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PoliGAF 2016 |OT2| we love the poorly educated

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Is it probably true to say that Rubio was using this presidential run to build a national political profile and that he had no intention in actually winning until he became the anti-Trump? I can't imagine a serious candidate being this badly-organized without a Trumpian strategy of media manipulation to compensate.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I don't think be really floated him for VP. I think it was more answering a question. Bernie won't be Hilary's vp nomination...I just don't think he adds anything, though by any informed criteria that is an acceptable standard for a VP as long as he doesn't hurt anything.
I think Rubio is moreso victim of making bad decisions than purposely wanting to lose. That being said I've heard that he wants to be governor...but how can you do that if your state doesn't like you+you lose your state's presidential primary+you piss off Bush loyalists and then waste their money after they back you.


I think Rubio is moreso victim of making bad decisions than purposely wanting to lose. That being said I've heard that he wants to be governor...but how can you do that if your state doesn't like you+you lose your state's presidential primary+you piss off Bush loyalists and then waste their money after they back you.

not with Bondi, Atwater and Putnam waiting in the wings. He just ruled it out anyway. He should have ran for it in 2010 instead of the Senate. That's his fault.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Isn't it funny that Jeb fought trump unsuccessfully for months while the establishment let him twist in the wind? Lol republicans elites!


Trump's not winning Idaho or Hawaii. He's likely to lose badly in Hawaii.

What's the problem w/ Trump in Idaho? Literally can't find polling on this except for the below.

30 percent favor Trump.
19 percent like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
16 percent would vote for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
5 percent prefer Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
9 percent would vote for someone else if they could.
And 11 percent don’t know.
Is it probably true to say that Rubio was using this presidential run to build a national political profile and that he had no intention in actually winning until he became the anti-Drumpf? I can't imagine a serious candidate being this badly-organized without a Drumpfian strategy of media manipulation to compensate.

I agree with this. Jeb was supposed to be the torch-bearer, and then Marco would look good for being his protege. The problem is Jeb imploded (can we use this if he never exploded in the first place?) and so Rubio had to take up the mantle. The bitter pill of that is he had to distance himself from the aforementioned BFM, so he had to go negative against his mentor.

It's ruined his connections with former friends, and his new friends will abandon him after he flops in this primary. His political career is over. Trump has annihilated Florida Republicans. Call it his Manhattan Project.
What's the problem w/ Trump in Idaho? Literally can't find polling on this except for the below.

30 percent favor Trump.
19 percent like Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.
16 percent would vote for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.
5 percent prefer Ohio Gov. John Kasich.
9 percent would vote for someone else if they could.
And 11 percent don’t know.

I haven't seen much polling either. But it's a closed primary in a region where Cruz should be strongest. Maybe Trump could win, but I'd consider that an upset.


I haven't seen much polling either. But it's a closed primary in a region where Cruz should be strongest. Maybe Trump could win, but I'd consider that an upset.

In addition I think it's been a case of late deciders breaking toward everyone else but Trump. That with that last poll that was posted having 9% also wishing they could vote for someone else puts trump at a disadvantage as they could break towards others and not him. There is also the case the recent attacks could very well be hurting him.

Does this state have early voting? That seems to have been what saved him in Louisiana going by the results I saw.


Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 13m13 minutes ago
Meanwhile, Kasich in those same MI polls: 12 -> 14 -> 20.

Harry Enten ‏@ForecasterEnten 14m14 minutes ago
I'm not sure Mitchell is the best pollster in the world, but check out this trendline in MI for Rubio since 3/1: 19 -> 15 -> 9.


A message from PD:
I just remembered my driver's license expired late last month so I'll get it renewed today and be ready to vote. I was going to vote for Sanders but I'm insulted no one from his campaign called or came to my door last week. Perhaps they assume I'm too old and black to feel the Bern; I'm not even 30 yet! BUT if I vote for Hillary I will confirm that I am indeed too old and black. So I'm conflicted.

I might write-in the hippest, most progressive candidate available: Lyndon LaRouche.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
After seeing the debate last night, I think it's a good idea Hillary is going to the Benghazi forum sponsored by Gmail and POP3.


Basileus is right about Idaho. And Mormons will comprise a significant portion of the GOP electorate tomorrow, enough to hurt Trump's chances, unless they split between Cruz and Rubio enough to allow Trump to squeak a win, but that's unlikely.

Factually correct about whether it was complete immunity or not, I still hate that legislation. Gun control is probably the issue second most important to me, and I think Clinton still landed a blow there last night. Not that it wasn't already a reason why I am supporting Clinton over Sanders, but it's good to remind people of where he stood and stands on this especially since he likes to hit Clinton for her record too.
PredictIt thinks Cruz is winning Idaho. I could see it. Especially after he won the heavy LDS areas in Nevada.

Idaho is heavily conservative. They really believe that shit to the core. Plus the economy is fairly good. I'd be surprised if Trump wins. Rubio win wouldn't surprise me either but he's toast.

Oh AND it's a caucus state.


I still don't know why they don't just give a hearing and vote the nominee down later. What's the upside to total stonewalling?

That's the question. They look good for doing their job and can still vote down whoever is picked. Not like they haven't done that before or had trouble coming up with reasons to not allow someone. Not having a vote at all has never made a bit of sense as it's just bad press for them and shows them refusing to their actual job for purely political reasons and showing hate for the president and attempting to stop him from doing his actual job. Something that not all republicans agree with or are okay with. There really is no upside to their actions here I think.

Unless McConnell is doing it so he doesn't lose his primary but is he even up for reelection this year?
The fact that even in this thread 96% of talk is on the Republican mess proof that subcounciously most people have accepted Hillary as the candidate?

Trump gets ratting, but POligaf is above that, band so is a whole lot of outlets.

Well when pretty much most media/political predictors is saying that Bernie essentially has almost no path to the nomination, Its not surprising.
That's the question. They look good for doing their job and can still vote down whoever is picked. Not like they haven't done that before or had trouble coming up with reasons to not allow someone. Not having a vote at all has never made a bit of sense as it's just bad press for them and shows them refusing to their actual job for purely political reasons and showing hate for the president and attempting to stop him from doing his actual job. Something that not all republicans agree with or are okay with. There really is no upside to their actions here I think.

Unless McConnell is doing it so he doesn't lose his primary but is he even up for reelection this year?
McConnell just got reelected in 2014 probably not worrying about a primary lol


PredictIt thinks Cruz is winning Idaho. I could see it. Especially after he won the heavy LDS areas in Nevada.

Idaho is heavily conservative. They really believe that shit to the core. Plus the economy is fairly good. I'd be surprised if Trump wins. Rubio win wouldn't surprise me either but he's toast.

Oh AND it's a caucus state.

I thought I read it wasn't a caucus?


Winning Long Island, not the state.

That's entirely possible. My anecdotal experience though is that a good amount of his support is young white males. You know, that group with the spectacular turnout. Older republicans around here seem more hesitant to support him. Hell for all I know it's because while Long Island is incredibly raciest, the older generations like to hide it and pretend were not. People my age seem to either reject it outright or embrace it in a way that would make the Klan proud. Anecdata and all that though, I would love to see some actual studies on the issues.

Now NYS... well Trumps not winning NYS unless NYC sublimes into another dimension the day before the election.


I love this quote so much

"It is why it has been so difficult to get an anti-Donald "My twitter has become so powerful" Trump campaign together,” confided one top Republican strategist, who opposes both men. "If the ultimate beneficiary of anti-Donald "My twitter has become so powerful" Trump efforts is Ted Cruz, the effort itself is probably not worthwhile.”

It really is incredible how much the entire Republican party hates him. He's got to be a contender for the least likeable human being alive.
When you have a Senator of the same party saying "You could kill Cruz in front of everyone and if the trial was in the Senate, no one would convict you"

And now Lindsey says maybe we should try to get Cruz nominated. It's probably better for the party if they do in the long run but maaaan.
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