Then she can argue the point of indirect obstructionism. But if she is going to continue to claim that Bernie opposed to bailout, she is going to be painted as a liar and untrustworthy. Furthermore, the technicality only serves to underscore Bernie's point about her ties to Wallstreet. This won't end well.
But, of course, $hillGAF, is going to spin this dubious line of attack as a plus for Clinton. OF COURSE they will.
Come on, mate, with that last line.
It's just like how the voters totally understood John Kerry being for the war before he was against it. Americans have never been good at understanding why people strategically vote for specific things. It's a nuanced position that you can't make in a 30 second ad or debate response. Literally, minutes before, Bernie admitted to voting for bills he didn't like because there were good things in them. Unless it has anything whatsoever to do with Wall Street.
My BIL was a GM worker until they closed down in Ohio. He, somehow, heard about this and decided to vote for Hillary in the primary since he's a registered Democrat. He wasn't going to vote before. Anecdotes are anecdotal, but if we see Bernie's campaign pushing back hard against this we know it was a good (politically) attack.
I do not believe it will come back to hurt her. His finger wagging, "Let me finish" stuff also came across terrible last night. Not just my opinion either on that one.