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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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He's a total asshole and a sore loser. I had no doubt in my mind in 2008 that Hillary would go for the bat for Obama after she lost and she did. Can't say the same for Sanders. He seems like he'd be salty as fuck.

Sure he is. Sanders' followers didn't just come up with their"no true Scotsman" standards for progressives on their own. Sanders has been beating this drum for literally decades. Nothing short of a purely socialist platform built entirely upon is ideologies is acceptable. There is no compromise on ideology. Pragmatism is a vice.

He's a politician because in Sanders' world view everyone should be employed by the government. He only cooperates with people when it entirely suits his interests, like working with the DNC when they wanted a win in Vermont for the 2005-2006 midterms.

This is who Bernie Sanders has always been. He is, in almost every way, the left's version of what Donald Trump has been campaigning as on the right. I don't think that is really Donald Trump, but this is really Bernie Sanders.

I think I'm just going to ignore all the Bernie criticism from now on. People are getting over the top and he lost so why bother.

I don't see where anyone is going over the top. Sanders is playing out the last of his hand and, to keep the card analogy going, we're just calling a spade a spade.
Sure he is. Sanders' followers didn't just come up with their"no true Scotsman" standards for progressives on their own. Sanders has been beating this drum for literally decades. Nothing short of a purely socialist platform built entirely upon is ideologies is acceptable. There is no compromise on ideology. Pragmatism is a vice.

He's a politician because in Sanders' world view everyone should be employed by the government. He only cooperates with people when it entirely suits his interests, like working with the DNC when they wanted a win in Vermont for the 2005-2006 midterms.

This is who Bernie Sanders has always been. He is, in almost every way, the left's version of what Donald Trump has been campaigning as on the right. I don't think that is really Donald Trump, but this is really Bernie Sanders.



Go away Bernie. Great job you're doing trying to unite the party. This guy is a narcissistic hypocritical JERK.

He's gonna take this to the convention. He keeps accepting money which really doesn't make any sense. Why else would he be doing it?

I swear he's gonna go third party. Wouldn't that be something; Trump gets everyone in the GOP to roll over for him and Bernie ends up being the one throwing a wedge into the entire election. His statements lately are totally unacceptable.

Nice joke. haha. Good one.
He's a total asshole and a sore loser. I had no doubt in my mind in 2008 that Hillary would go for the bat for Obama after she lost and she did. Can't say the same for Sanders. He seems like he'd be salty as fuck.
I just feel like the people he surrounded himself with are opportunistic fuckheads. I dont think Sanders himself is a dirtbag or anything. Honestly I think his heart is in the right place but since he's so inexperienced with politicking, the people around him are trying to turn him into a slug fighter which he isn't. I dont think he's not going to go bat for Hillary. He's important to have around and make the youth galvanize and vote.


Kind of makes me think the Jane Kelly SC nom rumors are true.

Regardless I don't think Grassley will lose but this is an impressive get.

what makes him and McCain so entrenched when guys their age 20-30 years ago were either primaried out or lost general elections? Running 30 somethings against 80+ year old Senators who've served for decades longer than many were alive dont work anymore?


tbh I kinda wish bernie dropped out and went for an independent run. Just to see the reactions here. TYT salt would seem like sugar at that point.

But then thinking about it for 2 seconds lets not actually do that.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Because it seems like he's actively hurting Hillary's GE chances. Some people are over the top for sure, but there's a lot of fair criticism too.
I think Bernie hurting Hillary's GE chance is overblown. People from the get go wanted this to be a coronation and now that it's over are losing patience Bernie is still in it. I don't think he should be but I'm also not entirely sure he's wrong continuing, but that's another discussion. Besides, with how the GOP nomination is going, the GE will be easy. Some Hillary fans need to take a chill pill.

There's fair criticism, just not always. Some people here are getting really nasty too.


The republican leaders really don't like Trump. Is it because he won't listen to them? I mean, he says all the things they're thinking half the time anyway, so whats the problem?
I think Bernie hurting Hillary's GE chance is overblown. People from the get go wanted this to be a coronation and now that it's over are losing patience Bernie is still in it. I don't think he should be but I'm also not entirely sure he's wrong continuing, but that's another discussion.

There's always fair criticism. Just not always all of it. Some people here are getting really nasty too.

I'm all for Bernie staying in and pushing his message. When he breaks-out the GOP attacks though...


So, complete back of envelope delegate math here.

Assuming Bernie wins KS and NE 60/40, and takes Maine 70/30, and somehow manages to get 32% of the vote in Louisiana, he will get 73 delegates to Hillary's 61.

I think we all agree that March 8th will belong to Hillary as it's Michigan and Mississippi. That would give her (using current polling with all undecideds breaking to Bernie) 115 delegates to Bernie's 51.

Then we have March 15th. Even if I give Bernie the win in Ohio and Missouri (No polls, no idea how that will turn out), the best I can come up for him would be Hillary: 387, Bernie: 303. (This is like giving him a 50/50 split in freaking NC, btw)

That means, through March 5th and March 15th:

Hillary 563
Bernie 427

With currently allocated delegates:

Hillary 1172
Bernie 839

A lead of 333 delegates.

With Supers:
Hillary 1629
Bernie 861
Adam, I love your delegate math prediction posts.

So after March 15th Hillary could have a 300+ delegate lead.

About 200+ or so delegates above Obama's 2008 peak lead. And in 2008 Hillary could never catch up to Obama's much smaller lead.

It gets even worse for Bernie when you add the super delegate numbers. With Hillary then having a 750+ delegate lead.
Diablosing over Bernie is silly. He's got the narrowest of narrow shots at the nomination at the moment, reliant upon basically a total upheaval of the current polling data, and he's going down swinging to hit that outcome, as any decent outsider political candidate would. He'll then endorse Hillary and probably make a few stump speeches for her in some college towns as a good faith gesture, and everybody will forget what an "asshole narcissist" he is (as though Hillary is any better after all the dirty shit her campaign did to try and Obama's in 2008) and go back to loving him as the crazy but principled old uncle of the Senate.


Hes also going to get 200% in New York as well. Because New Yorkers are so sick of Wall Street, they're cannot wait to vote for Bernie.

(And the last sentence was something that was legitimately said on Reddit.)

I would not be surprised if New Yorkians felt that way, though that may be anecdotal. I would imagine them of all groups to be apathetic to the potential carny crony bullshit that happens at Wall Street from time to time, though Bernie constantly bringing everything back to them is a bit old.

Yes, Wall Street may be full of sociopaths and has been a poster child for bad behavior, but most of our problems do not stem from them as perpetrators, but by the way people think, as belief always drives behavior. The belief that money is wealth will drive people to sell their souls and any motherfucker they can for it. The belief in unreason is what drives the Republican party. Ideas are the problem, so what we think is the core of all roots. Any problem we have is a problem of ideas, a problem of thought. Much of our problems start as we tend to think in incredibly divisive, "I vs you" manners more deeply than they actually are. This world is not an "I vs you" but an "I and you" in that we coexist, we twerk along in the same plane of the dance, but we act as if you and I are isolated twerkers. No wonder we fuck up. Playing "I vs you" might not even involve a "you" as a person; look at how we try to conquest nature or how we live in a way that is in active war with the environment. We think too much in bubbles, and the world ain't bubbles. This bubble bullshit gets popped all the time.

Bankers are the least of our problems if we do not deal with the problem of thoughts, of the way we think. It may sound like I'm being a Buddha-mind, but it's awfully true. It does not help that a Christian ego only feeds this range of thinking.


No Scrubs
Diablosing over Bernie is silly. He's got the narrowest of narrow shots at the nomination at the moment, reliant upon basically a total upheaval of the current polling data, and he's going down swinging to hit that outcome, as any decent outsider political candidate would. He'll then endorse Hillary and probably make a few stump speeches for her in some college towns as a good faith gesture, and everybody will forget what an "asshole narcissist" he is (as though Hillary is any better after all the dirty shit her campaign did to try and Obama's in 2008) and go back to loving him as the crazy but principled old uncle of the Senate.

Hillary did a lot more than make a handful of speeches as a good faith gesture in 2008.

I would not be surprised if New Yorkers felt that way, though that may be anecdotal. I would imagine them of all groups to be apathetic to the potential carny crony bullshit that happens at Wall Street from time to time, though Bernie constantly bringing everything back to them is a bit old.


A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Diablosing over Bernie is silly. He's got the narrowest of narrow shots at the nomination at the moment, reliant upon basically a total upheaval of the current polling data, and he's going down swinging to hit that outcome, as any decent outsider political candidate would. He'll then endorse Hillary and probably make a few stump speeches for her in some college towns as a good faith gesture, and everybody will forget what an "asshole narcissist" he is (as though Hillary is any better after all the dirty shit her campaign did to try and Obama's in 2008) and go back to loving him as the crazy but principled old uncle of the Senate.
I hope you're right.

Primaries bring out the worst in people.
The republican leaders really don't like Trump. Is it because he won't listen to them? I mean, he says all the things they're thinking half the time anyway, so whats the problem?

Trump isn't using standard GOP dog whistles. He's saying all the awful things they believe, but they know saying such things could kill them down ballot.
Should really just tweet that she personally caused the dilapidation of those random buildings with her death touch.

Did Mittens give his dumb speech yet? Was it boring?


Trump isn't using standard GOP dog whistles. He's saying all the awful things they believe, but they know saying such things could kill them down ballot.

But with the numbers he's bringing in, what difference does it make?? Do they actually think Rubio and Cruz are national worthy?
Adam, I love your delegate math prediction posts.

So after March 15th Hillary could have a 300+ delegate lead.

About 200+ or so delegates above Obama's 2008 peak lead. And in 2008 Hillary could never catch up to Obama's much smaller lead.

It gets even worse for Bernie when you add the super delegate numbers. With Hillary then having a 750+ delegate lead.

Thanks! I'll do better ones for the March 15th states once we have some actual numbers from more recent polling.

My gut, though, is that she'd have at least a 350 delegate lead coming off of the 15th. If I'm being generous, maybe 375. A lot depends on what happens in NC and Missouri. If he falls apart there, then she could very well hit a 400 delegate lead.

It's all about the margins.
what makes him and McCain so entrenched when guys their age 20-30 years ago were either primaried out or lost general elections? Running 30 somethings against 80+ year old Senators who've served for decades longer than many were alive dont work anymore?

Grassley is a political institution in Iowa. I think US history is full of senators like him who served for decades and transcended the office to become a symbol of power/influence, or whatever you want to call it. Voters may not agree with him on everything but value his influence, or the perception of his influence.

While I don't think McCain is the Arizona equivalent of that he certainly has a very large national profile that makes him hard to topple.
Anyone put money into the brokered convention market? It's rising on all the sites.


First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC

Washington (CNN)Mitt Romney has instructed his closest advisers to explore the possibility of stopping Donald Trump at the Republican National Convention, a source close to Romney's inner circle says.

Romney is focused on suppressing Trump's delegate count to prevent him from accumulating the 1,237 delegates he needs to secure the nomination.

But implicit in Romney's request to his team to explore the possibility of a convention fight is his willingness to step in and carry the party's banner into the fall general election as the Republican nominee.

According to the source, Romney does not expect Rubio, Cruz or Kasich to emerge as the single candidate that can accumulate 1,237 delegates and outright defeat Trump before the convention.

In addition, two senior Republican Party insiders told CNN that the convention scenario is now dominating a lot of conversation in GOP fundraising circles. To be sure, both of these sources are skeptical about Romney being able to execute this plan, but both believe that there is a real attempt underway to try to do this.
Romney vs. Obama vs. Trump vs. Clinton on the trail again? mm


I'm all for Bernie staying in and pushing his message. When he breaks-out the GOP attacks though...

Eh, gives her some practise for when the GOP starts pulling that shit. I'm OK with Sanders doing his thing until someone Trump mathematically locks up the nomination, when that happens hopefully he to suspend his campaign, gives a 'VOTE 4 KWEEN' speech and start stumping for Senate races.

Interesting story about the military coup in Honduras that was supported by Hillary that is now instilling a dictatorship.

Can anyone name anything good Hillary did as Secretary of State?

Sure, why not.

1) Repaired our relationships with our allies. After the Bush years, things were genuinely fucked for us on the world stage. Her celebrity on top of being the SOS helped repair a lot of bridges.

2) LGBT issues at state and around the world, and she focused extensively on women's issues as well.

3) Iran sanctions that brought them to the negotiating table.

4) Cease fire in Gaza


6) The Turkey/Armenia Accord
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