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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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WASHINGTON — A former aide to Hillary Clinton has turned over to the F.B.I. computer security logs from Mrs. Clinton’s private server, records that showed no evidence of foreign hacking, according to people close to a federal investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s emails.

The security logs bolster Mrs. Clinton’s assertion that her use of a personal email account to conduct State Department business while she was the secretary of state did not put American secrets into the hands of hackers or foreign governments. The former aide, Bryan Pagliano, began cooperating with federal agents last fall, according to interviews with a federal law enforcement official and others close to the case. Mr. Pagliano described how he set up the server in Mrs. Clinton’s home in Chappaqua, N.Y., and according to two of the people, he provided agents the security logs. The law enforcement official described the interview as routine. Most of those close to the case spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the continuing investigation.
hilldawg.com officially more secure than state.gov
Eh, gives her some practise for when the GOP starts pulling that shit. I'm OK with Sanders doing his thing until someone Trump mathematically locks up the nomination, when that happens hopefully he to suspend his campaign, gives a 'VOTE 4 KWEEN' speech and start stumping for Senate races.

Because if there's anyone out there who needs practice dealing with GOP attacks, it's Hillary Clinton :p

My big concern is that he's effectively teeing up their attacks for them. Some anonymous SuperPAC with a name like "Freedom Cooperative for America" or something starts running ads saying "Senator Sanders said X about Hillary Clinton. Can you really trust her?"
Forcing Romney on the party would literally piss off 60+% of their electorate.


Anyone put money into the brokered convention market? It's rising on all the sites.

They're fucking with my Trump prices and I don't like it.

It's not going to happen, Fox News is already pivoting to Trump and the rest of the establishment will come around. They're not going to steal it from him at the convention and literally split their party into pieces.


Anyone put money into the brokered convention market? It's rising on all the sites.


First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC

Romney vs. Obama vs. Trump vs. Clinton on the trail again? mm

Lmao. News commentators just spent the last 8 hours saying this would never happen. I think this would honestly be the BEST outcome for the fall. Steal the nomination from Trump and give it to a guy with 0 votes in the primary.

Fucking incredible.
Anyone put money into the brokered convention market? It's rising on all the sites.


First on CNN: Team Romney explores blocking Trump at RNC

Romney vs. Obama vs. Trump vs. Clinton on the trail again? mm
Delusional talk that is going to backfire lol. First it only reinforces the reason so many support Trump: he's not a part of the establishment and the establishment wants to stop him from becoming president/firing them. Second...if it works the RNC will have essentially disenfranchised millions of voters by telling them "too bad, we're going to give the nomination to someone else instead." Of course it won't work.

If I was Trump I'd be focusing on Ohio right now; Florida seems like it's going to go his way. If he can win Ohio too he'll be well on the path to the delegate count he needs. Actually he's already on the path now, but those wins could essentially seal the deal barring some catastrophe.
Not to mention if they steal the nomination from him, he will run independent. There is a 0% chance they win in the general if they do that.


At the end of the day, as long as the economy is creating 200k+ jobs a month, it doesn't matter who they run. The only thing stopping a Hillary win is some sort of 9/11 scale terrorist attack on American soil.

eu pfhor ia

Neo Member
hey, a politics thread! I'll just take a look...

Sure he is. Sanders' followers didn't just come up with their"no true Scotsman" standards for progressives on their own. Sanders has been beating this drum for literally decades. Nothing short of a purely socialist platform built entirely upon is ideologies is acceptable. There is no compromise on ideology. Pragmatism is a vice.

He's a politician because in Sanders' world view everyone should be employed by the government. He only cooperates with people when it entirely suits his interests, like working with the DNC when they wanted a win in Vermont for the 2005-2006 midterms.

This is who Bernie Sanders has always been. He is, in almost every way, the left's version of what Donald Trump has been campaigning as on the right. I don't think that is really Donald Trump, but this is really Bernie Sanders.

I don't see where anyone is going over the top. Sanders is playing out the last of his hand and, to keep the card analogy going, we're just calling a spade a spade.


Whatever. Smoking gun. BENGHAZI!

In other news, the TPC has been going through the various candidate plans and proposals regarding taxes. They just did Clinton's released proposals; don't know how it jives with her released spending plan costings.

They did Cruz's, Rubio's and airhorn's already. They still need to do Sanders' fully (although there are some articles there. And Trump's.


The republican party is such a hot mess right now. Romney's speech was just incredible in terms of his "anyone but Trump" argument.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
"Hey--who could we get to stop Trump since all the guys we picked are terrible?"

"I know--how about Romney? He only lost four years ago. Nobody will remember!"


My big concern is that he's effectively teeing up their attacks for them. Some anonymous SuperPAC with a name like "Freedom Cooperative for America" or something starts running ads saying "Senator Sanders said X about Hillary Clinton. Can you really trust her?"

Sanders is just returning the favour.


Regardless of legal minutiae, I've always thought the security angle was a weak argument against Hillary considering how insecure and porous federal agencies server's have been.
People are under the impression that if she had been using a state.gov email, also unclassified, for her day-to-day work business none of this would be occurring. It would still be occurring. The people sending these emails are doing so via unclassified state.gov accounts.
She had other government channels set up for receiving information marked classified.

And they're unaware that the State Department's unclassified state.gov system has been hacked.

There are two separate problems here and conflated in that:
The State Department didn't really have any rules preventing the use of private email for government business; which in retrospect it has decided it should. Mainly because they're records for FOIA requests.

And classification is seemingly a clusterfuck.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
At this point it seems like the RNC is actively trying to split the party. I can't think of another reason why they'd think people would take to Romney.


Hilldawg's Tax Plan would raise over a $1 trillion in new revenues


Under Clinton’s proposal, the top 1 percent of earners would pay for three quarters of the revenue gains, according to the analysis from the non-partisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center.

The analysis found the plan would have little impact on the overall size of the economy, but the federal debt would decline by around $1.2 trillion over a decade as a result of the revenue increases

The former secretary of State has also proposed a set of new, higher rates on investment income and a tax on high-frequency stock trades, which proponents argue would raise needed revenue while making the stock market more efficient by discouraging high-frequency trading practices.

Those higher rates and new rules would discourage wealthy taxpayers from investing aggressively and would drive up the cost of borrowing, according to the analysis.

New higher tax rates could also drive down the labor supply, particularly among second-earners like spouses who tend to be more sensitive to tax rates when considering whether to work.

Read more here: http://taxpolicycenter.org/UploadedPDF/2000638-an-analysis-of-hillary-clintons-tax-proposals.pdf
At this point it seems like the RNC is actively trying to split the party. I can't think of another reason why they'd think people would take to Romney.

His speech wasn't bad--at least the parts I saw. I think the idea is getting someone that won the nomination to rebuke a potential threat to their ability to win the White House. Realistically Donald Trump won't win the presidency short of a colossal failure from the Democrats.
At this point it seems like the RNC is actively trying to split the party. I can't think of another reason why they'd think people would take to Romney.

What I think they are doing, is trying to maintain a chaos feeling from now until after the primaries, and hope that Trump doesn't lock it up. If they can maintain choas going all around, they might be able to leave doubt in the heads of GOP members (citizens and elected officials) in order to have a brokered convention, where Trump doesn't get the nod. Tho, if they try to do that, they better have a shit ton of security in Cleveland....
At this point it seems like the RNC is actively trying to split the party. I can't think of another reason why they'd think people would take to Romney.
I think they want to force Trump out and make him run independent while the GOP savior Romney will come to the defense of downticket ballots. Thats the only thing that makes sense right now.


There's probably no unified vision from the RNC at this point, Romney probably did this on his own.

The GOP stopped having a unified vision November of 2008.

Even though the party controls a good bit of state governorships and legislatures, considering that there are two (possibly three) factions in the party warring for ultimate control, all of those wins are for naught.


The GOP stopped having a unified vision November of 2008.

Even though the party controls a good bit of state governorships and legislatures, considering that there are two (possibly three) factions in the party warring for ultimate control, all of those wins are for naught.

good bit? they control majority government in the country. They have every thing but the WH at this point.
What is his actual goal here??

To poison the well with the blindly-meme-sharing morons that comprise a significant minority of his base, basically.

These comments have clinched that I'm writing in Sherrod Brown if Clinton somehow gets indicted before June 14.

I'm all for Bernie staying in and pushing his message. When he breaks-out the GOP attacks though...

Bingo. Speaking out about old-style socialism is all well and good because you're still pulling the left boundary of the Overton, but when you start pulling out the drive-by tweets where you blame Clinton for Detroit being vacant, on top of every other thing, you've fucking lost it.
I think they want to force Trump out and make him run independent while the GOP savior Romney will come to the defense of downticket ballots. Thats the only thing that makes sense right now.

I agree. At this point, they know they're not going to win with Trump at the top of the ticket. It's not going to happen. They have no way to game the remaining primaries to ensure a win for Rubio. His numbers on Super Tuesday ensured that.

So, they push for a brokered convention. If they steal it from Trump, they cannot, I wouldn't think, give it to Rubio. That is immediately obvious, and wouldn't work at all. It would be seen for what it was, and then we could hit them on it.

So, they need an elder statesman who can come out and say "I had nothing to do with this. I just want to help the party." Rmoney fits that bill, well enough.

Trump then goes 3rd party, and the GOP loses to the Queen as has been ordained. You maybe have the chance of saving some down ballot people with this strategy.
People are under the impression that if she had been using a state.gov email, also unclassified, for her day-to-day work business none of this would be occurring. It would still be occurring. The people sending these emails are doing so via unclassified state.gov accounts.
She had other government channels set up for receiving information marked classified.

And they're unaware that the State Department's unclassified state.gov system has been hacked.

There are two separate problems here and conflated in that:
The State Department didn't really have any rules preventing the use of private email for government business; which in retrospect it has decided it should. Mainly because they're records for FOIA requests.

And classification is seemingly a clusterfuck.

I don't know why the Clinton campaign hasn't been beating this over everybody's heads. The private server (which was legal at the time) is entirely irrelevant in the Intelligence Community/State Department classification food-fight that the FBI are looking into. It's a red herring.

And if Clinton is culpable for receiving information that was classified after-the-fact on an unsecure email, then so are the decades long State Department officials like Bill Burns and Ambassador Roebuck who actually sent her the information over unclassified state.gov channels. And the FBI aren't about to indict half the State Department.

The whole thing is so dumb.


The big question is in the event that the GOP fails to stop Trump, will there be a splinter 3rd party bid? Or does everyone fall in line? And how does that effect downballot republicans who are going to be constantly asked who they endorse for president?

Even if the convention block comes to pass, that still probably results in a split as Trump will be as actively vindictive as possible for not being "treated fairly."

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I agree. At this point, they know they're not going to win with Trump at the top of the ticket. It's not going to happen. They have no way to game the remaining primaries to ensure a win for Rubio. His numbers on Super Tuesday ensured that.

So, they push for a brokered convention. If they steal it from Trump, they cannot, I wouldn't think, give it to Rubio. That is immediately obvious, and wouldn't work at all. It would be seen for what it was, and then we could hit them on it.

So, they need an elder statesman who can come out and say "I had nothing to do with this. I just want to help the party." Rmoney fits that bill, well enough.

Trump then goes 3rd party, and the GOP loses to the Queen as has been ordained. You maybe have the chance of saving some down ballot people with this strategy.

I don't think that Rmoney could beat Hillary in a fair fight, Trump or not.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

Yeah, going to need the House and Senate to change hands.
The only iffy part is the cost of borrowing which could have short term negative effects on the economy, but better long term prospects.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
I agree. At this point, they know they're not going to win with Trump at the top of the ticket. It's not going to happen. They have no way to game the remaining primaries to ensure a win for Rubio. His numbers on Super Tuesday ensured that.

So, they push for a brokered convention. If they steal it from Trump, they cannot, I wouldn't think, give it to Rubio. That is immediately obvious, and wouldn't work at all. It would be seen for what it was, and then we could hit them on it.

So, they need an elder statesman who can come out and say "I had nothing to do with this. I just want to help the party." Rmoney fits that bill, well enough.

Trump then goes 3rd party, and the GOP loses to the Queen as has been ordained. You maybe have the chance of saving some down ballot people with this strategy.

Couldn't Trump threaten to start his own third party and run candidates for every house and Senate seat in response?
The big question is in the event that the GOP fails to stop Trump, will there be a splinter 3rd party bid? Or does everyone fall in line? And how does that effect downballot republicans who are going to be constantly asked who they endorse for president?

In typical GOP faction, they've gone too far to walk it back at this point. Rmoney has been all over my local (Ohio) news this evening. They spent more time talking about that than any of the local stories so far. The narrative has become that the GOP doesn't want Trump. The GOP is just so freaking over-reactive to every damn thing. This is why they fail

If they just didn't lose their shit at every little thing, and would do something coherent, We see this with the Clintons. If the GOP would just calm the hell down they could get some of this shit to stick on people. But they don't. They're like monkeys that fling shit around. Politics requires a scalpel not a sledge hammer.
Couldn't Trump threaten to start his own third party and run candidates for every house and Senate seat in response?

He could threaten it, but there's literally no way for him to put an organization of that scale together in time for it to matter much. A third-party populist presidential run as a spoiler is one thing, that's another thing altogether.
I don't think that Rmoney could beat Hillary in a fair fight, Trump or not.

Oh, definitely not. A brokered convention nominee is not going to win against Hillary. You would have basically disenfranchised the entire GOP voting block by refusing to accept the person with the most delegates.

Couldn't Trump threaten to start his own third party and run candidates for every house and Senate seat in response?

He definitely could, but I don't think he gives a shit about Congress critters. A 3rd party run is 100% about his ego and nothing more. If he can't have the White House, then he's going to smash it to a million little bits.
Couldn't Trump threaten to start his own third party and run candidates for every house and Senate seat in response?

Creating an entirely new political party with candidates willing to run in open seats in a matter of months is all but impossible. But this is Trump we are talking about... every time I doubt him he surprises me. So yeah, I'll just stick with my prediction then.
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