Over all, naturalization applications increased by 11 percent in the 2015 fiscal year over the year before, and jumped 14 percent during the six months ending in January, according to federal figures. The pace is picking up by the week, advocates say, and they estimate applications could approach 1 million in 2016, about 200,000 more than the average in recent years.
While naturalizations generally rise during presidential election years, Mr. Trump provided an extra boost this year.
Or dems vote kasich 😆
I know we're talking a lot about primaries today but what in the fuck is this: https://twitter.com/NRSC/status/707297607488565249
I know we're talking a lot about primaries today but what in the fuck is this: https://twitter.com/NRSC/status/707297607488565249
But where is it from?Trump is #1 across the board in states he wins. He has a direct advantage going in all the time. That he's dipping some and Cruz is rising shows me Cruz is probably winning.
I know we're talking a lot about primaries today but what in the fuck is this: https://twitter.com/NRSC/status/707297607488565249
But where is it from?
NoooooI can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
I can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
That definitely says a lot.
wait is that tweet real
Holy shit, that's low.I can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
Taken down within 10 minutes.
Interns will probably be ritualistically sacrificed tonight.
wait is that tweet real
SmhI can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
Goddamn fucks.I can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
We spoke to a guy just a short time ago who said the same, so he voted for Rubio.
As it pertains to "Hillary voters voting for Republicans"
As it pertains to "Hillary voters voting for Republicans"
Well his policies would get earn him that title if he were ever elected..Trump's unfavorable ratings from all polls in March:
Those are seriously the kind of numbers you'd see from a war criminal. Incredible.
As it pertains to "Hillary voters voting for Republicans"
Trump's unfavorable ratings from all polls in March:
Those are seriously the kind of numbers you'd see from a war criminal. Incredible.
I think this type of campaign fits very well with her personally. This is her "authentic" campaign - a details-driven technocratic wonkishness coupled with conversations in small group settings.Hillary is winning with a hyper-local strategy.
Who would have guessed that paying attention to your voters and not being a one note candidate would pay off? It really does seem like she's running a much smarter campaign than she did in 2008.
Listen, everyone knew that tonight was going to be a terrible night for Bernie. We all knew that. Nobody knew who Bernie was when he announced his campaign, and tonight he held Clinton to just 65% in Michigan. What an achievement. Hillary won bigger in Mississippi, but keep in mind that Mississippi has only 1/4 as many delegates as in Michigan, and her victory there just proves that she's a regional southern candidate who hasn't been able to succeed around the country.
Look, nobody is surprised that Hillary did well tonight. But it's not over yet. Only 30% of delegates have been awarded and the Sanders campaign has the Clintonistas running scared. Know why? Because now that voting in the south is over, Bernie has the momentum, and the map is HUGELY favorable to Bernie going forward. Next Tuesday, Hillary's going to have to find a way to compete in Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Illinois, and Ohio. The Sanders campaign is flush with cash and has been waiting for this moment.
People might say "oh but delegates." First of all, the mainstream media is in the tank for Clinton and busy hyping so called "super" delegates which are undemocratic and will inevitably shift towards Sanders once the tour of dixie ends and Sanders shows that he's winning everywhere. Once you get rid of them, Clinton loses almost half of her total delegates. When you consider the fact that true blue states like California and New York haven't yet had a chance to vote for Bernie, you begin to realize that this isn't over. Not by a long shot.
That's not me talking. That's just the math. The mainstream media can try to hype Hillary as much as they want. They're part of the establishment, they're afraid of Bernie's message, and they're trying to bury it with fake stories about inevitability. But you know who can't be ignored? The american people. Get out there, keep donating, and keep fighting. The revolution is just getting started.
I can't believe people like Trump and Cruz could manage to takeover the Grand Ole Party considering their old guard tweets things like this:
My friend just told me that they hit the Hillary button on the voting machine and it switched their vote to Ronald Reagan! I am so outraged.Wow ONE voter crossing over!!!! Democrats are so ducking stupid OMG!!!!!
You guys are wrong about Cruz. He knows all the dirty tricks in politics and has no shame using them when caught. He is far more dangerous than Trump.
Anyone voting against Trump in the primary because they are worried about him in the general is being a complete and total moron.
FUCK!!!My friend just told me that they hit the Hillary button on the voting machine and it switched their vote to Ronald Reagan! I am so outraged.
Wow ONE voter crossing over!!!! Democrats are so ducking stupid OMG!!!!!
Ted Cruz caught doing dirty tricks again in Hawaii http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...rco-rubio-ted-cruz-hawaii-dirty-tricks-220423
Haha, apparently this has been going on as well...
Ted Cruz caught doing dirty tricks again in Hawaii http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...rco-rubio-ted-cruz-hawaii-dirty-tricks-220423