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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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True, but I think people should be able to live without having actual panic attacks, like legit anxiety.

I mean, it's only March.
Yeah, it is scary but people (and especially minorities) should genuinely be scared of trump. Even his presence in the White House is gonna legitimize the shit people will terrorize minorities with. Fear might honestly be better for GOTV efforts than charisma. We did see this last year with HERO.


Oh also, I don't know where to post this, but apparently today Milo "Nero" Yiannopoulos used his Breitbart press pass to get into the White House so he could accost the press secretary. The issue he was so concerned about?

That Twitter was censoring him by removing his blue "verified checkmark"


This is the single most amazing escalation of these events I can think of
MRA people keep finding new ways to embarrass themselves.
Dying Light The Following's ending is kinda shite. Then again, techland. Was no reason to expect it to be decent, tbf.

Well, we were half way through....sexy times. And I fly out of the bed and literally puke all over his bedroom.So I'm standing in the middle of this guys house spewing my guts out naked as all hell. And then he asked if we could finish. Ya, I got my stuff together and got out of there. Interestingly, he wanted a second date..

That just means he was into roman showers

Someone probably needs to defecate on stage. Probably Cruz. And maybe Rubio can have sex with his cheerleader wife on live TV to dispel his gay rumours.
Would just reinforce her beard status.

Thanks for the clarity Benji. Your posts are always awesome.

This begs the question however, why the hell is Jeb! not running for the Senate seat now?

He just catastrophically failed at a presidential primary after having burned through what, a hunnerd million dollars? He aint running for that seat because he finally got it through his head that he'd lose that too.
MRA people keep finding new ways to embarrass themselves.

Milo is a bastard, albeit a smart one and a good rhetorician, but getting him unverified was stupid because it just fed right into the persecution complex he and his supporters get off on.

Edit: And if Mittens does end up getting picked in a contested convention, might as well take Jeb! along as his VP and let both of them go down with the ship together.


He just catastrophically failed at a presidential primary after having burned through what, a hunnerd million dollars? He aint running for that seat because he finally got it through his head that he'd lose that too.

Well then let's hope the same logic applies to Rubio. I don't want to see him anywhere near politics again.


Jeb's SuperPAC still has $24 million to spend on something.

Maybe he'll start his own Presidency, with hookers and blackjack.

In fact, forget the blackjack and the Presidency.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Soeone in the debate thread and on NPR guessed it was a tonsil stone. Feel an itty bitty bad for Cruz if that's the case.
One other thing to add, mostly about conventions and delegate voting, is that candidates can "release" their delegates to make them unbound prior to the first ballot. This is basically what candidates who drop out and endorse another candidate do. Those delegates technically don't have to vote for the endorsee (say if Christie had any delegates, they wouldn't have to vote for Trump just because Christie endorsed him, they would be unbound and free to vote for Cruz or whoever) but it's generally understood that they will. (And probably more because the conventions are near unanimous votes.)

In the old days when conventions mattered, often when a candidate peaked, but short of the necessary amount to win, he would release his delegates to hopefully screw over the other guy or two he was battling with. Hence, why so many conventions went to "dark horses" or compromise candidates.

Some candidates still don't release their delegates, simply to have their votes counted symbolically. Ron Paul in 2012 (along with a few unbounds who voted for Santorum, Bachmann, etc.), Kucinich in 2004.

Democrats were afraid Hillary wouldn't release hers before the 2008 Convention. Delegates were still voting for Hillary, so she called to suspend the roll call. Roughly a thousand out of the 4400 (gasp) did. And another 200 didn't vote.

Other than 1976 the only times delegates voted against the eventual nominee in significant numbers was every Democratic convention from 1980-1992. About a thousand Democratic delegates voted for Jerry Brown and Paul Tsongas over Bill Clinton. In 1988, Jesse Jackson had about 1200 (roughly 30%) who voted for him. In 1984, Hart and Jackson got about 1700 votes to Mondale's 2200. In 1980, Kennedy got 1200 to Carter's 2100. And ~700+ failed to show up for the VP re-nomination ballot of Mondale because they were upset that Kennedy lost. (Worth noting, Kennedy tried to get all the bound delegates unbound prior to the Presidential ballot...this was part of the impetus for the SuperDelegate system.)

1976 was the only real contested convention of the primary era as there were enough unbound delegates to decide the winner:
Ford - 1187
Reagan - 1070
Elliot Richardson - 1

Fascinating stuff. Thanks for all the history stuff. It's really cool. Also answered another question I always had about released delegates and endorsements, so thanks again.
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