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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I think that Rubio did very, very well last night and will benefit. Trump, honestly, if his supporters were anywhere near approaching normal, would have been turned off by his inability to describe anything in any detail whatsoever, but instead I think they're more likely to be turned off by the fact that he kinda got embarrassed by Rubio. I'd also say WTF at the Planned Parenthood line, but he's already said that and no1curr'd. He also clarified that he'd defund it. That one exchange is the only, to me, really damaging moment for him in the eyes of the average Trump supporter. I don't think anyone cares about polish workers or the fact that he hires people from Home Depot pickup lines in Florida (seriously, this was Rubio's first line of attack?).

Overall, Trump sort of rebalanced throughout the debate but unfortunately landed most of his hits on Cruz. We already know Cruz is finished. There was no need to go after him to the degree he did.

I think what is more key is actually how Trump paints Rubio over the next set of rallies. He needs to stick to a really firm message and just beat the shit out of it. Can we get Mika and Joe to help please?

I think four days is a long time and it's very possible numbers can shift a ton.

Agreed. Last night will help Rubio, we have to see till what extent. Electorate can change minds.
A new SurveyUSA poll in Georgia finds Donald Trump leading Republicans with 45%, followed by Marco Rubio at 19%, Ted Cruz at 16%, Ben Carson at 8% and John Kasich at 6%.

A new WABE poll finds Trump leading with 41%, followed by Rubio at 18%, Cruz at 15%, Carson at 7% and Kasich at 7%.

Hold those leads Trump please.


Trump rally about 30 mins from where I live tomorrow...

Debating whether or not I want to go. My brother does, but he's got a vested interest in it due to his degree. Should be entertaining, if anything.


i think trump fucked up by not immediately framing the debate as: these dudes are desperate, watch them scramble to find shit to attack me with.

I wonder what the fallout from it will be.


Might pop down to the shops later for some rope and a hard hat. Going to need it for Tuesday's salt mine. Not sure which will be more entertaining, the Bernie meltdown or the GOP establishment going into full panic mode.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I just find it hard to believe one debate will sway 20% of voters in a single direction. That is almost unheard of unless it is a major, major mistake which last night wasn't the case for Trump.

What are the only states even contested now? Florida, Texas? Texas is proportional and if Trump keeps his solidified 25%+ of voters, the state ends up being meaningless.


What the media (and reasonable people) think is a good debate, isn't what the GOP electorate think is a good debate. The media said Jeb! had good debates and he had a few good shots at Trump too in the past, and look at how good that did. It didn't mean anything.

The important thing to remember is that a large portion of Trump's support is concrete. They'll vote for him regardless of anything he does or says (and regardless what's said about him) and this debate isn't nearly enough to sway things by Tuesday.

I think Rubio obviously had to do something, so going down in flames calling Trump a con artist and all sorts of shit is clearly his establishment puppets talking through him right now. They're clearly desperate. But it doesn't mean shit. And denigrating the front-runner in your party as a con artist isn't gonna ingratiate himself to that base.
https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=rubio trump con artist twitter bears that out right now.

It is hilarious to watch though. I've said this before, but our best support in the general against Trump is gonna come from the disaffected right, not necessarily the left.
Might pop down to the shops later for some rope and a hard hat. Going to need it for Tuesday's salt mine. Not sure which will be more entertaining, the Bernie meltdown or the GOP establishment going into full panic mode.

I don't think there'll be a Bernie meltdown unless he loses MA and CO.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
“The most important thing to understand is for people who attend Trump rallies, the attacks by Rubio and Cruz validate everything he says.” — Matthew Dickinson, political science professor at Middlebury College

This is, by far, what I find to be the most accurate assessment of last night.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If I may say, Wolf Blitzer and Hugh Hewitt were dreadful. Blitzer was a complete non-factor and didn't do his job.

As for Hewitt, the guy would get someone to make a definitive statement, and then ask the same candidate for the same definitive statement 25 seconds later. It made no sense.


If I may say, Wolf Blitzer and Hugh Hewitt were dreadful. Blitzer was a complete non-factor and didn't do his job.

As for Hewitt, the guy would get someone to make a definitive statement, and then ask the same candidate for the same definitive statement 25 seconds later. It made no sense.

Hugh got rekt(tm) on national tv

when does that happen
Blitzer has always been terrible at his job, it's nothing new. I thought Bash did a decent job by demanding specifics from Trump on healthcare but the format allowed him and others to bullshit. The individual mandate is not some nonsense insurance companies created, it's a basic idea that makes private insurance based healthcare policy work. That has been a fact for decades, it's nothing new and was indeed cosigned by the Heritage Foundation. So hearing Trump and others dismiss it was laughable. To be fair Obama did the same thing in the 2008 debates.

I thought Trump was exposed a few times but his voters simply don't care. He does seem to have a ceiling of support though and perhaps a 1v1 race will change that. I know polls have been done that suggest otherwise but I still think he could lose such a face off with Cruz or Rubio. Is this the likely result of the primaries? Probably not. But it's the last defense against Trump.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Blitzer has always been terrible at his job, it's nothing new. I thought Bash did a decent job by demanding specifics from Trump on healthcare but the format allowed him and others to bullshit. The individual mandate is not some nonsense insurance companies created, it's a basic idea that makes private insurance based healthcare policy work. That has been a fact for decades, it's nothing new and was indeed cosigned by the Heritage Foundation. So hearing Trump and others dismiss it was laughable. To be fair Obama did the same thing in the 2008 debates.

I thought Trump was exposed a few times but his voters simply don't care. He does seem to have a ceiling of support though and perhaps a 1v1 race will change that. I know polls have been done that suggest otherwise but I still think he could lose such a face off with Cruz or Rubio. Is this the likely result of the primaries? Probably not. But it's the last defense against Trump.

Latest polls from Florida show he destroys Rubio and Cruz when one-on-one. I have a feeling that would happen elsewhere, too.

Look at his polls recently--they're climbing in the 40s.
Blitzer has always been terrible at his job, it's nothing new. I thought Bash did a decent job by demanding specifics from Trump on healthcare but the format allowed him and others to bullshit. The individual mandate is not some nonsense insurance companies created, it's a basic idea that makes private insurance based healthcare policy work. That has been a fact for decades, it's nothing new and was indeed cosigned by the Heritage Foundation. So hearing Trump and others dismiss it was laughable. To be fair Obama did the same thing in the 2008 debates.

I thought Trump was exposed a few times but his voters simply don't care. He does seem to have a ceiling of support though and perhaps a 1v1 race will change that. I know polls have been done that suggest otherwise but I still think he could lose such a face off with Cruz or Rubio. Is this the likely result of the primaries? Probably not. But it's the last defense against Trump.

With Rubio.. Yeah, it might be possible if they had done it sooner. I could see it.

With Cruz? Nope.. Cruz was dominated and I think if it were down to them, trump romps him out.


And it looks like Cruz is gonna win Texas, so he's staying in it. And Rubio's gonna have the establishment up his ass as the last real hope, so he's not's not dropping, even though he can't win shit. Trump will be safe.



I think it's a pretty good article actually. Underlines where the actual Trump threat is coming from. He's not going to win or lose the election due to good/bad (and let's be honest it's bad) minority support, instead it's just gonna come down to how many working class people he can flip around. And personally I believe it's going to be enough to make the race much closer than Romney ever could make it.

Doesn't mean that it's likely he'll actually get to the white house but the strategy and rhetoric are clear. The election is Hillary's to lose but after the nomination she has to get really aggressive on certain issues where she's been really weak in the past.

This is also why I think the "Hillary just needs a young minority VP" *cough* Castro *cough* sentiment is misguided. No she needs someone who will help her hold on to the voters that are in danger of being grabbed by Trump. Castro might have been good against Rubio but against Trump he's pretty much useless.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Still have no clue how to think about last night.
Trump's response at his rallies is what will shape it for me. The media narrative right now is more that Rubio came after him than Rubio "won," which is good.
I think it's a pretty good article actually. Underlines where the actual Trump threat is coming from. He's not going to win or lose the election due to good/bad (and let's be honest it's bad) minority support, instead it's just gonna come down to how many working class people he can flip around. And personally I believe it's going to be enough to make the race much closer than Romney ever could make it.

Its always good to be aware of your opponent's strengths but articles like this really don't show how much Trump pushes away moderates that aren't his base and even some Republicans. Like MA, New Jersey is a northeastern state where Trump is miles ahead of the primary field. But the internals of this Rutgers poll are terrible. He's negatives are 57% overall and even 49% among whites.

If I may say, Wolf Blitzer and Hugh Hewitt were dreadful. Blitzer was a complete non-factor and didn't do his job.
Wolf was entirely awful, but deep down I'm a little happy he let those ridiculous shouting fests go between the middle three so much. It's the drama we all want to see (there's no way Wolf doesn't know that) and from how the past, uh, all of the debates have gone I think the media doesn't mind letting it look terrible. Crowd reaction is apparently the standard for all primary debates in the future. In none of the 10 has there been any real effort to clamp down on it. The RNC obviously has no problems with it or they'd be giving out tickets (and ordering the campaigns to give theirs out) to people who could behave themselves.

This was already the case through some of the 2012 cycle, and part of what made the first GE debate awkward for Obama is that Romney acted the same way he would have in a GOP debate. As in largely full of shit and entirely pandering, where other candidates would have called him out for that bullshit in a more open setting but still gotten applause for his answers. Obama had zero experience with that kind of shitshow debate and had no idea how to react. No applause means no idea what worked as a "good" line or not on the fly. I don't really blame him anymore for botching that. It was a situation that should never have created itself. Who would have thought the GOP clusterfuck primary debates would prep Romney for a decisive win 1v1 against Obama? It made no sense at the time. Obama tore him apart in the later 2, of course.

Edit: I'll disclaimer this and say that I would not be in any way surprised if Trump managed to pull off something special. He makes odd things happen and already breaks all the rules, so who knows.
2016 has made 2012's shenanigans look downright civil and Trump has flourished in this format. Breaks to run out and Tweet and get new attack lines and everything. The GE debates have no crowd to feed on (positively or negatively, both of which he handles well), no breaks, and Clinton would call him out for his standard spiel. She'd actually point out that military spending is up so there's no need to "rebuild", when there's been zero questioning of that in a setting where everyone agrees. His vague plans can be outed as garbage because she'd give out an actual detailed plan in response, etc.

Should be fun! Need to spend some time thinking about what I want to drink.


Sidhe / PikPok
This is also why I think the "Hillary just needs a young minority VP" *cough* Castro *cough* sentiment is misguided. No she needs someone who will help her hold on to the voters that are in danger of being grabbed by Trump. Castro might have been good against Rubio but against Trump he's pretty much useless.

Is there a case for her to be selecting a moderate Republican? Attempt to splinter off some conservative leaning supporters and try to send a signal for less partisan politics once she gets in office?


Its always good to be aware of your opponent's strengths but articles like this really don't show how much Trump pushes away moderates that aren't his base and even some Republicans. Like MA, New Jersey is a northeastern state where Trump is miles ahead of the primary field. But the internals of this Rutgers poll are terrible. He's negatives are 57% overall and even 49% among whites.


Yes but Hillary's numbers among whites are even worse than Trump's. And with Trump's clear strengths and Hillary's weaknesses a lot of the white working class vote that usually goes democrat could be up for grabs for Trump.

I'm not saying that it's a likely avenue for winning, just that it's the strategy he's going to use against Hillary.

I also don't like polling of the general population this far out. Do the same polls a month or two after the nomination and we'll see how well each candidate has been able to shape their message and persona for the GE.
Is there a case for her to be selecting a moderate Republican? Attempt to splinter off some conservative leaning supporters and try to send a signal for less partisan politics once she gets in office?

There's 0% chance of that happening. She's not going to extend a middle finger to her own party by opting not to pick a fellow dem for the VP spot.


Is there a case for her to be selecting a moderate Republican? Attempt to splinter off some conservative leaning supporters and try to send a signal for less partisan politics once she gets in office?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K0fDRMc8qw lmao

I think the fundamental problem with picking any "moderate" Republican is that they're all still awful on economics, especially Kasich. So, it's a non-starter.

And the idea that Trump will try to run it up with Whites and alienate every other demographic in some sort of race war type shit will just horrify any reasonable person, regardless of race. That shit won't fly in 2016. This isn't 84.
Yes but Hillary's numbers among whites are even worse than Trump's. And with Trump's clear strengths and Hillary's weaknesses a lot of the white working class vote that usually goes democrat could be up for grabs for Trump.

I'm not saying that it's a likely avenue for winning, just that it's the strategy he's going to use against Hillary.

I also don't like polling of the general population this far out. Do the same polls a month or two after the nomination and we'll see how well each candidate has been able to shape their message and persona for the GE.

The bolded matters less than you think. The last Democrat to win a majority of the white vote was Johnson in 1964.

So Democrats have been underwater with whites for 50 years, no reason to expect that would change with Clinton v. Trump.
Is there a case for her to be selecting a moderate Republican? Attempt to splinter off some conservative leaning supporters and try to send a signal for less partisan politics once she gets in office?

That would be incredibly risky since it would "confirm" everything said about her in terms of being a corporatist , flip flopper, untrustworthy and not a true progressive.

It also pretty much nulls the suck it up and vote Hillary because Republicans argument when she's running with one.

Clinton is pretty much the worst possible candidate at a bad time to try the olive branch in that sense.
Yes but Hillary's numbers among whites are even worse than Trump's. And with Trump's clear strengths and Hillary's weaknesses a lot of the white working class vote that usually goes democrat could be up for grabs for Trump.

I'm not saying that it's a likely avenue for winning, just that it's the strategy he's going to use against Hillary.

I also don't like polling of the general population this far out. Do the same polls a month or two after the nomination and we'll see how well each candidate has been able to shape their message and persona for the GE.

Yeah, this isn't so much about winning or losing, just evaluating Trump's strengths as a candidate. I think they're terrible and am trying to explain why. The race will certainly evolve in the next couple of months but Clinton and Trump are both well enough know that I don't expect that much change. There would be more variance with someone like Rubio who people are just getting to know.


Watched that Hardball Sanders interview.
It was rough for a bit, but it didn't really seem as bad overall as people made it out to be.

Yeah, the first half of it Chris really lays into him, but once it got to the audience questions and Chris's closing questions it was much better for Bernie
The bolded matters less than you think. The last Democrat to win a majority of the white vote was Johnson in 1964.

So Democrats have been underwater with whites for 50 years, no reason to expect that would change with Clinton v. Trump.

And white people matter less than ever. In 1992 they represented 88% of all votes. In 2016 they'll represent less than 70% of the vote.
Is there a case for her to be selecting a moderate Republican? Attempt to splinter off some conservative leaning supporters and try to send a signal for less partisan politics once she gets in office?

The time to pull this off was 2008, for both sides. Obama/Hagel vs. McCain/Lieberman was touted as a legitimate possibility.
I think Trump could steel Ohio in the GE.
The type of people he has been targeting, angry low income, low educated whites with shitty jobs.

he's going to make gains in the Rust Belt

I don't think he has enough to flip any North-Eastern state but he may take Ohio


I think Trump could steel Ohio in the GE.
The type of people he has been targeting, angry low income, low educated whites with shitty jobs.

he's going to make gains in the Rust Belt

I don't think he has enough to flip any North-Eastern state but he may take Ohio
I think we're getting ahead of ourselves.

He needs Tuesday.
And white people matter less than ever. In 1992 they represented 88% of all votes. In 2016 they'll represent less than 70% of the vote.

You do realize you cannot win without getting at least 1/6th of 60% of the vote right ? Whites may not have a stranglehold on elections anymore but completely writing them off is a terrible idea. And the dismissive attitude feeds into resentment that the GOP love.


Even if Rubio had a good night I can't see how this will close the gap in states like FL.

That feeling when Diablos is the calm one.

Edit: Also yeah. Rubio needed a miracle killing blow that swung major states 10% points minimum last night. No matter how much the media tries to make that narrative happen it totally didn't. The only thing conclusively shown last night was that everyone on that stage was petty and trump snatched cruz's soul.


I think the biggest takeaway from this debate is a confirmation that Trump is not some infallable God that cannot dodges every hit in a debate, but rather that no one had taken any serious shots up to this point.
I think it comes too late in the primaries to matter but it bodes well for the future where Hilary faces off against Trump 1 on 1.
Also I guran-damn-tee he drops a slur before the election.
You do realize you cannot win without getting at least 1/6th of 60% of the vote right ? Whites may not have a stranglehold on elections anymore but completely writing them off is a terrible idea. And the dismissive attitude feeds into resentment that the GOP love.

I'm not writing them off, I'm saying that Trump would have to, as you pointed out, win a commanding majority of white people (like 2/3 of them) to compensate for his deficits among every other ethnic group. A few decades back, it required a less impressive lead among whites to offset deficits with other groups. This is a big reason why the southern strategy has culminated in a hail mary with Trump this time around. I think the GOP base, consciously or otherwise, has realized that winning whites, and thus an election, by alienating non-whites is, mathematically, getting harder and harder to pull off.


It is crazy how Rubio can bounce from one of the worst debate performances ever to the best of any candidate this primary season so quickly.
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