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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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For how much he's stroking Putin's genitals, the Russians must have something so juicy on Trump. Instead of just Russia-friendly people around he seems to be going out of his way to pick the most pro-Russia people possible for things now. Considering how little Trump knows this kind of stuff has never done him any harm to have in the open), it's gotta be soooooooo nasty. He bragged about sexually assault women for fuck's sake, and no one gave a damn enough to decide to not vote for him over it. What could be that that that much worse, for the guy who's only ever given orders in his life to take orders from someone?
Cosmo, People, Teen Vogue, defenders of democracy.
This is depressing. Throw Jezebel in here, too, for random and inexplicable acts of journalism during and after the campaign.


For how much he's stroking Putin's genitals, the Russians must have something so juicy on Trump. Instead of just Russia-friendly people around he seems to be going out of his way to pick the most pro-Russia people possible for things now. Considering how little Trump knows this kind of stuff has never done him any harm to have in the open), it's gotta be soooooooo nasty. He bragged about sexually assault women for fuck's sake, and no one gave a damn enough to decide to not vote for him over it. What could be that that that much worse, for the guy who's only ever given orders in his life to take orders from someone?
This is depressing. Throw Jezebel in here, too, for random and inexplicable acts of journalism during and after the campaign.

Whatever Russia has over Trump did not stop the millions of people who voted for him.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Cosmo, People, Teen Vogue, defenders of democracy.

Fits with Down being Up and Up being Down in 2016.

I keep expecting my cat to pass away to end the shittacular 2016, but the new food and medication has him improving.


For how much he's stroking Putin's genitals, the Russians must have something so juicy on Trump. Instead of just Russia-friendly people around he seems to be going out of his way to pick the most pro-Russia people possible for things now. Considering how little Trump knows this kind of stuff has never done him any harm to have in the open), it's gotta be soooooooo nasty. He bragged about sexually assault women for fuck's sake, and no one gave a damn enough to decide to not vote for him over it. What could be that that that much worse, for the guy who's only ever given orders in his life to take orders from someone?
This is depressing. Throw Jezebel in here, too, for random and inexplicable acts of journalism during and after the campaign.

They don't need to have anything juicy on him. He owes them money which means they own his ass. All of his businesses are fucking tied into it. That's why you will never, EVER see his tax returns while he's still alive. Just look at his pro Russia cabinet picks.


No Scrubs
For how much he's stroking Putin's genitals, the Russians must have something so juicy on Trump. Instead of just Russia-friendly people around he seems to be going out of his way to pick the most pro-Russia people possible for things now. Considering how little Trump knows this kind of stuff has never done him any harm to have in the open), it's gotta be soooooooo nasty. He bragged about sexually assault women for fuck's sake, and no one gave a damn enough to decide to not vote for him over it. What could be that that that much worse, for the guy who's only ever given orders in his life to take orders from someone?

Considering how a lot of journalists mentioned on twitter a Trump sextape that Russia had they couldn't verify or confirm, it wouldn't shock me at all if they had something on him. Not necessarily that--since rumors have a way of inflating--but something.
Catching up on some of the news of the last couple days, the whole Suprun/"faithless" elector stuff is somewhat exciting. My opinion of Trump has only, somehow, gotten worse since the election.


What's the largest city in America to be the capital of a red state? Actually, even in red states, the capitals are usually pockets of blue; I wonder, what state capital city is the most heavily Republican relative to the state in which it's located?

That's gotta be Atlanta (if you count metro area) otherwise if you only count population within the city limits it's gotta be Phoenix.
So for a bit of masochism. In the alternate universe, the Cabinet would be something resembling this:

Chief of Staff: Cheryl Mills
National Security Advisor: Jake Sullivan
Secretary of State: Tom Donilon (He is Obama's former National Security Advisor)
Secretary of Treasury: Lael Braenard (She is on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and a former Undersecretary of Treasury)
Secretary of Defense: Michèle Flournoy (She's a former Undersecretary of Defense)
Attorney General: Tom Perez
Secretary of Labor: Jennifer Granholm
Secretary of Energy: John Podesta
Secretary of HHS: Neera Tanden

The main differentiator between Earth-1 and Earth-2 is that on Earth-2 you actually need to have some degree of qualification.
Would the general public even believe any of this nonsense, though? They believed everything that came out about Clinton because they already hated her. If you look at the tone now, everyone is just shrugging off the Russia connection as Democrats being sore losers. Why would the general public believe anything that Russia could use against the GOP when all of the horrible bullshit the GOP is currently doing now and we have evidence of is thoroughly ignored?

They didn't believe this stuff during the campaign when it was all coming out in real time, what are the odds anyone believes it now?

I think you're both confusing 'not believing' with 'not giving a shit about'
So for a bit of masochism. In the alternate universe, the Cabinet would be something resembling this:

Chief of Staff: Cheryl Mills
National Security Advisor: Jake Sullivan
Secretary of State: Tom Donilon (He is Obama's former National Security Advisor)
Secretary of Treasury: Lael Braenard (She is on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and a former Undersecretary of Treasury)
Secretary of Defense: Michèle Flournoy (She's a former Undersecretary of Defense)
Attorney General: Tom Perez
Secretary of Labor: Jennifer Granholm
Secretary of Energy: John Podesta
Secretary of HHS: Neera Tanden

The main differentiator between Earth-1 and Earth-2 is that on Earth-2 you actually need to have some degree of qualification.

We should be working on developing a bridge to earth 2.


In 2020 there needs to be year-long protests in the central business districts of the major American cities. New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, D.C., and so on. The protests are an incredible drag on GDP and nation morale. Trump can't do anything about them because his authoritarian style "law and order" just inflames the protestors further. The nation blames Trump since he's in charge and Democrats win in 2020. A coup then occurs soon after inauguration that rewrites the Constitution to abolish the electoral college and rewrites the Senate to be something more equal regarding population. Quite modest proposals really but enough to both harness demographic changes, appear superficial enough to not upset red America too much, and to claim the President has placated the protestors and ended the crisis.
"These protestors should go out and get a job instead of camping out for months asking for handouts"
Yeah, I am surrounded by conservatives and I don't know a single one that is moved positively by protests. Not a one. The only people you'd be reaching are yourselves.

Not that rewriting the EC is even in the cards right now. Your enemy is not dumb, they know the only reason they won is because of the Electoral College, they're not going to help you replace it. Best start learning to play by its' rules.
Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America

Teen Vogue is producing more honest work than most of the political press.
Good article. I'd also point out that this has been Russia's strategy as well. They flood the web with right wing conspiracies as well as some of their own, so that they can cause confusion and division among Americans. Trump's russian connection has been rather obvious. First it was the fact that his campaign manager, Paul Manafort had a lot of pro-Russian ties and he had received a lot of money from them over the years, on top of raising the FBI's interest. Then it was the fact that he said a lot of things that Putin/Russia would be happy he said during his rallies and speeches. He also never attacked Putin and dodged questions often about him. Not too mention he on national stage threw a childish temper tantrum calling the moderator a puppet and interrupting him when he asked about a possible Russian connection. It also took the moderator three times of asking the same question until Trump finally denied having a deal with Putin. Let's not forget there were many reports of a private line from a Russian bank to Trump's account back in October. As the article states Trump/Russia gaslit Americans, distracting from the real issues to argue and fight over things that were common sense a few years ago. While they wreck the country and planet.
I started to notice this Russian influence with certain sectors of conservatives where they had this bizarre adoration for Putin back in 2010-2012 comparing him favorably against Obama, although I felt it died down until this election cycle. Hopefully, Americans catch onto Trump's game and don't fall into trap of causing more division and hating each other.


Yeah, I am surrounded by conservatives and I don't know a single one that is moved positively by protests. Not a one. The only people you'd be reaching are yourselves.

Not that rewriting the EC is even in the cards right now. Your enemy is not dumb, they know the only reason they won is because of the Electoral College, they're not going to help you replace it. Best start learning to play by its' rules.

They don't have rules, that's the best part. They don't expect the democrats to play as dirty, to be as dishonest, to be as obstinate, or to be as obstructionist as they are. When the democrats in congress wake the fuck up and start playing the fucking game, the republicans won't really have any form of recourse.


Man. Campbell did so poorly.

I mean, he got every vote he got the last election. It just wasn't enough. Last time he came in at 17%!

100% special election turnout of people who voted for you in the general is not really that bad. You can't say the Democrats in Louisiana weren't trying just as hard as they did for the general. They just couldn't do any better.


They don't have rules, that's the best part. They don't expect the democrats to play as dirty, to be as dishonest, to be as obstinate, or to be as obstructionist as they are. When the democrats in congress wake the fuck up and start playing the fucking game, the republicans won't really have any form of recourse.
You need two thirds of the States to agree to amend the constitution or to amend their own to do something proportionately. The only things Democrats are in the position to do is have California and New York give out their EC votes proportionately like Maine which would only harm Democrats because then Republicans would get some EC votes as opposed to zilch in those States but what Red States do you see the Democrats getting on board with such a plan so that they could get some EC votes from them?

Best to just have a long memory and do this way after Trump cause it's not happening any time soon. Only real problem with doing it ever is that once the Democrats are even in a position to do it would the drive be there? At that point they'd need to control a majority of the country and would hopefully be getting stuff done. Not sure the populace would be pushing for it.

Now, I'm all for the Democrats fighting back I just think we need to look at realistic short term goals and not magic cure-alls like removing the Electoral College at the moment. Plus, I'm not even 100% convinced removing it would even be in our favor. It looks that way since it's only hurt us but the dynamics of elections would be totally different if every vote really did count that I don't think it's accurate to look at results under the Electoral College and assume that those margins would transfer over to a popular vote system one to one. Maybe we'd do even better. Maybe worse. Regardless, until we can learn to play this game I don't think changing to a new game should be a high priority.

And to get back to the idea of protesting, look, protesting already turns off conservatives. Rural people joke about Liberals not protesting out in the country because they'd get run over by combines or that they're idiots for breaking their own shit. And most Texan conservatives, for example, don't give two fucks what happens in Austin. It's a liberal den. Protesting in your own cities just inconveniences those already on your side. Protesting a specific thing can be effective, protesting Trump as a whole's a loser. At the moment he's not getting forced out. It's a done deal. He's fucking President.

Now, maybe, in the future he'll do something so egregious that ousting him becomes a possibility and feel free to revisit the idea then. In the meantime I think we're best served fighting his Presidency on a case by case basis.

One of the things I've noticed with the conservatives around me is that they have no respect for liberals. In their words, we're pussies. And, honestly, perhaps I've spent too much time around them but I feel there's a bit of truth to that. I never read of people wanting to kill themselves under a liberal president, conservatives do protest less. Like it or not they have a good ability to put their heads down and carry on despite the situation. They don't often waste energy in large civil disobedience, partly probably because they love order, but instead focus that shit on getting things done in other ways. Can't get the Supreme Court, fuck it, they go after abortion at the State level, and they're damn effective at it. Look at what they've done with guns! Open carry and Concealed Carry wasn't even a thing before most of you guys were born probably, and yet, without the Federal Government's help look how many States have it now.

I think we need to take a page from their book on this one.
So for a bit of masochism. In the alternate universe, the Cabinet would be something resembling this:

Chief of Staff: Cheryl Mills
National Security Advisor: Jake Sullivan
Secretary of State: Tom Donilon (He is Obama's former National Security Advisor)
Secretary of Treasury: Lael Braenard (She is on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and a former Undersecretary of Treasury)
Secretary of Defense: Michèle Flournoy (She's a former Undersecretary of Defense)
Attorney General: Tom Perez
Secretary of Labor: Jennifer Granholm
Secretary of Energy: John Podesta
Secretary of HHS: Neera Tanden

The main differentiator between Earth-1 and Earth-2 is that on Earth-2 you actually need to have some degree of qualification.

Would have been a nice cabinet.


Democrats should focus on convenient marginal voters, not true Trump supporters

I mean, he got every vote he got the last election. It just wasn't enough. Last time he came in at 17%!

100% special election turnout of people who voted for you in the general is not really that bad. You can't say the Democrats in Louisiana weren't trying just as hard as they did for the general. They just couldn't do any better.

I mean we likely weren't winning that race but it would have been nice to see Biden go down there to give a rally or something of the sort. I feel more could have been done that didn't require a lot of money. I dunno

You need two thirds of the States to agree to amend the constitution or to amend their own to do something proportionately. The only things Democrats are in the position to do is have California and New York give out their EC votes proportionately like Maine which would only harm Democrats because then Republicans would get some EC votes as opposed to zilch in those States but what Red States do you see the Democrats getting on board with such a plan so that they could get some EC votes from them?

Best to just have a long memory and do this way after Trump cause it's not happening any time soon. Only real problem with doing it ever is that once the Democrats are even in a position to do it would the drive be there? At that point they'd need to control a majority of the country and would hopefully be getting stuff done. Not sure the populace would be pushing for it.

Now, I'm all for the Democrats fighting back I just think we need to look at realistic short term goals and not magic cure-alls like removing the Electoral College at the moment. Plus, I'm not even 100% convinced removing it would even be in our favor. It looks that way since it's only hurt us but the dynamics of elections would be totally different if every vote really did count that I don't think it's accurate to look at results under the Electoral College and assume that those margins would transfer over to a popular vote system one to one. Maybe we'd do even better. Maybe worse. Regardless, until we can learn to play this game I don't think changing to a new game should be a high priority.

And to get back to the idea of protesting, look, protesting already turns off conservatives. Rural people joke about Liberals not protesting out in the country because they'd get run over by combines or that they're idiots for breaking their own shit. And most Texan conservatives, for example, don't give two fucks what happens in Austin. It's a liberal den. Protesting in your own cities just inconveniences those already on your side. Protesting a specific thing can be effective, protesting Trump as a whole's a loser. At the moment he's not getting forced out. It's a done deal. He's fucking President.

Now, maybe, in the future he'll do something so egregious that ousting him becomes a possibility and feel free to revisit the idea then. In the meantime I think we're best served fighting his Presidency on a case by case basis.

One of the things I've noticed with the conservatives around me is that they have no respect for liberals. In their words, we're pussies. And, honestly, perhaps I've spent too much time around them but I feel there's a bit of truth to that. I never read of people wanting to kill themselves under a liberal president, conservatives do protest less. Like it or not they have a good ability to put their heads down and carry on despite the situation. They don't often waste energy in large civil disobedience, partly probably because they love order, but instead focus that shit on getting things done in other ways. Can't get the Supreme Court, fuck it, they go after abortion at the State level, and they're damn effective at it. Look at what they've done with guns! Open carry and Concealed Carry wasn't even a thing before most of you guys were born probably, and yet, without the Federal Government's help look how many States have it now.

I think we need to take a page from their book on this one.

A) I mean history has shown that protesting has been a pretty effective way of drawing attention to your issue. Of course to incur lasting change you need more than just protest but they still remain an effective tool (and emotional outlet) in a broader toolset of public action. I don't expect there to be just random Trump protests but I don't see a problem with the ones that just followed the election or any ones that happen at inauguration or each time Trump majorly fucks up or tries to gut SS or whatever. It's clear stuff like that bugs Trump. People aren't upset just because they lost but because Trump is a bigoted, sexist moron who is in office in part due to the Russians and is filling this administration with lunatics and plutocrats who are going to hollow out the country. The man ran the ugliest, most divisive campaign in modern history and has made no earnest attempt to try to unite the country. I think the ire of large segments of the population is warranted.

B) Some of the most vulnerable people in this country are under direct attack by conservative ideology. Like if you're transgender, the Republican party is going to go out of its way to make your already hard life hell. What groups would be under direct attack by a Democratic administration? Like it fucking sucks but I get why some liberals may be prone to feeling despair.

All this being said, I agree with you that more action at the State level and in State governments is important. The only silver lining is that a presidential loss here puts the Democrats in a good position to make headway in Congress and the States that would be hard if they were the incumbent party. They still have to work for it though,


A) I mean history has shown that protesting has been a pretty effective way of drawing attention to your issue. Of course to incur lasting change you need more than just protest but they still remain an effective tool (and emotional outlet) in a broader toolset of public action. I don't expect there to be just random Trump protests but I don't see a problem with the ones that just followed the election or any ones that happen at inauguration or each time Trump majorly fucks up or tries to gut SS or whatever. It's clear stuff like that bugs Trump. People aren't upset just because they lost but because Trump is a bigoted, sexist moron who is in office in part due to the Russians and is filling this administration with lunatics and plutocrats who are going to hollow out the country. The man ran the ugliest, most divisive campaign in modern history and has made no earnest attempt to try to unite the country. I think the ire of large segments of the population is unwarranted.
I think protesting immediately after the election before the man was even sworn in is counter productive. Once specific issues can arise during his Presidency then I think those are fair game and need to happen. I guess the way I'd word this is this: We must fight his individual policies not the man.

B) Some of the most vulnerable people in this country are under direct attack by conservative ideology. Like if you're transgender, the Republican party is going to go out of its way to make your already hard life hell. What groups would be under direct attack by a Democratic administration? Like it fucking sucks but I get why some liberals may be prone to feeling despair.
Which I totally get, however, I think a lot of people are taking things for granted. The first thing taken for granted is that Trump will actually follow through and sign harmful legislation against them. I get that the 8ball points to all signs point to yes but still. The second thing taken for granted was that we won, it's only been a few years since gay marriage's even been legal, I think it was far too early to consider that victory won. Now, not all things are equal here, I think a gay person has more to fear than say a clean energy supporter or whatever but how many times do you see people think the Earth is doomed or that they shouldn't have kids?

I mean, Trump's likely going to put us in a worse spot than we were in, but there was never a guarantee that we were going to avert jack shit even with a Clinton win. And even if we don't stave off the worst of climate change we still have a duty to claw to life and move forward. I get that on the left side there's more groups that can be targeted than the right to have rights stripped away and I have no right to tell anyone how they should feel, but we need you guys energized for a fight not wishing for an end. Even under Obama literally every bit of "progress" you believe was made was/is being litigated against by Red States. We weren't done yet. Even if Clinton won if we lost everything else it would've been hard to hold on to all those wins.

Perhaps many of you came of age under Obama and know nothing else, I just find it hard to believe that he'll set us back further than Bush. It's somewhat selfish of me to ask but I've got to, if you could make it under Bush survive and fight back under Trump. I need you. We all need you.

I think the sad truth is that some of these victories will not be set in stone for generations, we're still fighting over abortion for Pete's sake. Sadly, I think the reality is going to be minority rights of all stripes are going to be a fight for years to come.
All this being said, I agree with you that more action at the State level and in State governments is important. The only silver lining is that a presidential loss here puts the Democrats in a good position to make headway in Congress and the States that would be hard if they were the incumbent party. They still have to work for it though,
That's true, nowhere to go but up!


Ah well, at least Trump and his GOP allies aren't being subtle or underhanded about how they are out to fuck over America. The establishment GOP has gotten away with screwing all of us over the past half century because they've been sneaky about it. The one thing Trump's administration will make crystal clear is exactly who the villains really are.
I suspect there will be some real fights over confirmations.

Collins, Murkowski, McCain, Flake, Graham, Hatch, Paul, Heller are all wild cards in certain respects. Maybe some others I'm forgetting. Mike Lee?

Now some will probably breeze through, but Trump having to spend a good amount of his political capital just to get a damn cabinet in will be pretty hilarious.


So wait, Donald isn't even keeping Executive Producer credit for the money/branding.. but actually saying it's he's still going to be involved?

holy shit dude, you have a new job now
So wait, Donald isn't even keeping Executive Producer credit for the money/branding.. but actually saying it's he's still going to be involved?

holy shit dude, you have a new job now

He's just setting an example for all the Americans in his America. If he can Make America Great between 8am - 5pm, then Make Celebrity Apprentice Great between 5pm - 10pm, they should be able to tackle that second job at Walmart to afford little niceties like health care, food and housing.



So no surprise, the FBI threw the election.


Question about public perception of the election:

There's lots of articles and talk about Russia's influence on the election, and therefore the result. How likely is it that Trump becomes tainted by Russia in the same way that Hillary was tainted by emails, for instance? That he loses - and continues to lose - public and political confidence of all but his staunchest allies? That every press conference he holds, there'll be a question regarding his "special relationship" with Putin/Russia? That every political move he makes will be viewed through the prism of Russia's influence?

I may be rather optimistic, but I see this weighing Trump down more than Pussygate and non-disclosure of taxes did.

So wait, Donald isn't even keeping Executive Producer credit for the money/branding.. but actually saying it's he's still going to be involved?

holy shit dude, you have a new job now

He clearly never expected or even wanted to win. This and him wanting New York to foot the bill for his homesickness make that clear.

Question about public perception of the election:

There's lots of articles and talk about Russia's influence on the election, and therefore the result. How likely is it that Trump becomes tainted by Russia in the same way that Hillary was tainted by emails, for instance? That he loses - and continues to lose - public and political confidence of all but his staunchest allies? That every press conference he holds, there'll be a question regarding his "special relationship" with Putin/Russia? That every political move he makes will be viewed through the prism of Russia's influence?

I may be rather optimistic, but I see this weighing Trump down more than Pussygate and non-disclosure of taxes did.


Every time I think the general public is going to take something horrifying concerning Trump seriously I end up being disappointed.
Every time I think the general public is going to take something horrifying concerning Trump seriously I end up being disappointed.

Same. Russia's stooge is taking control of the US and not nearly enough people are batting an eye.

I'm curious as to what the rest of the world thinks. They're already well aware that we've got a shit-stew brewing, and this latest development has added even more diarrhea to the mix.


Pyrrhic victory and all, but I wish I could slap someone every time someone mentions terrible campaigner and "abnormally" flawed candidiate.

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