They don't have rules, that's the best part. They don't expect the democrats to play as dirty, to be as dishonest, to be as obstinate, or to be as obstructionist as they are. When the democrats in congress wake the fuck up and start playing the fucking game, the republicans won't really have any form of recourse.
You need two thirds of the States to agree to amend the constitution or to amend their own to do something proportionately. The only things Democrats are in the position to do is have California and New York give out their EC votes proportionately like Maine which would only harm Democrats because then Republicans would get some EC votes as opposed to zilch in those States but what Red States do you see the Democrats getting on board with such a plan so that they could get some EC votes from them?
Best to just have a long memory and do this way after Trump cause it's not happening any time soon. Only real problem with doing it ever is that once the Democrats are even in a position to do it would the drive be there? At that point they'd need to control a majority of the country and would hopefully be getting stuff done. Not sure the populace would be pushing for it.
Now, I'm all for the Democrats fighting back I just think we need to look at realistic short term goals and not magic cure-alls like removing the Electoral College at the moment. Plus, I'm not even 100% convinced removing it would even be in our favor. It looks that way since it's only hurt us but the dynamics of elections would be totally different if every vote really did count that I don't think it's accurate to look at results under the Electoral College and assume that those margins would transfer over to a popular vote system one to one. Maybe we'd do even better. Maybe worse. Regardless, until we can learn to play this game I don't think changing to a new game should be a high priority.
And to get back to the idea of protesting, look, protesting already turns off conservatives. Rural people joke about Liberals not protesting out in the country because they'd get run over by combines or that they're idiots for breaking their own shit. And most Texan conservatives, for example, don't give two fucks what happens in Austin. It's a liberal den. Protesting in your own cities just inconveniences those already on your side. Protesting a specific thing can be effective, protesting Trump as a whole's a loser. At the moment he's not getting forced out. It's a done deal. He's fucking President.
Now, maybe, in the future he'll do something so egregious that ousting him becomes a possibility and feel free to revisit the idea then. In the meantime I think we're best served fighting his Presidency on a case by case basis.
One of the things I've noticed with the conservatives around me is that they have no respect for liberals. In their words, we're pussies. And, honestly, perhaps I've spent too much time around them but I feel there's a bit of truth to that. I never read of people wanting to kill themselves under a liberal president, conservatives do protest less. Like it or not they have a good ability to put their heads down and carry on despite the situation. They don't often waste energy in large civil disobedience, partly probably because they love order, but instead focus that shit on getting things done in other ways. Can't get the Supreme Court, fuck it, they go after abortion at the State level, and they're damn effective at it. Look at what they've done with guns! Open carry and Concealed Carry wasn't even a thing before most of you guys were born probably, and yet, without the Federal Government's help look how many States have it now.
I think we need to take a page from their book on this one.