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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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The entire debate

Holy Jesus fuck.

The fuck is this?

God. Seriously.



Shut up Cruz. Fuck you.

Fuck this country. If any of these people get elected we all deserve to die.
I know we have had some enjoyment laughing at the Republican shit show, but I find myself embarrassed tonight. I mean seriously, this is a fucking joke
I know we have had some enjoyment laughing at the Republican shit show, but I find myself embarrassed tonight. I mean seriously, this is a fucking joke

No. No. I agree. This wasn't funny tonight. This was disgusting. This was just ridiculous.

Anyone want a poll?

Morning Consult National

Hillary 50 (+3)
Bernie 35 (-4)

Trump 42 (+1)
Rubio 19 (+5)
Cruz 14 (+2)


wait, this debate is worse than the one in SC? Really?

It's that bad?

Did Rubio do himself any favors? Say no please


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I had to turn it off. Liberal dreamer in me says this was a wash. Liberal handwringer says Rubio won and THIS IS THE END

cruz is done. But he was already

East Lake

I said it at the beginning, but I'm becoming increasingly incensed with the media for encouraging this pathetic excuse for political discourse. They are literally enabling this shit with the complete freedom and encouragement they give to the audience to cheer and jeer. Encourages the lowest common denominator from candidates to get the audience response (which is stacked but that's another issue).
I don't mind it. You can't discuss policy seriously in 60 seconds anyway. The more people think it's a joke the better.


No Scrubs
There's a reason I drink while I watch these things. It's so I can still laugh at them, if I didn't drink I'd be crying.
wait, this debate is worse than the one in SC? Really?

It's that bad?

Did Rubio do himself any favors? Say no please

Yes. It was that bad. It was just awful. Cruz/Rubio/Trump spent minutes just screaming at each other.

Rubio scored a few points, but I don't think it will have any effect. Cruz got bodied by Trump a few times, though.

This was just disgusting.


wait, this debate is worse than the one in SC? Really?

It's that bad?

Did Rubio do himself any favors? Say no please

He got a good lick in at one point but Trump is just shouting over everyone and being a boor so he'll do well with the base as always.

At one point a moderator asked him a question and Trump insulted the guys ratings. He's in full bully mode.
Pretty sure the media is going to focus on that Rubio and Donald exchange. Perhaps it was too early, but the most important thing is that the Trump can be stumped.

Ted Cruz pretty much lost I think.
Ben needs to go to Wonderland and never come back.
I don't mind it. You can't discuss policy seriously in 60 seconds anyway. The more people think it's a joke the better.

If you take out all the pauses for the audience you might actually have time to talk for 2 minutes (not that it's much more time). The bigger point is candidates wouldn't be able to get away with so much rehearsed patter, there's no late night monologue if there's no laughing audience.

Would it fix the problem? Of course not they'll still patter, but it would reward the politicians who go for more substantive answers as opposed to the current model where you get rewarded for just making the audience react.

Without the cheers and jeers of the audience I don't think Donald gets anywhere as far as he does now.


Can Rubio really do anything to stop Trump's massive lead heading into Super Tuesday? I MEAN COME ON

Also we can't have Cruz drop out, not yet
"38% of Florida voters think it's possible that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer. "


PPP's newest Florida Republican poll (conducted Wednesday and Thursday before the debate) finds Donald Trump dominant in the state. He's getting 45% to 25% for Marco Rubio, 10% for Ted Cruz, 8% for John Kasich, and 5% for Ben Carson.

The most remarkable thing in this poll though is what happens when you narrow the field down to just Trump and Rubio- Trump still leads by double digits at 52/38.
Rubio does win over supporters of Cruz (56/25), Kasich (47/32), and Carson (64/21) in such a scenario. But Trump has such a big lead to begin with and picks up enough of the supporters of the also rans that it gives him the overall 14 point advantage.
Oh damn.
Rubio did a very good job attacking Trump. Cruz was also effective but didn't have nearly as much time. Rubio has been effective all debate season at exploiting the debate laws to get as much speaking time as possible, and he continued this tonight.

Kasich had a good performance but is simply too sane to win this thing. His answers on religious liberty outraged the conservatives I follow on twitter, for instance.

Last point: I think this debate proved that while Trump is probably the nominee, he can be defeated if the field narrows. He looked like a fool debating Rubio and Cruz tonight. If either could get him into a 1v1 situation I think he just might fold. But the question becomes: do voters care? They haven't cared at all about his vapid answers for the last few months, why would they care now. Still...it's perhaps the only path I see to beating him.
Trump said there won't be a contested convention and this should be done pretty quickly.

Rubio's approvals in FL:
Rubio's trouble doesn't end there. His approval rating as Senator has cratered to a 31/55 spread, compared to a much more evenly divided 41/44 when we last polled the state in September. Only 40% of voters in the state think he should continue with his campaign, compared to a 44% plurality who think it's time for him to drop out. And he narrowly trails both Hillary Clinton (45/43) and Bernie Sanders (44/42) in head to head general election match ups. Rubio's become quite unpopular at home over the course of his campaign.
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