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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Also a shot of chocolate milk and peanut butter vodka.....

Ya, I know. My taste in drinks is bad and I should feel bad.
You know.. You have the internet. You don't have to pretend to be Tom cruise in cocktail Adam..

Find recipes and go from there.. Please.. Your concoctions scare me. And I don't drink
I don't drink alcohol at all, in fact I've never even been drunk or "buzzed" so to speak.
I've been battling depression most of my life, which is why I never started.

I suffer from depression too. I don't over drink. I know my limits and I stay within them. I don't like to get drunk, only a little passed buzz. I respect that, though. It' the same reason I don't ever do even mild drugs. I know I could get hooked and itd end badly.
Looking again at the older big Pew study on generations.

It seems there's a more prominent racial divide on the role of government in the US, than necessarily generational.

It's non-white people who were more consistent across age in wanting more services.
The majority of white millennials surveyed didn't want larger government nor think the government should provide health insurance; although this was less so than their older counterparts. Although it's from two years ago, so opinion may have shifted.

Senator Sessions to Provide Strategic Counsel to Mr. Trump on Foreign Policy and Homeland Security

(New York, NY) March 3rd, 2016 – Today Donald J. Trump announced Senator Jeff Sessions, who has advised the GOP frontrunner on issues such as trade and immigration and endorsed Mr. Trump on Sunday in Alabama, will serve as Chairman of Mr. Trump’s National Security Advisory Committee. Senator Sessions has been on the Armed Services Committee for almost 20 years and is Chairman of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee.

Mr. Trump stated, “It is an honor to have Jeff as a member of the team. I have such great respect for him and I look forward to working with him on the issues most important to Americans.”

Senator Sessions added, "I am grateful for the opportunity to recommend and facilitate discussions among exceptional and experienced American military and diplomatic leaders to share insight and advice with Donald Trump, regardless of their political views. Mr. Trump and the American people know our country needs a clear-eyed foreign policy rooted in the national interest. We need to understand the limits of our ability to intervene successfully in other nations. It is time for a healthy dose of foreign policy realism. In the Middle East, this means forming partnerships based on shared interests, not merely overthrowing regimes in the dangerous attempt to plant democracies. We must also combat the refugee crisis by creating regional safe zones, rather than depopulating the region by migration. The only path to long-term stability and resolution of this humanitarian crisis for the United States and our European allies is to work towards the safe return of migrants to their home countries, as Mr. Trump has noted. This strategy will also protect our own national security.”

Sessions continued, “A national-interest foreign policy, combined with a military second to none, stands in contrast to interventionist ideas that could enmesh us further in the region's chaos. After over a decade of war and conflict, this country has a host of smart, experienced, and proven leaders. That wisdom must be sought. These meetings will be the beginning of a process that Mr. Trump has called for and which he believes must result in a clear and realistic bipartisan global strategy that will guide our nation for years to come.”

Mr. Trump will continue to announce members of his National Security Advisory Committee and other advisors on key issues over the next few weeks.

Just announced


that's human nature

To a certain degree sure, but I feel like (could be totally wrong of course) it is much more pronounced in the US than in Europe (or at least Middle and Northern Europe). Maybe because US society is more individualistic in comparision?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
437K Republicans have already voted in Florida. Rubio is going to have to beat Drumpf by more than a slight amount on election day to win the state. Drumpf has been doing better with early voters than everyone else, Rubio is going to be facing a situation where he needs to run up the margins on election day voting to overcome it.
I wonder how big a difference the late deciders make. Most go for Rubio.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I suffer from depression too. I don't over drink. I know my limits and I stay within them. I don't like to get drunk, only a little passed buzz. I respect that, though. It' the same reason I don't ever do even mild drugs. I know I could get hooked and itd end badly.

That's good :)

The comment was more a commentary on not feeling bad for having weird drinking preferences. Some of us don't even drink ;) Should have included that.

I do feel left out sometimes though.


That's good :)

The comment was more a commentary on not feeling bad for having weird drinking preferences. Some of us don't even drink ;) Should have included that.

I do feel left out sometimes though.

If I wasn't on mobile I would post therearedozensofus.gif
Looking again at the older big Pew study on generations.

It seems there's a more prominent racial divide on the role of government in the US, than necessarily generational.

It's non-white people who were more consistent across age in wanting more services.
The majority of white millennials surveyed didn't want larger government nor think the government should provide health insurance; although this was less so than their older counterparts. Although it's from two years ago, so opinion may have shifted.

do you know the divide within the Democrat party? My assumption is that whites tend to skew republican, which might be an automatic bias and skew this graphic.

j/w. I only know from personal anecdotes, but my vast majority of white republican that I know is for dramatically smaller government and the vast majority of Democrats that I knew were for the opposite (my entire family of the latter). That's also probably tainted by my relative exposure to democrat dominated social circles: 95% republican during formative years, vast majority democrat in college and in my social circles in Seattle.
Anderson and this spokeswoman from the Rubio campaign lmao. He keeps asking her if Florida is a must win and she keeps retorting "he's gonna win and we won't allow the party of Reagan and Lincoln to nominate a con artist". He keeps tilting his head at her every time.
I don't think anyone is going to change their mind on gay marriage or pot anytime soon, so if the GOP is still beating that drum that's strike one against them.

Student loans will continue being a problem, even the older millennials will still be paying them. The environment is going to become even more of a problem. Healthcare will kind of depend on ACA continuing to work but I mean, it certainly has been and could very well be this generation's third rail. And immigration/racial issues will always be things.

I mean, yes, GOP can still run on tax cuts. Abortion will always be divisive. And gun nuts will always be more motivated to vote than gun control supporters. But as far as social/domestic issues go I can't see too many problems for the Democrats. If the GOP is competitive with a very liberal under 45 crowd it'll be because they had to move left.

Do demographics turn out more as they get older? Soon the no-show millennials will start turning out as they get older and get jobs and have kids.


No Scrubs
Huh? For what purpose?

Attack Hillary I suppose, that's the only reason FOX would air such a thing. The questions will be tilted in such a way that the only responses he could give are ones that would have him attacking Hillary.

let me see the spons...................FOX NEWS? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? WHY?????????

Glad I am not the only one who had that response. Fucking hell, Bernie's playing right into their hands.
let me see the spons...................FOX NEWS? ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? WHY?????????

A one hour infomercial where Bernie can spew anything he wants about Hillary, and Fox News will make sure every question is loaded to paint her in the worst light possible.

This will not help him at all, and I can imagine it backfiring spectacularly.
Anderson and this spokeswoman from the Rubio campaign lmao. He keeps asking her if Florida is a must win and she keeps retorting "he's gonna win and we won't allow the party of Reagan and Lincoln to nominate a con artist". He keeps tilting his head at her every time.

"we won't allow the party of Reagan and Lincoln to nominate a con artist"

This is their new line, Rubio said it like 10 times the other night in interviews after Super Tuesday. It's the new let's dispel this notion or last 7 years.
do you know the divide within the Democrat party? My assumption is that whites tend to skew republican, which might be an automatic bias and skew this graphic.
White voters overall vote more Republican than not.

White millennials is harder to gauge. In 2008, whites under 30 went for Obama 54/44, in 2012 they went for Romney 51/44. This reversal was driven more by white men under 30, than woman, who voted Romney 49/48.



No Scrubs
Holy shit, this AC360 thing is killing me. They're showing these attack ads to Trump supporters and the Trump supporters are laughing like they're just jokes. Not only that but it makes them even more steadfast. :LOLOLOLOLOLOL

A one hour infomercial where Bernie can spew anything he wants about Hillary, and Fox News will make sure every question is loaded to paint her in the worst light possible.

This will not help him at all, and I can imagine it backfiring spectacularly.

They gotta try and weaken Hillary somehow, I'm sad Bernie's team doesn't see what's going on. Or maybe they don't care. I'm not sure which is worse, being stupid or not caring about the general.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Man, I thought that news was posted earlier. Bernie's campaign gives no fucks about the Democratic Party, nor the GE once he's out.
I had to make a thread for this, this is big news. I really need to see how people react to this shit.

Bernie is an American patriot who wants to show the Fox News viewers that his glorious revolution is coming for them all. And it shows he's not like the rest. Something about Millionaires.


where's the OT thread for it? You know wallace is going to set up a bunch of plants to derail HIllary. Its Fox News we're talking about.
Bernie doing a Fox News town hall is fucking stupid if he wants Hillary to be in good shape come November, which I'm sure he does, but the rest of his campaign staff must really have their hooks in him deep. Maybe they've convinced him that a bunch of white lower-class Republicans will switch over to him if he just puts his message out there where they can reach it?
I'm seeing some people that I like and respect flirting with the "If not Bernie, then Trump" idea. It's not upsetting. Well, it is, but not like I'm angry or mad about it. More like...depressed. I guess. It makes me sad.
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