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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I joked about Scalia's Ghost hanging out with us in chat tonight, but he might be at the court itself.

Supreme Court goes dark during oral arguments

Curtis Gannon, assistant to the solicitor general at the Department of Justice, was almost through arguing that a sex offender violated federal law when he moved to the Philippines and failed to notify Kansas, where he previously resided, when the lights went out.
“I knew we should have paid that bill,” Chief Justice John Roberts joked.

The crowded courtroom erupted in laughter.
This Vox article makes the general sound way more winnable for Republicans if a bunch of authoritarians get sorted into the Republicans this year.

Speaking of which. People are seeing this outside of polling stations outside of Houston:

Hey, remember way back earlier in the primary when people who were pointing out how Trump was using the fascist playbook got pooh-poohed because there's no way he's an f-word because reasons and Godwin and stuff and it's totally not fascism it just isn't okay? Good times.

I stand by what I said then and believe it is just as applicable. Just because Hitler/fascism is a bad analogy/comparison doesn't mean Trump can't be called racist and bad for America in all kinds of ways. It's absolutely an ad-hoc justification for unwarranted and unnecessary language.

As an insult I don't mind. But as a serious complaint in our discourse? No thanks.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Establishment republicans calling somebody a racist to get people not to vote for them.

The irony here is just...wow.


Regarding David Duke, Trump should have just used Boehner's line and said it's not his job to tell the American people what to think, that was a perfectly acceptable answer for the GOP before. They're all a bunch of hypocritical vultures off this kkk fumble.


I guess Paul Ryan and others should distance themselves from Trump because it's the right thing to do and saves the fine reputation of the GOP, the party of Lincoln. But they have to support him if he's the nominee ... So maybe ease off a little? I think Trump will have basically secured the nomination after today. So it's a little late to go hard on him.


John Kasich, who went harder in on Trump than anyone else was basically calling him a Nazi more than a month ago. They didn't need to wait until Super Tuesday to jump in.


Assuming that women, LGBT people, and people of color (spoilers: This is like 70-80% of America) are willing to be degraded to go along with Drumpf.
Women voters lean liberal. Voted Obama by like 10 points. The parties could be realigning and you're really setting yourself up for surprise if you think a Hillary blowout is the only possible outcome.


This is the most entertaining thing ever.
Surely the party pros know that a nomination wrenched from the hands of Donald Trump would be worthless but they don’t care. The ruling elite that has dominated the party would rather have globalist Hillary Clinton than the uncontrollable nationalist Donald Trump. The idea of a president not beholden to the ruling elite is more than they can stand.

There are many great aphorisms in politics but this one may be the key to who ends up President: he who knows the rules, rules. Right now, it’s Reince and the Racketeers who know them best. Beware Republicans: the big steal is coming.
The comments are amazing. That civil war is just waiting to pop off.

User 406

I stand by what I said then and believe it is just as applicable. Just because Hitler/fascism is a bad analogy/comparison doesn't mean Trump can't be called racist and bad for America in all kinds of ways. It's absolutely an ad-hoc justification for unwarranted and unnecessary language.

As an insult I don't mind. But as a serious complaint in our discourse? No thanks.

It's not an analogy at all. Authoritarian fascism is a pattern, and what's going on with Trump and his followers fits that pattern. The entire study of authoritarians began because people were trying to figure out just what the fuck happened in Nazi Germany! The "it can't happen here" mindset that ignores our protofascist elements waking up just because dipshits on the internet love to overuse Hitler comparisons is far more dangerous in my view.


How amazing would it be if Rubio going full trump with insults about dick size and his face is what finally defeats Trump?
Media won't shut up about this David Duke thing. They are trying to push this narrative hard.

the media is still peddling the Rubio narrative hard, we will see tonight what the dumb media says about Rubio when he sinks deeper in 3rd Place after Cruz secures way more delegates thanks to Texas

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
This is a tricky concept. One of the reasons Obama's team performed so well back in 2012 is that they poured a ton of resources finding out where the voters actually were. They had a better understanding of the electorate than any pollster because of that investment. To get accurate data they would have had to share some of their internal findings with the third-party. Which could have gotten out and minimized their edge.
The breach of contract doesn't seem worth the lawsuit, but I can't say for sure.
How amazing would it be if Rubio going full trump with insults about dick size and his face is what finally defeats Trump?

He was stepping away from those comments today. Apparently the crowds were asking for more dick jokes but he wanted to "just talk about the issues today." This guy is doing to worst Trump impression imaginable.
It's not an analogy at all. Authoritarian fascism is a pattern, and what's going on with Trump and his followers fits that pattern. The entire study of authoritarians began because people were trying to figure out just what the fuck happened in Nazi Germany! The "it can't happen here" mindset that ignores our protofascist elements waking up just because dipshits on the internet love to overuse Hitler comparisons is far more dangerous in my view.

At work now so I'll just say correlation with authoritarian tendencies (weasel words aside) is not fascism. Trump is like Berlusconi, not Hitler.

The actual history of Hitler's rise in the context of the postwar Weimar Republic is anything but comparable. Call me when leading political figures are routinely assassinated.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I should become a pundit, clearly doesn't require a whole lot
I think many people (not saying myself) would be better pundits than those on TV. I'm not sure who it was, maybe John Oliver, that showed you can find pundits who are repeatedly wrong continue to be on the air.

Qualifications to be a pundit are pretty loose too.
How amazing would it be if Rubio going full trump with insults about dick size and his face is what finally defeats Trump?
No. Clearly not. It looks desperate and pathetic. Who the fuck is he trying to appeal anyway? Rubio team's head is planted firmly in its ass. Rubio simply dancing to the tune of the donors who demand he take the fight to Donald. This is the definition of going down kicking and screaming. It's a bad play.
I think that NY Times piece on Clinton's Trump strategy is moreso a narrative piece than anything. My inclination is to say it's aimed at Trump's camp and the RNC. It gives Trump another thing to point to as evidence that he can win, and it gives dumb RNC officials assurance that maybe Trump can win after all ("Clintons are scared of Trump"). It's a simplistic take but you have to consider how out of touch many RNC officials are. They already live in a fantasy land where Hillary can't possibly win (just as Obama couldn't possibly win re-election).

The reality is that Clinton wants to run up the score on Trump and is preparing for a big win, as Obama did in 2008; I get why they won't say that out loud in March. Personally I don't think she'll match that win but replicating 2012 seems a given at least, barring a drastic change in circumstance.

IMO the KKK flap killed a lot of the initial "maybe...perhaps" talk amongst a lot of republicans about Trump and his chances. Still there will always be RNC people who believe anything is possible. But if you're someone smart like Mitch McConnell you have to realize this is a disaster.
I need him to hold on through 3/15. He's going to get gang banged by Cruz, Rubio, and Megyn Kelly on Thursday night so it won't be easy.
Tonight is clearly the momentum phase. No amount of getting Cuban Sandwiched on Thursday will change his momentum if he wins across the North, South, East and West. It ends tonight.


I need him to hold on through 3/15. He's going to get gang banged by Cruz, Rubio, and Megyn Kelly on Thursday night so it won't be easy.

If I were Trump and he sweeps today, my answer to literally every question at the debate would be "I'm leading, your losing, I've won 13 States, you have won 0 and Nasty Cruz has won 2. By the way was little Rubio, stop sweating so much. Do you want some water?"
Women voters lean liberal. Voted Obama by like 10 points. The parties could be realigning and you're really setting yourself up for surprise if you think a Hillary blowout is the only possible outcome.

Obama did just as badly with white women as Kerry(44 percent to Bush/Romney's 55). He won women because he racked up enormous majorities among black(who turned out higher than any other group), Hispanic, and Asian women to make up for that deficit with white women.

The parties might realign but I know for sure, so long as that realignment is because of Trump, that the GOP won't be making enough inroads with minority women to change that liberal lean.
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