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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Elizabeth Warren is having her own war against DWS and other democratic party members so thats a whole other ballgame. I think that doing things "for the team" is not a good path to go down but thats just me.

Again, though, she's doing it from within the party. That's the point I'm getting at. I loathe Reagan, but his 11th Commandment is right. Don't attack fellow Democrats. Attack fellow Democratic ideas. But Bernie is ill poised to do this because he's from outside the party. He needs to be mindful.

I agree with MSNBC again. The soundbite that will play in Michigan is Bernie voted against the Auto bailout. There should have been an ad about that. That of thing doesn't play well with Michigan.

Ugh, I can't believe I'm empathizing with Michigan. How low have I fallen?
Again, though, she's doing it from within the party. That's the point I'm getting at. I loathe Reagan, but his 11th Commandment is right. Don't attack fellow Democrats. Attack fellow Democratic ideas. But Bernie is ill poised to do this because he's from outside the party. He needs to be mindful.

I agree with MSNBC again. The soundbite that will play in Michigan is Bernie voted against the Auto bailout. There should have been an ad about that. That of thing doesn't play well with Michigan.

Ugh, I can't believe I'm empathizing with Michigan. How low have I fallen?

Look what they make you give ;)

Times like this are why I wish we had a much better electoral/political system so we could have actual representation instead of the weird republican vs democratic binary with random independents like bernie.
I'm going to take a guess at something here.

One of the recent polls from Michigan showed Bernie getting creamed on "Who can win in November?" question. I'm guessing that his internals are showing that to be the case as well. That's why he brought up his polls numbers.
Look what they make you give ;)

Times like this are why I wish we had a much better electoral/political system so we could have actual representation instead of the weird republican vs democratic binary with random independents like bernie.

But we have what we have and Democrats care a lot of a heck more about the people of US and the world than Republicans do.

Where is the lie though? She is kind of local, not global like King Sanders.

No wonder she is trying it
But we have what we have and Democrats care a lot of a heck more about the people of US and the world than Republicans do.

I don't know if its care so much as not absolutely loathe the people: http://scholar.princeton.edu/sites/...testing_theories_of_american_politics.doc.pdf

I guess i want my cake and to eat it, glad the democrats are poised to take the white house this year. I am just angry that politicians think they know more science than doctors and scientists and keep the inane drug scheduling system going.


/r/The_Donald has released their official immigration policy for the /r/SandersforPresident refugees

First, this door is to allow Berniebots who will behave to partake in our fun and energy, not to praise them. We're not about to validate them by going "Omigosh you'll vote Trump over Hillary? You're terrific!" Report ones who beg for validation. Coming from such a pathetic place of weakness breaks the Debbie Downer clause.

Second, those rules are only binding for BernieBots. Trump supporters are not expected to change their behavior. Bernie is still a cuck. Jokes about his impotence are still funny. He still got BTFO by BLM activists. Nothing has changed for the centipedes. You can treat them however you'd like, but they must be nice to you.

Third, it is strictly enforced that BernieBots behave. Coming in here is a privilege, not a right. If they do not behave, hit the report button so I can send them back.

Fourth, BernieBots are invited to take place in OUR discussion, not the other way around. I promise you that nobody on this sub gives a fuck about your self post that explains why your preferences are Bernie > Trump > Hillary.

Fifth, this rule is to allow, NOT entice BernieBots to come in. Someone on the other thread asked why Bernie fans would even want to be here. Honestly, I have no fucking clue but since I've been banning 200 of them per day, they must want to. I cannot explain what this sub has to offer them, but it will be taken for granted that we offer something and we will make absolutely no effort to offer anything more.
And yet the Bernie bros will gladly accept third class tickets on the Trump train as long as they get to bash Hillary.
how spooked are your friends on Rubio's collapse? did they see this coming? do they blame Jeb for this? Cruz? split field? Rubio not living up the the hype? Do they think the ads will work on Trump?
A lot of my republican friends are surprised, most of the democrats I know aren't; some are relieved because they thought he was formidable. But as many people here have said...Rubio ran a horrible campaign. I remember reading that his manager said campaign offices/buildings are a waste of money. They focused nearly entirely on TV ads, to the point Rubio doesn't really have an infastructure in his own state. If he wins the nomination he'll be well behind Hillary in every major state (in terms of organization). No one should be afraid of him.

Rubio didn't think this through IMO. Running was a good idea, sure: he was clearly correct that waiting on Jeb would be a bad idea, and that Jeb was not a huge threat. But perhaps in his attempt to stand out from the field he chose a horrible campaign strategy that bucks every convention...and it is not working. Being a "21st century" candidate doesn't mean you ignore the grassroots and organization.

Cruz looks like the smartest guy in the room. He's on record as saying he asked his staff to study Obama's 2008 campaign, and he's familiar with W Bush's impressive campaigns. He's winning caucuses and big states with an impressive ground game. If Trump wasn't in the race he'd almost certainly be well ahead of the field.

In terms of Trump he's clearly losing support but it's almost certainly too late.
Don't be stupid

Very very few Sanders supporters would vote for Trump over Clinton in a general election

I can think of only one person on GAF who has said that
I missed the debate, what's the takeaway here?

Nationally did nothing to change the race. Bernie was incredibly rude, and that's not just my read on it. Hillary managed to keep her powder dry and attack Bernie for refusing to vote for the auto bailout. In Michigan. Bernie also had a lovely line where he told Hillary to "Let me finish." Somehow, Bernie managed to double down on his vote to protect gun makers from lawsuits. Bernie also managed to say that "White people don't know what it's like living in a ghetto or to be poor" in response to a question about what racial blindspots does he have.

Both gave lovely answers on matters of faith which is important to a lot of people. Both got a few decent slaps on each other, but nothing to change anything.
Nationally did nothing to change the race. Bernie was incredibly rude, and that's not just my read on it. Hillary managed to keep her powder dry and attack Bernie for refusing to vote for the auto bailout. In Michigan. Bernie also had a lovely line where he told Hillary to "Let me finish." Somehow, Bernie managed to double down on his vote to protect gun makers from lawsuits. Bernie also managed to say that "White people don't know what it's like living in a ghetto or to be poor" in response to a question about what racial blindspots does he have.

Both gave lovely answers on matters of faith which is important to a lot of people. Both got a few decent slaps on each other, but nothing to change anything.

To be honest I don't understand the outrage on bernie's position on immunity, you can use that same logic on alcohol distributors and anyone who makes anything that could be used as a weapon.

Also AR-15's aren't automatic to the best of my knowledge.
Nationally did nothing to change the race. Bernie was incredibly rude, and that's not just my read on it. Hillary managed to keep her powder dry and attack Bernie for refusing to vote for the auto bailout. In Michigan. Bernie also had a lovely line where he told Hillary to "Let me finish." Somehow, Bernie managed to double down on his vote to protect gun makers from lawsuits. Bernie also managed to say that "White people don't know what it's like living in a ghetto or to be poor" in response to a question about what racial blindspots does he have.

Both gave lovely answers on matters of faith which is important to a lot of people. Both got a few decent slaps on each other, but nothing to change anything.
Awesome, thanks. His attempt at forcefulness always makes me cringe, especially when it's toward Clinton.


Wait, what?

Full quote.

NYT transcript said:
LEMON: Thank you, Secretary.

Senator Sanders, on a personal front, what racial blind spots do you have?

SANDERS: Well, let me just very briefly tell you a story. When I was in one of my first years in Congress, I went to a meeting downtown in Washington, D.C. And I went there with another congressman, an African-American congressman. And then we kind of separated during the meeting. And then I saw him out later on. And he was sitting there waiting and I said, well, let’s go out and get a cab. How come you didn’t go out and get a cab?

He said, no, I don’t get cabs in Washington, D.C. This was 20 years ago. Because he was humiliated by the fact that cabdrivers would go past him because he was black. I couldn’t believe, you know, you just sit there and you say, this man did not take a cab 20 years ago in Washington, D.C. Tell you another story, I was with young people active in the Black Lives Matter movement. A young lady comes up to me and she says, you don’t understand what police do in certain black communities. You don’t understand the degree to which we are terrorized, and I’m not just talking about the horrible shootings that we have seen, which have got to end and we’ve got to hold police officers accountable, I’m just talking about every day activities where police officers are bullying people.

So to answer your question, I would say, and I think it’s similar to what the secretary said, when you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car.

And I believe that as a nation in the year 2016, we must be firm in making it clear. We will end institutional racism and reform a broken criminal justice system.


Only Bernie "What? Southern states matter?" Sanders could answer a question on race in a way that pisses both black AND white people off.

Bringing people together.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
To be honest I don't understand the outrage on bernie's position on immunity, you can use that same logic on alcohol distributors and anyone who makes anything that could be used as a weapon.

Also AR-15's aren't automatic to the best of my knowledge.

While I agree, the issue is Sanders has no problems proposing things that need a constitutional amendment, like releasing people from state prisons, which he again reiterated tonight. But when it comes to guns? WAIT WAIT WAIT a minute, we should proceed carefully!
I think tonight's debate exposed one major issue Trump will have with Hillary: The personal belittling that's been so effective for Trump (lil marco, etc) won't work against her very well because she's a woman. I think it's one of the reasons some of Sanders mild tough guy act didn't look great tonight

Maybe that's sexist or whatever, but I do believe optics matter
While I agree, the issue is Sanders has no problems proposing things that need a constitutional amendment, like releasing people from state prisons, which he again reiterated tonight. But when it comes to guns? WAIT WAIT WAIT a minute, we should proceed carefully!

Well one is unobtainable/unfeasible, the other is dumb and sets up pretty much every industry to fail/be sued to hell and back.


I think tonight's debate exposed one major issue Trump will have with Hillary: The personal bullying that's been so effective for him (lil marco, etc) will come off terrible because she's a woman. I think it's one of the reasons some of Sanders mild tough guy act didn't look great tonight

Maybe that's sexist or whatever, but I do believe optics matter

It already happened with Fiorina.


So to answer your question, I would say, and I think it’s similar to what the secretary said, when you’re white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor. You don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you walk down the street or you get dragged out of a car.

And I believe that as a nation in the year 2016, we must be firm in making it clear. We will end institutional racism and reform a broken criminal justice system.

Yeah there are a lot of problems here.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the reason trumps bullying of Clinton won't work is she won't bite. If her handlers do anything to prep her it will to not react, not counter out of emotion. Let your staffers go on the talk shows and remind the people what a shit stain he is.

His bullying was effective precisely because people got defensive and combative. Off their messages and on their heels. Not what gender they are.
To be honest I don't understand the outrage on bernie's position on immunity, you can use that same logic on alcohol distributors and anyone who makes anything that could be used as a weapon.

Also AR-15's aren't automatic to the best of my knowledge.

PLCAA provides gun companies unique legal protections in many cases when they negligently sell or make a gun that ends up being used in crime.
Negligence is the most fundamental principle of civil justice in our legal system; it requires everyone in society to simply use reasonable care to not
expose others to harm. For example, bars can be liable for accidents when they negligently sell alcohol to people they have reason to think will drive drunk. Gun companies now have unique immunity from this basic duty in most cases. One effect of PLCAA is to give “bad apple” gun dealers that use
irresponsible practices or have even had their licenses revoked receive enhanced legal protection—actually protecting those who engage
in the unlawful commerce in arms. Another effect is that gun manufacturers who negligently sell guns through “bad apple” gun dealers can profit from the criminal gun market without being held accountable to the victims they hurt.

PLCAA gives immunity to gun manufacturers who refuse to install life-saving safety devices in many cases, exempting them from basic
products liability law. For example, because car manufacturers know that cars will be crashed, they are liable if they fail to make
cars crashworthy – improvements that minimize the risk of injury. Gun companies now have unique protection from this basic duty.

For example, a gun dealer escaped accountability when he enabled a drug-abusing, mentally unstable individual to simply take a gun without a Brady background check (he used it two days later to murder an innocent young man). Although he was so grossly negligent that hundreds of guns left his store without
background checks, and he had his license revoked for willful violations of gun laws, the dealer was allowed to use his own negligence as a defense to a lawsuit—arguing that PLCAA prohibited ordinary negligence claims

It also protected an online ammunition retailer from liability who sold thousands of rounds of ammunition to a deranged individual without verifying his identity—the same individual used that ammunition to kill twelve people in a movie theatre

In your hammer example, though, if a hammer manufacturer is negligent, we can sue them. PLCAA makes it a lot harder to try and get that type of judgement.
The full quote isn't as bad, but it's just like Hillary's "super predators" thing. People don't pay attention to what comes before or what comes after. They focus on the "gotcha" part and that's it. It's the same reason "I'ma raise your taxes, BUT..." doesn't play well.
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