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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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The idea that Rubio is going to beat Trump at his own game is pretty amusing. Especially with the timing of this, it's too late to execute on a "get media coverage at all costs" scheme.
I'm not worried about the next debate, Chris Christie will prep him for this, instead of listening to Joe and Mika. The only thing I can see Rubio doing after this is calling into Fox and Friends every morning. He has absolutely no political instincts and the people of Florida hate him since he abandoned them just about as soon as he took office in the senate when he was off playing hooky and impregnating lobbyist.
So, I just realized that SnapChat has an anti-Donald Trump filter on the app. It's hilarious. Conservative Solutions PAC paid for it, I guess. The filter is a red trucker hat, like Trump's, but it says "Stop The Con Artist" on it. Underneath are the words "Trump is a Con Artist. - Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Trump."


I didn't think Rubio would be so bad at offense. Holy shit. If he somehow won the nom I wouldn't fear him so much, people...


It's like the idea is to make up for how awkwardly Rubio delivers these insults with sheer quantity.
Which really just plays into the "Little Marco" zinger. He's a man child. Trump is an asshole but he's good at being an asshole (as sad as it is that he's likely going to be the nominee, he's very good at this)
Insult Rubio is a lot better than what he was doing before. It's not good but it's something for people to get behind. Atleast he seems like he's trying to take on trump rather than running away like he was before. If he had kept hammering away with the insults like he has he may have actually won something by now. Trump literally rose to the top because he wasn't afraid to throw his weight around and other republicans being timid and running away from it is exactly why they sunk


Insult Rubio is a lot better than what he was doing before. It's not good but it's something for people to get behind. Atleast he seems like he's trying to take on trump rather than running away like he was before. If he had kept hammering away with the insults like he has he may have actually won something by now. Trump literally rose to the top because he wasn't afraid to throw his weight around and other republicans being timid and running away from it is exactly why they sunk
Not sure why he's not just going w con man. That makes sense. Spray tan small dick tho? Like... If you say so.
The Hillary thread is hilarious

Also Reddit making it seem like Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Bernie actually matters. I can't stand DWS personally. What I found ridiculous was her endorsement was strongly driven by his foreign policy vision.

Ummmm....excuse me? I'm probably exaggerating a little bit but I think I may have a more nuanced world view relative to Sanders.
Rubio has his classic canned line about Benghazi and how lying about it makes Hillary "unfit to become commander in chief" as a very refined attack, but the best he can come up with for Trump--someone who is legitimately unfit by pretty much any objective or subjective metric--is a small penis joke?
I wish I could witness dream matchup elections. Trump vs. Nixon Trump vs. Jimmy Carter Teddy Roosevelt vs. Kennedy. Trump vs. Gore W vs. Lyndon B. Johnson 1960 Nixon vs. 1968 Nixon Herman Cain vs. Obama


The Hillary thread is hilarious

Also Reddit making it seem like Tulsi Gabbard's endorsement of Bernie actually matters. I can't stand DWS personally. What I found ridiculous was her endorsement was strongly driven by his foreign policy vision.

Ummmm....excuse me? I'm probably exaggerating a little bit but I think I may have a more nuanced world view relative to Sanders.

Hey, Sanders is going to get the Iranians and Saudis working together!

Just as he forms his foreign policy group 3 years in to the presidency.
Rubio has his classic canned line about Benghazi and how lying about it makes Hillary "unfit to become commander in chief" as a very refined attack, but the best he can come up with for Trump--someone who is legitimately unfit by pretty much any objective or subjective metric--is a small penis joke?

Republicans want to knock him out without alienating his voters, plus the Republicans DO agree with Trump on more than they're willing to admit as long as he remains a braying jackass.
Do you think Warren would accept SCOTUS?

Why the Warren obsession? My answer to every Warren question really boils down to one thing: she is 66 years old. Nominating a 66 year old Supreme Court justice is a bad idea. Nominating a 66 year old vice president from Massachusetts is a bad idea. Nominating Warren for president in 8 years when she is 74 is a bad idea.

If she wanted a national political career she would have run for president this year. She didn't do that, and is too old to run again (I'm of course assuming Hillary Clinton wins in November). She's also from a northeastern state, and I would hope that democrats are smart enough not to nominate another northeastern senator for president in the near future.


It's actually a sensitive issue for Trump. It's probably smart to hit him on it to see if he can be provoked. The whole 'short fingered vulgarian' thing is why I think SuperPACs need to troll the fuck out of Trump.

Ya'll want me to dream big, I'ma dream big.

I want Trump to sweep Super Tuesday, except for Texas (Cruz) and Minnesota (Rubio.) At that point, Cruz has the legitimate position of saying he has won two states, but Rubio has the argument that he's won one as well so he should stay in. Then, who cares until the 15th. Trump wins everything, except Ohio, which Kasich wins.

Then the whole thing is a cluster fuck while Hillary sews up the nomination by the 15th of March (effectively). Obama and the Dems go around running on the meme that the Republicans are unable to govern and can't even appoint a Supreme Court Nominee. Then, Obama and Hillary start hitting the GOP on their inability to even nominate someone who is unable to govern.

And...then the GOP comes to Cleveland and makes it an even bigger mess than Northeast Ohio typically is.

And....then, I don't know what happens. We end up with Mittens or Zombie Reagan or something.
Not sure why he's not just going w con man. That makes sense. Spray tan small dick tho? Like... If you say so.
If Trump saying he could shoot people and not lose voters, Megyn Kelly probably has blood coming out of her where ever, that John McCain wasn't a war hero because he got captured worked for him ..than why not?

Con man is too safe. He should just let fly whatever he can think of. If anything can be drawn from this GOP primary it's that they want someone who isn't afraid to say batshit things and isn't worried about media backlash from their weird comments

Edit: war hero. Whoops
If Trump saying he could shoot people and not lose voters, Megyn Kelly probably has blood coming out of her where ever, that John McCain wasn't a war jeep because he got captured worked for him ..than why not?

Con man is too safe. He should just let fly whatever he can think of. If anything can be drawn from this GOP primary it's that they want someone who isn't afraid to say batshit things and isn't worried about media backlash from their weird comments

Well I mean in all fairness, McCain is really more of a Chevy.

Talk about sweat, orange you glad we're going to win Florida!

If Trump saying he could shoot people and not lose voters, Megyn Kelly probably has blood coming out of her where ever, that John McCain wasn't a war hero because he got captured worked for him ..than why not?

Con man is too safe. He should just let fly whatever he can think of. If anything can be drawn from this GOP primary it's that they want someone who isn't afraid to say batshit things and isn't worried about media backlash from their weird comments

The difference is the timing. Rubio is doing it a few days before Super Tuesday, it's not really the part of the cycle where "press coverage at all costs" has as much value.
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