I wonder if Trump thinks about if he picks a GOPe guy as VP, then Congress will immediately look to impeach him.
I wonder if Trump thinks about if he picks a GOPe guy as VP, then Congress will immediately look to impeach him.
Is Nancy Pelosi going to help the GOP with that?
Rubio's collapse probably cements Kasich winning Ohio. Drumpf never really had much of an edge there and any significant portion of Rubio's votes going to Kasich will doom him. Florida looks good though. And Drumpf needs to win Missouri and do well in Illinois/NC on that day.
I wonder if Trump thinks about if he picks a GOPe guy as VP, then Congress will immediately look to impeach him.
Needs to be a meme pic of Trump sayingHey Reince! Turnout is way up!
Okay but seriously have a look at this article, Mr. Priebus:
March 22: Arizona, Idaho, Utah
March 26: Alaska, Hawaii, Washington
April 5: Wisconsin
April 9: Wyoming
April 19: New York
Yeesh, map looks bad for Clinton after the 15th and until April 19th(NY).
How was Monmouth in other contests?
Fuck states' rights. The bulk of what our meth labs of democracy do is find ways to screw people over by undercutting federal standards as much as possible. Local budgets being tied purely to local tax bases only serves to deepen wealth inequality and allow corporations to engage in interstate colonialism by demanding ridiculous tax subsidies and legislatively entrenched monopolies from communities desperate for jobs. And then governors have the power to refuse federal funds over idealogical power games? Not worth the rare moments when a state does something nice. Fucked up public schools, lead in the fucking water supply, voting rights suppressed, women's health clinics forced to close, civil asset forfeiture, regionally depressed wages, regulatory races to the bottom, all because we let areas of the country pretend they're sovereign entities.
Federalism is a waste. A big fat mess.
last Arizona poll had Hillary at 56, Bernie 21
Trump should pick Sandoval for vp, but Sandoval probably won't accept.
Yes but Obama handicap and it's a less liberal blue state.
Is there a chart for the threshold each candidate must get to be on pace for the nomination lock? I saw one after super Tuesday but I was wondering if there was an updated one for super Saturday.
Sandoval would be cutting his own throat by running with Trump. I think its more likely he endorses Clinton and winds up as her AG or something.
FUCK!!!!!Hey guys, Dinesh Dsouza has uncovered the deep dark secret that the KKK were democrats. Going to break this election wide open /s
I wonder why Marco Rubio isn't catching on with Republican voters!
Neoconservativism is dead..
My Facebook feed is filling up with anti Hillary posts from Bernie supporters today. Ugh.
My Facebook feed is filling up with anti Hillary posts from Bernie supporters today. Ugh.
Should we root for Trump to win both FL and OH? Or must OH go to Kasich for maximum clusterfuckery?
Should we root for Trump to win both FL and OH? Or must OH go to Kasich for maximum clusterfuckery?
Based on polls, Clinton looks to at least have a chance at Idaho.
That's...way lower than I that Monmouth poll says 9% of Republican primary voters would vote Clinton over Trump
Should we root for Trump to win both FL and OH? Or must OH go to Kasich for maximum clusterfuckery?
Nah, I doubt he would take that spot. I seem him keeping his governor spot and running for president in 2020 if the republican nominee doesn't win this year. The probably with Trump is any republican with aspirations for the future won't take Trump's offer for vp. He's going to be stuck with someone like Huckabee.
Hopefully Kasich doesn't come close in Michigan.
Any sign of momentum might be enough to push him to a win in Ohio.
How about a contested convention where Trump wins by putting Cruz on the ticket?We need Trump to win both OH and FL. I don't want a contested convention. I want Trump with the nom.
kind of surprising. The elderly? I know Idaho is a bit older than other states. Its definitely a 'white' state so its not minorities.
I thought Sandoval said he wasn't going to run again in 2018 when he pushed through that tax increase but can't find anything about it. Unless Clinton wins in a complete wipeout, I can't see the GOP going with a moderate in '20 but Sandoval would be a good one.
MSU put out a poll that was taken from January 25-March 3, showing only a 5 point gap between Clinton and Sanders. Some people are taking it as gospel.
538 threw it in their aggregate with no weight. It doesn't take a genius to figure out why.
lol that Monmouth poll says 9% of Republican primary voters would vote Clinton over Trump
No crosstabs unfortunately.
Fuck states' rights. The bulk of what our meth labs of democracy do is find ways to screw people over by undercutting federal standards as much as possible. Local budgets being tied purely to local tax bases only serves to deepen wealth inequality and allow corporations to engage in interstate colonialism by demanding ridiculous tax subsidies and legislatively entrenched monopolies from communities desperate for jobs. And then governors have the power to refuse federal funds over idealogical power games? Not worth the rare moments when a state does something nice. Fucked up public schools, lead in the fucking water supply, voting rights suppressed, women's health clinics forced to close, civil asset forfeiture, regionally depressed wages, regulatory races to the bottom, all because we let areas of the country pretend they're sovereign entities.
Federalism is a waste. A big fat mess.
How about a contested convention where Trump wins by putting Cruz on the ticket?
One thing I do see is that 61% of Dems thought Clinton was going to get the nomination. Could be a rally around the favorite thing.
They'll apply the lessons they learned from Sanders' African-American outreach.I am sure Clinton has a plan for that. It may backfire, though.
One thing I do see is that 61% of Dems thought Clinton was going to get the nomination. Could be a rally around the favorite thing.
I want to believe.That wouldn't happen with their hatred for each other.
Some say they appreciate that he took into account what matters to Idahoans.
"The national lab is located nearby, a place that is critical to our future. Not just as a nuclear deterrent but to power our nuclear submarines and ships," Rubio said.
"I really liked that he talked about establishing more nuclear energy in this country. We are spending way too much money out-sourcing the energy," Scott said.