User 463088
Bernie getting rekt on Twitter for the ghetto comments and the "We know people need mental health care because LOLOLOL you see the Republicans?"
Oh that is pretty crappy of him, he seems pretty gaffe prone and I totally get what he means but maybe being old isn't the best for the ol noggin (spoiler our brains peak around 25which sucks)
My husband said the same.God I want to punch Buchanan. Why is he on my screen!!!
How was the debate?
I believe that was also on top of him not even bothering to thank his supporters and those that voted for him in South Carolina. He might have sent out a text I think but nothing when he held his rally that night. He just ignored what happen for the most part when he was speaking. Everything just didn't look good.
I dunno...The Queen's ability to whip out even minute facts at a moment's notice is pretty impressive.
God I want to punch Buchanan. Why is he on my screen!!!
This guy outlines why I also thought Bernie lost the debate.
uh oh
Bernie was the one the said that the people at his rally in Massachussetts were smart so they would vote for him, insinuating that everyone else wasn't.
It was in Minnesota, but yeah. Saying that to a very different crowd on the night you get absolutely crushed in South Carolina... well, it's easy to see the implied inverse to explain the loss. "You are just too smart." So about the South Carolinians who voted earlier that day...?His answer was "I know we're going to win here because you're smart." Which he said after getting blown the hell out in SC. The context was fine, but it was a stupid thing to say. It was in response to people knowing his average donation is $27.00
Oh great more excuses.
He tied in Iowa.
He 'won' Latinos in Nevada
He lost the entire south because they're red states.
He lost Massachusetts because of Bill Clinton's illegal electioneering
Now he will lose Michigan because of Spring Break.
What will be the first state the die-hards will fully accept as a loss?
Bernie is just doing damage to the democratic party at this point. Really can't stand the guy.
My mother was also extremely unhappy. When the tweets about Detroit were mentioned she was up in arms.Bernie was a total ass. Don't watch it. Save yourself the annoyance. My mom was foaming at the mouth. Which is weird, she's so calm most of the time...
Real damage would have been running 3rd party, I think the party will end up stronger because of this.
Real damage would have been running 3rd party, I think the party will end up stronger because of this.
What a god damn idiot. I cannot believe what I just read. Unreal.
My mother was also extremely unhappy. When the tweets about Detroit were mentioned she was up in arms.
She also complained about his long, bony fingers.
Lol, as if those $50m in ads from Right to Rise PAC halted Trump.
What line was this? I missed it I thinkMSNBC calling Bernie out for the ghetto line. Good.
MSNBC calling Bernie out for the ghetto line. Good.
I want to meme the original to say:Original picture:
Hmm, on-board with firing bad teachers and paying good teachers more.
Bernie has literally three things he talks about, even Rubio has more variety. Though Bernie does believe in the things he talks about.
Well it's refining Hillary's debate skills before the general, but him calling out democrats and damaging her by saying she's just another crooked politician isn't helping.
He's damaged his brand within the party. There is no doubt in my mind about that. This is going to make me sound like an ass, but he gets positions within the party because we allow it. While i don't think we'd kick him out of the caucus or anything like that, we don't "own" him as a member of our party either.
He was an ass tonight. Like I said, Kyle texted me and was actually surprised how Bernie came across. IT wasn't good. Bernie supporters might have loved it, but wasn't a good look.
What line was this? I missed it I think
What line was this? I missed it I think
Exactly. Trump will almost certainly win Michigan and Mississippi. He's leading in Florida and I see no reason to believe Rubio will come back there. He's also leading in Ohio but Kasich isn't far behind. It wouldn't stun me at all if he wins Florida and barely loses Ohio - but he could very easily win both. At which point this entire "stop Trump" movement will look like another giant waste of money.
As much as I want to say the political universe ensures Trump will never be the nominee...he's looking more and more like the nominee daily. And it seems like the only thing that can stop this train is a catastrophe.
Should she be coddled and not asked questions that Trump will throw at her?
To be fair they aren't really an issue now eitherWall street speech transcripts won't be an issue in the general.
Wall street speech transcripts won't be an issue in the general.
Should she be coddled and not asked questions that Trump will throw at her?
I am glad you are one of the leaders of the democratic party but I harbor no attachment to the party other than it happens to be better than republicans, will be happy to ditch it if there is something better
I don't really like when people put the strength/positioning of a party over the people.
Maybe not that specifically but Trump will constantly call Hillary bought, corrupt, evil, etc. don't know if he'll ask for the transcripts. But if he does she could ask to see the transcripts of his immigration discussion with the NYTWall street speech transcripts won't be an issue in the general.
Hillary: 94%
Bernie: 6%
... Who is betting on Bernie Sanders at this point?
I'm not a leader of anything. However, being President is not about sitting on a throne and issuing edicts. Bernie has managed to alienate a lot of Democrats. He is running for our party's nomination. He needs allies in the Senate, and so far he has none. Dems would fall in line to a degree, but he has no capital within the party to exploit.
You want to be President you have to know how to get people, even people who aren't ideologically pure, on board with your ideas. Bernie hasn't shown an ability to do that in his 25 years as a backbencher, I highly doubt he'd be able to do it in the oval office.
Hillary: 94%
Bernie: 6%
... Who is betting on Bernie Sanders at this point?
I've decided that I'm over Bernie. I hold his bros in contempt but I can't get worked up over his various blunders; in the end 2008 really was a lot worse than this and right now we're witnessing what a true intra-party civil war looks like on the other side.
If the Republican party was uniting behind Rubio or something I'd be angrier about Bernie, but right now their establishment is deliberately trying to engineer a convention floor fight clusterfuck which either ends with a Trump nomination or a Trump third party insurgency. So, like, whatever. Any damage Bernie does now is counterbalanced by the complete shambles that is the Republican primary.
I've decided that I'm over Bernie. I hold his bros in contempt but I can't get worked up over his various blunders; in the end 2008 really was a lot worse than this and right now we're witnessing what a true intra-party civil war looks like on the other side.
If the Republican party was uniting behind Rubio or something I'd be angrier about Bernie, but right now their establishment is deliberately trying to engineer a convention floor fight clusterfuck which either ends with a Trump nomination or a Trump third party insurgency. So, like, whatever. Any damage Bernie does now is counterbalanced by the complete shambles that is the Republican primary.
I don't think he could do it even if he was in trudeau's body and oozing charisma, his ideas are anathema to a lot of the entrenched interests. I agree that you need to work with people but the public option in obamacare wasn't stopped just by republicans.
.Maine · 25 delegates
91% reporting · Sanders won and has 15 delegates, Clinton has 7
I'd buy your argument, if Elizabeth Warren didn't exist. Bernie is trying to run for the Democratic party and away from the Democratic party at the same time. You can't do this. We all know that he's not a member of the party. That's fine. However, he needs to not step in shit about it. Don't say that Democratic elected officials are wrong (even if they are) in this type of context. Just throw a bull shit answer out "I disagree with my colleagues on XYZ." That's fine. Hillary doesn't agree with every single Democrat either.
But, when you're already in a hole, and the ONLY way you have a chance of winning is to get some party support (because you need Supers) then you need to at least pretend to play nice. Bernie hasn't shown an ability to play nice with anyone who doesn't Feel the Bern.
Why do you hold bernie's "bros" who are a large part female in contempt?
.BernieBro is used to describe the roving band of internet vigilantes that comes out and spews hate speech on Russell Simmons' Instagram account. This is an observable, real phenomenon. Anyone suggesting otherwise is crazy, as is anyone who pretends that is all Bernie supporters.