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PoliGAF 2016 |OT16| Unpresidented

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Dude. Bernie lost older white voters to Hillary by pretty large margins. Bernie MAY have beaten Trump, but he had issues with minorities and older white voters. You don't win a GE relying on young people ever. His immigration stance was Lou Dobbs lite in 2007 - the Hispanic vote would have been suppressed and so would the black vote. Hillary was a piece of plywood as far as enthusiasm. We don't need a socialist. We need a charismatic person that motivates the Obama coalition. I would love me some Kamala Harris 2020 to be honest. Experience is overrated, it's actually even a detriment.

Dude. You're feeding me a bunch of shit that the Hillary campaign jerked itself off over which ended up meaning absofuckinglutely nothing. Bernie won in the GE exit polls. Hillary thought she'd win over Republican voters by smearing Trump and that plan completely fell its face. She lost white women to the pussy grabber. She. Sucked. Fucking. Eggs.

Hillary was only popular to Democrats as much as she convinced them that the other guy couldn't win. And then that was basically the only move she had for the GE: vote for her or oblivion. Always about fear. She had barely anything positive to promote about herself but some run of the mill bullshit the public has become immune to.

Her campaign was always about how it was her turn, just like in 2008. And when it came time to concede the election, she simpered in some backroom like the coward she is, couldn't even face a crowd of her adoring donors. She was never a leader in this context. She was always a self-entitled elitist who was in it for the prestige (not dissimilar to Trump). And the voting public always knew that about her, which is why they didn't feel compelled to vote in the first place.


I'm really not sure how anyone can think that Wall Street controls the election process in the USA given this result. Whether we like it or not they wanted Hillary, and they loathed Trump - and he won anyway.


Dude. You're feeding me a bunch of shit that the Hillary campaign jerked itself off over which ended up meaning absofuckinglutely nothing. Bernie won in the GE exit polls. Hillary thought she'd win over Republican voters by smearing Trump and that plan completely fell its face. She lost white women to the pussy grabber. She. Sucked. Fucking. Eggs.

Hillary was only popular to Democrats as much as she convinced them that the other guy couldn't win. And then that was basically the only move she had for the GE: vote for her or oblivion. Always about fear. She had barely anything positive about to promote herself but some run of the mill bullshit the public has become immune to.

Her campaign was always about how it was her turn, just like in 2008. And when it came time to concede the election, she simpered in some backroom like the coward she is, couldn't even face a crowd of her adoring donors. She was never a leader in this context. She was always a self-entitled elitist who was in it for the prestige (not dissimilar to Trump). And the voting public always knew that about her, which is why they didn't feel compelled to vote in the first place.

Bernie won in the GE election polls? What in the actual fuck, man? Do you have literally an iota of understanding of politics? He didn't have to spend 6 months with campaign managers for Trump going "but Bernie" every 5 minutes. He didn't have his campaign staff emails hacked by Wikileaks. Dude went through no scrutiny whatsoever, of course he won in the GE exit polls.

You're literally a poli sci amateur with your arguments.

She won BOTH popular votes. Fucking both of them. She was the most qualified and the most fucking experienced in terms of multiple positions. She was the best person for the job, she tallied the most votes, and you want to hand wave that the fuck away over nonsense? She spent her life actually doing something. She actually fought for shit, she actually served. All of her scandals are the result of the fact that she took the SOS job and busted her ass while Bernie coasted in the same job for 30 years mailing it the fuck in. Dude contributed nothing meaningful in 30 years and never had to risk Shit. Prior to 18 months ago he was an obscure senator no one had ever heard of and who never actually got shit done. The most meaningful thing he did his entire life is a failed campaign.

If you didn't even vote for her in the GE you shouldn't be lecturing us on what the party does. People as petulant and as naive as you are too fucking irresponsible to have a voice moving forward.


Bernie won in the GE election polls? What in the actual fuck, man? Do you have literally an iota of understanding of politics? He didn't have to spend 6 months with campaign managers for Trump going "but Bernie" every 5 minutes. He didn't have his campaign staff emails hacked by Wikileaks. Dude went through no scrutiny whatsoever, of course he won in the GE exit polls.

You're literally a poli sci amateur with your arguments.

She won BOTH popular votes. Fucking both of them. She was the most qualified and the most fucking experienced in terms of multiple positions. She was the best person for the job, she tallied the most votes, and you want to hand wave that the fuck away over nonsense? She spent her life actually doing something. She actually fought for shit, she actually served. All of her scandals are the result of the fact that she took the SOS job and busted her ass while Bernie coasted in the same job for 30 years mailing it the fuck in. Dude contributed nothing meaningful in 30 years and never had to risk Shit. Prior to 18 months ago he was an obscure senator no one had ever heard of and who never actually got shit done.

If you didn't even vote for her you shouldn't be lecturing us on what the party does. People as petulant and as naive as you are too fucking irresponsible to have a voice moving forward.

Most qualified, most blah blah blah. She lost to a fucking game show host con man. He himself said he was glad he didn't run against Bernie. Don't learn anything from this. Keep fucking that chicken, as they say.


What a bizarre narrative. I mean, you can think what you want, but...

Bernie won in the GE exit polls.

Because of the Bernie or Busts? Saying a Primary candidate who never even showed his tax returns would've won against someone who never showed his tax returns... Well, it's like saying a white Jewish guy from New York would win against an anti-semitic election campaign.

Hillary thought she'd win over Republican voters by smearing Trump and that plan completely fell its face.

Yeah, because she assumed Republicans gave a damn. All their talk about security and economy and defeating terrorists, and they voted for someone like Trump. Appalling.

It's not the WWC who we should be ashamed of, it's the Christians and Catholics who (though their leaders said not to vote for him) still voted Trump.

Hillary was only popular to Democrats as much as she convinced them that the other guy couldn't win.

Whoa, yeah, I'm sure Cecile Richards (President of Planned Parenthood) totally would've voted Trump were it not for him being painted as a loser. Got nothing to do with the platform and policies Hillary was espousing.

Her campaign was always about how it was her turn, just like in 2008.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I think what she may have thought was that she was the most qualified candidate in history, a Methodist who repeated the mantra "do all the good you can, for all the people you can, for as long as you can", who believed that she could lead the US to a better place.

So, yes, she was all about "her turn" - because she didn't believe that there were upwards of 40 million people who could vote for a person who raped his first wife, groped women, didn't pay contractors, called women pigs, called hispanics rapists, and was a bad businessman. I mean, if we're going to say anything bad about Hillary herself (not her campaign), let's say that she gave the American people too much fucking credit.


Why are ya'll arguing about a hypothetical Bernie vs Trump? It didn't happen and almost definitely won't happen in the future so like... who gives a shit?


Why are ya'll arguing about a hypothetical Bernie vs Trump? It didn't happen and won't happen so like... who gives a shit?

Yep. It's a boring and trite argument to have. The items learned from bernies campaign fed into the Clinton's campaign. I really have a hard time paying attention arguing for bernie.


Why are ya'll arguing about a hypothetical Bernie vs Trump? It didn't happen and almost definitely won't happen in the future so like... who gives a shit?

Ah, tis a good point. *shrugs* Does no good for the future.

Who here's donating time or money to help out good causes and the DNC?


The fact that you're oblivious to what Trump was doing with these statements speaks volumes.

Fucking seriously. Dudes a first time poli if I've ever seen one.

Ah, tis a good point. *shrugs* Does no good for the future.

Who here's donating time or money to help out good causes and the DNC?

I was talking about this earlier. Planned parenthood and ACLU seem particularly important.


I'm willing to volunteer for the betterment of the DNC. Better than this tired old argument of BERNIE SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE and NO, BERNIE'S AWFUL ANYWAY.


Fucking seriously. Dudes a first time poli if I've ever seen one.

I was talking about this earlier. Planned parenthood and ACLU seem particularly important.

Yeah... Out of the two, I think ACLU will get a lot more headline donations, simply because of what PP does (most people think just abortions, but it's a lot of other stuff too). Wonder if it's worth pitching philanthropists about the idea of taking PP private? Remove the political axe being constantly swung above their head. Also, I wonder if there's a crowdfunding site it could take advantage of?
Yeah... Out of the two, I think ACLU will get a lot more headline donations, simply because of what PP does (most people think just abortions, but it's a lot of other stuff too). Wonder if it's worth pitching philanthropists about the idea of taking PP private? Remove the political axe being constantly swung above their head. Also, I wonder if there's a crowdfunding site it could take advantage of?

I mean they're not gonna have any other choice as soon as the vote to defund happens. Well that or it'll die... i
Top 5 2016 election memes (final ranking)(gone wrong)(gone sexual)

5-Jeb is a mess
4-Rand Paul Hero Music
3-Bernie Bird, or, "that fucking bird" as he was better known on poligaf
2-Call Sean Hannity
1-Trump supporters masturbate to anime


I mean they're not gonna have any other choice as soon as the vote to defund happens. Well that or it'll die...

Yeah, true... And I can't see it dying.

Maybe the Clinton Foundation could fund it? :p

1-Trump supporters masturbate to anime

Miyazaki's apparently come out of retirement. Is it too much to wish for that he does a sweet film about fascism, and all the Trump supporters finally "get" it?


I doubt I can get a straight answer as to WHY Hillary ran. She didn't seem to want to do anything but be the one who 'broke the glass ceiling'. The whole campaign reeked of personal ambition and little else. Being angry about the conditions Americans are living through never entered into it - America is Already Great - despite the blight that massive segments of the population are living through.

Her hubris carried through to the GE where she went for a 300+ EV strategy rather than a 270+ one. She expected votes just because she's so great and popular.

If you're not angry at her and how she went about this campaign, then I don't know what to tell you.


Top 5 2016 election memes (final ranking)(gone wrong)(gone sexual)

5-Jeb is a mess
4-Rand Paul Hero Music
3-Bernie Bird, or, "that fucking bird" as he was better known on poligaf
2-Call Sean Hannity
1-Trump supporters masturbate to anime

It's unacceptable that The Zodiac Killer is missing from this list. I demand a recount.


Was just in South Dakota for a wedding this weekend. Everybody got along. Overheard millennials (boo hiss) in a bar talking about how both candidates were basically the same.

Also we went to this arcade/bar thing and they had this fantastic Pac-Man Battle Royale game, where you have four Pac-Men trying to eat each other or bumping each other into ghosts. And we beat that 6 player X-Men game because as adults we can afford infinite lives.
So....is there any good reason why the dems wouldn't push Deval Patrick to run in 2020?

The guy seems pretty solid. Not quite Obama 2 but I can't think of anyone better.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
I can't really PM a specific mod because I don't know who did that and I don't care specifically who it was anyway, but if lednerg was banned for his PoliGAF posts now, either Vahagn probably should have been banned too or lednerg shouldn't have been banned. Both went off the rails, but I don't see much of a gap between

Keep fucking that chicken, as they say.

People as petulant and as naive as you are too fucking irresponsible to have a voice moving forward.

You're feeding me a bunch of shit that the Hillary campaign jerked itself off over which ended up meaning absofuckinglutely nothing.

You're literally a poli sci amateur with your arguments. She won BOTH popular votes. Fucking both of them.

It doesn't really help the idea that PoliGAF is an echo chamber and the modding team at least partially contributes to this, something which has contributed to numerous people in OT pointing out that they don't participate in PoliGAF as a result, when from two people who both went over the line to roughly the same extent only one gets banned, and that happened to be the person with the view outside the PoliGAF norm.

I think this post I am making is probably bannable? but I don't really see any other way to say this and I'm trying to do it to be constructive, so I'm hoping that whichever moderator this is applicable reads it solely in that light. I have no specific opinion on what the outcome should be, just that it is applied uniformly.


*solidarity with Crab post*

Nothing else to see here, move along. :)

Edit: Actually, it just occurred to me - we need Boston Legal back. Alan Shore and Denny Crane tearing into the Trump administration would be a delight.


Was just in South Dakota for a wedding this weekend. Everybody got along. Overheard millennials (boo hiss) in a bar talking about how both candidates were basically the same.
I can't even begin to comprehend how so many people have come to the conclusion that both candidates are the same. If people can't see the stark contrast between the two I'm genuinely frightened for this country's future.

So....is there any good reason why the dems wouldn't push Deval Patrick to run in 2020?

The guy seems pretty solid. Not quite Obama 2 but I can't think of anyone better.
I feel like everyone is wondering about a different candidate all the time. Since the second she lost I've seen Elizabeth Warren to Mark Cuban to Jon Stewart mentioned. We're totally lost but desperately need a path forward for 2018 and soon.
Was just in South Dakota for a wedding this weekend. Everybody got along. Overheard millennials (boo hiss) in a bar talking about how both candidates were basically the same.

Also we went to this arcade/bar thing and they had this fantastic Pac-Man Battle Royale game, where you have four Pac-Men trying to eat each other or bumping each other into ghosts. And we beat that 6 player X-Men game because as adults we can afford infinite lives.

Yea. That pacman game is awesome. It's always taken when I go to my local arcade bar.


I can't really PM a specific mod because I don't know who did that and I don't care specifically who it was anyway

For future reference you can PM almost any mod and we'll bring whatever-it-is to the attention of relevant others (to consider and/or laugh at).
I don't think settling on a specific candidate would be particularly useful in any case, let whoever wants to run run and let the primaries sort it out. The last thing you want is the feeling the DNC have a predesignated winner at the next go around. It'll only lead to more grief.

If you need a leader over the next 3 years find one in the context of something other than should be the next presidential candidate. I personally think you'd be better served trying to get people involved locally and at state level both politically and for good causes than looking for a national saviour in any case. The focus on a federal leader may well be counter productive to getting people out to vote in local and state elections.
I can't even begin to comprehend how so many people have come to the conclusion that both candidates are the same. If people can't see the stark contrast between the two I'm genuinely frightened for this country's future.

I feel like everyone is wondering about a different candidate all the time. Since the second she lost I've seen Elizabeth Warren to Mark Cuban to Jon Stewart mentioned. We're totally lost but desperately need a path forward for 2018 and soon.

Let's be realistic though. Warren is too old for a 2020 run. So is Sanders and Biden. Michelle Obama hates politics, and Jon Stewart is a comedian.

Patrick is 60 this year, reasonably personal, a successful two term governor with positive relationship with the Obama campaign...and seems to want the job, all things considered.

If there's a better candidate to push to run In 4 years that doesn't involve losing a Senate seat (franken) I'd love to hear it.


I don't think settling on a specific candidate would be particularly useful in any case, let whoever wants to run run and let the primaries sort it out. The last thing you want is the feeling the DNC have a predesignated winner at the next go around. It'll only lead to more grief.

If you need a leader over the next 3 years find one in the context of something other than should be the next presidential candidate. I personally think you'd be better served trying to get people involved locally and internationally good causes than looking for a national saviour in any case. The focus on a federal leader may well be counter productive to getting people out to vote in local and state elections.

Yeah. In addition, if you can get people liking and respecting the local and state players, then when it comes to a presidential bid, the support of those local and state officials will mean more. No-one's going to care what Joe Bloggs out of the Senate says if they don't like him and didn't vote for him.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Let's be realistic though. Warren is too old for a 2020 run. So is Sanders and Biden. Michelle Obama hates politics, and Jon Stewart is a comedian.

Patrick is 60 this year, reasonably personal, a successful two term governor with positive relationship with the Obama campaign...and seems to want the job, all things considered.

If there's a better candidate to push to run In 4 years that doesn't involve losing a Senate seat (franken) I'd love to hear it.

I don't care about age, honestly. One of the UK's best Prime Ministers, a frequent entry in the all time rankings, is the Grand Old Man, William Ewart Gladstone. He was elected for the last time at 82. Conversely, another of the UK's best Prime Ministers, another frequent entry in the all time rankings, is the glint in the milkman's eye, Pitt the Younger. He was 'elected' for the first time at 24. There is almost no real correlation between age and performance in office (this applies to the US as well but you don't have the same spread as a lot of other countries so a less fun/dramatic example). Equally, there's no real correlation between age and electoral performance. If you're worried about death in office, well, that's what the Vice President is for. If Warren is the best candidate in 2020, she'll be the best candidate in 2020. It's not like Trump will be a spring chicken.
I'll say it again. This search for someone to rally behind in 2020, a "savior" so to speak, is a red herring. If we don't fix our party at the state levels, it's all for naught. We'd be treating a symptom and not the deeper issue.

I honestly fell that if Bernie would have won, most of the people that voted him in would have gone back to doing whatever it was before Bernie showed up. Because they "won"; they stopped the big bad evil GOP and now they don't have to worry for another four years!
And the same would have happened if Hillary was elected.

All the while the GOP controls the House, most state legislatures and governorships, and might have ended up still controlling the Senate.

There is no one single person that is going to save our party. Or get the younger generations involved in politics. Or to even bother to vote.
I don't care about age, honestly. One of the UK's best Prime Ministers, a frequent entry in the all time rankings, is the Grand Old Man, William Ewart Gladstone. He was elected for the last time at 82. Conversely, another of the UK's best Prime Ministers, another frequent entry in the all time rankings, is the glint in the milkman's eye, Pitt the Younger. He was 'elected' for the first time at 24. There is almost no real correlation between age and performance in office (this applies to the US as well but you don't have the same spread as a lot of other countries so a less fun/dramatic example). Equally, there's no real correlation between age and electoral performance. If you're worried about death in office, well, that's what the Vice President is for. If Warren is the best candidate in 2020, she'll be the best candidate in 2020. It's not like Trump will be a spring chicken.

I see where you're coming from, but consider these things:

1.) Cognitive decline. Reagan was the oldest elected president (up until trump?) and voters didn't care, but it's a very poorly kept secret that he got hit hard with dementia while in office. That has to be a concern, VP or not. If the president doesn't want to cede power in that case you can't force them, VP is essentially powerless. You'd have to primary your own candidate.

2.) Getting elected in 2020 means having to run in 2024. Biden and Sanders would be in their 80s. This is an absolutely not scenario.

As we've seen this year with Clinton you can't half ass campaigning. Whoever the democrats run will have to hit the road and stump HARD in every state they can. This is a lot harder to do in the US than the UK and isn't really feasible for an octogenarian.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
You may not care. American voters sure seem to.

They don't, though. Run the regression between the age of presidential candidates from 1920 onwards (universal suffrage) against their electoral performance. There's no significant correlation. Even if you suppose there's a quadratic relationship (i.e., very young and very old candidates do worse than candidates clustered around the median age), it just isn't there.


Question (spurred by the mention of Reagan's dementia).

Watching the rallies and the debates, to me and my wife it looked like Trump was himself affected by dementia - word salad, confusion, inability to stick to a point. Do others think this as well? He still hasn't released health records, has he? Does he have to once President?


Brian Steinberg Verified account

Brian Steinberg Retweeted Thad Ogburn

NBC's Raleigh NC affiliate apparently censored Dave Chappelle's @nbcsnl monologue and other pieces of tonight's broadcast
Question (spurred by the mention of Reagan's dementia).

Watching the rallies and the debates, to me and my wife it looked like Trump was himself affected by dementia - word salad, confusion, inability to stick to a point. Do others think this as well? He still hasn't released health records, has he? Does he have to once President?

Trump has always been a little off there, so it's hard to say how much of that is age and how much is just Trump not being all that bright.

It is something that's crossed my mind though.

Reagan isn't the only example of this either, strom Thurmond was pretty much a vegetable for years, despite winning RE election
Roe v. Wade is on the line. Please hang in there RBG, Breyer and Kennedy. Fuck.

Obama should just toss Garland on the Supreme Court. A final 'fuck you' to the Republican Party on his way out. I don't even know that it would reflect poorly on him to be quite honest.


Obama should just toss Garland on the Supreme Court. A final 'fuck you' to the Republican Party on his way out. I don't even know that it would reflect poorly on him to be quite honest.

Can he actually do that? I thought recess appointments were out because of GOP shenanigans?


Obama should just toss Garland on the Supreme Court. A final 'fuck you' to the Republican Party on his way out. I don't even know that it would reflect poorly on him to be quite honest.
How exactly can he do that?

Not to mention it will just piss Trump off as well as the GOP and they'll get back at him by fucking with his legacy even more.
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