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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Saying you won’t vote, or will vote for Trump, or will vote for Jill Stein (or another Third Party) is not allowed.

I was under the impression that sort of thing always was ALWAYS sort of the rule for a website like dailykos, I guess it wasn't enforced as much during the primary season.
That comment section...

So many people thinking Bernie can still pull it off even if Hillary crushes the next two weeks of primaries.

I'm waiting for the point where some supporters do a 180 on superdelegates and demand they overrule the pledged delegate counts.
If I see Bernie-bros parroting this line, I may lose it

Anybody who paid attention even trivially to politics knows where Robert Byrd stood for the majority of his life. His story is incredibly interesting and I hope this fake meme lends more people to read about his transformation throughout life.

I know, the full truth is in the snopes link.

this one?

He was a KKK leader 60 years before he died. He was also the President pro tempore in the Senate who endorsed the first black president and had 100% NAACP voting record.

If people think the problem people have with David Duke was his status as a KKK Grand Wizard and not his current white supremacist views well then that's a problem.
Nice snopes link. Comparing David Duke to a dude who was actively praised by the NAACP is quite a stretch.

All the link does is say "yes, robert byrd was in the KKK" but then it goes on to show that he transformed. I wasn't comparing him. I'm not sending the picture out like some robot.

"Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.
I'm thinking of unloading my Trump shares soon. The GOP is more blatant now on how they all want to sabotage him and I feel like the powers that be really want a contested convention, with Trump running as a third party as a result.

Don't they remember Donald saying that he won't run as a spoiler 'if they are fair to me'. The circus on full display in the last few days isn't exactly being fair to him. The Donald does not forget.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
All the link does is say "yes, robert byrd was in the KKK" but then it goes on to show that he transformed. I wasn't comparing him. I'm not sending the picture out like some robot.

Right, that's what I mean. My post wasn't directed at you (or anyone specific), just the folks who are prone to believing/circulating "OMG HILLARY IS THE MOST RACIST" nonsense. That snopes link is great for educating folks a bit.
i'm thinking of unloading my Trump shares soon. The GOP is more blatant now on how they all want to sabotage Trump and I feel like the powers that be really want a contested convention, with Trump running as a third party as a result.

Don't they remember Donald saying that he won't run as a spoiler 'if they are fair to me'. The circus on full display in the last few days isn't exactly being fair to him and The Donald does not forget.

Don't one of the other people running have to win atleast 8 states to make it a contested convention?
All the link does is say "yes, robert byrd was in the KKK" but then it goes on to show that he transformed. I wasn't comparing him. I'm not sending the picture out like some robot.
I mean I feel like these kinds of things are always going to be serious black marks on a person's record (similar to Hillary's Iraqi War vote), but ultimately all of these politicians are people and any time you can get them to see the error of their ways and change - whether it's born out of opportunism or genuine remorse - should be seen as a victory. I think there's a certain sentiment on Bernie's side that any of these politicians should be purged but then it's like... You guys know that in order to get the majority you need, you'll have to change some minds, right? Are those guys principle-less flip-floppers too?

Guy I got into a huge argument with on fb (he's writing in Bernie's name in November if he doesn't win) who's half-black argued that Hillary's policies would be just as harmful to blacks as Trump or Cruz's policies towards gays. Asked him why, he said the 94 crime bill. Pointed out that Bernie supported it too and his answer was "Well yeah but Bernie's had black people speak at his rallies, so he's changed." So wait, Bernie can change but Hillary can't? It's like what the fuck man? I mean then it turned into a thing about how Bernie and the GOP can use Hillary's old-ass statements about gang members being thugs to win primaries and attack her in the general election and then it's just okjan.gif

Anyway what am I getting at. Byrd. Yeah he certainly worked to redeem himself. I don't think any amount of good would ever truly erase that sin and I'm sure he felt the same way. But in the 60s, 70s, even the 80s, it would have been so easy to just keep on being a dick, especially as a politician in the South. Strom Thurmond was a piece of shit right up to the day he died and the best thing John McCain has ever done was punching him in the face.


Shit, this is what the NAACP said when he died:

This is why things like context matter. Was he a horrible person at one point? Yes. Did he have a change of heart and spend the rest of his time doing the right thing? Also yes.

Byrd filibustered (unsuccessfully) the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment.


No Scrubs
Byrd filibustered (unsuccessfully) the 1964 Civil Rights Amendment.

Yes, but what about after that? From all accounts he saw the light, apologized any and every chance he was given, and had a 100% NAACP voting record. No one's saying the guy's perfect, but don't we want people to see the light and come over to our side? People change.
I'm thinking of unloading my Trump shares soon. The GOP is more blatant now on how they all want to sabotage him and I feel like the powers that be really want a contested convention, with Trump running as a third party as a result.

Don't they remember Donald saying that he won't run as a spoiler 'if they are fair to me'. The circus on full display in the last few days isn't exactly being fair to him. The Donald does not forget.
I'm with you brother. I'm holding out until the 15th because I think Trump will win FL and OH, and that should boost his shares quite a bit.

On Super Tuesday I was up about 300, now I'm only up about 200.


Yes, but what about after that?

Sen. Byrd, wasn't just a member of the KKK. He was a Klan leader holding titles of "Kleagle" and "Exalted Cyclops." The senator claimed to have left the organization in 1943, but later wrote a letter to the group's grand wizard, saying, quote, "The Klan is needed today more as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia," end quote.

As recently as 2005, in his memoir, Byrd describes the KKK as a fraternal assembly of, quote, "upstanding people," end quote. He was the only senator to vote against both African-American Supreme Court nominees Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

He personally filibustered the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964. He opposed President Truman's initiative to integrate the Armed Forces. And he said he would never fight, quote, "with a negro by my side. Rather, I should die 1,000 times than to see this beloved land become degraded by race mongrels," end quote.

He once called Martin Luther King a, quote, "self-seeking rabble- rouser" and even told the FBI he could give a speech condemning King on the floor of the Senate, saying it was time that the civil rights leader, quote, "met his waterloo."

He also once said the writers of the Declaration of Independence did not intend for words "all men created equal" to be taken literally.



Another example of the "Trump could totally win in November guys!" chorus being completely bonkers.

What is he going to do, win white voters 70-30? There's no way. Romney pretty much maxed out with them at 59% in 2012.

Yeah, the arguments I've seen have suggested something like that. And how much the GOP really, really collectively hate Hillary Clinton (more than their collective hate for Barack Obama?).



And if, as it appears, Trump’s opponent in the general election is Hillary Clinton, his lane becomes even narrower. If things continue the way they’ve been going, just how much of the non-Hispanic white-guy vote would he need to win?

The math suggests Trump would need a whopping 70% of white men to vote for him. That’s more than Republicans have ever won before – more than the GOP won in the landslide victories of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, and far more than they won even during the racially polarized elections of Barack Obama.

Of course, the argument often made by Trump’s followers is that he will win in November because he will bring so many disengaged Americans to the polls. But they’re talking about disengaged white voters, mostly mostly men— and unfortunately for him, the turnout rate for white men is already relatively high.

Sums it up nicely.
So what, the NAACP are idiots? Is that what you're saying?

If you're not ideologically pure from the dawn of time until now, then you're corrupt somehow.

Look. Byrd did a lot of shitty things. His stance on LGBT rights never evolved. He's not my favorite person, but to equate him with someone like Duke is just ridiculous.


Man, Rubio looks absolutely terrible today. He looks a good 10+ years older than a few days ago. The stress must really be getting to him.
This is like saying Malcolm X was a horrible person because at one point he was part of NoI and said terribad things. People change over time.


This board is gonna get so intense once Trump locks the nomination. The pandering, the lies, the stat dickery

I live for these dank times

Firstly, this is hilarious.
He was a Klan leader holding titles of "Kleagle" and "Exalted Cyclops.

But anyway how'd did you think this was a good response to B-Dubs question? This is all still stuff from 50 years ago or out-of-context factoids. The fact that he voted against both black SC justices, for example, says more about his long tenure in the Senate than actual racial views.

And he said the founders didn't really mean "All men were created equal"? Guess what? They didn't.


No Scrubs
Right? What's the point in even releasing that.

I'd have just run a magnet over the server that held that poll and started over. That thing has like 0 value.

How can you put that out and be like, "Yes, this is where the electorate is now"?


I decided to play the PredictIt markets safe and put all of my available cash into Trump in Maine at around 80 cents. I consider that one a sure thing, and going in hot will bring at least some profit rather than leaving money on the table.

I spent a lot of time in Maine in my childhood. That is Trump country through and through. It's like if you took the Northeast and the Deep South and threw it into a blender; those two regions happen to be Trump's strongest areas.
The debates don't matter any more. I think most people have their minds made up and won't change.

Without some Rubio-esque gaffe, it's mostly done. There's some strategic voting left (like if someone drops out, they'll vote X instead of Y perhaps) but there's been what, 11 debates? There's nothing left to be said for the GOP. It's over.

Either Trump maintains a lead in a fractured party or he doesn't, but the debates won't change that (again, without some single big game changer).

The #NeverTrump stuff is so stupid. If you admit that only relates the the primary, what's the point? Hey guys, while I'm running for the nomination I will never vote for Trump for the nomination! How is it any different than #NeverCruz or #NeverKasich for Rubio?

So on one hand Trump is a con man and a huckster but sure, I'll vote for him if he wins the nomination! Yeah, that's just great optics!

Romney was the only one with both a backbone and smart political instincts. He admitted today if Trump is the nominee that he would neither vote for him or hillary and write in or vote for a true conservative. Why is this so hard for the other guys to say? Would make them look more viable, politically.

LOL @ all the talk about the deep bench. Preibus is so shitting himself right now. All of his deep bench has been obliterated by a nativist.

What's funny is that the candidates complain about Trump's policies not really being fleshed out but here's the thing! The same is true for them. And guess what else!? Trump's positions are pretty much standard GOP talking points. Health care to military to immigration (minus the wall and mass deportation), they're not at all different. So why is the RNC/elites so afraid of Trump? It's obvious now the RNC is afraid of Trump for two reasons. One, they do believe he'd both lose and hurt them down ballot. Second, even if he did somehow win, their donors can't control him cuz he doesn't need them and they don't really know how he'd govern.

Also, I'm embarrassed by the GOP. I mean, they're just clowns.


This is like saying Malcolm X was a horrible person because at one point he was part of NoI and said terribad things. People change over time.

Nah, man, haven't you heard? Only the Pureborn Progressive counts now. Mudbloods like me get to sit at the untouchables table. We were mentored by The Enemy. At any point, the moon could come full and I could spout fur, claws, and right-wing talking points.


No Scrubs
I decided to play the PredictIt markets safe and put all of my available cash into Trump in Maine at around 80 cents. I consider that one a sure thing, and going in hot will bring at least some profit rather than leaving money on the table.

I spent a lot of time in Maine in my childhood. That is Trump country through and through. It's like if you took the Northeast and the Deep South and threw it into a blender; those two regions happen to be Trump's strongest areas.

What do you think about Kentucky? Cruz is sitting at 23 cents and he's done pretty well in caucuses so far. I've got $25 to play with.


What do you think about Kentucky? Cruz is sitting at 23 cents and he's done pretty well in caucuses so far. I've got $25 to play with.
The odds appear good but the reason I opted for the safe choice is because of the lesson I learned on Super Tuesday; with zero polling you really have no idea what's going on there. It's entirely possible that Trump is up by double digits right now and we have no way of knowing it. No amount of caucus organizing is going to overcome a lead like that, and Kentucky plays well with Trump's strengths.

You're flying blind there. You could win big if you bet on Cruz, but you could also end up hating yourself.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Brother was just at a Bernie rally in Michigan, said Bernie told them the wrong date for the primary and was corrected by the crowd.

Old people have a hard time remembering things sometimes.


No Scrubs
The odds appear good but the reason I opted for the safe choice is because of the lesson I learned on Super Tuesday; with zero polling you really have no idea what's going on there. It's entirely possible that Trump is up by double digits right now and we have no way of knowing it. No amount of caucus organizing is going to overcome a lead like that, and Kentucky plays well with Trump's strengths.

You're flying blind there. You could win big if you bet on Cruz, but you could also end up hating yourself.

That's my thoughts. I can only find a single poll of the race so I can't suss out how accurate it is. I know it's a closed caucus and on a Saturday so I'm trying to figure out if that'll break in Cruz's favor. If turnout is down and Cruz's people are good with the caucus math they could conceivably close that gap...hell it's only $25, I'll give it a shot.
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