wages, pro-immigration. Won’t there be a huge backlash?

What Yglesias suggests, however, is that his connection with fast food is itself a protection — because the white working class likes fast food, liberals don’t, and the former feels that this shows the latter’s contempt for regular people.


Excuse me while I go and vomit.


I suspect there aren't many republican vegan/vegetarians.

Also, see the whole Chik-fil-a fiasco. They'd rather all their local mom + pops close up shop if it meant Chik-fil-a coming to their town. It's their Christian-shining-bright beacon of saturated fat.
I suspect there aren't many republican vegan/vegetarians.

Also, see the whole Chik-fil-a fiasco. They'd rather all their local mom + pops close up shop if it meant Chik-fil-a coming to their town. It's their Christian-shining-bright beacon of saturated fat.

Meh, these stereotypes are far too broad. While the most vocal and strident on each side may fit this mold, the people that actually decide elections don't.


We're still just in the nomination process, I can't imagine what the confirmation process is going to look like.

Frankly do we need to make organized threads about this so people can get a thorough understanding of what the new administration is actually going to be?


I like to think a Trump presidency puts us in uncharted territory. I'm not sure what does or doesn't work anymore.

A war. I am uneasy that that is where we are headed. Especially when you look at the people who are responding positively to Trump: Phillipines, Russia, Pakistan, Syria...


Trump Says China Will Have to Play by Rules Under New Ambassador
Trump vowed that China would soon have to “play by the rules,” as Chinese state media issued its clearest warning yet about its bottom line on Taiwan.

“China is responsible for almost half of America’s trade deficit,” Trump said at a rally Thursday evening Des Moines, Iowa. “China is not a market economy ... they haven’t played by the rules, and they know it’s time that they’re going to start. They’re going to start. They’re going to.”
“If the phone call between Donald Trump and Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen was indeed a long-planned move as reported and was meant to remind Beijing that it is dealing with a different kind of U.S. president, it need not have happened in the first place, since Beijing is well aware of that,” the [China Daily] editorial said.

“If, as some analysts have observed, the call was Trump’s ‘opening negotiation bid’ for the future of Sino-U.S. ties under his administration, it was rather ill-advised,” it said. “The consensus on one China has served as the ultimate ballast for China-U.S. relations for nearly four decades, and not without reason.”
Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a professor in political science at Hong Kong Baptist University, said the editorial was intended to send Trump a warning that it, too, was willing to play hard ball. China may have underestimated the foreign policy consequences of Trump’s victory over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the U.S. election, Cabestan said.

“China was blinded by its hate of Hillary, but did not realize that it is getting a much more offensive U.S. president, supported by a very anti-communist and ambitious Republican Party,” he said. “Taiwan is going to be part of this game, instrumentalized by the Trump administration much more than by Obama, as a leverage of what could be called a ‘super-rebalancing strategy.’"
A pivot to Asia only for Trump to screw it up.

Trump really thinks he'll be successful at negotiating with China. I guess we can expect them to ban Trump brand material soon enough.
Denying climate change is real is one thing. Mocking the mere idea and blaming it on the Chinese is another thing. But to vindictively go and seek out people who were simply doing their jobs by following administration policy? And from an administration that in actuality dramatically expanded America's energy industry? The fuck is that about?
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