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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Yeah, you got the wrong message out of the post, but that's not surprising.

Yeah, Hillary supporters have been shit-posting Bernie non-stop. But that's not surprising.

I'm going to vote for whoever the Democrat nomination is but the amount of Bernie shit-posting in these PoliGaf topics and any other topic about politics on Gaf is really tiring.


Yeah, Hillary supporters have been shit-posting Bernie non-stop. But that's not surprising.
I'm going to vote for whoever the Democrat nomination is but the amount of Bernie shit-posting in these PoliGaf topics and any other topic about politics on Gaf is really tiring.

There were two mass shootings this week and it wasn't mentioned once on that stage.

America just doesn't give a fuck anymore.

Apparently there was 11 mass shootings this week. It was mentioned in a thread in OT. Not sure if it was the mass shooting thread or debate thread. Probably mass shooting thread.
Yeah, Hillary supporters have been shit-posting Bernie non-stop. But that's not surprising.

I'm going to vote for whoever the Democrat nomination is but the amount of Bernie shit-posting in these PoliGaf topics and any other topic about politics on Gaf is really tiring.

They're all establishment stooges. With their pipe tabacco and lame ass polls.

Trump just tweeted this lol


They're all establishment stooges. With their pipe tabacco and lame ass polls.

I haven't even made any statements about "establishment" here or anywhere else on Gaf. Thanks for proving the point about shit-posting, I guess.

Also, as far as polls and delegates go, Bernie has consistently broken Hillary supporter expectations here on Gaf. The dude has momentum and popularity but no, gotta shit-post about him every time and say "the next time is when he'll crash and burn, believe me". It's ridiculous.
I haven't even made any statements about "establishment" here or anywhere else on Gaf. Thanks for proving the point about shit-posting, I guess.

Ha-ha. I'm actually for Bernie.

This is what poligaf is... And you should come to terms with it.

They like their number crunches and their Queen.


Ha-ha. I'm actually for Bernie.

This is what poligaf is... And you should come to terms with it.

They like their number crunches and their Queen.

I know what PoliGaf is and I'm not going to come to terms with shit-posting. Shit-posting is shit-posting. Plain and simple. It's ridiculous the lengths and logic-hoops some have gone through to insult Bernie and his supporters here. The fact that some of the mods seem cool with the shit-posting and even participate in it is even odder to me. I've made these points before elsewhere on Gaf about the behavior of some Hillary supporters but frankly it seems to fall on deaf ears.


I know what PoliGaf is and I'm not going to come to terms with shit-posting. Shit-posting is shit-posting. Plain and simple. It's ridiculous the lengths and logic-hoops some have gone through to insult Bernie and his supporters here. The fact that some of the mods seem cool with the shit-posting and even participate in it is even odder to me. I've made these points before elsewhere on Gaf about the behavior of some Hillary supporters but frankly it seems to fall on deaf ears.

If you want to ignore some of the more hardcore bernie supports in the OT, that literally post whatever show up on their facebook page, every Washington Times article and unskewered Poll on the internet. And many times get perilously close to parroting the same sexist and rude remarks found on hard right websites.

You paint with the same brush an entire group of people exactly like how you are complaining that Bernie Supporters get brushed as.
I know what PoliGaf is and I'm not going to come to terms with shit-posting. Shit-posting is shit-posting. Plain and simple. It's ridiculous the lengths and logic-hoops some have gone through to insult Bernie and his supporters here. The fact that some of the mods seem cool with the shit-posting and even participate in it is even odder to me. I've made these points before elsewhere on Gaf about the behavior of some Hillary supporters but frankly it seems to fall on deaf ears.

Do you have specific postings?

I'm actually curious as to what you consider a shit post.

People love to be right, so I see a lot of salt in the wound type of posts but nothing just completely hating on Bernie where they don't have some kind of substantial back up evidence.


This while Trump thing about the tax returns is so similar to the transcript bullshit. They're both stupid and will go nowhere.


It feels perverse that Fox and the establishment GOP are trying so hard to pump up Rubio, a candidate that republican primary voters clearly don't want. If he was legit, he would have won somewhere by now. Clearly republican voters don't want him to be their nominee. The discord between the GOP and their base is just ugly.
It feels perverse that Fox and the establishment GOP are trying so hard to pump up Rubio, a candidate that republican primary voters clearly don't want. If he was legit, he would have won somewhere by now. Clearly republican voters don't want him to be their nominee. The discord between the GOP and their base is just ugly.

If anyone else were getting Trump numbers they would already declare him the winner. He isn't beholden to their corporate interests and he doesn't want a war though, so here we are.



Planned tag team attack. I wonder if they met in the closet before the debate like Cruz loves to do.


I know what PoliGaf is and I'm not going to come to terms with shit-posting. Shit-posting is shit-posting. Plain and simple. It's ridiculous the lengths and logic-hoops some have gone through to insult Bernie and his supporters here. The fact that some of the mods seem cool with the shit-posting and even participate in it is even odder to me. I've made these points before elsewhere on Gaf about the behavior of some Hillary supporters but frankly it seems to fall on deaf ears.

A good example of shit-posting is coming into a thread to complain passive-aggressively about the posts and posters in that thread.

edit: Okay, let me avoid shit-posting myself.

You are shit-posting right now.
The pokemon direct tomorrow will be beast. Blastoise dlc for pokken will be announced i am sure of it

Pigeon u better not be shitposting


If you want to ignore some of the more hardcore bernie supports in the OT, that literally post whatever show up on their facebook page, every Washington Times article and unskewered Poll on the internet. And many times get perilously close to parroting the same sexist and rude remarks found on hard right websites.

You paint with the same brush an entire group of people exactly like how you are complaining that Bernie Supporters get brushed as.

That doesn't excuse any of the behavior from some Hillary supporters nor am I arguing that Hillary deserves any of those remarks. She doesn't. That said, it's interesting how literally every poll showing Bernie's increase in support and the fact he's practically tied in delegates seems to not be enough for you and others to consistently dismiss the man. It's been said by Hillary supporters non-stop on Gaf that Bernie is done and everytime so far that's been extremely off base. Then we see the goal-post moving/"this is the reason he can't/shouldn't win" whenever Bernie exceeds the expectations. Not to mention the ageism comments that have come about (despite Hillary barely being any younger than him and the average president being fairly old anyway).

Funny cause I consistently have specified that this is an issue with some Hillary supporters. Such as yourself since you have consistently touted the "Bernie is a one-issue candidate/he doesn't care about anything else/I'm not going to acknowledge that he has views on other issues because I need to repeat this lie about him being one-issue" line directly to me while insulting me. Am I not allowed to air a grievance when it's literally right there? I don't care for in-fighting but the behavior I've seen just really is disheartening.

Do you have specific postings?

I'm actually curious as to what you consider a shit post.

People love to be right, so I see a lot of salt in the wound type of posts but nothing just completely hating on Bernie where they don't have some kind of substantial back up evidence.

The one-issue nonsense that's brought up which requires them to ignore his views on numerous issues is one thing. The general attitude of how he doesn't care minorities is another. The insults I've seen that amount to: "You aren't a true democrat/member of x minority community if you support Bernie". Etc.

A good example of shit-posting is coming into a thread to complain passive-aggressively about the posts and posters in that thread.

edit: Okay, let me avoid shit-posting myself.

You are shit-posting right now.

I am criticizing the behavior that is all over Gaf political topics regarding Bernie. This is a topic meant to be about politics. I am expressing my disappointment with the attitude taken regarding how some have treated their fellow Democrats. The post I responded to was in and of itself a passive-aggressive insult to Bernie supporters. If you don't want me to air my grievances or have a conversation on the subject then that just feels like you don't welcome discussion/don't want to acknowledge the issue in question.


Guys...Bernie supporter just asked me why I don't support Sanders on FB.

I responded.


*takes a shot*

Let's see how this goes.


That doesn't excuse any of the behavior from some Hillary supporters nor am I arguing that Hillary deserves any of those remarks. That said, it's interesting how literally every poll showing Bernie's increase in support and the fact he's practically tied in delegates seems to not be enough for you and others to consistently dismiss the man. It's been said by Hillary supporters non-stop on Gaf that Bernie is done and everytime so far that's been extremely off base. Then we see the goal-post moving/"this is the reason he can't/shouldn't win" whenever Bernie exceeds the expectations. Not to mention the ageism comments that have come about (despite Hillary barely being any younger than him and the average president being fairly old anyway)

I'm not even sure what to think about this post. There are pretty practical and straightforward reasons why I don't think Bernie can win -- his support is mostly concentrated in a fairly narrow segment of the Democratic primary base, he has not demonstrated the ability to turn out new voters which is more or less the thesis of his campaign, and he has little support from the party establishment. The polls and the primaries that have happened don't do anything to change those reasons! They show evidence more or less in line with them. So, you know, naturally they haven't made my mind change.

As far as whether Bernie should win, obviously, as a Hillary supporter, I don't think he should win. I don't agree with his policies and I think he's less likely to win. As a socialist, my goal is to advance America as effectively as possible towards socialism, and Hillary Clinton is the candidate who I think will do that most effectively. It seems kind of weird to suggest that posting reasons why you prefer or dislike a candidate is goalpost moving. Isn't that, like, the entire thing that you do when talking about politics? I mean besides posting polls gifs of Lana del Rey policy discussions.
Oh, jeez.

Look, if you can't handle people talking about polls and projections. About delegate math. Plausible outcomes. Critiquing campaign strategies, policy platforms and the way candidates have been addressing issues.

Then you need to grow a thicker skin or avoid reading political threads.

Or in general, if you just can't handle people disagreeing with you or not liking the things you like, then a discussion forum probably isn't good reading.

NB This doesn't mean we condone partisan sniping at other members when it crosses the line. As, if you can't discuss any of the above in a civil manner then you won't be discussing anything.

Now, maybe we can all go back to discussing how Rubio won instead of metacommentary on other posters. For serious.
Isn't that, like, the entire thing that you do when talking about politics? I mean besides posting polls gifs of Lana del Rey policy discussions.
Thats so 2015 bro, the world has moved on. Let's dispel this fiction that Jeb is a big fat mess, havent you heard? Also, airhorns.


I'm not even sure what to think about this post. There are pretty practical and straightforward reasons why I don't think Bernie can win -- his support is mostly concentrated in a fairly narrow segment of the Democratic primary base, he has not demonstrated the ability to turn out new voters which is more or less the thesis of his campaign, and he has little support from the party establishment. The polls and the primaries that have happened don't do anything to change those reasons! They show evidence more or less in line with them. So, you know, naturally they haven't made my mind change.

As far as whether Bernie should win, obviously, as a Hillary supporter, I don't think he should win. I don't agree with his policies and I think he's less likely to win. As a socialist, my goal is to advance America as effectively as possible towards socialism, and Hillary Clinton is the candidate who I think will do that most effectively. It seems kind of weird to suggest that posting reasons why you prefer or dislike a candidate is goalpost moving. Isn't that, like, the entire thing that you do when talking about politics? I mean besides posting polls gifs of Lana del Rey policy discussions.

But the polls and primaries show that Bernie is ahead of Hillary in considered electability and the primaries show him neck and neck with her too. So I mean, right now he's doing quite well. Far better than most have suggested.

I am not suggesting that posting reasons why one would prefer x candidate goal-post moving. I am simply laying out the fact of the matter that Bernie dismissal has existed here for a while now and everytime he exceeds expectations, the goal-posts are moved to say: "Well, now is when he will have to drop out".

Oh, jeez.

Look, if you can't handle people talking about polls and projections. About delegate math. Plausible outcomes. Critiquing campaign strategies, policy platforms and the way candidates have been addressing issues.

Then you need to grow a thicker skin or avoid reading political threads.

Or in general, if you just can't handle people disagreeing with you or not liking the things you like, then a discussion forum probably isn't good reading.

NB This doesn't mean we condone partisan sniping at other members when it crosses the line. As, if you can't discuss any of the above in a civil manner then you won't be discussing anything.

Now, maybe we can all go back to discussing how Rubio won. For serious.

I can handle all of that just fine. What I don't abide by are the consistent insults and dismissal of Bernie/his supporters that I've seen.


That doesn't excuse any of the behavior from some Hillary supporters nor am I arguing that Hillary deserves any of those remarks. She doesn't. That said, it's interesting how literally every poll showing Bernie's increase in support and the fact he's practically tied in delegates seems to not be enough for you and others to consistently dismiss the man. It's been said by Hillary supporters non-stop on Gaf that Bernie is done and everytime so far that's been extremely off base. Then we see the goal-post moving/"this is the reason he can't/shouldn't win" whenever Bernie exceeds the expectations. Not to mention the ageism comments that have come about (despite Hillary barely being any younger than him and the average president being fairly old anyway).

Funny cause I consistently have specified that this is an issue with some Hillary supporters. Such as yourself since you have consistently touted the "Bernie is a one-issue candidate/he doesn't care about anything else/I'm not going to acknowledge that he has views on other issues because I need to repeat this lie about him being one-issue" line directly to me while insulting me. Am I not allowed to air a grievance when it's literally right there? I don't care for in-fighting but the behavior I've seen just really is disheartening.

Repeat the Lie? Bernie deflects to Wall Street constantly when he is asked uncomfortable questions. That is a Fact.

Just because when he is trying to directly campaign to AAs, he actually talks about racial issues, doesn't mean he gets to run away from the very real charge that he is a one issue candidate.

Linking his website does nothing, linking him campaigning at a black college in SC as evidence is laughable.

Whenever he is on during a major televised debate or town hall, the majority of the time America will actually see him, the majority of his answers are link to Wall Street, billionaires and millionaires. FACT. Its not just the Hillary Campaign that has hit him on this, many many places that are even pro-Bernie has stated he does it too often.

Single Issue does not mean he literally spends 100% of his time talking about his one issue, it means whenever he has a major platform to speak , he ends up going back to the same topic over and over again even when its unrelated. IE Televised Debates and Town halls.

EDIT: Speaking about falsehoods, Bernie supporter are not above using his LGBT record as a bludgeon, when he has had similar 'evolution' on gay marriage just like Hillary, and cant even acknowledge that 'falsehood' in his argument even if Bernie has an overall better record there.
But the polls and primaries show that Bernie is ahead of Hillary in considered electability and the primaries show him neck and neck with her too. So I mean, right now he's doing quite well. Far better than most have suggested.

I am not suggesting that posting reasons why one would prefer x candidate goal-post moving. I am simply laying out the fact of the matter that Bernie dismissal has existed here for a while now and everytime he exceeds expectations, the goal-posts are moved to say: "Well, now is when he will have to drop out".

The goal posts have never moved. You've just misinterpreted them.

The goal posts for those who keep saying he should drop out have pretty much always veen

If (True) Then Coronate(Hilllary)
Just watched that Hardball piece where Noted Establishment Shill Chris Matthews parrots the Beltway lines regarding how the hell free tuition is going to get passed, and sweet Jesus that went downhill quickly after 10 minutes in


Just watched that Hardball piece where Noted Establishment Shill Chris Matthews parrots the Beltway lines regarding how the hell free tuition is going to get passed, and sweet Jesus that went downhill quickly after 10 minutes in

And Bernie confirmed his "march on DC" plan to get his stuff enacted.

Watching this Mitt documentary, I almost feel sorry for him. At least his sons are kinda hot. And I have a weird thing for Paul Ryan.

Mitt's sons are all the right height.

They really drank the Fox New Bubble Kool-Aid.
Watching this Mitt documentary, I almost feel sorry for him. At least his sons are kinda hot. And I have a weird thing for Paul Ryan.

Mitt's sons are all the right height.


this whole thing is one big new York conspiracy to destroy the Grand Old Party

Obama got the dragon balls, and the chaos emeralds


Deep into his 30th decade
And Bernie confirmed his "march on DC" plan to get his stuff enacted.

I got a little frustrated when he was being asked about guantanimo and he said "let me talk about campaign finance reform".
Yea that's important, but so is dealing with gitmo.


So Cruz's argument about Republicans nominating "terrible" SC justices because they track "left" after they get on the court has to be some epic failure of critical thought

It was Cruz though, so kind of expected
I can handle all of that just fine.
If you can then you should recognise that delegate math, polls and projections, examination of current campaign strategy are the basis for thinking his candidacy is likely not going to be viable for much longer.

She is currently projected to win SC by significant margin.
She is projected to win most of the Super Tuesday states, several of these by significant margin. A recent spate of positive polls just came out, ergo it's talked about.
The campaign's current advertising strategy is based around winning his home state, and four other Super Tuesday states. The largest of these is worth 91 delegates, the sum of these is worth 288. Texas is worth 222 delegates.
The projected delegate lead from these wins would give her a significant pledged delegate lead, the proportional system essentially makes it impossible to come back from behind, as Clinton herself learned in 2008.
She is also currently polling better in most, if not all, post-Super Tuesday states.

Can things change? Sure. A week is a long time in politics. But there's nothing wrong with taking the information we have now and talking about the plausible outcome: that if the above holds she will likely have secured the Democratic nomination by next Tuesday.



It's not at all a real charge when one can literally just listen to the man or look up his views on the various issues. To not even educate yourself on what his beliefs are is just odd to me.

To your edit: That has literally nothing to do with this conversation. But as a member of the LGBT community myself, I am getting quite tired of this attitude around Bernie in particular. Suggesting, as I've seen some argue, that you aren't a true member of the LGBT community for supporting the man/anyone actually concerned/effected by LGBT issues would never support him and must support Hillary because look at the stuff she did.

If you can then you should recognise that delegate math, polls and projections, examination of current campaign strategy are the basis for thinking his candidacy is likely not going to be viable for much longer.

She is currently projected to win SC by significant margin.
She is projected to win most of the Super Tuesday states, several of these by significant margin. A recent spate of positive polls just came out, ergo it's talked about.
The campaign's current advertising strategy is based around winning his home state, and four other Super Tuesday states. The largest of these is worth 91 delegates, the sum of these is worth 288. Texas is worth 222 delegates.
The projected delegate lead from these wins would give her a significant pledged delegate lead, the proportional system essentially makes it impossible to come back from behind, as Clinton herself learned in 2008.
She is also currently polling better in most, if not all, post-Super Tuesday states.

Can things change? Sure. A week is a long time in politics. But there's nothing wrong with taking the information we have now and talking about the plausible outcome: that if the above holds she will likely have secured the Democratic nomination by next Tuesday.

I can see all of those factors and I'm not denying her winning is a possibility. As I've also said, I will support whoever gets the nom. regardless as they're both a million times better than anything from the other side of the aisle. What I'm bothered by is the attitude to this point and even within the past page or two that dismisses even the current projections regarding how well Bernie has done. I'd be less disheartened if some Hillary supporters just acknowledged what he has done to this point instead of looking for any chance to insult and attack him and his supporters. A lot of the attitude regarding Bernie/his supporters has even gone against past current information. Talking about outcomes is fine, what is not fine with me personally is that regardless of the information at hand, there's always shit-posting from some people on this subject matter.
It's not at all a real charge when one can literally just listen to the man or look up his views on the various issues. To not even educate yourself on what his beliefs are is just odd to me.

To your edit: That has literally nothing to do with this conversation. But as a member of the LGBT community myself, I am getting quite tired of this attitude around Bernie in particular. Suggesting, as I've seen some argue, that you aren't a true member of the LGBT community for supporting the man/anyone actually concerned/effected by LGBT issues would never support him and must support Hillary because look at the stuff she did.
Who in the world has ever tied being a member of the LGBT community to supporting Bernie Sanders?
Suggesting, as I've seen some argue, that you aren't a true member of the LGBT community for supporting the man/anyone actually concerned/effected by LGBT issues would never support him and must support Hillary because look at the stuff she did.

...did i step into the mirror universe on my way home from that workout
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