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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Point of order. Next thread, can the OP have a list of:

Bannable offences (relitigating primary and "which candidate is best for 2020?", for instance).
Grassroots activism links.
Large typeface "Vote in the miderms you wankers" (repeated for the next 2 years worth of threads, obviously)

Or is that taking the piss? :p

(Only slightly joking - I think the thread derails that the relitigating primary discussion contributes to aren't useful at all. :( )
I will fight as long as Sanders supporters continue to do the following:

1. Blame Hillary for Trump.
2. Blame the Democratic Party.
3. Then maybe start looking at Trump.
4. Continue to handwave away Russia. Instead pivot to blaming Hillary.

I'm not going to reach across the aisle when they continually want to rub dirt in the faces of people who put Party first. This is about saving the Democratic Party. Working with Sanders folks the way they think now isn't saving the party. You are replacing ideals with pure hero-worship. You are doubling down on the mistakes of Obama's caretaking of the DNC. It's why "I'm anyone but Keith Ellison" for the Chair. It's why I suspect Obama feels the same way.

I don't look forward to four years of Democratic Party infighting. Maybe we should just clear 2018 and 2020 off our schedules until we finally dominate the message that we were right and Bernie or Bust was wrong.


And I say you are playing cute if you are going to pretend no one is calling for it.


Hell, even the New Yorker agrees with me.
a speculation by a single author doesn't amount to shit. this is the publication that argued that the election was going to be dull and predictable, the hell do they know?

you show me a large and organized effort by bernie supporters to put their weight behind tulsi like they are with keith ellison or stop this fucking defamation of your allies

edit: c'mon thread, where's the data for bernie supporter turnout?


Conviction. She helped stop that Dakota pipeline...albeit temporarily. She also took a stand in Congress against the US arming ISIS. Those are the characteristics of a leader to lead someone in battle.

Did you see Clinton talking about women's rights? Implicit racism? Education?

Conviction only gets you so far. :/


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
No, this is not a rational process. This is the stupidest kind of finger pointing that accomplishes nothing.

Not true. If leadership listens to the finger-pointing, they can rework it to reach out to both sides and bring them together. Sometimes finger-pointing actually has to happen.

oh my god this Colorado elector

Is this the political equivalent of "Baba-booey?"
Not true. If leadership listens to the finger-pointing, they can rework it to reach out to both sides and bring them together. Sometimes finger-pointing actually has to happen.

What's happening in this thread? Almost nothing is actual conductive finger pointing. This is people screaming at each other and making excuses for their primary candidate of choice. So yes, I stand by how dumb this finger pointing is.


No Scrubs
Conviction. She helped stop that Dakota pipeline...albeit temporarily. She also took a stand in Congress against the US arming ISIS. Those are the characteristics of a leader to lead someone in battle.

She's also the most conservative democrat in congress and has been pretty craven in her political movements over the years. Not to mention her support of Mohdi and her rhetoric on muslims. I can honestly say I don't see what you see at all. If anything I feel like she's exact opposite of what we need leading the party.

EDIT: I mean, would we even know her name if she didn't throw her support behind Bernie? That seems to be all she's got going for her.
Point of order. Next thread, can the OP have a list of:

Bannable offences (relitigating primary and "which candidate is best for 2020?", for instance).
Grassroots activism links.
Large typeface "Vote in the miderms you wankers" (repeated for the next 2 years worth of threads, obviously)

Or is that taking the piss? :p

(Only slightly joking - I think the thread derails that the relitigating primary discussion contributes to aren't useful at all. :( )

how about we just keep that part on there permanently
She's also the most conservative democrat in congress and has been pretty craven in her political movements over the years. Not to mention her support of Mohdi and her rhetoric on muslims. I can honestly say I don't see what you see at all. If anything I feel like she's exact opposite of what we need leading the party.

I feel like Tulsi Gabbard's ride to prominence is an example of the type of political "vessel" I mentioned earlier. Nothing about her seems to indicate she would rise to prominence organically as the next leader of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. It feels like former Bernie supporters are elevating her as the future as a sort of loyalty reward when her main progressive bona fides appears to her support of Bernie during the primaries.

Part of which is why I can't wait to move as far away from the 2016 primaries and both Bernie and Clinton as we can.
"Most popular party in the country at 36 percent"

It's the same everywhere. Liberals splinter trying to be right while Conservatives just win.

There are no left-wing parties currently representing in the Sejm.

Also fuck you guys?

BREAKING: WA Electoral college presidential results: 8 votes Hillary Clinton, 3 votes Colin Powell, 1 "Faith Spotted Eagle"


She's also the most conservative democrat in congress and has been pretty craven in her political movements over the years. Not to mention her support of Mohdi and her rhetoric on muslims. I can honestly say I don't see what you see at all. If anything I feel like she's exact opposite of what we need leading the party.

There's a difference between Muslims and Islamic Terrorists. Islamic terrorism IS a major threat to peace in the world. The leadership of the DNC right now is from the coasts. That's a problem and needs to be remedied. Yeah, I know she's from Hawaii and that's kinda contradictory to what I'm saying, but I stand by my point that I see great leadership qualities in her. She just needs some molding/fine tuning of those skills.

FOUR Faithless electors in Washington State
- 3 votes for Colin Powell
- 1 vote for Faithless Spotted Eagle (I had to look this up to see if it was a joke, and it's not)
a speculation by a single author doesn't amount to shit. this is the publication that argued that the election was going to be dull and predictable, the hell do they know?

you show me a large and organized effort by bernie supporters to put their weight behind tulsi like they are with keith ellison or stop this fucking defamation of your allies

edit: c'mon thread, where's the data for bernie supporter turnout?

A. They aren't my allies. They are only here for Bernie Sanders.
B. If you want to prove your point about Bernie supporters showing up for Hillary, then how about you get the data yourself?
C. You asked for some form of evidence. I gave you something. Then you move the goal posts. You are playing cute here by asking for evidence on an item that everyone in this thread knows to be true, but also isn't going to be heavily documented because unlike the DNC election it's far off, and not an immediate event. It's not as if there is a large and organized effort right now to get anyone to run.
There's a difference between Muslims and Islamic Terrorists. Islamic terrorism IS a major threat to peace in the world. The leadership of the DNC right now is from the coasts. That's a problem and needs to be remedied. Yeah, I know she's from Hawaii and that's kinda contradictory to what I'm saying, but I stand by my point that I see great leadership qualities in her. She just needs some molding/fine tuning of those skills.

FOUR Faithless electors in Washington State
- 3 votes for Colin Powell
- 1 vote for Faithless Spotted Eagle (I had to look this up to see if it was a joke, and it's not)

After how much shit super delegates in Washington got for voting Clinton and not 'following the will of the voters', I hope to see those same people decrying this.

Of course, they won't though.


No Scrubs
There's a difference between Muslims and Islamic Terrorists. Islamic terrorism IS a major threat to peace in the world. The leadership of the DNC right now is from the coasts. That's a problem and needs to be remedied. Yeah, I know she's from Hawaii and that's kinda contradictory to what I'm saying, but I stand by my point that I see great leadership qualities in her. She just needs some molding/fine tuning of those skills.

And you're not bothered by her support of Mohdi at all?
This entire thread has devolved to people screaming at fictional scenarios that they imagined in their head. Lets please stop using the Bernie Subreddit as some broad generalization of how most supporters feel. Collectively can we move on from the primary and election results? Stop attacking and making a big deal out of the opinion of a tiny minority of people living in their fantasy land. The vast majority of people who voted for Sanders in the primary were united behind Hillary election day. There are far bigger fish to fry and things to discuss.
After how much shit super delegates in Washington got for voting Clinton and not 'following the will of the voters', I hope to see those same people decrying this.

Of course, they won't though.
The superdelegates thing was never based in principle, just hope that something would tip it to Sanders.

People hid behind the "SDs should vote the way their state did!" because that sounds reasonable, ignoring that Sanders would have still been several hundred delegates behind Clinton. Which is why the argument then became "Well the other ones should just vote for him anyway!"
The superdelegates thing was never based in principle, just hope that something would tip it to Sanders.

People hid behind the "SDs should vote the way their state did!" because that sounds reasonable, ignoring that Sanders would have still been several hundred delegates behind Clinton. Which is why the argument then became "Well the other ones should just vote for him anyway!"

I have friends that *still* complain about it, ignoring that if all super delegates had done this, that Clinton would have still won handily. It drives me crazy.
Conviction. She helped stop that Dakota pipeline...albeit temporarily. She also took a stand in Congress against the US arming ISIS. Those are the characteristics of a leader to lead someone in battle.

If only she had that same conviction to fight Trump instead of being so chummy with his camp.
Tulsi sucks tbh. She has Islamophobic-ish tendencies and any respectable Sanders supporter should look away. Even Sanders himself, considering he gained the backing of the Muslim community during
the primaries
The shit Bernie supporters are pulling in the electoral college today should be proof enough for anyone that they are still not over the primary and it is their fault the party was not as united as it needs to be. Sore losers who can't accept the fact that their guy lost.

"But guys, both sides need to work together!!"


Texas GOP Chair is an incompetent, complacent boob who will be served his walking papers immediately after this. They're having to decide replacements for 4 people who didn't show up. Come on.
I think the way you tackle the EC problem is not reforming the entire thing. That would require way too many people coming to a consensus. What could happen is individual states reform their own laws from this winner takes all standard. This would be much easier to accompish since it doesn't require a US Constitutional amendment. It wouldn't be quite a direct vote but it wouldn't come down to a 1% margin winning an entire state despite not even getting half the vote for that state.

This is of course not likely to happen, because even democrats would oppose changing the rules in states where they usually win 100% of the EC.


A. They aren't my allies. They are only here for Bernie Sanders.
B. If you want to prove your point about Bernie supporters showing up for Hillary, then how about you get the data yourself?
C. You asked for some form of evidence. I gave you something. Then you move the goal posts. You are playing cute here by asking for evidence on an item that everyone in this thread knows to be true, but also isn't going to be heavily documented because unlike the DNC election it's far off, and not an immediate event. It's not as if there is a large and organized effort right now to get anyone to run.
A.) Tsk tsk.

B.) I want to find the statistical data for voter turnout of bernie supporters but I can't find shit, so I'm assuming that people who are pushing this narrative have some sort of statistical backing but lo and behold once I ask for the receipts everybody gets quiet.

C.) You didn't post any evidence you liar. You posted a speculation article. Asking for evidence isn't being cute, it's keeping discussion within the realm of reality.


I can't stand Gabbard not just because she's pretty much anti-lgbt and a racist no matter how much she apparently changed her mind, but also because of how hypocritical much of BOB supporters can't seem to realize the amazing double standard they have against Hillary Clinton's problems versus Gabbard's. And if Hillary lost, then Gabbard, who has real issues that a lot of democrats won't like, won't support her either.

Tulsi is far from perfect in a long shot, and I want nothing to do with her. Hell, I'll pick Bernie over her.


I think the way you tackle the EC problem is not reforming the entire thing. That would require way too many people coming to a consensus. What could happen is individual states reform their own laws from this winner takes all standard. This would be much easier to accompish since it doesn't require a US Constitutional amendment. It wouldn't be quite a direct vote but it wouldn't come down to a 1% margin winning an entire state despite not even getting half the vote for that state.

This is of course not likely to happen, because even democrats would oppose changing the rules in states where they usually win 100% of the EC.

That's how it works already. States have the right to determine how they do electoral votes. It can be based on popular vote, proportional, districts; it can even be done by counties if they wanted to.



the dnc is a mess


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
So.... a bunch of asshole Democrats have decided it was a good day to shit on Hillary Clinton? This country is doomed.


My lack of optimism for 2018 is again bolstered. Not angry with electors or shocked, just sort of saddened at the state of the Dems in general. Regardless of where you stand, progressivism is about to take a strong tumble backwards with or without the help of bickering Dems.


My lack of optimism for 2018 is again bolstered. Not angry with electors or shocked, just sort of saddened at the state of the Dems in general. Regardless of where you stand, progressivism is about to take a strong tumble backwards with or without the help of bickering Dems.
If you want to try to make things better, attend your local DNC meetings and get in touch with people in your area. Don't let this thread get to you, a lot of people are in this defeatist funk and are bitter towards the one contingent of the democratic party that seem eager to do something right now. The DNC is in a real weakened and defeated state, but people are working towards rebuilding and revitalizing it.
I know they have the option to. I said they should opt to change from winner takes all.

Proportional EC votes only works if all the states do it. In this situation it only hurts the state's dominant party.

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is the most realistic method of making this change. Even that has a lot of problems, and would require at least a few swing states form acquiescing some of their importance.
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