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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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I know having the Republican party split is and will likely forever be a pipe dream, it is still fascinating to think about. I mean, if we had more candidates that ran on Trump like views on racism, immigration, wars, etc. while also focusing more on working class issues and "traditional American values" and telling corporations and rich donors to fuck off you'd have quite a potent combination. If you could make the easy connection Republican = establishment they'd turn on the party fairly quickly.

I know they'd lack the resources of the Republican party but it is still fun to think about.
Rubio was in danger of not hitting viability thresholds, I think the debate and subsequent Trump attacks save him from that. This means he will get delegates on March 1st.

Of course, if he loses Florida he is still out.

The threshold in Texas is almost meaningless. You need to be top 2 to do damage. Can hut 25% and get almost no delegates. It's not straight proportion.

Sam Wang has actually done real gritty delegate math unlike 538.and even upshot.
A similar article:

Will U.S. Conservatives Mount a Third-Party Challenge If Trump Is the Nominee?

The Republican elites, the professional corporate class, and neocons fucking hate Trump. This election could still get crazier.

To me, this is the most interesting part of the race. If the Republican establishment fields a credible third party ticket, what happens? Do we see Trump scorched earth on what is, in theory, his party? I've always thought that it was unfeasible for the Republican party to break up, as various liberals have speculated about but if its mainstream that start this process, a real Tea Party backed by the Breitbart medias types are possible.
From Bernie Sanders Dank meme FV group. Fund it to be quite original from the other stuff.


Fromk Bernie Sanders Dank meme FV group. Fund it to be quite original from the other stuff.


As Bernie was against the Brady Bill, and is now for it? Or how Bernie was for protecting gun makers from lawsuits but is now against it? Hillary paid the price for her Iraq vote. She admitted it was a mistake. Politicians, even amazing ones, make mistakes from time to time. No one is expecting infallibility.
Seeing stuff like this, and the Beltway media's read of the debate, really solidifies the points Matt Taibbi made about the media in his Trump article. These guys really are in their own little world, and completely oblivious to what is happening outside of it.

Yup. The right leaning election site I visit to keep myself honest were all but orgasmic from Rubio's performance last night and today.


As Bernie was against the Brady Bill, and is now for it? Or how Bernie was for protecting gun makers from lawsuits but is now against it? Hillary paid the price for her Iraq vote. She admitted it was a mistake. Politicians, even amazing ones, make mistakes from time to time. No one is expecting infallibility.

Oh come on, get some humour.

However, the Iraq war was such a big insane mistake which the world is paying a huge price for today with ISIS and the refugee crisis.

It's good that she admitted it was a mistake, but the consequences of the mistakes have been enormous and fatal.

When it comes to foreign policy I don't trust Hillary at all.
Seeing stuff like this, and the Beltway media's read of the debate, really solidifies the points Matt Taibbi made about the media in his Trump article. These guys really are in their own little world, and completely oblivious to what is happening outside of it.

Cruz and Rubio are so trapped inside the conservative bubble that it's insane. Who else would think "Donald Trump will make the government not let people die on the streets! RINO!" is a good attack? Especially when all of Trump's voters know he's talking about not letting white people die since Trump is a racist? Especially when you're about to go into the welfare friendly south???


Are all of these polls saying Donald won legit? Feel like these online polls aren't reliable.

Not sure how anyone could get that conclusion.
I think Trump won too. Think about it: the whole thing developed into a "who can be the biggest asshole" competition. I can't imagine any reasonable, moderate Republicans (if there is such a thing any more) saw that and changed their minds about anyone. Trump's supporters, though, probably loved it. When their boy gets attacked by the establishment they cling to him even tighter. I'll be very surprised if last night moves any needles.
Oh come on, get some humour.

However, the Iraq war was such a big insane mistake which the world is paying a huge price for today with ISIS and the refugee crisis.

Mistakes should be admitted, but war mistakes is the worst.

True, however, Bernie's mistakes on various pieces of gun legislation are unforgivable in a country in which gun violence is out of control. Hillary at least tok responsibility for her error in voting for Iraq. It took Hillary hitting Bernie over and over before he finally admitted he'd re-evaluate his vote on immunity for gun manufacturers. I don't know that he's even apologized for refusing to support the Brady Bill. Sorry. Guns are one of my hot button issues, and his stance on them was nearly immediately a knock against him.

Also, can someone tell me what a dank meme is? I know what a meme is....god, I'm getting old. All you kids on my damn lawn.
And completely incorrect analysis despite the nifty tools. As I mentioned above.

I'm very disappointed in the data media this primary.

It's pretty disappointing how poor 538 has been with incorporating delegate math into their analysis. It's the one thing you'd think would be in their wheelhouse but they're more interested in google and facebook.


2008: "Obama's the president! America's entered a post-racial era!

2016: Here's a presidential candidate that's winning the polls based entirely on a rhetoric of white nationalism!"

The Tea Party can go fuck itself. Breitbart for that matter as well.


It's pretty disappointing how poor 538 has been with incorporating delegate math into their analysis. It's the one thing you'd think would be in their wheelhouse but they're more interested in google and facebook.

538 updated their Virginia model, and holy bleep did it do a 180

I almost trust nothing now.


It's pretty disappointing how poor 538 has been with incorporating delegate math into their analysis. It's the one thing you'd think would be in their wheelhouse but they're more interested in google and facebook.

Every time they pushed forward that "Facebook primary" thing during one of their live blogs I wanted to smack someone.


True, however, Bernie's mistakes on various pieces of gun legislation are unforgivable in a country in which gun violence is out of control. Hillary at least tok responsibility for her error in voting for Iraq. It took Hillary hitting Bernie over and over before he finally admitted he'd re-evaluate his vote on immunity for gun manufacturers. I don't know that he's even apologized for refusing to support the Brady Bill. Sorry. Guns are one of my hot button issues, and his stance on them was nearly immediately a knock against him.

Guns is what Bernie is worst at absolutely and Hillary beats out Bernie at gun control.

Also, can someone tell me what a dank meme is? I know what a meme is....god, I'm getting old. All you kids on my damn lawn.

I have no idea. I became a member of the group 2 days ago I think.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
It's pretty disappointing how poor 538 has been with incorporating delegate math into their analysis. It's the one thing you'd think would be in their wheelhouse but they're more interested in google and facebook.
Poor how? They've done multiple articles talking about delegate math for candidates, like Bernie and Cruz.
Every time they pushed forward that "Facebook primary" thing during one of their live blogs I wanted to smack someone.
I don't think they take that too seriously; at least I hope not.
Something lost I'd the Romers re-did friedman's analysis on bernie's proposals and found math errors.



Under the bus!

Next week we'll have several states, math, delegates and nearly all economists under there. Party!

A dank meme is a tired, worn out meme. So, it fits.

Thank you! I feel like I'm still in touch with the hippity hop generations.
Poor how? They've done multiple articles talking about delegate math for candidates, like Bernie and Cruz.

I don't think they take that too seriously; at least I hope not.

They should start by learning the actual delegate rules to do proper analysis, for starters. They're just doing straight percentages which is wrong.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Seeing stuff like this, and the Beltway media's read of the debate, really solidifies the points Matt Taibbi made about the media in his Trump article. These guys really are in their own little world, and completely oblivious to what is happening outside of it.

They're merely in the pockets of the RNC. This has been their game for weeks now.

"Rubio is The Comeback Kid!"

"Rubio doesn't NEED to win any state for quite awhile--he can sweep everything else!"

"Rubio destroyed Trump and was having fun! Great presidential material!"

Every single day with this.


For some reason, my ass clinches so tight when I hear the words "Trump" and "rally" because I fully expect "KKK" to eek it's way in between those two words one of these days.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to present my Vice Presidential candidate, David Duke!"
Roanoke College Poll


Clinton 55
Sanders 33

Trump 38
Cruz 15
Rubio 13
Kasich 8
Carson 8

41% of Trump supporters feel betrayed by the Republican Party. 53% of Republican voters want someone not part of the "establishment". 47% are dissatisfied with the federal government, 42% are "angry" at the federal government.
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