Box of Kittens
I think of all the things that made the primary such a wonderful and fun experience, my favorite was arguing about whose supporters are more mean. Glad to be doing that again.
who the fuck said anything about winning elections. especially in a tongue and cheek comment? christ all mighty.
I had an internship working with local Democrats in an incredibly red state over the last election and will probably be pretty involved with them until I graduate. I'm also in the middle of getting my Bachelor's in polisci.
Horseshoe theory is still bad.
Then stop taking offense at your own straw man of the horseshoe theory.
I mean, this means Jill Stein is stupid, not further to the left of Bernie.Because Bernie didn't wast everyone's time running as a third party candidate. Jill Stein did and look where she got! I think she almost made it over the 1% mark! Maybe next election she'll double her votes.
I mean, this means Jill Stein is stupid, not further to the left of Bernie.
I mean, this means Jill Stein is stupid, not further to the left of Bernie.
Show me where the horseshoe theory states that you will find equal numbers of people on each end.
First off, Bernie WAS pushing a bunch of antiestablishment BS during the primaries.
Second, Bernie isn't nearly as far left as people like Glen or the Green Party. Bernie actually has to work in the government, so he knows firsthand why certain far-left ideas are bullshit.
Chomsky wanted Hillary to win. When I say "far left" I'm talking about the nut-cases who blame everything on "neoliberalism". Chomsky has some issues with moderates but he doesn't claim that everything is the fault of the democrats.
Are you INVITING me to go through your post history?
Except Jill Stein was quoted as saying she WANTED Trump to beat Hillary if she could only choose between the two.
I'm not sure how that contradicts my point? I just said she was stupid and that has nothing to do with being to the left of Bernie.Except Jill Stein was quoted as saying she WANTED Trump to beat Hillary if she could only choose between the two.
I'm not sure how that contradicts my point? I just said she was stupid and that has nothing to do with being to the left of Bernie.
That's the point of it being called horseshoe theory!
He was, I agree. And I don't think that's all bad. But the reason I mentioned him was because he doesn't subscribe to everything on that list. The point was to show that there is diversity of opinion in the far left.
Secondly, I also agree! I've said many times that Bernie is not as far left as many claim. But I have been told that he is FAR LEFT and he is held up as the paragon of far leftists in US politics all the time simply because he's further to the left than the mainstream Dems. So without a disclaimer, I couldn't have assumed you weren't counting him.
Same thing here, plenty of people hold Chomsky to be "far left" even if you wouldnt. But our definitions of far left can't be based around whether they subscribe to that list of points, but whether they believe in socialism. That, to me, is the primary determinant. And socialists can subscribe to the those things or not.
I've certainly said dumb things in the past about. For example, I gave the Ukrainian separatists more leeway in 2014 than I should have because there genuinely were people in the east who were rallying against Kiev because they were afraid of the fascists among the protesters, and there were those who wanted a return to socialist ideals. They got overshadowed quickly by Putin's goons. And I didn't see the extent of the threat that Putin posed until I learned about Dugin, so I was more skeptical of NATO'S involvement in Europe up to that point. I also learned a lot about the differences in the Democratic coalition and their viewpoints doing this past election. I think Greenwald used to be better than he is now. But I own up to errors and change when I absorb new information. Yet surprisingly, I remain on the far left.
I'm not sure how that contradicts my point? I just said she was stupid and that has nothing to do with being to the left of Bernie.
None of this is disproving my point that Stein isn't appreciably more left than Sanders but both are pretty different in their beliefs?Stupid? She just scammed a bunch of idiots into giving her millions of dollars.
She WANTED Trump to win because for the Green Party politics is about nothing except "fuck the imperial west".
Why do you think Putin funded not just far right candidates across the west, but far LEFT ones too?
I get what you're saying but I think this is a pretty small group of people.I think it is stupid. I don't think there's anything to the idea being impractical somehow makes you more radical and leftist. But I was saying precisely because there were plenty of leftists that hung on to the idea that Bernie running as a democrat "gave" legitimacy to the democrats being a party of the working class and that running as a third party would have been more meaningful/ showed a real break from the neoliberal establishment. Or something.
None of this is disproving my point that Stein isn't appreciably more left than Sanders but both are pretty different in their beliefs?
I get what you're saying but I think this is a pretty small group of people.
You really should get a Bachelor's in another part of the humanities (I'd strongly recommend Econ). There's no depth/hard center w/ Polysci. It's just trumped up philosophy.I had an internship working with local Democrats in an incredibly red state over the last election and will probably be pretty involved with them until I graduate. I'm also in the middle of getting my Bachelor's in polisci.
Horseshoe theory is still bad.
Those less practical, much more stupid policies are pretty much exactly the meaningful differences you're looking for?I agree with you. I don't know in what meaningful sense Jill Stein is to the left of Sanders. I think she was a lot less practical, said some dumb stuff, and had worse policies.
None of this is disproving my point that Stein isn't appreciably more left than Sanders but both are pretty different in their beliefs?
I get what you're saying but I think this is a pretty small group of people.
I think of all the things that made the primary such a wonderful and fun experience, my favorite was arguing about whose supporters are more mean. Glad to be doing that again.
There your definition of "left" is a crappy one too considering how vague "believes in socialism" is. Does that mean I'm a leftist if I believe in the US Postal Service?
No, you are not the far left, because you are willing to actually admit when you take your ideology too far. The shit you just brought up, the far left would respond by claiming its all imperialist propaganda.
this is so factually incorrect on multiple levels that i don't even know where to begin... good lord.
like socialism and communism are THE definition of the far left.
Fuck off with this, polisci is a real thing.You really should get a Bachelor's in another part of the humanities (I'd strongly recommend Econ). There's no depth/hard center w/ Polysci. It's just trumped up philosophy.
Bernie is literally the most anti-Israel candidate to come out of a mainstream party, wants to largely scale back US military involvement (and if the USSR is an important part of horseshoe theory, global military isn't necessarily farther left), and lol GMOs are not a real left/right issue.Oh you want examples of how Stein and/or the Green Party are more left than Bernie, sure how about:
- being vehemently anti-israel
- wanting to dismantle more than half of the US's global military bases
- being ridiculously antiGMO
Just off the top of my head.
this is so factually incorrect on multiple levels that i don't even know where to begin... good lord.
like socialism and communism are THE definition of the far left.
Show me where the horseshoe theory says the bolded.
Fact is, we see the far left (Green Party, HAHA Goodman, Glen Greenwald, etc.) and the deplorables both:
- constantly defend Russia and Wikileaks
- push isolationist trade policy
- shittalk NATO and EU while (ironically) claiming that liberals/democrats want WW3
- attack perfectly fine sources as "Mainstream Media Elite Establishment Working for Special Interests and Globalists"
- praise bullshit sources like breitbart as "real news"
- claim that the whole system is "rigged" for "the establishment"
Why are you assuming that BLM is the far end? In the horseshoe theory the far end would be Stokely Carmichael not BLM.
Bernie is literally the most anti-Israel candidate to come out of a mainstream party, wants to largely scale back US military involvement (and if the USSR is an important part of horseshoe theory, global military isn't necessarily farther left), and lol GMOs are not a real left/right issue.
For Russia, far left foreign policy people are basically defined by an extreme focus on the mistakes and misdoings of the United States past and worrying about repeating those mistakes to the point that they might give Russia's words equal weight to the US.
That is very different from the far right's fear and hatred of the other, and loyalty to their friends, to the point that they can go from treating russia like america's biggest threat to best friend overnight (at least if that country is majority white).
For globalization and trade policy, the far left dislikes it because it creates a capitalistic race to the bottom that increases inequality. It's really hard setting up labor rights and higher taxation when it's so easy for companies to just go somewhere where the government bends over for anything big business wants.
Again, quite different from the far right disliking globalism because of patriotism in their country, and a dislike of foreigners.
So basically you take issue with the horseshoe theory because some idiots told you that Bernie is far left?
There your definition of "left" is a crappy one too considering how vague "believes in socialism" is. Does that mean I'm a leftist if I believe in the US Postal Service?
No, you are not the far left, because you are willing to actually admit when you take your ideology too far. The shit you just brought up, the far left would respond by claiming its all imperialist propaganda.
It's all theory and conceptualization. You can't disprove anything nor can you prove anything because there's no empirical way to do so. Studying it is a waste (imo) because at the end of the day, there's no "right" answer. I started in Polysci and Nope'd out once I realized this.Fuck off with this, polisci is a real thing.
I mean, you're wrong, but I'm not really seeing any point in trying to argue this with you.It's all theory and conceptualization. You can't disprove anything nor can you prove anything because there's no empirical way to do so. Studying it is a waste (imo) because at the end of the day, there's no "right" answer. I started in Polysci and Nope'd out once I realized this.
This is, incidentally, why the non-math/data-based humanities flock to things like Marxism, because in their fields everything is literally opinion. Because the most you can say against it is "I disagree.", it gets to go unchecked. In the social sciences that can experiment, though- suddenly you can start proving things right or wrong, and it completely changes how you have to approach concepts/ideas/etc. (And Marxism does not hold up as an economic theory.)
The big development in modern economics is it going hard on the science/data part and veering hard away from any ideological underpinnings.
That's the point, the only way to "win" is through argumentation. Not data. That's the problem.I mean, you're wrong, but I'm not really seeing any point in trying to argue this with you.
Though lol at philosophy being a waste of time.
It's all theory and conceptualization. You can't disprove anything nor can you prove anything because there's no empirical way to do so. Studying it is a waste (imo) because at the end of the day, there's no "right" answer. I started in Polysci and Nope'd out once I realized this.
This is, incidentally, why the non-math/data-based humanities flock to things like Marxism, because in their fields everything is literally opinion. Because the most you can say against it is "I disagree.", it gets to go unchecked. In the social sciences that can experiment, though- suddenly you can start proving things right or wrong, and it completely changes how you have to approach concepts/ideas/etc. (And Marxism does not hold up as an economic theory.)
The big development in modern economics is it going hard on the science/data part and veering hard away from any ideological underpinnings.
I think they won't do a full repeal, it'll be partial one. It is much more easier for them to do that. There won't be a full repeal in anytime soon, and there won't be a replacement plan either.
No, I take issue with it because it is too vague to properly describe variants of political ideologies.
Oh so it's suddenly socialism if it were just run by individual states then?Nationalization isn't necessarily the same thing as socialization.
None of that is me stopping myself from taking my ideology too far though, it's adjusting my opinion about a particular issue because of new facts or perspectives.
My ideological outlook/end goal - that I want the abolition of all classes and the control of the means of production handed over to the workers - remains the same.
I mean, how is that not far left, just because I try to be logical? Far doesn't mean idiotic, it means far from the mainstream. I think this is our hold up here.
The big development in modern economics is it going hard on the science/data part and veering hard away from any ideological underpinnings.
Then you are missing the whole point of the horseshoe theory. The theory's purpose isn't to categorize all of politics. It's to show that when you go to the very extreme ends you end up with striking numbers of similarities.
Oh so it's suddenly socialism if it were just run by individual states then?
And my point is that you are a lot less extreme than you claim if you are willing to change your view when presented with relevant facts.
Let me put it this way:
You say that's your goal, but are you the kind of person who thinks that anything short of that is a useless endeavor?
You can't just define being "far left" as "believes things I think are crazy and/or are believed by the far right".
Horseshoe theory definitely applies if you do define it that way, though.
You can but it's not necessarily so and it falsely breaks down politics into two mere directions.
No, it's socialism if the workers controlled it. I'm ok with nationalization if it's run by a democratic government but that's still just a representative sort of socialism, not direct socialism.
I don't disagree, but I don't think that precludes me from being on the far left. Criticism and self criticism are two of the core tenants of "scientific socialism" as Marx liked to call it.
Because Bernie didn't wast everyone's time running as a third party candidate. Jill Stein did and look where she got! I think she almost made it over the 1% mark! Maybe next election she'll double her votes.
This is more understandable but I don't think it's just extremes that feel this way. Perot ran a campaign and got 19% of the vote (I'm not aware of any other third party candidate doing this well in this century, and luckily benji is banned right now so he can't correct me) running as a centrist who "just wanted to get under the hood and fix all the things that went wrong because of partisans". He also had largely crazy ideas and embraced conspiracy theories, but he pulled near equally from both parties.I think its less that you can "trace" the horseshoe along its curve and find more extremism gradually as you get further from center, and more that groups that tend to believe that its just ridiculous that their clearly obvious solutions haven't been implemented and some form of revolution to seize power over institutions, the populace, or both to just do what's obvious is correlated with fanaticism for any ideology.
Or to put it another way, I think who most of us are talking about are the people who believe that complex problems have simple solutions (or complex problems have simple causes), and these people are usually pretty far into something. When I talk about the "far left" in this context I'm talking about the people who just think that we should just have universal healthcare already damnit and that the only reason we don't is because of the pharmecy industry or something and not because...Americans might not actually want Universal Health Care and need to be educated before they'll change how they'll vote. But no, its always "neoliberalism" that's to blame
Sure, there's tons of numbers. There's a lot of good work using those numbers. But at the end of the day, like on Who's Line, they don't matter, because people will pick and choose what they want to. There's no way to say "No. You are wrong." definitively w data.You either only took an intro class or your school's program was bad because this is absolutely false.
Tons of hard numbers in political science. For just one example, I did a project my sophomore year analyzing if openness in an electoral system (with respect to parties) has any connection with extremist party success. Looked at decades worth of election numbers across a dozen countries.
You're talking more about political theory/philosophy, which is sort of the case. But there's still value in it, I think. It can't be the only thing people study though, IMO
Political ideology. If you are subscribing to dogma, you are wrong. It doesn't matter which dogma- they're all bad.There is no such thing as an absence of ideological underpinnings.
Full ACA repeal seems unlikely but it doesn't matter. They can still cripple it by killing the subsidies and doing plenty of other things via the HHS secretary. They will just starve the beast. Typical Republican strategy.
RTJ3 was eh
Their only option would be to invest in an actual larger, better program and they'll never do it because Ryan will never let them. Literally anything else they do will make things tangibly worse for a ton of people
Bitch about Apprentice Ratings and insult my successor. Check
Defend Russia and a pedophile. Check
Bitch about the US Intelligence Community. Check
Threaten news networks that don't kiss my ass. Check
Full ACA repeal seems unlikely but it doesn't matter. They can still cripple it by killing the subsidies and doing plenty of other things via the HHS secretary. They will just starve the beast. Typical Republican strategy. Then they'll point to it and say this is why universal healthcare is a bad idea and people will eat it up. Universal healthcare is dead for at least another generation. Elections have consequences. It's damning that we now know Russia had at least something to do with having to endure these consequences. It's an act of war, I don't care what anybody says.
Probable Obamacare repeal plan:
- Immediately get rid of all related taxes, ignoring any deficits that produces.
- Get rid of Planned Parenthood and specify that ACA pre existing condition protections no longer apply to gender identity, mental health, or being a woman.
- Schedule the mandate, tax credits, and medicare expansion to end 2021, when they can blame a democrat controlled senate when the health industry implodes.