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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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If they want to vote green party in CA then they are rightly able to. Thing is a D vote in LA is just as important as a D vote in WI. Hillary needs a mandate. Every vote from every state counts for an overall popular vote victory.
Even something as simple as proportional allocation (in all states, not just blue states as the GOP keeps trying to do) would rectify it.

The GOP proposals were even worse than that, since they weren't proportional allocation but rather allocation by Congressional District, which even if were implemented in all 50 states would amount to gerrymandering the presidency. A particularly transparent example was the proposal in Virginia that would have awarded the two statewide electoral votes not to the winner of the popular vote but rather to the candidate that won the most districts.

The Democrats did try putting a proportional split on the ballot in Colorado for the 2004 election, but it was voted down. Personally I'm glad it was since whatever the merits of such a reform, it should be implemented nationwide, not in a state by state fashion.

Mike M

Nick N
The GOP proposals were even worse than that, since they weren't proportional allocation but rather allocation by Congressional District, which even if were implemented in all 50 states would amount to gerrymandering the presidency. A particularly transparent example was the proposal in Virginia that would have awarded the two statewide electoral votes not to the winner of the popular vote but rather to the candidate that won the most districts.

The Democrats did try putting a proportional split on the ballot in Colorado for the 2004 election, but it was voted down. Personally I'm glad it was since whatever the merits of such a reform, it should be implemented nationwide, not in a state by state fashion.
Yeah, any reform needs to be nationwide, or is functionally useless. At least insofar as making the system better, I guess it would still be functional to such efforts to tilt the map toward the GOP.


Concerned that the hardcore Bernie followers online aren't going to surrender gracefully, though. That could be messy. Would be more fun if they moved over to Trump instead.In that it's currently rigged toward Democrats and that that trend is likely to accelerate further in the future, I'm a fan! Need a Democrats electoral win but popular vote loss still to make up for 2000. Balance things out.

That's absurd.

Going from the most progressive candidate in decades to a guy who pushes nationalist social issues on top of the most massive Supply-Side economics disaster the planet has ever seen.
It certainly is sad times for all of us. The thing is, I still don't know if it will help or hurt him, even after stopping to think about it.

You know what's even more gross? My argument about how this doesn't hurt Trump centers around the fact that Rubio (a brown man) is making the argument.

It's ust freaking disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
You guys are the reason I just dropped money on predictit.org, thanks! :)

Never heard about it before PoliGAF - but decided to buy 1000 shares of No on Trump being the GOP nominee.

My reasoning-

* I want him to get it, so I'll be really happy even if I lose the money.
* I can see Rubio and Cruz playing the "we are staying in because we don't want the GOP to be the party of Trump" and it goes to a brokered convention- where the Vote Against Trump people take over and pick someone else.
* Donald will self-implode somehow/someway

I'm likely wrong, but I want him to be the nominee so bad (to fuck with the GOP party) that I wouldn't be upset at all to lose the money.

<flame suit>


You guys are the reason I just dropped money on predictit.org, thanks! :)

Never heard about it before PoliGAF - but decided to buy 1000 shares of No on Trump being the GOP nominee.

My reasoning-

* I want him to get it, so I'll be really happy even if I lose the money.
* I can see Rubio and Cruz playing the "we are staying in because we don't want the GOP to be the party of Trump" and it goes to a brokered convention- where the Vote Against Trump people take over and pick someone else.
* Donald will self-implode somehow/someway

I'm likely wrong, but I want him to be the nominee so bad (to fuck with the GOP party) that I wouldn't be upset at all to lose the money.

<flame suit>

Too much risk.

Hopefully you got your Roth maxed out for the year fam.


You guys are the reason I just dropped money on predictit.org, thanks! :)

Never heard about it before PoliGAF - but decided to buy 1000 shares of No on Trump being the GOP nominee.

My reasoning-

* I want him to get it, so I'll be really happy even if I lose the money.
* I can see Rubio and Cruz playing the "we are staying in because we don't want the GOP to be the party of Trump" and it goes to a brokered convention- where the Vote Against Trump people take over and pick someone else.
* Donald will self-implode somehow/someway

I'm likely wrong, but I want him to be the nominee so bad (to fuck with the GOP party) that I wouldn't be upset at all to lose the money.

<flame suit>

Hahahaha. Well, I guess a win-win for you, as long as you're able to tolerate the financial loss for the pleasure of the man being the nominee.


Too much risk.

Hopefully you got your Roth maxed out for the year fam.

At 24 cents a share that's 240 bucks. About the price I was willing to pay to see Cruz lose Texas (either I win $ by him winning Texas or I get the satisfaction of Cruz getting KTFO)


Murdoch comes out as fairly supportive of the guy who is fairly supportive of the KKK:

Remember, white supremacists aren't the enemy, Hillary Clinton is.


The thing that popped out at me here? Murdoch thinks Cruz sucks too lolololol

I know you guys want an early Trump win, but I think the truly best outcome for Dems is for the GOP race to go to convention. It's a win-win-win

1. Trump gets to the convention ahead and gets the nomination but is bloodied all to hell
2. Someone else gets to the convention ahead and gets the nomination but is bloodied all to hell and Trump's supporters are pissed and stay home or write in
3. Trump gets to the convention ahead and someone else gets the nomination. Trump's supporters revolt, the Republican Party eats itself alive


I really need to take a deep breath. I am no fan of Marco Rubio, but Trump's incessant "little Marco Rubio" is the most childish bullshit ever. How is this guy being considered to run this country?
It's also sad that people in this thread are cheering this shit on. They want Trump v. HRC. What they need to think is if Hillary shits the bed during her GE campaign, they're left with Trump to run this country. He has to be stopped. Would you really want Trump as commander in chief or someone like Rubio who is at least not going to have every other country as our enemy? If you're in a state where you can vote for the R primary, DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP.
all y'all talking about betting and donating hundreds and here i am trying to decide when i can afford to send clinton another $5

I feel you. I sent her $50 last night, and I'm sending $47.50 next week, but then I'm done for a while. With me being out of work, I can't keep throwing money at her. I wanted to max out but it's not going to happen.

However, have you considered phonebanking for her? You can do it from home. It's super easy and a lot of fun. I did about an hour and a half today. Going to do some tomorrow as well before Super Tuesday. I'm not sure if they'd get you setup in time, but it's awesome to do. If you don't wnat to use your phone, just use a Google number and a USB headset.

An hour would really help her out. You might reach a voter who wouldn't be likely to vote otherwise.

Also, if anyone cares, I called Georgia and I didn't get a single Bernie person this time. The numbers I called in Iowa seemed liek a crap shoot on if I'd get someone in the house who was for Bernie now. Anecdote is anecdotal, but I was surprised by how good the numbers actually were (or how bad Bernie is really doing there.)


It's also sad that people in this thread are cheering this shit on. They want Trump v. HRC. What they need to think is if Hillary shits the bed during her GE campaign, they're left with Trump to run this country. He has to be stopped. Would you really want Trump as commander in chief or someone like Rubio who is at least not going to have every other country as our enemy? If you're in a state where you can vote for the R primary, DO NOT VOTE FOR TRUMP.

I'm sorry Rubio but you're a NEOCON. At the debate the other day Trump argue he would seek peace in the Middle East and Rubio was all about "We don't negotiate with terrorists!" "Israel!" "War is better than peace with the Palestinians!"

Not buying dove Rubio.


Also, if anyone cares, I called Georgia and I didn't get a single Bernie person this time. The numbers I called in Iowa seemed liek a crap shoot on if I'd get someone in the house who was for Bernie now. Anecdote is anecdotal, but I was surprised by how good the numbers actually were (or how bad Bernie is really doing there.)
You didn't get me baby, I would have said "heyyyyyyyy"
And the Dem side.

How sad is it that I'm greedy and want bigger margins?

SC, you beautiful people, spoiled me.

You didn't get me baby, I would have said "heyyyyyyyy"

Hey gurl, hey!

I did get a republican who said he's not voting for Hillary, although is wife is in the primary. However, he's voting for her in the General if "that giant c-word Trump" gets the nomination.

Then he apologized for speaking in such crass language to a lady. (People on the phone always think I'm a girl.....)


How sad is it that I'm greedy and want bigger margins?

SC, you beautiful people, spoiled me.
I imagine the blowout's not a fluke. If he had such problems with getting people out to vote in a state he blew millions on, God knows what will happen in states he's basically ignored.

Or maybe it is just a fluke and we really did just suddenly decide to decimate the man yesterday.

Either way, yay SC.


Question, since I'm less familiar with the Republican process -- at what point did Romney actually net enough delegates to win? It seems as if Trump is on the same sort of path to the nomination, and I want to know what exact date we can expect Trump to wrap this up.


This Bernie shirt is on point.


I don't see Bernie winning Colorado either. But I don't see any polls from that state.

Colorado is becoming increasingly progressive in the metropolitan areas as the population continues to explode.

Bernie is dumping tons of money on commercials locally, it will likely be close.
Question, since I'm less familiar with the Republican process -- at what point did Romney actually net enough delegates to win? It seems as if Trump is on the same sort of path to the nomination, and I want to know what exact date we can expect Trump to wrap this up.
May 30. That was the day he won the nomimation after the Texas primary.

His last potential challenger, Santorum, ended his campaign in April.


This Bernie shirt is on point.


Colorado is becoming increasingly progressive in the metropolitan areas as the population continues to explode.

Bernie is dumping tons of money on commercials locally, it will likely be close.

It's also a closed caucus with a big latino population, which hurts him.


Hillary might be done on April 26th if she continues those massive 75-25 victories

Ivysaur or Adam can you both tell me how many delegates that would come out to for TX, GA, LA, MS, FL, AL, VA, NC, TN
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