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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Trump wants Obama to veto the UN resolution forcing Israel stop stop encroaching on Palestinian lands and instead leave it up to Israel and Palestine to decide.

As if that would happen.

Trump posted this on Facebook and you have the usual echo chamber of the US leaving the UN, kicking the UN out, etc.

We really need to ramp up our history lessons in school on the purpose of NATO and the UN for the future generations. Current Trump suporters are a lost cause in terms of learning anything, or believing anything taught in school.

Dems really need to focus on school boards. We literally let Republicans, the anti-science, anti-thinking, and anti-education party to seize the controls of our schools nationwide, and now we're reaping what they sowed.

And then on election night, everyone votes Trump because that's all they saw. :/

Trump 94%
Baldwin (who's this guy?) 3%
Jonathan Coachman 2%
Jill Stein 1%

Yeah, but what if the ballots say Trump and... Trump?

Because I don't think there's anything stopping you from having two identically named candidates on the ballot.
Look, just picture it for a minute.

It's September. They're walking out for the first debate. First comes Trump, looking appropriately Trumpian. He descends on a wire setup because that's what presidents do now, apparently.

From the opposite side of the stage comes Baldwin, dressed as Trump. Orange makeup and everything.

Actual Trump vs. Trump impersonator debate on live television.

It would be glorious.
Think about the ratings!


I was listening to the most recent Weeds podcast about the Kentucky Trump voters and Obamacare.

What people running around promoting 'economic equality' don't realize is that, supposing you can take the racism out (which is impossible), there is 'economic discrimination'—the complaints those Kentucky Trump voters who needed Obamacare made were against the poor on Medicaid, who "won't work".

In other words, bootstraps. The middle class, particularly the lower middle class who might see their deductibles go up and look at Medicaid with envy, would be unwilling to shell out more to subsidize a 'whole'. They would still look down on poor white people. Selling resentment of the rich is harder than selling resentment of the poor to these voters, I think.

Al Gore and Hillary Clinton are smart and would have been good presidents, but they were... obviously nerds.

They were bad followups to presidents who were smart but also cool.

This is partially why Jason Kander did well, he didn't seem like an out of touch nerd.

Kander ran as a regular person who understood his state's local issues, and he was running as an outsider during a year when people didn't want "establishment" candidates. Gore and Clinton were the definition of establishment but it's hard to 1:1 compare a national candidate to a state candidate. I don't think being a nerd/wonk matters that much though, the issue is whether you can appeal to regular people and talk about issues on their level. Part of the biggest reasons Obama, Clinton, and national democrats do so poorly on guns is because people realize they probably haven't fired a gun in their life; they sound like out of touch elitists. Compare that to Kander, Heitkamp, Manchin etc who speak the language and have some level of trust with people in their states. Kander won a lot of republican votes in large part because he convinced them he wouldn't take their guns away.

Gore and (Hillary) Clinton are terrible retail politicians and it's hard to win like that. So is Elizabeth Warren, so I'd hope she isn't the nominee.
"The DNC has been worthless….I hope they will choose someone who is a full-time person, not like that congresswoman from FL.” --@SenatorReid


A preview of Trump in the White House in 2020

Populism is offering simple solutions to complicated problems while painting one group as the reason for all the problems. On the Left, it's painting every person who works on Wall Street as an evil bloodsucker who cheered when people's homes were foreclosed while offering up 4 page bills to restrain Wall Street while on the right it's well, Donald Trump.

The left folks are probably painting white collar criminals and companies that have committed felonies as bloodsuckers rather than coming after people doing the right thing with zero justification according to your narrative.

Also some GAF members should ask themselves are the caricatures of populism meaningless perojatives vs. the caricatures of neoliberalism...
I think the best Presidential candidates would also be the best candidates for a reality tv show. Knowing this is undeniable fact, hence Donald Trump Presidency, the democrats should google best reality tv shows. Gordon Ramsay isn't born American, so there goes the best candidate. Damn, the founders should have foresaw our predicament here!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Carl Icahn's circulating around the business news outlets saying banking regulation and the EPA will be among his primary targets, and that no one should be concerned about his stock portfolio in regards to his advising Trump on deregulation efforts.

Sure, uh huh.


No Scrubs
Get ready for the never ending crisis to justify building new nukes

Like we can't already destroy the world 8 times over.

Carl Icahn's circulating around the business news outlets saying banking regulation and the EPA will be among his primary targets, and that no one should be concerned about his stock portfolio in regards to his advising Trump on deregulation efforts.

Sure, uh huh.

No one's going to cover it properly.
It would be nice to have a world where only the U.S., Russia, China, India, and Pakistan had nukes and each country only had 20 nukes each.

That seems like it would continue MAD without the gigantic risks of total human extinction if things went bad.
It's not a matter of addressing "only social issues" or addressing "only economic issues". That's not something the Democratic party has ever done anyway as much as some like to pretend otherwise. It's a matter of priorities (I also felt some of his plans didn't have enough meat on their bones to be practical, he had some blindspots or knowledge gaps, and I just disagreed with a few policy positions but I think his obvious priorities was the biggest turn off). It was and still is very clear what Sanders priorities are. He wasn't adept as bridging the gap and communicating he cared about both equally (and to be clear because some always take this the wrong way - I'm not saying he didn't care about social issues at all, he obviously does). The fact that some/many in the "Sanders wing" also share those priorities combined with all the "hot takes" I've read following the election that basically rail against "identity politics" (as if all politics wasn't ID politics) from all sides of the political spectrum has me concerned.

To me, as a Black man, the nebulous "Wall Street" is not who I consider enemy #1 in my life (even though I agree with the need for appropriate regulation and progressive taxation and etc.). If people like me are denied opportunities for education, housing, employment, etc. because of my race, that's going to have a big impact on my economic status. If your message always pivots back to economics first, its going to be a turn off to people of color and that's exactly what happened.

I don't know a ton about Keith Ellison but if he wins the DNC chair position, I think he will be in a good position to bridge this gap. What little I've seen and heard from him makes me feel he has a good chance of doing what Sanders failed to do in this regard. Hell if someone like Ellison had run in the primary, assuming there aren't any skeletons in his closet I'm not aware, he might have had a better shot than Sanders himself did. Maybe he would have had too many knowledge gaps though - like I don't know much about his FP positions.

Words of truth.

People need to understand this. Sander's platform didn't fail to appeal to Black people because "Black people don't know what's good for them", but because they've heard it before and that's not what they want, or need.

This 'it helps black people the most because they are disproportionately poor' completely misses that it doesn't do much at all to undo the inequality they face.

So poor people have more money. That's good. But when the average black person who graduates college is earning less than the average white high school drop out... what has that done for inequality?

You've still got a higher percentage of black college graduates that are poor than you do white college graduates. They just aren't *as* poor. This does *nothing* to fix the real problem, which is that black people are disproportionately poor. Poor people have more money, but black people would remain as disproportionately poor.

Which is why this supposedly racially blind focus on economic inequality doesn't win over black voters. Because income inequality isn't close to the top of their list of biggest problems.

And nor should it be.

Edit: And you can sign me up for President Cena.


On Thursday morning, the Trump transition team announced that former campaign manager Kellyanne Conway will serve as counselor to the president. In that role she’ll be the highest ranking woman in the White House.
A statement released by the transition team announcing the move is boilerplate — “I am pleased that she will be part of my senior team in the West Wing,” Trump is quoted as saying — until it gets around to discussing Conway’s role in Trump’s victory, where it makes the claim that Trump “shattered the glass ceiling for women

"President-elect Trump’s victory on November 8th also shattered the glass ceiling for women. Conway is the first female campaign manager of either major party to win a presidential general election."

Bitch please
Words of truth.

People need to understand this. Sander's platform didn't fail to appeal to Black people because "Black people don't know what's good for them", but because they've heard it before and that's not what they want, or need.

This 'it helps black people the most because they are disproportionately poor' completely misses that it doesn't do much at all to undo the inequality they face.

So poor people have more money. That's good. But when the average black person who graduates college is earning less than the average white high school drop out... what has that done for inequality?

You've still got a higher percentage of black college graduates that are poor than you do white college graduates. They just aren't *as* poor. This does *nothing* to fix the real problem, which is that black people are disproportionately poor. Poor people have more money, but black people would remain as disproportionately poor.

Which is why this supposedly racially blind focus on economic inequality doesn't win over black voters. Because income inequality isn't close to the top of their list of biggest problems.

And nor should it be.

Edit: And you can sign me up for President Cena.

People can be sold on policies, I don't think that was the problem. IMO Sanders' problem was that he simply didn't give a fuck about the black vote until it was too late. While marching with MLK was important, people want to see you now. Sanders has been largely absent from black issues and communities for decades; to be honest, since the 1960s. You can't simply show up late with Cornell West and expect black people to give a fuck.

Obama, Edwards, and Hillary were making various trips to black interest groups and communities as far back as 2005. Sanders was never going to beat Clinton with black voters but all he needed to do was win a decent amount and he might have won the nomination (lol probably not).

You can't win the democrat or republican nomination without competing in the south. I hope that whoever is advising Kander is telling him this right now. And if I was Cory Booker I'd be spending a lot of time in South Carolina and Georgia.
"I alone can defeat ISIS."
What kind of cheap motel is he in? And why is one of the Beatles in a suggestive photo like this?
"President-elect Trump’s victory on November 8th also shattered the glass ceiling for women. Conway is the first female campaign manager of either major party to win a presidential general election."
The Rock 2020. Let's do it.
#NotTheOnion, but hey, why the hell not at this point? Good to know Cena is a right-wing goof, though. Now I have a rational reason for hating him instead of the lazy "Nickelback sucks" justification I've had for years.
Obama administration continuing to earn their holiday weekend by making Trump administration's life just slightly harder: DHS got rid of the inactive NSEERS (Muslim and North Korean visitor tracking) program.

Hilariously, that photo of Kobach's agenda probably led directly to this.

Last month, before a meeting with Mr. Trump, Mr. Kobach was photographed with a document of first-year proposals that included, under the rubric “Bar the Entry of Potential Terrorists,” a proposal to reintroduce the registry program.

That information, as well as Mr. Trump’s comments on the campaign trail, prompted Democratic lawmakers, mayors from cities with large foreign-born populations and some business leaders in Silicon Valley to call on Mr. Obama to undo the legal framework that undergirds the program.
He did a pro-LGBT video and he's a right-wing goof?
Oof, sorry. I was basing this on the Hannity mention above. Apologies on his actual charitable works I blanked on. A case of "I'm uncertain who the man is vs the character."
Obama administration continuing to earn their holiday weekend by making Trump administration's life just slightly harder: DHS got rid of the inactive NSEERS (Muslim and North Korean visitor tracking) program.
We already had this? I'm surprised it's never come up.
The whole Reid quote about the DNC, for those who enjoy static:

I believe one of the failures of Democratic Party has been the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, has been worthless. They do nothing to help state parties. That should be the main goal they have. I developed everything in Nevada on my own. Their help was relatively meaningless.

So, I would hope that they would choose a chair of the Democratic Party who is a full-time person. Not someone like we had with that congresswoman from Florida, who was a full-time congresswoman and a part time chair of the DNC.

We need a full time DNC chair and what they should do – they can take my model if they want – it’s not rocket science. It doesn’t take a lot of brain power to figure out what needs to be done. They should take a few states every election cycle, maybe three maybe four, and help them develop the infrastructure for good state party organization.
Obama should just leave a locked file cabinet labeled "MUSLIMS 'N MEXICANS" in the Oval Office and hide the key.That'll distract Trump for at least a year.
I really hope the rumors that Obama was too afraid of firing DWS because she threatened to throw anti-semitism at him if he did it weren't true

The leader of our party can't let little incompetent shit for brains like her hijack our party with that sort of bullshit.
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