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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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How did not a single Republican this cycle come out proposing that they would cut taxes on the middle class and protection entitlements and pay for them by raising taxes on the rich?

All of their released plans are class warfare that most southern Republicans will hate.

A party being so united in orthodoxy on an issue where their voters strongly disagree is fucking weird. The individual incentives for going away from orthodoxy seem huge.

It's like the most appealing thing was the social conservatism.


FGC Waterboy
How did not a single Republican this cycle come out proposing that they would cut taxes on the middle class and protection entitlements and pay for them by raising taxes on the rich?

All of their released plans are class warfare that most southern Republicans will hate.

A party being so united in orthodoxy on an issue where their voters strongly disagree is fucking weird. The individual incentives for going away from orthodoxy seem huge.

Trump's absolutely destroying the GOP on this exact point in a general sense - he's going after the economic interests much harder rather than the social interests (which he's just paying minimum lip service to). To be honest, Trump might just be doing what would have happened in a couple of years anyway with re-aligning the GOP.


Deep into his 30th decade

Holy crap, is that speed racer?

Maybe I should watch this movie.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Lol Cruz is saying that Trump's tax returns are going to show his connections to the mafia.

This is what the race has degraded to. Unreal.

How did not a single Republican this cycle come out proposing that they would cut taxes on the middle class and protection entitlements and pay for them by raising taxes on the rich?

All of their released plans are class warfare that most southern Republicans will hate.

A party being so united in orthodoxy on an issue where their voters strongly disagree is fucking weird. The individual incentives for going away from orthodoxy seem huge.

I mean, it's modern-day republicans. Not sure what you expected.
My projections for tomorrow:

Alabama: Hillary
Arkansas: Hillary
Colorado: Literally no idea at all.
Georgia: Hillary, but barely.
Massachusetts: Hillary but I reserve the right to change that after 6
Minnesota: Bernie
Oklahoma: Bernie
Tennessee: Hillary
Texas: Hillary
Vermont: Bernie, and Hillary is not viable.
Virginia: Hillary
American Samoa: Hillary

On the GOP side, Donald wins everything but Texas (Cruz) and Minnesota (Rubio.)
Trump's absolutely destroying the GOP on this exact point in a general sense - he's going after the economic interests much harder rather than the social interests (which he's just paying minimum lip service to). To be honest, Trump might just be doing what would have happened in a couple of years anyway with re-aligning the GOP.

Uhh, no. Trump is 100% about social interests. Banning Muslims immigrants (who are extremely high skilled on average) from the United States will really fucking hurt the economy, but that's Trump's main proposal. Why is it his main proposal? Because his supporters fucking hate brown people and Muslims scare them the most out of the all the brown people.

East Lake

How did not a single Republican this cycle come out proposing that they would cut taxes on the middle class and protection entitlements and pay for them by raising taxes on the rich?

All of their released plans are class warfare that most southern Republicans will hate.

A party being so united in orthodoxy on an issue where their voters strongly disagree is fucking weird. The individual incentives for going away from orthodoxy seem huge.
Their funding would dry up overnight.
I'm going to guess Carson and Kasich drop tomorrow or Wednesday despite what Kasich says.
Carson has a pyramid scheme going. He will stay as long as he can. Results dont matter. Kasich on the other hand is in real trouble. If he dies in every state, his donor money pipe will dry really fast and he wont have anything to pay his staff until the 15th.
My projections for tomorrow:

Alabama: Hillary
Arkansas: Hillary
Colorado: Literally no idea at all.
Georgia: Hillary, but barely.
Massachusetts: Hillary but I reserve the right to change that after 6
Minnesota: Bernie
Oklahoma: Bernie
Tennessee: Hillary
Texas: Hillary
Vermont: Bernie, and Hillary is not viable.
Virginia: Hillary
American Samoa: Hillary

On the GOP side, Donald wins everything but Texas (Cruz) and Minnesota (Rubio.)

Barely in Georgia? Doesn't polling have her like 20-30 points ahead there?
But that's not something last year's tax return would show. Cruz is just being Nasty Cruz.

He's not being nasty. He's just asking questions. He's in no way trying to say that Trump has been in bed with the mafia for decades, or that he totally heard from a reliable contact in the gay community that Trump has a small penis.

These are just questions that are being asked.
I better see you wear that tank top all around WeHo, ivy.


Prediction time:
Hillary wins everything but VT, OK and MN.
Trump wins everything but TX.
My projections for tomorrow:

Alabama: Hillary
Arkansas: Hillary
Colorado: Bernie
Georgia: Hillary
Massachusetts: Bernie
Minnesota: Bernie
Oklahoma: Bernie
Tennessee: Hillary
Texas: Hillary
Vermont: Bernie, and Hillary is not viable.
Virginia: Hillary
American Samoa: Hillary

On the GOP side, Donald wins everything but Texas (Cruz) and Minnesota (Rubio.)

Fixed, but we agree for the most part.

Also, I fully expect the media to make a bigger deal out of Hillary not getting any delegates in a proportional state than it actually is.
Fixed, but we agree for the most part.

Also, I fully expect the media to make a bigger deal out of Hillary not getting any delegates in a proportional state than it actually is.

I could be wrong about Mass, but I genuinely think she'll take it. It's too establishment friendly, and if i can trust the reports of the Bernie people on Reddit their calling didn't go great. Seems like Bernie's numbers aren't great or they weren't loaded correctly.

Emerson College Polling should be sued for their Twitter banner. It's shit. Pure shit.
ivy looking good. santanatoohot.gif

Also, what's the expected pledged delegate lead again after tomorrow? She currently has a 26 delegate margin.

I expect that if he does win the white caucus states, it will be in the mid-to-low single digits.
I don't think he'll win Forma.


Alabama: Hillary
Arkansas: Hillary
Colorado: Hillary
Georgia: Hillary,.
Massachusetts: Hillary
Minnesota: Hillary
Oklahoma: Hillary
Tennessee: Hillary
Texas: Hillary
Vermont: Bernie, and Hillary is not viable.
Virginia: Hillary
American Samoa: Hillary


I think there's a chance Sanders does better in Oklahoma than Minnesota because many Oklahoma Democrats are idiots and voting against Clinton to them might be a way of voting against Obama.
ivy looking good. santanatoohot.gif

Also, what's the expected pledged delegate lead again after tomorrow? She currently has a 26 delegate margin.

Best guesses would be a little over 100, even if Bernie won every state he's campaigning in. If Bernie only wins Vermont and one other state, it'll probably be a bit closer to 120? Something like that. I think it'll be around 100.


FGC Waterboy
Uhh, no. Trump is 100% about social interests. Banning Muslims immigrants (who are extremely high skilled on average) from the United States will really fucking hurt the economy, but that's Trump's main proposal. Why is it his main proposal? Because his supporters fucking hate brown people and Muslims scare them the most out of the all the brown people.

I've always taken the entire "America will win again" and "Make America Great again" as an economic argument - that your lives have gotten worse due to globalization and trade and etc etc, and that we're gonna take that all back.

I think there are a lot of liberal leaning folks who desperately want to believe that it's just about social interests and racism and sexism because it makes it easy to just paint him a straight up mustache twirling 100% bad guy, but I just watched him defend PP on a GOP debate stage, and he hasn't touched gay marriage or bringing back the ten commandments in a courthouse.

His primary arguments are motivated by economics - even his immigration argument. There are enough dog-whistles to grab the racists onto his side - but I think his primary argument that resonates with people (and is what the GOP establishment is getting side-swiped on) is the economic one. It also explains the weird Bernie / Trump overlap on voters (and why Bernie would trounce Trump specifically while not doing as well against the other GOP candidates). Heck, even the ban all high skilled muslims is an economic argument if you're affected by the H1-B visa influx that's been driving certain industry salaries downward / stagnating wage growth while increasing productivity (software development, for example). Get the racists and the economic argument in one shot.
I've always taken the entire "America will win again" and "Make America Great again" as an economic argument - that your lives have gotten worse due to globalization and trade and etc etc, and that we're gonna take that all back.

I think there are a lot of liberal leaning folks who desperately want to believe that it's just about social interests and racism and sexism because it makes it easy to just paint him a straight up mustache twirling 100% bad guy, but I just watched him defend PP on a GOP debate stage, and he hasn't touched gay marriage or bringing back the ten commandments in a courthouse.

His primary arguments are motivated by economics - even his immigration argument. There are enough dog-whistles to grab the racists onto his side - but I think his primary argument that resonates with people (and is what the GOP establishment is getting side-swiped on) is the economic one. It also explains the weird Bernie / Trump overlap on voters (and why Bernie would trounce Trump specifically while not doing as well against the other GOP candidates).

Explain literally any of Trump's Muslim comments using economic reasons.

How is Trump saying he wants to massacre Muslim prisoners with pigs blood covered bullets an economic issue?

Trump isn't religious so he dgaf about gay marriage or abortion or that shit, but he's pretty clearly an extreme social conservative.
Alabama: Clinton by <30 points
Arkansas: Clinton by <20 pts
Colorado: Sanders by >10 pts
Georgia: Clinton by <30 pts
Massachusetts: Sanders by >5 pts
Minnesota: Sanders >10 pts
Oklahoma: Sanders >10 pts
Tennessee: Clinton by <20 pts
Texas: Clinton by <10 pts
Vermont: Sanders by >70 pts
Virginia: Clinton by <10 pts
American Samoa: Clinton by <who knows?

I expect an unexpectedly great showing from Sanders tomorrow while Clinton underperforms. This race is dragged on until May.
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