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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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No Scrubs
Isn't that a dangerous strategy to take? Remember a Republican was saying a Cruz nominee would likely hurt down (can't think of a better term) tickets. Even though I still believe they would rather have Trump than Cruz, I feel Trump would hurt the party nationwide more. I don't know if there's a correlation between the performance of the presidential nominee to other tickets running.

You're right that there's a correlation, there's a reason we talk about coattails and downticket candidates tying themselves to popular presidential candidates. Cruz and Trump would both do a huge amount of damage.

Considering Republicans already have an uphill battle during presidential years damaging the brand is the last thing they want. Maybe it doesn't matter if Trump is the nominee, the appeal might already be tarnished severely. I could only see Trump acting as a catalyst.

The brand's already been damaged by Trump. Every Democrat running in November is going to try and tie their opponent to Trump somehow and it won't be too hard considering the party's stances on the issues.

At this point all the establishment can do is try and figure out a way to make sure they regain control of the party after this cycle. They didn't move fast enough so now it's a runaway train. All they can do is try and distance the party from Trump, which won't work, and minimize the damage.


The polls indicate minorities are supporting Hillary.

Not exactly the same thing.

Just commenting on how tired I am of Hillary supporters spreading that nonsensical and insulting talking point. Hell, a Bernie supporter just the other day was questioned on the quality of their skin color by a Hillary one. "How much melanin is contained in you and your group of friends, combined?" And the person was a racial minority.
we're just gonna keep mischaracterizing a post i've already apologized for until 2017, aren't we

(because fun fact: them being a racial minority actually made me more supportive of them. still insulting, but literally for the exact opposite reason)


What happens to pledged delegates of contenders like Bush that suspended their campaign in a brokered convention?
Whom Do they vote for?


I think what's more interesting is that he feels the need to go to Maine of all places after Super Tuesday. That should be an easy win for him. Maybe the Massachusetts effect is spilling over to nearby states.


What happens to pledged delegates of contenders like Bush that suspended their campaign in a brokered convention?
Whom Do they vote for?

In the second and later ballots, they're freed up and can vote for whoever they want to.

There hasn't been a contested convention for a long time, so it's actually totally unclear what happens when we have one. You can tell because they're still calling it "brokered" despite the fact that there are no brokers any more. So all bets are off if it actually happens.
I think what's more interesting is that he feels the need to go to Maine of all places after Super Tuesday. That should be an easy win for him. Maybe the Massachusetts effect is spilling over to nearby states.

Must be weird internals or something. I mean everything about Maine should be trending Bernie. It's white. It's a caucus. It's in New England. With how we'll he'll have done in the states of East and West Vermont, this should be an easy pickup. Maybe he's focusing on margins....

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Great. Gonna interview the fuck out of these students, and get out. No cocktail reception (maybe a roadie), need these results asap.
To be precise, I think we can safely say expect these races will be called within a minute after the polls close:
Alabama - Hillary & Trump 7:01pm ET
Arkansas - Hillary 7:31pm CT
Georgia - Hillary 7:01pm ET
Massachusetts - Hillary 8:01 pm ET
Tennessee - Hillary & Trump 7:01pm CT
Vermont - Bernie 7:01pm ET
Virginia - Hillary 7pm ET

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Straight guys for Hillary here! There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Just got into a talk with my dad. He's deathly afraid of Trump and Hillary. He thinks we'll be in WWIII in Trump is elected and he thinks the left, and their 'gay agenda', will destroy the Catholic church. He's convinced that Catholics will be forced by the government to have gay marriages in Catholic churches. It's weird. Talking to him and my mom, they are just all but certain that the world is out to destroy their religion.
The polls indicate minorities are supporting Hillary. Cohn is saying that Bernie's campaign needs to acknowledge that fact.

Lol they have? This narrative is getting old. Sanders is pretty well supported by younger minorities, crushing Clinton with hispanics and giving a good battle with blacks. We dont have numbers for asians and muslims, but I would assume Sanders is leading there too.

He is just awful to communicate with older voters overall, specially with minority older voters who tend to be more conservative.

Anyway, Sanders has a crushing solid lead with the uguuu vote.

When will your fave?


Lol they have? This narrative is getting old. Sanders is pretty well supported by younger minorities, crushing Clinton with hispanics and giving a good battle with blacks. We dont have numbers for asians and muslims, but I would assume Sanders is leading there too.

He is just awful to communicate with older voters overall, specially with minority older voters who tend to be more conservative.

Losing 85-15 among AA is not giving a good fight.

How did he beat Clinton with Hispanics when she won almost all of the Hispanic districts in various states?

He is even losing among young minority voters.



Just got into a talk with my dad. He's deathly afraid of Drumpf and Hillary. He thinks we'll be in WWIII in Drumpf is elected and he thinks the left, and their 'gay agenda', will destroy the Catholic church. He's convinced that Catholics will be forced by the government to have gay marriages in Catholic churches. It's weird. Talking to him and my mom, they are just all but certain that the world is out to destroy their religion.

Tell them that the gay agenda is just other people out to live their own lives. It's scary, I know, but wade them into it.


Lol they have? This narrative is getting old. Sanders is pretty well supported by younger minorities, crushing Clinton with hispanics and giving a good battle with blacks. We dont have numbers for asians and muslims, but I would assume Sanders is leading there too.

He is just awful to communicate with older voters overall, specially with minority older voters who tend to be more conservative.

Anyway, Sanders has a crushing solid lead with the uguuu vote.

When will your fave?

Fighting against years of cold war propaganda

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Tell them that the gay agenda is just other people out to live their own lives. It's scary, I know, but wade them into it.

We work together and I try to avoid getting into political shouting matches with him while I'm on the clock. It's my fault for talking about Trump while heating up my lunch.


We work together and I try to avoid getting into political shouting matches with him while I'm on the clock. It's my fault for talking about Drumpf while heating up my lunch.

Eh, no need to apologize. Sounds like he's just bought into right-wing propaganda. Not your fault.

User 406

Is there a good reason why chat cant be open to lurkers btw. Their insight would probably be refreshing

Keep in mind there is a very large contingent of enormous assholes out there who have been permbanned from GAF who hate the place but can't stop reading, thinking, and talking about it. Getting someone in there talking shit about Evilore and spamming every bigoted slur in the book is a distinct possibility.

Sometimes I feel like the GOP is closing its eyes and pretending like nonwhite voters don't exist.

Oh they don't do that, they need those nonwhite voters to scare theirs! :d

I have this vision of Scalia being a huge prick to Thomas and bombastically making fun of his accent all the time, causing Thomas to avoid speaking in oral argument for so long. :p
Losing 85-15 among AA is not giving a good fight.

How did he beat Clinton with Hispanics when she won almost all of the Hispanic districts in various states?

He is even losing among young minority voters.

I think you missed a comma in my post.

Anyway, he won under 45 hispanics by crushing numbers in Nevada and gave a good fight, 43 to 56, with under 30 black voters in SC.


Straight guys for Hillary here! There are dozens of us! Dozens!

Another straight guy for Hillary reporting in.

Though, my gay friends describe me as, "The gayest straight man on earth."

They're exaggerating, but I'm still maybe not the greatest representative for the group. ;-p


I think you missed a comma in my post.

Anyway, he won under 45 hispanics by crushing numbers in Nevada and gave a good fight, 43 to 56, with under 30 black voters in SC.

The facts regarding how he's doing with minorities don't matter. It's a waste of time to try.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
Eh, no need to apologize. Sounds like he's just bought into right-wing propaganda. Not your fault.
Catholic talk radio more than anything. Sometimes I'll drive his car and leave it tuned to whatever he's been listening to. Every time I've listened in, there's talk of persecution against Catholics and it kinda blows my mind because I just don't see it.
Which is what is guaranteed to happen as your parents' position is emotional, not logical.

Oh for sure. I really avoid it with my mom. She'll flip her shit when she figures out that I like Hillary and am not just voting for whoever is at the top of the ticket. Her and I can't talk politics because it all just boils down to babies being murdered and Planned Parenthood being evil, etc. She's the Bernie Sanders of abortion. It's the only issue she can see.


Catholic talk radio more than anything. Sometimes I'll drive his car and leave it tuned to whatever he's been listening to. Every time I've listened in, there's talk of persecution against Catholics and it kinda blows my mind because I just don't see it.

Oh for sure. I really avoid it with my mom. She'll flip her shit when she figures out that I like Hillary and am not just voting for whoever is at the top of the ticket. Her and I can't talk politics because it all just boils down to babies being murdered and Planned Parenthood being evil, etc. She's the Bernie Sanders of abortion. It's the only issue she can see.

Well, there's a war on Christmas, don't chu, kno'?
But seriously this persecution complex from the religious right largely comes from them believing the country is theirs and that it was founded on their religion. Which is flat-out false. They believe in theocratic notions and don't really support what the Constitution argues regarding rights for all citizens. It's not surprising but the oppressor reacting to when the oppressed speak out is a common thing, unfortunately. And the LGBT community, religious minorities, racial minorities, women, etc. etc. have had to deal with it throughout the decades.

As for the PP thing, PP does way more than abortion. Even if you're against abortion morally(which everyone generally is, pro-choice =/= pro-abortion, as many "pro-lifers" (such a disingenuous title, they couldn't give two shits once the life is born) argue), PP is about family and reproductive health. Plain and simple. They help mostly minorities with educational family planning and provide services that are very necessary for women (pap smears, etc.) at cost-effective means. The attack on PP is both an attack on women, men (since they do help men with their reproductive health as well), racial minorities, the poor and the family unit itself if we're going to be frank here.
Another straight guy for Hillary reporting in.

Though, my gay friends describe me as, "The gayest straight man on earth."

They're exaggerating, but I'm still maybe not the greatest representative for the group. ;-p

Here! Here! I'm also a white millennial, I'm hoping there's one more of my kind out there somewhere.

Yes, we will strike back against the gay patriarchy led by King Adam and his servants Queenie and CCS.

Rise gentleman. (Set up the joke for you Adam. Bring it home.)

Also if you wanna feel better, my parents thought for a couple years I was gay too. Thanks guys. So you aren't alone.
Who knew there were so many straight people in PoliGAF.

Our Queen welcomes all, and she is happy to tread on all of us on her way to her glorious throne.

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