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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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hows the AG's chances of getting rid of McCoy? Is Bernie airing ads there?

What does Bernie have to do with any of this?

Charlotte approved a new ordinance that would allow trans people the choice of using a bathroom that fits their gender. Unfortunately, the state legislature and governor have already said they will overturn Charlotte's law once the lawmakers are back in session. Bastards, the lot of them.

Gee. I sometimes hate this country.


Fox is the enemy. Why are they going? Its a setup. The viewership of there's is not going to vote for either of them.

Since Bernie committed I can see her campaign thinking they have to.

I'm not too worried about Hillary. She always outperforms him at these things, nor is she as native as Bernie seems to be.

They're walking into a trap, and only Hillary seems to know it.

Here's the article http://time.com/4246108/donald-trump-2016/?xid=homepage&pcd=hp-magmod


Since Bernie committed I can see her campaign thinking they have to.

I'm not too worried about Hillary. She always outperforms him at these things, nor is she as native as Bernie seems to be.

They're walking into a trap, and only Hillary seems to know it.

Someone's going to ask about the emails, paid speeches and Benghazi I guarantee it. Nothing of substance on the water crisis will be asked about.
hows the AG's chances of getting rid of McCoy? Is Bernie airing ads there?

Cooper and McCrory have been in a dead heat in the polls for some time now. But McCrory's approval rating is terrible. He was voted in through the support of the bigger cities like Charlotte and Raleigh, but I'm sure at this point he's lost their support. Cooper isn't really known, but I'm guessing that'll change by summer time. If we can at least elect Cooper, and break the veto-proof Republican majority, I'll be happy.

I don't really watch TV, so I don't know if Sanders is blowing up the airwaves, but I did get a call to vote for Sanders this month.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Because she can hide from those things? If Hillary can't answer them in a town hall setting she will get mauled in a general. Hillary is a queen, not a court jester.


The level of constant freak out is really high. Clinton is a big girl. She can hold her own.

And Bernie is more done than tesseract's act. He could read Hilary's indictment and no one would care.

Tesseract is already pivoting to Trump, I expect at least half the Bernie stans to follow suit.


Makes one think what the next dem governor of Kansas will say once he takes over.

Heck, i'd like to be in the room when the dude got the report of how thoroughly Brownback wrecked it.

I was just thinking this after I read that article.

What kind of shit has Brownback done to the Kansas coffers to make his "conservatopia" that has failed spectacularly.

Is my son going to be able to get a decent education in this state?
BTW is it true no Flint questions were asked last night? Great minority outreach, guys.
They asked one to Rubio where he basically attacked democrats for "politicizing" the issue while simultaneously praising Snyder. No pushback from moderators and they quickly went to the next topic. So there's that.
Is the crux of Bernie's youth support based on the fact that he wants to make higher education free? How would his youth support look like if he wasn't for free college?


Tesseract is already pivoting to Trump, I expect at least half the Bernie stans to follow suit.

Lmao no I'm not, scribbling Bernie or Jill


I will probably advocate for many of Trump's positions in the GE tho. If he pivots center on healthcare, jobs, education.


I was just thinking this after I read that article.

What kind of shit has Brownback done to the Kansas coffers to make his "conservatopia" that has failed spectacularly.

Is my son going to be able to get a decent education in this state?

kansas is so conservative it a wonder Sebelius made it in there in 2002. Kansas will elect someone just as conservative as Brownback. Democrats have no chance there.


If she can handle 11 hours of bullshit questions from the GOP's hand-picked committee, she can handle the folks at Fox.
Indeed. I have a lot of faith in her.
Tesseract is already pivoting to Trump, I expect at least half the Bernie stans to follow suit.
I'm not talking about him necessarily but I guess a racist and inconsistent, clownish candidate is better than a candidate with the perception they're dishonest to certain people. Hmm...


Someone's going to ask about the emails, paid speeches and Benghazi I guarantee it. Nothing of substance on the water crisis will be asked about.

Sanders question: "What is your favorite pet, and how will your awesome Socialism allow me to buy one for my very wery self?"

Clinton question: "Hello, Mrs. BILL CLINTON. What, in your view, is the meaning of life, how do you reconcile that with your faith in a Christian God, and how will this effect the citizens of Detroit who have been FUCKED OVER by your trade policies? Oh, and Assisted Suicide -- good or bad? Go."


Is the crux of Bernie's youth support based on the fact that he wants to make higher education free? How would his youth support look like if he wasn't for free college?

My impression is it's because of how much farther left he is on a great many issues. Income inequality being one of the big ones that encompasses a lot of problems with our nation. And in some ways on social issues as well, to be frank.

Is it true they spent more time talking about their penis size than lead poisoning in Flint?

I believe so.


The worst thing about election season is friends randomly exposing themselves as closet racists/misogynists/xenophobes/conspiracy theorists because of the crap they say or post on social media. I suppose it's better to know but, damn.
One question that was largely tangential. Rubio was asked more generally about infrastructure, and he took the opportunity to praise Snyder. That was it.

that was sad that the Flint question didn't go to all the candidates but then they spent more time talking about Religiosity that took 5 times of air time

having that question fall on Rubio was a total waste... who am I kidding, the other guys want to scrap the EPA (Koch brothers!)


Lmao no I'm not, scribbling Bernie or Jill


I will probably advocate for many of Trump's positions in the GE tho. If he pivots center on healthcare, jobs, education.
Your evolution begins. I seen you claiming Trump isn't racist in other threads.


If she can handle 11 hours of bullshit questions from the GOP's hand-picked committee, she can handle the folks at Fox.

Yeah not sure why people are freaking, initially I was worried it was just Sanders because to me that just sounds like questioners trying to coax a confession from a witness via harassment, having both there will keep each other on message and might actually help spread some of their message to a potentially hostile audience. Hilary is trying to 'look' presidential and Bernie is a message candidate, they can both gain something by standing in the lions den especially with so many republicans in the more moderate wing of the party questioning if they could even vote for Trump. You don't have to be there to convince everyone to gain something from it.


Sanders question: "What is your favorite pet, and how will your awesome Socialism allow me to buy one for my very wery self?"

Clinton question: "Hello, Mrs. BILL CLINTON. What, in your view, is the meaning of life, how do you reconcile that with your faith in a Christian God, and how will this effect the citizens of Detroit who have been FUCKED OVER by your trade policies? Oh, and Assisted Suicide -- good or bad? Go."

Oh please. This is Fox. They think socialism is a boogeyman word. Pre-emptively acting like he won't get unfair questions and only Hillary will is ridiculous.


Your evolution begins. I seen you claiming Trump isn't racist in other threads.

No, I said I've seen no evidence of racism

The right is throwing anything that'll stick. If we're gonna do that, Hillary is no daisy.

He might be a racist, I have no idea.


The worst thing about election season is friends randomly exposing themselves as closet racists/misogynists/xenophobes/conspiracy theorists because of the crap they say or post on social media. I suppose it's better to know but, damn.
Yup, it hurts to know a couple are supporting Trump. I shouldn't have been surprised though, considering I got in a argument about BLM and police brutality with them after they shit talked the victims in April of last year.:(
Remember those 2 weeks when Ben Carson actually was number 2 in the polls? Crazy times man, crazy times
Yeah, people thought he'd beat Trump. That was almost 4 months ago? Sheesh, time sure flies!


Oh please. This is Fox. They think socialism is a boogeyman word. Pre-emptively acting like he won't get unfair questions and only Hillary will is ridiculous.

Lol did you watch the townhall before last? Bernie was allowed to stay in his corporate greed wheelhouse, while Hillary was asked questions involving Jewish theism and Assisted Suicide. And this WASN'T Fox.

I just hope Hillary gets her rest.
Hillary absolutely had to do the town hall. If she hadn't Fox News would have given Bernie an hour of prime time to shit on Hillary completely unchallenged. Now, he'll only have half an hour to shit on Hillary/Hillary's policies. It won't be fair to either of them, but at least she'll be there to defend herself after the fact.

Now, they'll try and throw shit at both of them to attempt to make the Democrats look like idiots so they can say "See? Democrats are the same!'

There's no way this ends well, but if you're team Hillary I think it's better that she's there to cut down on Bernie's air time.
Oh please. This is Fox. They think socialism is a boogeyman word. Pre-emptively acting like he won't get unfair questions and only Hillary will is ridiculous.

The idea he's proposing is that they'd give bern only the slightest of jabs and overtly support the man in in order to increase the likelihood of facing a beatable candidate in the general.


FGC Waterboy
EDIT: Never mind, mis read it.

Still, after Clinton / Obama 2008, anyone a) worrying about the Sanders to Trump effect is an idiot and b) if a hillary fan, should remember how much more magnitudes more vicious clinton supporters were initially towards Obama.
Oh please. This is Fox. They think socialism is a boogeyman word. Pre-emptively acting like he won't get unfair questions and only Hillary will is ridiculous.

Yes. Exactly. They want Bernie in the general. It's in their best interest to get the "see, even FOX likes Bernie" idiocy among the Bernie fans.


Hillary absolutely had to do the town hall. If she hadn't Fox News would have given Bernie an hour of prime time to shit on Hillary completely unchallenged. Now, he'll only have half an hour to shit on Hillary/Hillary's policies. It won't be fair to either of them, but at least she'll be there to defend herself after the fact.

Now, they'll try and throw shit at both of them to attempt to make the Democrats look like idiots so they can say "See? Democrats are the same!'

There's no way this ends well, but if you're team Hillary I think it's better that she's there to cut down on Bernie's air time.

Yeah, I'm disappointed in Sanders for agreeing to do it. It feels like his Hail Mary is giving the right some free shots at Clinton.


Trump is to the left of Hillary on the Israel issue at least. We really need someone to honestly fault Israel. They have been getting away with illegal landgrab and property seizures for decades under USA's friendship.

#1 issue every highlevel captured terrorist from KSM to OBL have stated Israel's aggressions being partly responsible for their actions.

Yeah, it's an issue where I think Hillary is to the right of Obama on, to her detriment. Being a neutral peace broker between Israel and Palestine should be a no-brainer, and Obama has done as well there as he could. I wish his tone and policies here would continue into Clinton's presidency.

Tesseract is already pivoting to Trump, I expect at least half the Bernie stans to follow suit.

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