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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 4m4 minutes ago
But I see pretty much no evidence that Rubio has gained any ground... Anywhere.

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 4m4 minutes ago
If you look hard enough, there is perhaps some evidence that Cruz has picked up some ground heading into Super Tuesday. We'll see...

Joseph Lenski ‏@JoeLenski 56s56 seconds ago
Here are my delegate projections for 3/1: Clinton 512; Sanders 353; Trump 284; Cruz 160; Rubio 133; Kasich 15; Carson 3



I know that every presidential election we have a whole new wave of young/first time voters entering political discussions for the first time or people just coming into political consciousness, but it gets really tiring to read the same overly simplified thinking over and over again. Sorry, just had to complain for a second.


FGC Waterboy
I feel like I missed an era by not being around when PD was around. I kinda want folks to tell me PD stories or something, lol.


Unconfirmed Member
There's no path to victory left for Bernie and it's getting tiring to read people talk about that race.

Part of me still wants him to do well enough to push the message as long as possible, but part of me just want the whole thing to be over and for us to stop this infighting so we can instead put 100% of our focus on watching the meltdowns and pivots of the Republican party as the March 15th final deadline closes in.


There's no path to victory left for Bernie and it's getting tiring to read people talk about the race.

Part of me still wants him to do well enough to push the message as long as possible, but part of me just want the whole thing to be over and for us to stop this infighting so we can instead put 100% of our focus on the meltdowns and pivots of the Republican party as the March 15th final deadline closes in.

I hate reading about Bernie now. The race is over, his message hasn't evolved one bit, and its half boring half potentially harmful to Hillary. His message has been heard, there's nothing left without a path to victory.


There's no path to victory left for Bernie and it's getting tiring to read people talk about that race.

Part of me still wants him to do well enough to push the message as long as possible, but part of me just want the whole thing to be over and for us to stop this infighting so we can instead put 100% of our focus on watching the meltdowns and pivots of the Republican party as the March 15th final deadline closes in.

you can help end it tomorrow if you choose.......

Do you have an idea of who's gonna win your state? I wish we had polls. x(
There's no path to victory left for Bernie and it's getting tiring to read people talk about that race.

Part of me still wants him to do well enough to push the message as long as possible, but part of me just want the whole thing to be over and for us to stop this infighting so we can instead put 100% of our focus on watching the meltdowns and pivots of the Republican party as the March 15th final deadline closes in.

He's pushed his message as far as he can, there's no benefit in dragging this race out further.


Unconfirmed Member
I hate reading about Bernie now. The race is over, his message hasn't evolved one bit, and its half boring half potentially harmful to Hillary. His message has been heard, there's nothing left without a path to victory.

Maybe not make the message heard, but prove the message is stronger with voters than originally thought, which can only really be done at the voting booth.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Damn I forgot about that and the BS they pulled during that.
Yep. McCain has a history of literally and figuratively embracing conservatives who beat up on him.

I loved this fucking movie since DAY ONE.. And everyone. EVERYONE I've talked to since then acted like it was the worst movie all time.

I felt like I was CRAZY. Seeing anyone else actually say they like this movie besides me is blowing my mind right now.

Poligaf, always on my side.
I was a tad skeptical of the trailers, but went to the opening midnight show and it was magical. Seeing that on the big screen with an enthusiastic audience, so damn good. There are more than a few ardent defenders in the OT. Fortunately I know and have met some people who are fans, too.
There's no path to victory left for Bernie and it's getting tiring to read people talk about that race.

Part of me still wants him to do well enough to push the message as long as possible, but part of me just want the whole thing to be over and for us to stop this infighting so we can instead put 100% of our focus on watching the meltdowns and pivots of the Republican party as the March 15th final deadline closes in.

At this point I'm only here to watch the Trump trainwreck. I believe in Sanders' message, and wish something would be done to address the problems. Unfortunately this year it isn't going to happen, but please guys and gals, don't mock the message.


Fox not even hiding its racist slant now. Coming to Trump's defense against Juan Williams.


“I don’t think you can excuse this kind of behavior where you just conveniently close your eyes,” Williams, who is African American, said. “In this moment, right before the SEC primary, he finds it convenient not to disavow.”

“It has particular power because so much of the anger that Donald Trump is talking about giving voice to is really anger in sort of a white populist movement,” Williams continued.

Before he even finished speaking, Williams was upbraided by his four white co-hosts.

“He disavowed him on Twitter!” Eric Bolling protested.

“Juan, you are not paying attention to the facts,” Kimberly Guilfoyle said.

The longest lecture came from Melissa Frances, who blamed the media for badgering Trump. “Now he’s been badgered repeatedly on the same front,” she said. “At the beginning of that interview we saw he said ‘I don’t support David Duke. No, no, no.’ And they kept asking him the question until they said something that can kind of be used.”

It’s unclear what interview Frances was referring to because he did not disavow Duke during the CNN interview at issue.

The idea that Trump had to be tricked into his comments about Duke and white nationalists is belied by his conduct throughout the campaign. On more than one occasion, Trump has retweeted “White Genocide” accounts on Twitter. He also retweeted fake, inaccurate and racist murder statistics from a neo-Nazi account.

Then again, The Five are some of the biggest pieces of garbage on TV today.
FiveThirtyEight has a great set of guides on Super Tuesday contests. It includes electorate demographics, money raised, polling average, delegate target, delegate rules, and of course, their forecast!

Republican Democrat
I haven't looked it through yet, but I think something to note from SC is that black share of the vote may end up higher than 2008. SC ended up ~61% vs the 2008 figure of ~55%.

I think you had a lot of white people coming out in 2008 to vote against Barack Obama; and these people have now migrated over to the GOP.


If we take Massachusetts off the table and call it a wash.

That leaves Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma (none of which I'm entirely convinced he'll win) and Vermont.

I'd just give him all 16 of Vermont's delegates; that would cut her current margin down to ten.

So that leaves him states that have 181 delegates to try and cut into her current and potential margin.

I think she'll win Texas, with it's 222 delegates, by a much larger margin than whatever wins he gets from those states. So that alone would more than cancel any delegate advantage.

And that's before considering the other 5 states where she has wide leads.

I read that Bernie can make up any Super Tuesday differential with a big win in California.
538 has Rubio tagetting 53 Texas delegates, he's likely to get 5-10 total if he qualifies. LOL.

Also, Cruz raised $15 million in Texas.

And Carson's fundraising in these states is amazing. Who is donating to Ben Carson? Why? Do you hate your money?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I feel like I missed an era by not being around when PD was around. I kinda want folks to tell me PD stories or something, lol.

What actually happened to PD anyway?
I watched the John Olivier video and I'm surprised that Donald Trump has a low amount of individual contributions . I wonder why that is.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Ooh, Trump says he likes NASCAR? Who's my candidate if I like flashy European motorsport like Formula 1? Trump would fit in perfectly with those guys. Billionaires writing checks to billion-dollar companies essentially "for the lulz", essentially speculation betting on your team being better, getting more press and more prize money. Hell, some of the teams are owned outright by billionaire assholes.

How much did Trump pay these black people on CNN to stand behind him, I wonder?

Trump is like the Drake of politics. Shows up with a different team's jersey on every town he's in.


Neo Member
Completely anecdotal evidence here but since we have no polls I might as well post it.

Outside of the people whom I know living in Boulder, I don't personally know of any Sanders supporters here in Colorado (I live in Denver). I've seen the bumper stickers for Bernie so they are out there I just don't know any of them. Three of my coworkers support The Donald, the other won't vote in November between Hillary and The Donald. I'm supporting Hillary, my roommate supports Rubio, across everyone I know in Colorado it's probably split pretty evenly between Clinton/Sanders, and only because I find it amusing (especially in the context of this thread) every LGBT person I know is supporting Hillary.


Completely anecdotal evidence here but since we have no polls I might as well post it.

Outside of the people whom I know living in Boulder, I don't personally know of any Sanders supporters here in Colorado (I live in Denver). I've seen the bumper stickers for Bernie so they are out there I just don't know any of them. Three of my coworkers support The Donald, the other won't vote in November between Hillary and The Donald. I'm supporting Hillary, my roommate supports Rubio, across everyone I know in Colorado it's probably split pretty evenly between Clinton/Sanders, and only because I find it amusing (especially in the context of this thread) every LGBT person I know is supporting Hillary.

I hope they know its closed and they should have registered weeks ago. No same day like NV.
He posted an emote of a mod's irl face and got perm'd. He also predicted scott walker would be the republican nominee, which was a massive source of lulz when he dropped out b4 jindal


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Those Texas polls for Rubio...hard to contain my excitement.

Zero ground gained anywhere? Even more amazing.

Total RNC failure.


Scott Walker will go down as the smartest man in politics for knowing to get out before Trump destroyed his political career.

I'm not sure the word smart and Scott Walker should ever be in the same sentence together. He cratered entirely of his own volition.
Completely anecdotal evidence here but since we have no polls I might as well post it.

Outside of the people whom I know living in Boulder, I don't personally know of any Sanders supporters here in Colorado (I live in Denver). I've seen the bumper stickers for Bernie so they are out there I just don't know any of them. Three of my coworkers support The Donald, the other won't vote in November between Hillary and The Donald. I'm supporting Hillary, my roommate supports Rubio, across everyone I know in Colorado it's probably split pretty evenly between Clinton/Sanders, and only because I find it amusing (especially in the context of this thread) every LGBT person I know is supporting Hillary.

Gay men love strong, confident and powerful women.

And pantsuits.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Scott Walker will go down as the smartest man in politics for knowing to get out before Trump destroyed his political career.

It was an amazing tactic 4 years ahead of its time. Every other candidate is so damaged by Trump that Walker is the only one who can run in 2020.
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