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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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This also doesn't make sense to me personally. If Bernie were to win the nom. would Hillary supporters who have been attacking Bernie ones with this claim that they won't vote if Hillary gets the nom. suddenly not vote instead? The guy was and still is polling fine in terms of perceived electibility last I knew. Democrats who refuse to rally behind whoever the Democrat nom. is, especially since they're still somewhat similar on most matters, probably didn't care in the first place about the issues and only wanted their candidate in. The two are different on the issues in some manners, hence my support for Bernie and in the end if I have to settle with Hillary's more status quo-style of approach to things, I will have to. I'd like to assume Hillary ones would behave in the same way and not be hypocritical on this front.

Their belief is that Bernie can be easily destroyed with Joe McCenter voters via Better Dead Than Red fears. Plus they been trying to destroy hills for some 20 years and failed, might as well have a go at the new guy, can't possibly fare worse against him.
Clinton and Sanders are walking right into a trap.

It's like Shadrack and Meshack without Abednego (would've been O'Malley). But yeah, I think that both of them should come out just fine. Clinton has been through worse, and Sanders will probably peel a few Trump fans off.

Just saw my first Kasich ad here in Ohio. It was asking Ohioans to "loan him" to Washington. We can loan him to the moon as far as I'm concerned...

Considering how many astronauts are from Ohio, I think that moon loan is more likely than the Washington loan.


This also doesn't make sense to me personally. If Bernie were to win the nom. would Hillary supporters who have been attacking Bernie ones with this claim that they won't vote if Hillary gets the nom. suddenly not vote instead? The guy was and still is polling fine in terms of perceived electibility last I knew. Democrats who refuse to rally behind whoever the Democrat nom. is, especially since they're still somewhat similar on most matters, probably didn't care in the first place about the issues and only wanted their candidate in. The two are different on the issues in some manners, hence my support for Bernie and in the end if I have to settle with Hillary's more status quo-style of approach to things, I will have to. I'd like to assume Hillary ones would behave in the same way and not be hypocritical on this front.
Mostly this is not the concern. This is just about median voter stuff. So, assume that we can situate everybody on one political axis and that voters go for the candidate closest to them (obviously it's more complicated than this but this is easy to visualize). Sanders is to the left of Clinton - that's a lot of why his supporters like him! There are a group of voters who are to Clinton's right but to the left of the eventual Republican nominee. Some of these voters - the ones who are just barely closer to Clinton than the Republican - will vote for Clinton over the Republican but will vote for the Republican over Sanders. Therefore Sanders expects fewer votes than Clinton against a given Republican. This isn't about strong Clinton supporters deciding to let the country burn if they can't get their woman. This is about people totally rationally, given their preferences, switching parties because Sanders is too far left for them.

And note that the majority of voters in the actual presidential election will not have been very engaged with politics during the primaries. For example, in the 2012 election about 1.5 million people voted in Iowa, which is a swing state with a very important primary. About 350 thousand people voted in the Iowa caucuses this time around. I expect that the difference is even greater in states other than Iowa and New Hampshire. The relatively passion-less make up a large share of the electorate.

I'm watching House of Cards Season 4 and it's much less entertaining than the real Republican primary.

I stole this and used a modified version elsewhere.
My concerns about Bernie in a general are a bit complicated. Firstly, the socialist thing. It would be a problem, and every single commercial against him would be "Better dead than red" for months on end. There was a story a few weeks ago about a focus group where the GOP was able to destroy people's perceptions of him by showing something. Details were scares, but it would be super easy to tie him to communism. I don't think most voters are smart enough to notice the difference.

As the primary has gone on, I'm worried about his demographic problems. I'm sure most Democrats would fall in line, but, at this point, I don't know if Hillary's success among specific groups is that they just prefer her or if they don't like Bernie. His unfavorables among AA voters tend to be (but are not always) higher than hers. I'm worried he'd have a turn out problem, especially when his whole shtick has been about a revolution that (so far) not enough people are showing up for.

His campaign is also terribad. Like really, really bad. They've shown they're unable to adapt to shit. An October surprise, and who knows what Weaver and Levine would do.

I mean none of this matters I only bothered to explain because my hair color is setting.




New Orleans was repped well tonight: over 30 protesters kicked out during Trump's speech. He couldn't get a few minutes without another disruption of some sort popping-up.





Holy shit, DeepDrumpf is amazing

I will stop Iran from getting Rubio.they got come in third and will call me a disaster.I tell you that’s going to be destroyed.look at that
I will find the donors on the process, because our leaders don’t understand the good ones. I have them all, all the strong,incredible people


Sanders' plan to win the Democratic nomination is to run against the two former, popular Democratic presidents. Who's next, Jimmy?


I think Huelen's coming around, too. Massive numbers of Democrats are moving to the Republican party this year so it makes sense.

I still don't want to vote for him, he's a racist... but I'd be lying if I'd say there aren't thing I see eye to eye on or really like about him, some things that him and Sanders have in common as well, like being anti-TPP.

It's getting emotional and conflicting.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
I saw this while I was out on a jog tonight. I have this perception of Boise as being this beautiful progressive oasis in the desert of right wing nuttery that is Idaho, and usually I can't go a day or two without something shattering that perception.
Well, Brownback was also a disaster in 2014, and somehow, they still re-elected him.

About that

Two years earlier, according to national exit polls, Latinos voted for President Barack Obama 71 percent to 27 percent over Republican Mitt Romney.

But Kansas Democratic Party officials said after the 2014 races they did not invest many resources into trying to register Latino voters, nor in reaching out through Spanish-language campaign literature, assuming that the state's new photo ID and proof of citizenship voting laws would reduce the effectiveness of those efforts.

The result, according to 2014 exit polls in Kansas, was that Latino voters split almost evenly, with 47 percent supporting Republican Gov. Sam Brownback and 46 percent voting for Davis.

Son, you give up before you even try? You gon lose.

other stuff in the link, fwiw. If you put in the effort and the previous guy has been terrible enough, you might just get JBE 2.0.


They have a special on msnbc detailing David Duke's history.

I knew he was a piece of shit, but goddamn I didn't know how much

And yet he was using GOP talking points way back in 1989


I saw a lanky Mexican gentleman wearing a Confederate flag cap here in Northern, Almost-Wisconsin Illinois today, while I was at work. Life is weird.
I know I have said it before, but there are some hispanics, even Mexican Americans, who are voting Trump in a general if Hilary gets it solely for the reason of him not being a woman.

It's sad and sexist, but not unheard of.
I know I have said it before, but there are some hispanics, even Mexican Americans, who are voting Trump in a general if Hilary gets it solely for the reason of him not being a woman.

It's sad and sexist, but not unheard of.

Those idiots deserve to surfer eternally under Republican rule.


This is actually a really awesome Hillary speech, bernie & Trump have def pulled her further to the left than i ever thought possible. Pretty cool.

Lots of platitudes tho,

Good shit ...

Must resist ...
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