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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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That could just as easily work against them in the future. Most of the time the frontrunner is who the RNC wants.

Yeah they hated Romney got so damaged having to run alongside a bunch of idiots like Gingrich, Santorum, Perry etc. The Winner Take All rules were supposed to stop a long primary like 2012 from happening.

Honestly if they make any chance post 2016, I'm guessing it'll be to a superdelegate system like the Democrats have.


Oh, Reddit.



Yeah I mean, with that audience he should have just criticized Obama and Hillary and Bernie and he would've been unanimously applauded. He took a gamble criticizing Trump and it didn't pay off.


That's awesome, man. Thanks for the info. Now I want to become a delegate and get in on this action.
One other thing to add, mostly about conventions and delegate voting, is that candidates can "release" their delegates to make them unbound prior to the first ballot. This is basically what candidates who drop out and endorse another candidate do. Those delegates technically don't have to vote for the endorsee (say if Christie had any delegates, they wouldn't have to vote for Trump just because Christie endorsed him, they would be unbound and free to vote for Cruz or whoever) but it's generally understood that they will. (And probably more because the conventions are near unanimous votes.)

In the old days when conventions mattered, often when a candidate peaked, but short of the necessary amount to win, he would release his delegates to hopefully screw over the other guy or two he was battling with. Hence, why so many conventions went to "dark horses" or compromise candidates.

Some candidates still don't release their delegates, simply to have their votes counted symbolically. Ron Paul in 2012 (along with a few unbounds who voted for Santorum, Bachmann, etc.), Kucinich in 2004.

Democrats were afraid Hillary wouldn't release hers before the 2008 Convention. Delegates were still voting for Hillary, so she called to suspend the roll call. Roughly a thousand out of the 4400 (gasp) did. And another 200 didn't vote.

Other than 1976 the only times delegates voted against the eventual nominee in significant numbers was every Democratic convention from 1980-1992. About a thousand Democratic delegates voted for Jerry Brown and Paul Tsongas over Bill Clinton. In 1988, Jesse Jackson had about 1200 (roughly 30%) who voted for him. In 1984, Hart and Jackson got about 1700 votes to Mondale's 2200. In 1980, Kennedy got 1200 to Carter's 2100. And ~700+ failed to show up for the VP re-nomination ballot of Mondale because they were upset that Kennedy lost. (Worth noting, Kennedy tried to get all the bound delegates unbound prior to the Presidential ballot...this was part of the impetus for the SuperDelegate system.)

1976 was the only real contested convention of the primary era as there were enough unbound delegates to decide the winner:
Ford - 1187
Reagan - 1070
Elliot Richardson - 1
In interviews, even lifelong Republicans who cast a ballot for Mr. Romney four years ago rebelled against his message and plan. “I personally am disgusted by it — I think it’s disgraceful,” said Lola Butler, 71, a retiree from Mandeville, La., who voted for Mr. Romney in 2012. “You’re telling me who to vote for and who not to vote for? Please.”

“There’s nothing short of Trump shooting my daughter in the street and my grandchildren — there is nothing and nobody that’s going to dissuade me from voting for Trump,” Ms. Butler said.


Very sensible woman right here.
Love it. If Trump wins Ohio or Florida it's all over right? He doesn't even need to win both.

Not necessarily but if he does then the chances that things are going enough against him elsewhere to stop him aren't great (particularly if he gets both).

Also winning either cripples Kasich or Rubio because Cruz will be able to claim he could carry Texas and they can't do anything.


Trump collapsing from 86% to 69% on predictwise while every news story is demonstrating how ridiculously fucked Rubio is in Florida is pretty bizarre.

I think Trump was in a bit of a bubble coming into Super Tuesday, because there were some serious expectations he would sweep the whole thing, or perhaps win everything but Texas. The fact he lost 4 states that day, combined with Romney declaring a nomination blockade, deflated the bubble.
Trump collapsing from 86% to 69% on predictwise while every news story is demonstrating how ridiculously fucked Rubio is in Florida is pretty bizarre.

Probably because we are in uncharted waters at this point. Rubio is not gaining from it, people are just cashing out because it's impossible to predict what will happen.

User 406

Finally caught up again, sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to read the whole thread.

Big Don
Exalted Cyclops
Little Marco


Man this is a bad week for my "list of potential nicknames for my penis"

Oh yeah, that's why. XD

Pfff, this just looks like a basic Disassociated Press algorithm. I wrote one of those to mock crappy posters on USENET back in the 90's. If nobody did one for Sarah Palin, I'd be surprised.

Late Super Tuesday thought: I'm not surprised Cruz won Oklahoma. I grew up there, and there are more televangelists per capita there than any other state in the nation. Ted Cruz is exactly the kind of self-fellatingly pious pontificating slimeball that I kept running across while flipping through channels on the weekend looking for cartoons.
Ironically, Trump voters seem to be the anti-vaxxers of the political world: completely impervious to facts and cogent arguments that should dissaude them.

What the GOP don't seem to understand is that they had an implicit pact with the Dixiecrats to delay and mitigate social change - changes in race relations, changes in sexual mores, changes in gender roles - in exchange for their support. The GOP, despite its best efforts, have failed miserably at this in the long-term, and basically everybody knows it. Even if the GOP did manage to capture the White House and stack the Supreme Court full of Scalias, this is only a few-decades delay of the inevitable. Given the obvious changes that are happening, why the fuck would the GOP base stick with them when there's another, much more entertaining guy promising to wage economic war against the wider world they see as having wronged them out of their very way of life?
Trump collapsing from 86% to 69% on predictwise while every news story is demonstrating how ridiculously fucked Rubio is in Florida is pretty bizarre.

well, if the threat of a brokered convention is looming that could easily prevent him from getting the GOP nomination.

I would be dumping stock now too (unless you're just talking about Florida)
Trump anxiety is real, and doctors are reporting on it: https://www.washingtonpost.com/loca...l?postshare=4711457134956041&tid=ss_tw-bottom

I told you this guy is unhealthy in many different ways.

“As phobias and fears ago,” Lauro said later of her query, “this is not a pathological response to a normal situation, but a normal response to a pathological situation. Picking up one’s life feels impossible, but I keep flashing on those people who fled Germany when the writing was on the wall and those who didn’t. When do you take action to get out?”

Goldstein finds small comfort imagining Trump’s defeat, if only because his followers “are still there.”

“Who are these people?” he asked. “Are they at the grocery store, are they sitting next to me at Dodger Stadium? That makes me nervous.”


Hasn't he missed the filing deadline and won't the Senate primary have already happened?
Filing deadline is June 24th, primary is August 30th.

Better is:
CNN reported yesterday that indeed unnamed "GOP operatives" confirmed off the record there was a plan to get [Ben] Carson into the Florida race.

Carson campaign chairman Bob Dees also told the Washington Examiner that such a push existed.

"That's been very tangible. It's been several... two groups of billionaire-types of folks that have pressured him," Dees told the paper. "People that drive super-PAC activity and other endeavors and, in fact, there was even discussion of a, well, we can help with the Florida [U.S.] Senate seat if he'll just agree to do what we'd like you to do or support our guy, drop out, etc."


I feel bad for the people who are actually legit freaking out over this (IE dude in OT having panic attacks)

For me at least it's less of worrying about him being elected but just the sadness that the current state of the country could allow him to get this far. Like watching the debates and just the general discourse devolve to this point is sad and makes the country as a whole seem very backwards.


Unconfirmed Member
Lol Rubio's punishment for failing the establishment is he has to go back to the senate. whether he wants to or not. I guess Carson decided not to run for it so Rubio remains bound to it.


Rubio having a serious primary fight against Carson for his own Senate seat would be the icing on this cake. You literally can't make this shit up people.


Unconfirmed Member
Rubio having a serious primary fight against Carson for his own Senate seat would be the icing on this cake. You literally can't make this shit up people.
Naw if Carson runs Rubio won't. He just took a new "job" as some kind of party evangelical evangelist so I don't see him running
For me at least it's less of worrying about him being elected but just the sadness that the current state of the country could allow him to get this far. Like watching the debates and just the general discourse devolve to this point is sad and makes the country as a whole seem very backwards.

These feelings have always been in existence. You don't get the Tea Party without a black president. You have a whole political party that has been exploiting the racist culture of a block of people in a section of the country for over three decades, this isn't anything new per say, Trump has simply dropped the facade that the GOP has been hiding behind.

It's why the GOP is shitting themselves, the dirty not so secret secret is out for the world to see.

This is why I think Trump has done a great service for the country. He has destroyed the GOP.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Oh also, I don't know where to post this, but apparently today Milo "Nero" Yiannopoulos used his Breitbart press pass to get into the White House so he could accost the press secretary. The issue he was so concerned about?

That Twitter was censoring him by removing his blue "verified checkmark"


This is the single most amazing escalation of these events I can think of

You cannot, as a Republican, look at these maps and think "Yes, Trump is a great idea."

You just can't. This map says if you're lucky, you get Iowa, New Hampshire, and maybe Maine.
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