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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I once won a college debate arguing that we should systematically eliminate anyone who steps into the top position in North Korea with guided meteorites.

Good times.


remember me
Pretty amazing how Hillary will be able to use the exact same playbook that Obama used against Romney in 2012. If I was her campaign I'd be tracking down as many people as I could that lost their jobs every time a Trump company went bankrupt.


Vice chair of the DNC resigns to support Bernie.


"As a veteran and as a soldier I've seen firsthand the true cost of war," she said. "I think it's most important for us as we look at our choices as to who our next commander-in-chief will be ... to recognize the necessity to have a commander in chief who has foresight, who exercises good judgment."

She's the fourth current member of Congress to endorse Sanders, and the most high-profile.

The Hillary backlash begins.
I can't stand this! Tuesday is likely to be (mathematically and effectively) definitive on both sides. Too excited. Can't relax. Some of the possible optics are delicious, like how the GOP party favorite their entire media machine is behind could well be 3rd in delegates after Tuesday, with zero state wins. Hundreds of analysts, pundits and writers online are going to have to keep inventing justifications to prop up Rubio.

This is a little window that I want to try to enjoy. It's a short span of schadenfreude of watching the GOP implode and Democrats calm down, but before the delegate majorities are official so the official match for the General is booked. Planning to watch FOX coverage Tuesday for the first time. I want to see tears, dammit. Worth a mention that there's a debate on FOX next Thursday! That has the potential of being an even bigger shitshow than the past two debates. Somehow. Instead of it just looking rigged against Trump like the CNN debate it will actually be rigged against him, with pretty much no attempts to hide that fact.

Concerned that the hardcore Bernie followers online aren't going to surrender gracefully, though. That could be messy. Would be more fun if they moved over to Trump instead.
Am I the only one who likes the electoral system/senate representation here or nah.
In that it's currently rigged toward Democrats and that that trend is likely to accelerate further in the future, I'm a fan! Need a Democrats electoral win but popular vote loss still to make up for 2000. Balance things out.
So now she's on the Obama and Clinton shit list. Interesting. I wonder what she's planning. Talented politician.

I mean, I think this is more anti-DWS than pro-Bernie whatever. The timing is interesting. I mean, I would think Bernie wanted something to try and change the narrative after last night. I just don't think something like this makes a difference Most people have no idea who she is unless they follow DNC politics closely. I wonder if she coordinated with the campaign to try and get the best time to do this. If this is all they have to try and shape the narrative after last night, I'm feeling pretty good about Tuesday.


I mean, I think this is more anti-DWS than pro-Bernie whatever. The timing is interesting. I mean, I would think Bernie wanted something to try and change the narrative after last night. I just don't think something like this makes a difference Most people have no idea who she is unless they follow DNC politics closely. I wonder if she coordinated with the campaign to try and get the best time to do this. If this is all they have to try and shape the narrative after last night, I'm feeling pretty good about Tuesday.

A BernieBro I know on Facebook is all over this news. Then again, he has also written two articles to local newspapers, one dealing with why LGBT individuals should vote for Bernie and another why people of faith should vote for Bernie. He is also a volunteer as Bernie's HQ here in SC. And he's gay a writer, actor, Ph.D candidate, singer, and all around Perfect. You'd like him Adam.


I can't stand this! Tuesday is likely to be (mathematically and effectively) definitive on both sides. Too excited. Can't relax. Some of the possible optics are delicious, like how the GOP party favorite their entire media machine is behind could well be 3rd in delegates after Tuesday, with zero state wins. Hundreds of analysts, pundits and writers online are going to have to keep inventing justifications to prop up Rubio.

This is a little window that I want to try to enjoy. It's a short span of schadenfreude of watching the GOP implode and Democrats calm down, but before the delegate majorities are official so the official match for the General is booked. Planning to watch FOX coverage Tuesday for the first time. I want to see tears, dammit. Worth a mention that there's a debate on FOX next Thursday! That has the potential of being an even bigger shitshow than the past two debates. Somehow. Instead of it just looking rigged against Trump like the CNN debate it will actually be rigged against him, with pretty much no attempts to hide that fact.

Fox News gotta be careful with that though, especially if Trump has the Tuesday he's expected to have. After Tuesday it may be clear that he's the nominee, and any attacks / hurting they put on him will only help Hillary on the general.

I expect they'll start circling the wagons around Trump shortly after Tuesday.
In that it's currently rigged toward Democrats and that that trend is likely to accelerate further in the future, I'm a fan! Need a Democrats electoral win but popular vote loss still to make up for 2000. Balance things out.

How do you figure it is rigged in favor of democrats? Most democrats seem to hate it because in their view it gives republicans and small republican states with low population's more say than they deserve and would prefer that we got to straight popular votes/completely change the senate structure etc..(I think its a fair/necessary system, but still)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I saw tulsi on real time a few weeks ago and I was surprised a democrat (never mind a senior dnc democrat) would say such negative things about a candidate. She seems finished in the party.
Am I the only one who likes the electoral system/senate representation here or nah.

I see them as a vestige of a time when there wasn't really much of a national identity. I do think there's an argument for something like the Senate, but it should be less powerful than it currently is. As for the Electoral College, about all that I like about it is the colorful maps it produces on election night.
How did she piss off Obama?

She's been a fierce critic of Obama's foreign policy over the last couple years, especially in regards to ISIS. Obviously many democrats have run away from the president on ISIS but she's been a lot more vocal and has more clout as a former member of the military.

In many ways she's a political party's dream: an attractive*, articulate veteran. She was one of the Hawaiian politicians who applied to be appointed to Inouye's seat but wasn't selected. I don't think that has anything to do with her bucking the national party lately though; she had to know that it was unlikely that she'd get the job, given that she was won her congressional seat a month before Inouye died.

*I know how bad that sounds. It's not my personal view of her, it's simply a campaign perspective. Those are traits that help you in politics.


I really need to take a deep breath. I am no fan of Marco Rubio, but Trump's incessant "little Marco Rubio" is the most childish bullshit ever. How is this guy being considered to run this country?
This Duke thing is weird. Trump is an asshole, but I'm tempted to say this really was just a genuine gaffe, that he wasn't really listening to the question nor the explanation (I think he spends a lot of time crafting sound bites in his head during interviews, since he can't really answer substantive policy questions, anyway) and his brain just didn't make the connection of, "Oh, THAT David Duke!" for whatever reason. After all the crazy shit he's said, wouldn't it be funny if the thing that sank his campaign was just a genuine fuck-up?

Also, after so many years of trying to portray himself in interviews and the like as this quiet, thoughtful intellectual - one who seemed like he could probably discuss policy with more fidelity than the Trump we currently are "enjoying" - I wonder what made Trump decide to embrace being a loudmouthed, bloviating jackass? Is it just that the reality TV bucks were too tempting?


I really need to take a deep breath. I am no fan of Marco Rubio, but Trump's incessant "little Marco Rubio" is the most childish bullshit ever. How is this guy being considered to run this country?

I think the general rigidity of Trump is a huge commentary on how much some of the base of republicans hate the establishment. Any one of the myriad number of things trump has said could have been knockout blows for any candidate in the past. The media has even been trying to get something like that going but the base isn't having any of it. To them anyone outside the establishment is the right pick. That's their single issue vote this go round.


This Duke thing is weird. Trump is an asshole, but I'm tempted to say this really was just a genuine gaffe, that he wasn't really listening to the question nor the explanation (I think he spends a lot of time crafting sound bites in his head during interviews, since he can't really answer substantive policy questions, anyway) and his brain just didn't make the connection of, "Oh, THAT David Duke!" for whatever reason. After all the crazy shit he's said, wouldn't it be funny if the thing that sank his campaign was just a genuine fuck-up?

Oh c'mon son. He knew exactly who they were talking about. He tried to deflect; when the pressure was too much he gave in.
How do you figure it is rigged in favor of democrats? Most democrats seem to hate it because in their view it gives republicans and small republican states with low population's more say than they deserve and would prefer that we got to straight popular votes/completely change the senate structure etc..(I think its a fair/necessary system, but still)

One way to look at it is that in 2012 Obama got 285 electoral votes from states that gave him a higher margin than his national margin. So if the popular vote had been exactly tied between Obama and Romney, with the change in support distributed uniformly across the country, Obama would win the election 285-253. The tipping point state, i.e., the state that got Obama over 270 was Colorado, which gave Obama a 5.4% margin, compared to 3.9% nationally, which suggests Obama could have lost the popular vote by over 1% and still won the election 272-266. Of course this analysis involved some pretty significant simplifying assumptions, but it's pretty safe to say a popular vote tie or even a sufficiently small margin for Romney would have allowed Obama to win. Hence the Democrats' Electoral College advantage.

There is another (incorrect) argument for a Democratic advantage in the Electoral College that overstates the case. The argument is that in the last six elections, Democrats have won 18 states + DC every time, giving them a base of 242 electoral votes, while the states that have voted Republican each of the last six elections total only 102 electoral votes. The flaw in this analysis is that the last six presidential elections have been four solid Democratic victories and two small Republican victories, one of which was a case where the Democrats (barely) won the popular vote, so all this is really saying is that Democrats have done better than Republicans in presidential elections since 1992. Looking at the popular vote since then would tell you the same thing, it has nothing to do with the Electoral College.

Long story short, as of right now the Democrats have an advantage in the Electoral College, but it's small enough only to be a factor in a close election.


remember me
Yeah I remember Gabbard on Real Time now. She's an islamaphobe like Maher. Bernie can have her. She'll probably move over to he Trump campaign after.
Oh c'mon son. He knew exactly who they were talking about. He tried to deflect; when the pressure was too much he gave in.

It's such an overtly stupid move if it was intentional, though. He's been very skillful in saying racist shit and then pivoting back to the center so as not to turn off moderates who think of themselves as "not racist" ("Rapist Mexicans! ...but not the good ones", that kind of thing), and him just outright disavowing Duke wouldn't have lost him an iota of white supremacists' support because they already think that he basically thinks like them and is just too hamstrung by political correctness to come out and actually say it. It wasn't remotely necessary for him to play coy about David Duke, especially after having disavowed him multiple times in the past, so why take that risk?


So NPR did a podcast where they took a survey of economists and asked them about various proposed policies and whether they'd be good or bad.


Also in article form here, http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2016/02/26/468298576/economists-on-candidates-proposals-mostly-bad

And this is the group of economists that they surveyed, also with a bunch of other questions that have been asked of he panel. http://www.igmchicago.org/igm-economic-experts-panel

Interesting to note both free college tuition and the flat tax were both deemed regressive, almost unanimously. The only proposal the economists on both sides support is fixing the carried interest loophole.


I wonder if there is going to be a post-SC political thread that doesn't devolve into tea party-like arguments of who is truely a progressive.

It died down around NV and leading up to SC but it has exploded again.

Mike M

Nick N
How do you figure it is rigged in favor of democrats? Most democrats seem to hate it because in their view it gives republicans and small republican states with low population's more say than they deserve and would prefer that we got to straight popular votes/completely change the senate structure etc..(I think its a fair/necessary system, but still)
The electoral college as it currently stands is awful, any system that potentially declares the loser of the actual vote total the winner of the election is fatally flawed and cannot by any definition be described as "fair." An argument can be made that rural voters need disproportionate representation for reasons, but the moment it crosses over into overriding the wishes of the actual majority, it's gone too far and needs to be readjusted.

Even something as simple as proportional allocation (in all states, not just blue states as the GOP keeps trying to do) would rectify it.


Interesting to note both free college tuition and the flat tax were both deemed regressive, almost unanimously.

The free college thing looks like it's more for ideological reasons. "Education is a privilege, not a right, people who can pay for it should have to pay for it!" That kind of thing.


It's startling how so many gaffers don't realize they're doing the left-wing version of the Tea Party's "No True Scotsman" bullcrap.
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