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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Harry EntenVerified account
Gotta say, people saying this won't decay Trump's support are missing the point. NOTHING WILL. The key is to get the other ~65%

I agree w/ this
Ask yourself who this is designed to work for. Rubio supporters or Trump supporters? Trump people dont like Rubio or any politicians. Gee, I wonder how that's going to play when one of them attacks their master...

He hasn't made any tangible progress in delegates up to this point, so if anything we've been overestimating him.

It's meant for GOP voters that might be sitting on the sideline. Voters who might still be deciding (there are a lot of late deciders in each primary till now).

It's not meant for Trump supporters, but it can make a dent there if people were thinking of voting for him because they believe he has it won. Rubio succeeded in making sure he is the ONLY Trump alternative.


American politics in 2016.

How the hell did we get to this point? Nothing makes sense anymore.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Sunday that while he believes President Obama is an American citizen and a Christian, Americans have a right to think otherwise if they so choose.

"It's not my job to tell the American people what to think," Boehner said

I blame the GOP for basically giving up in the face of an angry tea party that votes and primaries conservatives.


It just goes to show you the rnc didn't hate Trump for the things he says, because Rubio is doing it now. They hate him for not being beholden to corporations or military contracts.
It feels like something out of an Orwell novel. A businessman tired of buying candidates deciding to become a candidate himself. I know he doesn't have a shot in hell of winning, but the fact that he's even gotten this far shows that whether it's the political system or the voters themselves, there's something fundamentally broken in America right now.


If the GOP voters think Trump won last night, then he's truly unstoppable as the choke artist and liar came at him with everything they had.
For that matter, can Bernie credibly endorse or support Hillary now? While he started off emphasizing that a Republican mustn't win, he's also pushed hard on the idea that the entire Democratic establishment and Hillary in particular are utterly corrupt and bad for America. I don't think the raw numbers of left leaning voters that will buy into this to the point that they won't vote Democratic will be at all significant, but it's still a pretty bad reversal.

Wouldn't be surprised if his condition for dropping out is her dropping her supporters from the banking sector, which is lol, but would allow him to reverse on a dime. Otherwise gotta use the "well, she aint a republican, so vote for her" line. How effective it'll be depends on how hard he'll stump for her (and on what she'll give him for that kinda support, which is obv another prob).

He has endorsed a democrat before, so shouldn't be much of a problem.


Choke artist is so good. Low Energy-league.
I think it's meant to slime him with the same label as Romney. According to party leaders in 2012, Romney was supposed to be The Guy Who Could Beat Obama, and - in the eyes of many embittered GOP voters - he choked.

Masterful labeling.


And L-O-L at that poll. It wouldn't shock me in the slightest.

Rubio may be throwing the kitchen sink at Trump, but Trump appears to have borrowed RE4 Ashley's suit of armor.


Big risk that I don't think will because it will give time to Trump to respond. If ST was today, yeah would've helped.

Rubio has a LOT of baggage to get hit on from immigration to abandoning his Senate position/votes to those polls of Floridians saying they don't like him to being only able to do pre-selected statements that sound good but have no substance if questioned outside of them.

Here's the thing.

Trump is not some amazing genius.

He's not a modern Oscar Wilde or anything. His insults are crude and simple. More than anything, he's been successful because his opposition have been utterly dreadful in every respect and didn't want to attack him because they are bad. This years Republican candidates make 2012 look like the all-star cast. Trump is the guy who had a decades long feud with *Rosie O'Donnell* because she said something nasty about him!

Rubio has finally figured out that the way to reduce this to a 1 on 1 competition is just to act like it's a 1 on 1 competition. Ignore Cruz whose already falling and hammer in on trump repeatedly.

He'll get a lot of positive press around this. Whether it's enough at this point remains to be seen, but it's exactly the strategy he should have been following for some time. Hopefully it's not in time to save him on Super Tuesday.


Rubio seems to take everything to extremes. First it was an extreme of caution: repeating himself 5 times in the debate. Now it's extreme attack mode: dumping 10 attacks at once during yesterday's debate; today calling Trump a pants-pisser con artist.

He also talks like he's on Adderall (or as someone said on Twitter, as if he was scripted by Amy Sherman Palladino.

Just posting to say I would watch the shit out of this show. Especially if Sutton Foster was in it as the candidate.
The think that must be terrifying for the establishment is what do the Trump supporters do after he loses in the GE (presumably, of course)? I can't see them turning to an establishment candidate the next election cycle. Cruz attempt #2?
The think that must be terrifying for the establishment is what do the Trump supporters do after he loses in the GE (presumably, of course)? I can't see them turning to an establishment candidate the next election cycle. Cruz attempt #2?

Depends entirely on how badly he loses. Thin margin? Trump 2. Destroyed? Introspection.
From the behavior of some of you, I consistently get the feeling some of you guys aren't aware of his views and action he would take on other issues. Even when it's consistently right there in his speeches too. If you can't even follow or read the contents within a direct link then there's no conversation to be had here. You just want to repeat your slander/lies, I guess.

Nina Turner makes a good point in the second link. Paraphased: "They keep saying our candidate is a one-issue candidate. He is a one issue candidate, his issue is the citizens of the United States of America. I'll take a one issue, you are the issue."

I don't doubt Bernie knows other issues exist. However, outside of his millionaires, billionaires and Wall Street he simply hasn't shown he's got the type of understanding necessary to move the needle. Look at Bernie's LGBT issue page. It's seven points. Seven good points (although one of which is continuing a program Hillary helped start at State...), but it's not fully fleshed out.


And here is Hillary's:


It is far more in depth. It shows she understands the ways in which hetero privilege, transphobia, health care, aging and HIV affect our community. TO me, she shows that she better understands the ways in which all of our various traits impact our lives In short, intersectionality. Also, I don't trust Bernie to be able to build coalitions because he has absolutely zero allies in the Senate. Not a single member has endorsed him, and I don't believe he has political capital to exploit.

But, there is something that I do have to take offense with, and this isn't directed directly at you, but it's something I've seen a ton with some Bernie supporters. Please do not insinuate that those of us who support Hillary are either stupid or incapable of reading. We simply have come to a different conclusion than a Bernie support has. And that's perfectly fine! But this "If gays/AA/Hispanics/women/seniors weren't so stupid/lazy/uninformed/underinformed as to drink Hillary's Kool Aide then they'd feel the Bern" is the completely wrong line to take when you're trying to win supporters.


But, there is something that I do have to take offense with, and this isn't directed directly at you, but it's something I've seen a ton with some Bernie supporters. Please do not insinuate that those of us who support Hillary are either stupid or incapable of reading. We simply have come to a different conclusion than a Bernie support has. And that's perfectly fine! But this "If gays/AA/Hispanics/women/seniors weren't so stupid/lazy/uninformed/underinformed as to drink Hillary's Kool Aide then they'd feel the Bern" is the completely wrong line to take when you're trying to win supporters.
Yep. This has been pissing off a lot of us over at the BCT thread. It's patronizing bullshit that BernieBros keep repeating.
Media will keep the narrative going until 3/15 and Florida I'm sure. They are in the rnc pocket.

They can if they like, but once the writing's on the wall anyone in the know (like most of poligaf) will be pretty detached from the proceedings, at which point the remaining states are a formality. At a certain point, everyone knows the score and I think that day for the republicans will be March 1st.


Are all of these polls saying Donald won legit? Feel like these online polls aren't reliable.

Not sure how anyone could get that conclusion.
Here's the thing.

Trump is not some amazing genius.

He's not a modern Oscar Wilde or anything. His insults are crude and simple. More than anything, he's been successful because his opposition have been utterly dreadful in every respect and didn't want to attack him because they are bad. This years Republican candidates make 2012 look like the all-star cast. Trump is the guy who had a decades long feud with *Rosie O'Donnell* because she said something nasty about him!

Rubio has finally figured out that the way to reduce this to a 1 on 1 competition is just to act like it's a 1 on 1 competition. Ignore Cruz whose already falling and hammer in on trump repeatedly.

He'll get a lot of positive press around this. Whether it's enough at this point remains to be seen, but it's exactly the strategy he should have been following for some time. Hopefully it's not in time to save him on Super Tuesday.
Although you're right, I highly doubt if Rubio would've been able to steal Trump's base if he started like this. The undercurrent of anti-establishment fever is still way too high. Trump's mistakes, sins, past heresies are like wiped clean in voters minds because he is not part of the system and aired the dirty laundry about Mexicans and Muslims out in the open. Think about it. He called McCain a shitty pilot and got away with it. He made fun of Carly's face. Rubio would never have, and the electorate is tired of voting for stinkers like McCain and Romney. It's important to keep Trump's rise to power in perspective. He is not a genius by any means but he is lot smarter than what we give him credit for.

User 406

Wouldn't be surprised if his condition for dropping out is her dropping her supporters from the banking sector, which is lol, but would allow him to reverse on a dime. Otherwise gotta use the "well, she aint a republican, so vote for her" line. How effective it'll be depends on how hard he'll stump for her (and on what she'll give him for that kinda support, which is obv another prob).

He has endorsed a democrat before, so shouldn't be much of a problem.

Sure, he's endorsed Democrats before, but now he's spent months in front of national media telling the country that Wall Street is the main problem with America, and that the Democratic Party and Hillary are puppets of Wall Street. Not exactly the same as, "I'm a socialist, not a Democrat, but this Democratic guy should get your vote."

Depends entirely on how badly he loses. Thin margin? Trump 2. Destroyed? Introspection.

Inchoate rage in either event. Introspection will never happen.
If Rubio is crushed March 1st, can the media even bother to make it seem like it's still a race?

I'll start to think the inevitability will kick in.

It's likely Rubio waited too long.


Are all of these polls saying Donald won legit? Feel like these online polls aren't reliable.

Not sure how anyone could get that conclusion.

i think Rubio won but all his moments seem too "please, please like me, i can do this too!" He didn't win on being the best choice for president, he won the debate for getting the best zingers while Trump still looked stronger than him. Trump's comment about Rubio never running a business has more truth to it than whatever 35 year old research Rubio was throwing out there pleading people google.

Either way i'm going to be depressed if any of the republicans win outside of Kasich, not so much because i like him as i despise Rubio/Cruz/Trump.


If Rubio is crushed March 1st, can the media even bother to make it seem like it's still a race?

I'll start to think the inevitability will kick in.
That's my belief. If Trump kills on March 1st, the narrative goes back to him being unstoppable. This applies especially if he wins with high margins; in that case, he (or his surrogates, or just media analysts) will be able to claim that Marco's shift in strategy didn't make a difference.


Harry EntenVerified account
Gotta say, people saying this won't decay Trump's support are missing the point. NOTHING WILL. The key is to get the other ~65%

I agree w/ this

I remember an older lady in a street interview saying she was disappointed that Bush didn't push harder when he was attacking Trump (or at least back off too soon). I'm sure what she saw Rubio do was appealing. Then again I get the sense she would never vote for Trump anyway.

Media will keep the narrative going until 3/15 and Florida I'm sure. They are in the rnc pocket.

If Trump does well Tuesday, little of that matters. You win the nomination by winning States/delegates. Rubio & Cruz can land all the potshots they want but they don't matter if they don't start winning States/delegates.

Speaking of the subject, what are the candidate spreads for each ST State?
It'll be brutal for about 5 more days, and then Trump wins.

If Rubio is really serious about contesting the convention this could drag on far longer. If he can keep Trump from getting a majority of the pledged delegates its certainly possible that all of the other candidates will instruct theirs to go with Rubio for the good of the party.
That's my belief. If Trump kills on March 1st, the narrative goes back to him being unstoppable. This applies especially if he wins with high margins; in that case, he (or his surrogates, or just media analysts) will be able to claim that Marco's shift in strategy didn't make a difference.

Rubio was in danger of not hitting viability thresholds, I think the debate and subsequent Trump attacks save him from that. This means he will get delegates on March 1st.

Of course, if he loses Florida he is still out.
If Rubio is really serious about contesting the convention this could drag on far longer. If he can keep Trump from getting a majority of the pledged delegates its certainly possible that all of the other candidates will instruct theirs to go with Rubio for the good of the party.

I think he's serious, but I think Trump's lead will be too decisive.
If Rubio is crushed March 1st, can the media even bother to make it seem like it's still a race?

I'll start to think the inevitability will kick in.

It's likely Rubio waited too long.

I think they hold out until March 15, unless Rubio fails to meet the viability threshold in places like Texas.

Okay, I'm not critiquing Bernie for not filling the venue. That shit is hard to do. However, if you're going to host something in a place that holds 1800 and you get less than 900, move the damn press to the front! Ugh. Why would you not do that!? Devine..Weaver. COME ON.

(This was in Minnesota btw).
That's my belief. If Trump kills on March 1st, the narrative goes back to him being unstoppable. This applies especially if he wins with high margins; in that case, he (or his surrogates, or just media analysts) will be able to claim that Marco's shift in strategy didn't make a difference.

Also I think some of the people like nate cognitive et all are not taking into consideration how Texas doles out delegates.

Rubio tanking cruz there would be suicide. Rubio can come out of Texas with 5 or so delegates even if he's over 20%. But all the analyzers are giving him 20% of the delegates when something like 95-45-5 or whatever split is in play. If trump wins that with the other contests, he's be down a lot more than 100.

Even if cruz wins and gets that split, Rubio will still be in 3rd and the narrative is bad.

Rubio needs to perform really well Tuesday imo.


No Scrubs
If Trump does well Tuesday, little of that matters. You win the nomination by winning States/delegates. Rubio & Cruz can land all the potshots they want but they don't matter if they don't start winning States/delegates.

Speaking of the subject, what are the candidate spreads for each ST State?

If I remember right it is going to be a bloodbath for everyone who isn't Trump and Clinton.
Sure, he's endorsed Democrats before, but now he's spent months in front of national media telling the country that Wall Street is the main problem with America, and that the Democratic Party and Hillary are puppets of Wall Street. Not exactly the same as, "I'm a socialist, not a Democrat, but this Democratic guy should get your vote."
Which is part of the reason why he refused to say to her face that he thought of her as a molemonkey leprecho-gnat. Dude's already leaving the window open, mate.

Also why hills has to bear it (to an extent), fwiw. How well the spin will work depends entirely on how they'll continue to handle it. Much like in 2008 with all the hostilities flung around.

Inchoate rage in either event. Introspection will never happen.
Agree to disagree.
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