Super Tuesday delegate allocation rules by state ("winner-take-most" in CDs=2 for 1st, 1 for 2nd unless 1 candidate breaks a specified threshold, in which case they get all 3):
Alaska: all 28 allocated statewide proportionally (13% threshold)
Massachusetts: all 42 allocated statewide proportionally (5% threshold)
Minnesota: if someone gets 85% of the vote statewide (LMAO) they win all 38 delegates, otherwise 24 district delegates allocated proportionally with a 10% threshold (how are you going to proportionally allocate 3 delegates?), 14 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 10% threshold
Virginia: all 49 delegates awarded proportionally to the statewide vote (no threshold)
Vermont: all 16 delegates awarded proportionally with 20% threshold and 50% winner take all
Winner Take Most
Alabama: 21 district delegates allocated winner take most with a 20% threshold/50% winner take all, 29 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 20% threshold and 50% winner take all
Arkansas: 12 district delegates allocated winner take most with 50% winner take all, 28 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 15% threshold and 50% winner take all
Georgia: 42 district delegates allocated winner take most with 50% winner take all, 34 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 20% threshold and 50% winner take all
Oklahoma: 15 district delegates allocated winner take most with a 15% threshold and 50% winner take all, 28 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 15% threshold and 50% winner take all
Tennessee: 27 district delegates allocated winner take most with a 20% threshold and 2/3 winner take all, 31 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 20% threshold and 2/3 winner take all
Texas: 108 district delegates allocated winner take most with 20% threshold and 50% winner take all, 47 statewide delegates allocated proportionally with a 20% threshold and 50% winner take all
most notably Rubio might just fail to get a single district delegate out of Texas, so even if he comes out with like, 14 of the statewide delegates that's still less than 10% of the state's total